Treatment of diarrhea coming from the brain

A person suffering from this should not sleep lying on his back. When waking up from sleep, he should vomit in order to expel the juices pouring into the stomach from the head and causing diarrhea. One must also resort to what we mentioned in the paragraph on the outflow of matter from the brain: shaving the head, rubbing it with something rough, putting poultices on the head and using substances that cause redness and cauterization, as well as strengthening and correcting the nature of the head; sometimes you have to cauterize. It is not good to delay the flow of moisture from the stomach with the help of astringent drugs - this is very dangerous, but on the contrary, it is necessary to remove what accumulates from above through vomiting, and what descends through the intestines - at least with the help of enemas. What goes down into the stomach should be retained not with the help of astringent drugs, for this is a ban on juices in the stomach, but, for example, through measures that retain juices in the chest. We mentioned them in the corresponding paragraph and introduced them, discussing the treatment of catarrhs ​​and eliminating the causes that cause them.