Medicines for wet safa

As for the medicines for the loose safa and medicines intended for people with a wet body and for children, this is, for example, henna or vasma with galls burned with fat tail fat - this is a proven, excellent remedy - or medicines made from astringents and drying substances like pomegranate peels with wine vinegar and rose oil - sometimes lead oxides are put there. It is often necessary to use medicines with cleansing properties, for example aristolochia.

Often safa in the middle period is cured by rubbing it with vinegar, salt and green ushnanim - it then dries up and falls off.

Medicines used at this stage include tutia, kalimiya, Kimolos clay, burnt papyrus paper with vinegar, pine gum with pomegranate flowers, vinegar and rose oil. Or they take lead oxide, silver oxide, burnt bitter almonds, greater celandine - each dirham, with vinegar and rose oil, or the roots of blue iris, balsam tree wood, loose beehives, grated ban seeds or lentils with red ocher and vinegar. Or they take bitter almonds and green galls, grind both of them and prepare an ointment, after thickening the composition in the sun.

They say they also take live crayfish, pound it with marjoram, squeeze it out and inject the entire composition or one cancer liquid into the nose.

As for old safa or safa on a dense body, it requires, for example, kalkatar, kalkand, suri, ink sulfate, salt, sulfur, mercury dust, celandine, medicine made from papyrus paper with copper scale, soot from a bread oven, salt belongs to substances that contract and at the same time dissolve. Lead oxide and lead white are also needed, and as for dry baked clay, this is one of the highly drying substances. Pigeon feces is one of the solvents that strongly cleans and dries in the same way as lizard feces and starling feces, especially those that feed. rice.

A celandine plaster is one of the remedies that helps against any safa, just like the red plaster prepared from celandine, henna, aristolochia, pomegranate peels and lead oxide, or the medicine mentioned in the paragraph on dry safa.

They also take equal parts of Kimolos clay, green sulfur, pumpkin ash and coloquinte pulp with vinegar, or take burnt dry coriander, baked clay from a training furnace and henna with vinegar and rose oil.

They also take the ashes of vines, round aristolchia, pomegranate flowers, galls and ratiyanaja with vinegar and oil.

A good medicine safa is washed with a decoction of oleander, then smeared with this composition of copper dross and myrrh - two dirhams, incense powder, Yemenite alum - four dirhams each, aristolochia, kalkatara, vine ash, sabur - each dirham, with vinegar and oil.