The basic principles of this exercise are almost similar to the classic Bench Press. Let's focus only on the significant differences and nuances...
The incline bench press can be roughly divided into two groups:
Content- Incline upside down bench press.
- Incline press upside down.
- Exercise diagram: “Lying press upside down”:
Incline upside down bench press.
Exercise affects top bunches chest muscles. Set the angle of the bench to no higher than 45 degrees, since with a larger slope the emphasis will shift to the deltoid muscles, and the Bench Press will turn into a Seated Press.
The optimal slope is considered to be an angle of 30 degrees. Athletes whose upper chest is a problem area do the bench press exclusively on an incline bench. And also, in order to separate the muscle bundles, they perform dumbbell presses and lateral raises on the same bench. Moreover, the maximum effect can be achieved by making movements with the largest possible range of motion.
Do not hurry. Try to move smoothly, without jerking or rocking, and pause at the point of maximum stretch for a couple of seconds.
Incline press upside down.
With this version of the exercise, the emphasis is on lower and outer beams pectoral muscles. When lowering the barbell in a controlled manner, the bar should touch approximately the middle of the chest. Maximum results for the lower chest can be achieved when the bench is tilted 20-25°. The number of repetitions for this exercise should be at least 5, 6 times per set.
Scheme “Bench press on an inclined bench with your head up”:
Exercise diagram: “Lying press upside down”:
Well, and finally, a little curious thing: this is how the famous World Powerlifting star Jim Wendler trains this exercise. If you want to bench press an impressive weight, several times greater than the weight of your own body, follow the example of powerlifters, and then you are definitely guaranteed success in this difficult task!
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