Treatment of headaches caused by a blow or fall

In the treatment of headaches arising from a blow or a fall, your first and foremost object should be to calm the pain as far as possible, and to remove the matter from the sore spot, either by stool or by diverting it in the opposite direction, so that swelling does not appear, and finally , in treating a wound, if there is a wound, so that it heals. However, the wound cannot heal if the disorder of nature has become entrenched; therefore, when healing a wound, the nature of the wounded place must be balanced.

Know that if a person suffering from such damage develops fever and confusion, this means that swelling has begun, and the first thing to be done in treatment is to bleed from the mullet or black vein to prevent swelling. In the presence of overflow, sharp enemas should be given, even from the pulp of coloquinta, but in cases where the patient has a fever, the quality of the enema must be moderated. When an enema is not necessary, then it is necessary to perform a bowel movement with the help of such means as kukiya pills; if there is no fever, but there is some fever that reaches fever, then do not stop giving the patient these pills: bowel movements must be done to protect the patient from tumors. Then you need to look, and if there is a wound, then it should be treated first; At the same time, it is imperative to balance the nature of the wounded area so that the wound can be treated. And if there is no wound, then a medicinal bandage with some strengthening substances is applied to the sore spot, for example, a bandage with myrtle or willow juice, and the oil is the oil of myrtle, iris or rose; they are also mixed with substances with slightly astringent and slightly dissolving properties, for example, rose, sweet clover, fragrant reed, chamomile, Armenian clay and Yemenite alum with fragrant wine. Often these oils are limited to the form of dressings, and sometimes those who use them pour them on their heads while warm. Sometimes pain and fear that a tumor will appear forces these oils to be slightly cooled. Anyone suffering from a headache from a blow or fall should abstain from baths, wine, anger and foods that create steam and warm.

If the sore spot begins to swell, then one cannot avoid the use of strongly astringent and cooling agents, for example, pomegranate peels, pomegranate flowers, lentils, roses. You need to water your head with their infusions and apply a medicinal bandage with the sediment of these infusions on it. Then they move on to substances that also have a somewhat thinning property, such as, for example, cypress, tamarisk, quince, and incense. If the blow caused a concussion, then you need to quickly give the patient lavender and honey-sweetened water or honey wine to drink: such patients are saved from illness by this. Know that if the pain reaches the membrane of the brain, it is dangerous. If, as a result of a blow, blood leaks from the brain, then the patient should be fed chicken brains in as large a quantity as possible and then given sour pomegranate juice to drink, and when the tumor resolves, give him chicken brains before the third day of illness and after bloodletting.