Treatment of headaches from bad fumes entering the head from outside

The same is the treatment for bad vapors coming to the brain from the outside; They are very rarely cold - such as, for example, the vapors from moldy water and from swamps - and in most cases they are hot. If a lot of such vapors linger in the head and they threaten to cause dizziness and darkening of the eyes, then they are dispersed with the help of moderate pouring and the patient is allowed to smell balanced incense, || for example, rose water, rose < water lily oil, violet oil, and if there is strong heat, then camphor or sandalwood. Warming the head in a bath with hot water and marshmallow is also used. From cold vapors it is useful to smell musk and beaver stream, and this is quite enough.

If the vapors are smoky, then there is a need for strong moisturizing with the help of the mentioned oils and the listed moisturizers, and they try to somehow rinse the nose with these oils, and the patient forcefully draws the oil into the nose, dragging it upward and holding it in the nose, and then releases it, for it to pour out. Then he repeats the same thing again and does this for a long time. They also rinse their nose with rose water, willow juice or pumpkin juice and often hold their head above the fumes from such juices. If smoky vapors cause brain damage and disorder of nature, as happens from sulfur vapors or arsenic vapors and the like, then use camphor in pumpkin oil so that one of these substances produces moisturizing, and the other - cooling; camphor is also used in lettuce oil and violet oil. The entire patient’s room is covered with willow leaves and moisturizing fragrant plants.