Treatment of cold headache without matter

For such a headache, compresses that actually warm help, that is, heated rags, compresses with heated millet and heated salt. Millet is more gentle and more balanced. For all such patients, especially those who are struck by cold, if their body is cleansed by evacuation and there is no fear of the movement of juices, it is useful to bare their heads and sit under the rays of the sun until they recover. A person struck by a cold should be fed sparingly, his nature should be softened, even with the help of enemas, he should be protected from physical, emotional and mental movements, not given cold drinks and prohibited from going out into the cold. All those who suffer from headaches from cold are helped after cleansing, if necessary, by the mentioned warming rubs, pourings, drugs for insertion and retraction into the nose, snuffs and medicinal dressings. It is also beneficial for them to drink liquid fragrant wine with seeds, that is, with seeds of celery, fennel, carrots, anise, cumin, wild carrots, mountain parsley and the like. This helps if there is confidence that juices that are predisposed to movement are not formed in the stomach, and the patient does not have a fever that could increase. Such patients benefit from a medicinal dressing with mustard, and all medicinal dressings that cause redness, especially if they contain mustard and tapsia. We sometimes tried to use ash with vinegar in the form of an ointment, and also rub celandine with bitter almond oil. Everyone does this after shaving their heads. Another way to relieve a cold headache is to eat garlic.

As for the treatment of cold headaches with mucous matter, it consists of emptying the body if the juice is in the whole body, and then prescribing meager or lighter food and eating spices that do not cause headaches; they also use the already mentioned means that promote ripening, and certain types of emptying, starting with the smallest; after this they move on to other methods of treatment described in the basic rules. They also use medicines that soothe headaches, and everything that should be used in the treatment of cold and damp nature. It is also useful to consume teriyaki once a week in the form of a medicinal test. When treating a cold headache with black bile matter, you should also act as stated in the basic rules; bleed, if necessary due to the abundance and poor quality of blood, and carry out a series of gradual emptyings after giving the listed means, bringing the matter to maturity. Then they change the nature in the ways already mentioned and prescribe drugs that generate rarefied, praiseworthy, moist and liquid blood. This has already been discussed enough above. Among the remedies that are good for such headaches are clove pills. Let us also recall what Archigenes said about bloodletting from the place between the shoulder blades; we have already quoted his words above.

Description of an ointment useful for cold headaches. First you should shave your head. Then they take furbiyun - two mithqal, bavrak - one mithqal, wild rue - two mithqal, harmala seeds - one mithqal and mustard - two mithqal; All this is pounded, mixed with marjoram juice and greased on the head. Another strong ointment. They take pepper - one mithqal, saffron oil sediment - one and a third mithqal, fresh furbiyun - one mithqal and pigeon feces - two mithqal. All this is rubbed vigorously and then mixed with strong vinegar and smeared on the part of the head around which the scarf is tied. They also use ointment made from myrrh, furbiyun, salt and bavrak. Or they take furbiyun, myrrh, sabur, gum arabic, beaver stream, saffron, opium, anzarut, bush and frankincense and prepare an ointment with rue juice.

Another good remedy for chronic cold headaches or migraines is smearing with Egyptian stone. Truly, it is very useful. They also take white pepper and saffron - two dirhams each, furbiyun - one dirham, wild pigeon feces - one and a half dirhams; All this is mixed with vinegar and the forehead is smeared with this ointment. They also take sabur, furbiyun, beaver stream, opium, bush, saliva and pepper; All this is smeared with old wine. Pigeon feces also serve as medicine; this is a powerful remedy. Another medicine. They take pepper and a mixture with saffron, that is, the already mentioned cakes with saffron - two mithqals each, furbiyun - half a mithqal, pigeon feces - one and a half mithqal and vinegar - in the required quantity. These medicines are sometimes used weakened by flour or the addition of milk or egg white, and sometimes in their pure form. There are different degrees of mixing.

Description of nasal medications useful for cold headaches. These include a medicine with nigella seed, mentioned among simple medicines, as well as mumiyo with beaver stream and musk. Some doctors claim that putting seven sa'tara leaves and seven mustard seeds, ground with violet oil, into the nose brings benefits. One of the tested remedies is musk with maya and amber; of this medicine, take one sadasa and inject it into the nose every now and then. Among the medicines injected into the nose for the same purpose, which warm and empty the head, is the oil of the pulp of coloquinta or any oil in which the squeezed juice of a mad cucumber is diluted. Some doctors consider the following to be one of the very useful remedies for such headaches: take the squeezed juice of camel thorn leaves, without water, and put three drops of it into the nose, on an empty stomach, and then, an hour later, put violet oil into the nose and give it a very fatty meal. Isfidbaja.

Among the remedies that are praised in this case are the following: they take the bile of a red bull three dirhams, mumiyo - two dirhams, musk - a dirham, camphor - half a dirham and inject it all into the nose. They also take tapsia one and a half miscals, licorice root - one miscal, furbiyun - one and a half miscals, purified honey - one and a half miscals, all this is tied with the squeezed juice of beet rhizomes and injected into the nose in the amount of millet grain, dripping from the tip of the needle. They also take one part of furbiyun and two-thirds of Indian khudad, mix it with squeezed beet juice and drop it into the nose.

The following medicine is also useful: take dry bakhur maryam - eight mithqals, bavrak and sumac - four mithqals each, finely grind all this and blow it into the nose through a tube. At the same time, the patient raises his head and strongly sniffs the medicine through his nose. Another composition: take nigella sativum - four bowls, squeezed mad cucumber juice - two bowls, ammonia - two bowls, mix all this with henna and mad cucumber oil and lubricate the inside of the nose, and the patient strongly inhales the smell of the medicine. If too much fluid flows from the head, rinse the nose with hot water.

Description of oils that are rubbed into the head of those suffering from cold headaches. For such a headache, all hot oils and oils in which they were boiled are useful, for example, dill, pulegium mint, marjoram, wormwood, thyme, rue, bay leaf and what was already mentioned in the basic rules. As for balsam oil, its properties are as you already learned from there. All these oils are also suitable for administration in a stream or drops into the nose.

Description of a medicine blown into the nose that is useful for persistent headaches. Take the squeezed juice of mad cucumber, bakhur maryam and soda; All this is ground and blown into the nose. Or take Nigella sativum and squeezed juice from a mad cucumber, or Nigella sativum and a little tapsia.

Treatment of dry headache. As for the dry headache that occurs in the presence of yellow bile or blood matter, it has already been discussed, and now all that remains is to talk about dry headache without matter. They begin to treat it by prescribing moisturizing food to the patient, which gives good chyme and, most importantly, is very nutritious, such as egg yolks, fatty chicken broth, mountain partridge or steppe partridge, as well as fatty stews with moisturizing oils. Then they deviate to whichever is more suitable from hot or cold dishes. Some useful measures include the use of nasal products moistened with commendable oils such as almond, pumpkin and others. If it is necessary to balance the nature of any of these remedies by cooling or warming, then balancing oils are added to them.

Sometimes dryness produces a clear loss in the substance of the brain and predisposes it to pain. Then you should use, by injecting it into the nose, a medicine made from purified bone marrow extracted from the feet of sheep and calves, as well as the fat of chickens, roaches, partridges and pheasants. Butter is consumed from cow's or goat's milk. Such patients are also helped by a medicinal headband made from liquid faluzaj, prepared as needed from white wheat or barley flour with white sugar and almond or pumpkin oil. Or liquid faluzaj is poured onto the crown of the patient, having first placed a rim of dough on the head to hold back what is being poured on the head.

Treatment of tumor headache. We will outline the treatment of each type of headache arising from tumors in a separate paragraph of the next article.

Treatment of headaches from blockages. As for headaches from blockages, its treatment consists of bringing the juices to maturity using the means known to you, after which you should empty them and use shabyars,

and then cause the blockage to dissolve with the help of watering, medicinal dressings, snuffs and rinses. After this, the juices are again brought to maturity, expelled and dissolved until the headache passes. How to do all this has already been said in its place. If the nature of the head is hot and the blockage is dense, || so that treatment is difficult for you, then you should use opening agents. When the headache begins to rage or hot treatment causes harm to the head, correct it with cooling agents, which at the same time relax, but do not tighten. Then, when the headache subsides, repeat the previous treatment again and do this until the blockage opens. We have already explained all this in detail above.