Treatment vadaha and barasa

One must abstain from bloodletting unless required by some important reason, as well as from bathing, which is allowed only from time to time, and from wine except pure. Sweating in a bathhouse is beneficial for the patient if his body is clean of bad juices; they also resort to vomiting. Then they use medicines that remove mucus if the body is unclean, and then diuretics and laxatives, for example, strong iyarajas and especially iyaraja from the pulp of coloquinta and similar seeds. iyarajas are given to drink in a decoction of myrobalans, dodder or polypodium, as well as with olive oil and salt. Indian safflower has the remarkable property of expelling the juice that nourishes vadah and baras.

Among the laxatives suitable for this is iyaraj fikra, composed with the pulp of coloquint, or according to this recipe they take Chinese cinnamon, sumbul, branches of the balsam tree, mastic, hoofed grass, saffron, sadaj, mint and coloquint pulp - each for a dirham and sabur - eighteen dirhams At the reception they drink dirham or misqal with honey sikanjubin and hot water.

Another suitable laxative is to take black myrobalans and emblic myrobalans - one part each, turbita - three parts, each part is uqiya, dilute half a ritl of faniz in hot water and thicken and mix the medicines on it, drink from three to five dirhams or misqals. I prefer to put one part of ginger in this medicine.

They also use porridges from atrifuls and juvarishn of this kind, take black myrobalans and white incense - one part each, ginger - a quarter of a part, mix it with raisin honey and take it every day near the bunduki.

They also take equal parts of black myrobalans, emblic myrobalans and nigella, as well as jenos - one and a half parts of this medicine are drunk every day for three dirhams, and if the patient has a fever, they stop drinking.

They also take calamus, long pepper, Kabul myrobalan, mastic, frankincense, nigella and laurel drupes and mix them with honey in equal quantities and drink two dirhams at a time.

One of the medicines mentioned in the Book of Abbreviations is to take the powder of highly calcined wheat oatmeal - if it is necessary to calcinate it again, then do so - and then drink half a qiya of Nabataean murri; the patient then suffers thirst until noon.

Ezhenos and its seeds in wine have a remarkable property in this regard, just like the squeezed juice of an unripe grape vine, which is drunk a cup daily - it makes the baras peel off and prevents its growth. Drinking teryak and eating viper meat is very useful in this case, as well as taking viper cakes.

Among the medicinal porridges and medicines related to the laxative atrifuls, there is a drug of this kind: take jenos - two parts, nettle seeds - half a part, sabur - a quarter of a part and bind with honey, drink three dirhams at the reception and use this medicine constantly, some people also put it there calamus and dodder.

They also drink kalkalanaj - two dirhams and dodder - two danaks for a whole year.

A medicine similar to this, but stronger, which needs to be taken for a year, according to this recipe, take calamus - six dirhams, Kabul myrobalans and polypodium - ten each, yellow myrobalans - fifteen, iyaraja fikra - twenty dirhams, Indian salt - seven dirhams, seeds jenos - twenty dirhams, saliva - ten dirhams, turbita - fifty dirhams, coloquinte pulp - twenty dirhams, agaric - five dirhams, scammonium resin - eight dirhams, all this is mixed with satara honey and drunk at the reception from a mithqal to two mithqals.

The medicine al-Kindi belongs to the same category: they take cress seeds - an eighth of a measure, an eznos and a Soqotrian sabur - three dirhams each, throw it into one and a half rittles of honey, thicken it and drink it with oatmeal every day before meals in the right amount, and then, after that medicines, swallow three sips of murri. The head is protected with violet oil or rose oil, and the food after the medicine is isfidbaj. Sometimes it is permissible to constantly consume lugaziyya and tiyadaritus - every day in a small dose - up to half a dirham or less. Some people have benefited from cauterizing the areas of the barasa, and have gotten rid of it and rested from it, but this is only possible when the barasa is of insignificant magnitude.

If the body is clean and the nature of the body is balanced, then give up drinking medicines - they sometimes cause trouble and at least cause an outpouring of blood and reduce the amount of pneuma, and pneuma and blood are necessary in the treatment of baras; limit yourself to using the organ with special ointments intended for it and the like means. And the food for the patient should be quickly digested dishes, devoid of viscosity and oiliness; he should avoid vegetables, dgarise and similar dishes.

As for local medicines for vadakha and baras, at the first stage of treatment they should strongly cleanse, forcefully attract blood and significantly warm the nature of the organ, and after that, cause ulceration and peeling. Among the medicines for vadakha there are medicines that are used to cause staining. It is most obligatory to take medicines for vadakha after rubbing and making the skin red, and you should rub it with fig leaves almost until it bleeds or after being pricked with a needle in many places. One of the ways that promotes the usefulness of the medicines is to use them in the sun in the form of a mud cake.

The best medicines for baras are those that cause ulcers and blisters, so that the matter flows out, and then the wound heals and they are put on again, sometimes the medicines do not allow the skin to swell, but pinch it, and they are put on again, giving the patient rest.

The remedies for barasa that meet the first requirement are the strong remedies mentioned above, for example, both harbak, nura, arsenic, kachim, larkspur, footstep root, gentian, juniper berries, rathiyanaj, dragon's blood tree root, asphodel root, sea foam, asafoetida, caper root bark, mustard, harmala, radish seeds, mad cucumber root, indau seeds, madder, cardamom, wolf's bast, vitriol, Kalkand, verdigris, sulfur, kitran, used in the bath, viper onion, bush, aristolochia, anemone, tapsia, furbiyun. Wolf's bast fruits are very suitable here, as well as sulfur and vinegar, spread over and over again, and narcissus bulbs were also tested with ammonia. Egg oil is a good ointment, arum root is a wonderful remedy  water lily root helps against vadakh as does the blood of a black snake changing the skin. Scammonia root, dry fig leaves, oleander leaves, elecampane and its leaves and usturgaz are also useful.

As for useful liquids, this is vinegar, yellowtail juice, cannabura juice, viper onion juice and, in particular, sea onion infusion, marjoram juice helps, especially with baras on traces of cans, squeezed elecampane juice, viper meat soup. Good ointments include teryak, mithridate, lugaziya with cannabura juice, crushed bedbugs and crushed mustard - it sometimes cures baras nesting between the layers of the skin.

A good oil, by the way, is myrtle oil, in which burnt bugs were boiled and then glass was mixed into it, and one of the good ointments is Spanish flies, wiped off and smeared. Or they take smoker, fresh or dry, and put it as a filling in the womb of a killed viper, cleaned of its entrails. The viper is poured with water and boiled until it is properly ripe, and then they take this smoker, put it in the form of a bandage on the baras, and it quickly passes.

Tested copybook. They take fresh oleander leaves and boil them with olive oil until the leaves are dry, strain off the oil and put into it a certain amount of purified wax, and then sprinkle it with yellow sulfur, turn it into a kind of plaster and spread it in the light of the sun.

Indian doctor's ointment. They take bush, Indian bedbug, red arsenic, pepper and verdigris, grind it with vinegar in a copper vessel and leave it to stand for a week, spread this ointment and place the patient in the sun, and it destroys the beginning bahak and baras.

Or they soak potash and nura in the urine of infants, which is renewed for seven days, and then the composition is boiled like honey and consumed until the skin is ulcerated, after which they take zifta, wax, kitran, burnt nut shells, the blood of a chick dove and henna oil and boil until everything is mixed, and then apply to the sore spot until its color is the same as the color of the body. It is best to repeat this several times in the hot sun.

Know that the emptying of a person suffering from this disease should be done with a weak medicine, which gradually expels the liquid matter; the juices of the medicinal roots contribute to maturation and pave the way for the medicine. At the end, you should drink the stinking pills and take the juices of the roots again for two weeks.

The blood that promotes baras is generated from the meat of birds that is hot by nature and from fried foods; the patient must avoid sour things and all soups, except, from time to time, zarbaj. Water is the most harmful thing for him, so let him drink it with old, unsoftened wine. The sore spot should be rubbed every now and then with a rough cloth to attract blood to it. Visiting the bathhouse is harmful to the patient, as are rough foods and fruits, fresh or dry. It is not good to cauterize baras; it often spreads and multiplies as a result, but baras that appears anywhere after cauterization caused by some reason is not malignant, just like baras around incisions.

Description of an ointment of many components prepared for al-Mu'tasim. They take the blood of a black snake that changes its skin - three ukiyya, the blood of a motley crow, a flamingo, a kite, a pigeon chick, a turtle dove and a ground turtle - each with ukiyya, then they take kitran, fresh zift, oil, balazur honey - each with ukiyya, mix everything this is dried. Then they take fresh coloquinte juice - one part, old wine - two parts, fresh elecampane juice - two parts, rue juice, fresh mustard infusion - one part each, and in total ten rittles are taken from these medicines according to this recipe. They are put in a saucepan, black pepper, long pepper, ginger, nigella, beaver stream, saliva, kachim, tapsia, Ceylon cinnamon, wolf's bast, mad cucumber root, black hellebore and opopanax are thrown in - one ukiye each, and they boil it all along with the juices until one third remains. The decoction is decanted from the medicines and poured into the said blood and substances so that it is absorbed and dried, and then the juice of fresh coloquinte, fresh elecampane and sea onions, as well as marjoram juice and a little wine are poured into the previously mentioned liquids so that there are eight in total. Ritlov. To this they add stinking hiltite, makhrus, ushturgaz, both arsenics, verdigris and sulfur - ukiye and a half each, boil in liquids until one quarter remains, and strain. And the blood and dry substances constantly absorb the composition, and they are rubbed until everything is absorbed and dried, and then the sore spot is smeared with it in the bathhouse. I will say that such a medicine can be prepared with less difficulty and its effect will be stronger than what the doctor of this ruler prescribes.

A good ointment for insomnia sufferers. They take nigella, harbak, anemone, caper root - one part each, bedbugs, khudad, damadim, marjoram - half a part each, and spread it while holding the patient in the sun.

An easy, good and useful ointment is anemone and dioica with vinegar, or madder, sea foam, radish seeds and pumpkin with wine vinegar. Or they take yellow copper sawdust, black hellebore, burnt bronze, Spanish flies, red arsenic - a dirham each, mix it with kitran dissolved in vinegar and spread it, after pouring the medicine onto the sore spot.

Another medicine Oribasia is taken from white hellebore, pepper, nigella, sea foam, sulfur, red arsenic, madder, bedbug, verdigris, Spanish flies, ground with vinegar, turned into cakes and dried, and if necessary, again ground and spread with wine in the form of a mud cake after rubbing the skin.

Another copy from the Book of Cosmetics Karitune take black hellebore, footstep, bast root bast, yellow sulfur, vitriol, verdigris, iron filings, sea foam, fig leaves, grind with vinegar like haluk, store, spread the medicine in a tin box in the sun after rubbing the skin.

Another medicine from Jibrail is sulphur, furbiyun, harbak - a dirham each, balazur - two dirhams, salivator, bedbug - a mithqal and spread with vinegar. Or they take the seeds of radish, kachim, tapsia, wolf's bast, madder, bedbugs, cress, saliva, larkspur, bind with the blood of a black viper, turn into flat cakes and use after a bath with the juice of madder, strongly boiled and strained. They also take madder, bugs - each for five dirhams, radish seeds - ten, kachim - eight and spread with vinegar after the bath.

Description of the royal medicine. Take wolf bast leaves and its peeled seeds, black hellebore, pepper and cook. The composition is poured with vinegar until it boils, then thrown into a decoction of vitriol, Spanish flies, iron filings, soda, sea foam and boiled until it boils. The composition is smeared and administered in the form of a suppository and is not washed off as long as you can endure it, and the blisters are punctured.

Good ointment. They take balazur honey - seven dirhams, saliva, tapsia - three dirhams each, furbiyun - four, Persian bedbug - two dirhams and smear it in the form of a porridge with milk.

One of the medicines we tried was to take equal amounts of balazura honey, buttercup, pigeon feces, Spanish flies, bedbugs, radish seeds, mustard seeds, madder, henna, vasma and vitriol, with this cause blisters on the skin, puncture them and treat ulcers, this is repeated until cure.

One of the means that destroys baras from jars is cannabura juice with the juice of marjoram, madder and bedbug, which is smeared with sandalwood juice.

As for the dyes that are used for barasa, it is impossible to accurately indicate their quantity by weight due to the difference in skin color, but it is necessary to teach general rules from which one moves forward or backward. So, for example, they take red lead, myrrh, wine grounds, red ocher, madder, alum and the like, combine them and smear them. Or here’s the paint that we tested: take nut shells and the same amount of henna, as well as the same amount of wasma as henna, or take nur, arsenic, bugs - one part each and two parts of madder dye, bind with onion juice and use in accordance with what is visible during observation.

Different paint. They take acacia gum, wormwood, noura, galls, vitriol, henna, bind it with honey and black vinegar and use it as an ointment. They also take vitriol, kalkanda, galls, grind and bind with black vinegar, then rub the diseased organ in the sun and smear it with this composition several times. This is a permanent paint.

Or they take black bugs, iron oxide, shoemaker's vitriol, verdigris, madder and pomegranate peels, grind the composition in wine vinegar until it turns black, and spread it on the baras several times.

The food for a person suffering from this disease is light varieties of meat with spices, fried in an oven, on a baking sheet or on a spit; he should limit himself to wine and, if possible, completely abstain from water or drink little of it, drinking it boiled and mixed with wine.

This is a treatment for black bahak, but it requires more significant hydration and stronger emptying, then the most powerful cleansing medicines for black bahak are used. Sometimes the patient benefits from intercourse, but as for the bath, it is very useful. If the disease intensifies and goes far, then it is treated with anti-leprosy remedies.