Bloody vomiting

The blood vomited comes from the stomach or esophagus; the reason for this is either opening, splitting, or rupture of the vessel. This often happens after excessive vomiting or laxative relief with an acute laxative, as well as after the opening of an immature tumor or nosebleeds that pour into the stomach, so that the patient does not feel it. This also happens due to the outpouring of blood into the stomach from the liver or from other organs, especially if the blood that should have been removed is blocked or if a member has been taken away and the nutrient intended for it turns out to be superfluous, as we explained earlier in the basics, or has place is neglect of the usual physical exercises, or the patient swallowed a leech with water and it hung in the stomach or esophagus, or lumps formed in the stomach. The reason for the opening or splitting of blood vessels is what you learned from the General Books, as well as what we mentioned at the beginning of this article. You should recognize damage caused by relaxation of blood vessels by the thinness and laxity of the vessels, and damage due to severe drying or other causes by their density.

Vomiting of blood often occurs as a result of a healthy state of natural force, when the blood rushes in the direction where the natural force considers it best to direct it at a given time. Therefore, the eruption of vomiting blood, for example, in the amount of two ratls, often brings relief and benefit; this happens when excess from the spleen or liver pours into the stomach and the patient vomits and vomits it; the blood that comes out of the spleen is black, cloudy with sediment, and often acidic. There is no pain when vomiting these two types of blood. Often a person vomits a blood clot, but they say it’s a piece of meat. The reason for this is excess meat in the form of a wart or lump that grows in the stomach; The connection with the stomach is broken and nature vomits it out. All vomiting of blood during fever is malignant, but if there is no fever,  it is sometimes not malignant.

Signs. Blood coming from the stomach is distinguished from blood from the esophagus by the place where pain is felt, unless the opening of the vessels was due to corrosion or ulcers, in which case there is no pain. If the blood appears from corrosion, then this is indicated by signs of a past ulcer, and the blood comes out little by little at first, and then sometimes a lot of it pours out. If blood appears as a result of a healthy state of natural strength, this is evident from the fact that nothing bad is observed in the person’s well-being, and he feels lightness after heaviness. The blood is then healthy, not sharp, not corrosive and not putrefactive, like blood from ulcers. When the blood flows due to a leech, it is thin and purulent, and it turns out that the person drank water with the leech, and if the blood appears due to lumps, then bloody vomiting occurs from time to time, and the sick benefit from it. This patient's complexion is yellow. The difference between blood from the liver, which flows from there into the stomach, and blood from the spleen or from the stomach itself is that in the first two cases there is no pain, while bleeding from the stomach is not without pain. Blood from the spleen is black, cloudy with sediment; sometimes it is sour. A person often vomits a piece of meat; the reason for this has already been mentioned earlier.