Lazzak az-zahab - solder gold, bura

This name is given to ushshak, and we have already talked about it. And sometimes it is given to a certain substance that is prepared from children’s urine, ground with the bite in a copper mortar and left in the sun until it thickens. There is also mine lazzak az-zahab, which is formed in mines from verdigris dissolved in hot water and then condensed. This is the substance that we will now talk about.

The best lazzak al-zahab is transparent, clean, especially the one that grows. The artificial lazzak al-zahab is stronger and more rarefied; then comes the mine, fired.

Hot, spicy.

Actions and properties.
It cleanses, knits, warms, causes decay, liquefies, stings a little, dissolves, and dries very much. Its absorbent and drying properties are stronger than the burning sensation. It melts without much burning, and the artificial lazzak az-zahab dries more and stings less due to its greater thinness. If you burn the mine lazzak al-zahab, its rarefaction increases, and it acts strongly in the indicated relationships.

Wounds and ulcers.
Lazzak az-zahab dissolves meat and is an excellent medicine for difficult-to-heal wounds.

Digestive organs.
It is nauseating and binding.