Treatment of excessive thirst in febrile patients

They should anoint their heads with naturally cold, very cooled oil, which is poured or smeared on the crown and adjacent places, if there are no obstacles to this. Thirst is also quenched with cooling juices or by keeping in the mouth the mucus of quince seeds mixed with strong rose oil, pickled plums, the core of quis, cucumbers, pumpkins, black poppy seeds, iris root and thirst pills recorded in the Pharmacopoeia, and from medicines for chewing and sucking - tamarind. Sometimes thirst comes from dryness and sleep stops it, and sometimes it comes from heat and wakefulness stops it.

They should be brought out of hibernation by talking and similar loud sounds, if there are no obstacles to this, by tightening their lower limbs until it hurts as much as they can bear, and by using a thin candle if the nature is locked. During periods of rest from fever or easing of persistent fever, cups are placed between the shoulder blades and on the vertebrae.