Treatments for lichen

As for fresh and moderate lichen, simple remedies for it include citron acid - with severe lichen it also helps - as well as gum arabic with vinegar, almond tree gum, plum gum with vinegar and styrax honey with vinegar, mustard with vinegar - the most excellent means. Sulfur water, salt water, sea foam, leather glue, saliva of a fasting person and plaque on his teeth, melon seeds, asphodel root, bitter almond oil also help. The leaves of the caper tree with vinegar and sanjisbuya help against any kind of deprivation due to their special properties, just like akakiya and mugas. Wheat oil and celandine are suitable for lichen that occurs on any body, and are suitable for weak and strong forms of it, and when lichen begins, you should constantly water it with hot water and rub it with violet oil, doing this for a long time. Barley water, especially in combination with tamarisk galls, is an ointment that sometimes clears up lichen; it also helps with wet safa. Flea plantain mucus and the squeezed juice of a fresh plant, as well as purslane juice and plum gum help with lichen in children.

Good medicine. They take equal parts of almond gum, leather glue and maya, bind it with vinegar and spread it, or take wood glue, incense, sulfur and vinegar, grind it and consume it.

As for chronic ringworm, stronger medicines are required, for example, squeezed citron acid, condensed by boiling, or chickpea oil, rice oil, and especially wheat oil and bitter almond oil, as well as sulfur, burnt goat feces and sea foam. Kitran and shft are two wonderful remedies, just as constant lubrication with white oil also helps with the feces of animals mentioned in the paragraph on safa, prutnyak, capers, usshak, harbak, ban seeds and, especially, tapsia, especially if you make wax from it ointment with mustard oil. Also useful are saijisbuya, usshak with vinegar, wild cumin with kachim, ash of a burnt pigeon with kachim, mustard, watercress, indau seeds, balazura honey - this is an excellent remedy.

From complex medicines, they take wild cumin, grind it and combine it with wheat oil, or take the ashes of garlic with honey or sulfur with gum of the turpentine tree, the sediment of the seeds of the bath with vinegar - a very strong remedy, also against scaly lichen. They also take incense, vitriol, sulfur, sabur - each dirham, gum - two dirhams and smear it with vinegar, or take Armenian bavrak - half a miskal, wheat oil - three dirhams, citron acid and Jewish bitumen - two dirhams each, indau seeds - two dirhams, nigella - one and a half dirhams, black hellebore - one and a half dirhams and burnt vitriol - one and a half dirhams and an ointment is prepared from this. They also take sanjisbuyi and smear it with vinegar, or take vitriol, myrrh, incense, sulfur alum and sabur, bind it with wine and smear it. Or they take ban seeds - ten parts, yellow sulfur - four, sanjiisbuyi - one part, finely crush and smear it with wine vinegar and rose oil. They also take equal parts of yellow sulfur, crushed incense and usshak and dissolve it all in vinegar, or take dog feces, ushnana bslilytsik, white sulfur, rue, soot from the bread oven, pomegranate peels, pigeon ash, both arsenic and yellow sulfur, diluted in vinegar and olive oil and spread.