Treatment of buboes

As for evacuation by bloodletting or by the method of removing rotten juice that circumstances allow or require, it is necessary. Then you should pay attention to the heart and protect and strengthen it with the help of cooling and fragrant medicines, such as citric and citric acid, thickly brewed apple and quince juice, or, for example, sour pomegranates. At the same time, they give them to smell, for example, roses, camphor, sandalwood, and feed them lentils with vinegar or a very sour marinade made from the meat of mountain partridges and kids.

In the patient's room there should be a lot of ice, willow leaves, violets, roses, water lilies and the like, and he should apply to his heart the cooling and strengthening ointments known to you from among the medicines for those suffering from hot flashes and those suffering from pestilence. In general, his regime is the same as that of someone who is sick from the pestilent air.

As for the bubo itself and similar tumors from those mentioned above, they are first treated with astringents and cooling substances, and also apply a sponge dipped in water and vinegar or in rose oil, or in apple oil, or in mastic tree oil. , or in myrtle oil. All this is done first, and then, if possible, they are treated with an incision, and the contents of the tumor are allowed to flow out, not allowing it to thicken and its toxicity to intensify. If cups are needed to carefully suck out the pus, they are used.

In case of tumors with substance, one should try to cause a boil during the period of the limit or shortly before the limit of suppuration, and if there is a fever, then delay cooling so as not to turn the matter back.

Suppuration is caused, for example, by pouring over the tumor with infusion of chamomile or dill and other diluted suppurating infusions mentioned in the paragraph on boils. They say: As for fumate and migilus, medicinal dressings with adiantum, quinoa, bindweed, marshmallow root and a small amount of usshak and honey with wine, as well as mistletoe with ratiyanaj and wax ointment or mud from beehives with soaked in vinegar with lupine, or mad cucumber root with turpentine tree resin, or soda with figs or with sourdough.