Fox disease and snake disease

You already know that the cause of fox disease is bad matter that remains motionless in the skin and in the places where the hair roots are located; such matter spoils the hair roots, corroding them and preventing good nutrients from reaching them. The disease is called fox disease because it occurs in foxes, and the difference between it and snake disease is that with snake disease, not only hair falls, but also thin skin peels off, as happens in snakes; sometimes the skin has convex outlines, similar to the outlines of snakes.

The matter that causes fox and snake diseases is sometimes yellow gall, but sometimes it is black gall, it is also mucous, and sometimes it consists of spoiled blood. All this is judged by the color of the skin visible when shaving, especially if you rub it a little, and sometimes the conclusion is drawn from the previous regimen and from the symptoms that accompany the disease, known to you, indicating which particular juice predominates. Fast or slow healing is sometimes judged by the degree to which the skin turns red when rubbed or shaved, because blood is quickly or slowly drawn to the sore spot, but frequent rubbing ulcerates and prevents hair growth.

There is no doubt that the correct treatment regimen consists, first of all, in emptying this active juice and introducing into the body nutrients with very good chyme from among those known to you, as well as diluted wine of moderate strength with small traces of sweetness and, moreover, liquid and pure - Such wine is more nutritious and benefits the patient before and after each rubbing. They begin by emptying the entire body of the active juice with the help of drugs that expel the juices or bloodletting, if the matter requires it, then they empty the head of it with the means known to you for inserting and drawing into the nose and for gargling, mentioned in various paragraphs of the section on cleansing the head. Then they turn to the treatment of the skin, which is cleared of what is hidden in it, by expulsion and dissolution; this should be done hastily so that the skin does not acquire any lasting bad quality. There is no doubt that medicines that remove bad matter from a given place must be tearing and dissolving, but not so much that strong heating leads to drying out, then the skin would become dry, which in the future would cause hair loss, although in the present, perhaps , and would eliminate the fox disease.

If the medicine is hot and strong, such as tapsia - in this case it is a necessary basis for treatment - then the heat is weakened by balanced oils and waters that overpower it, which should be used with caution. The best medicine is fresh, and the one that has been around for three years is weak. A strong medicine requires the use of a small amount, and it is greatly diluted and quickly removed from the place where it was applied, but with a weak medicine the opposite should be done.

Medicines must be diluted, otherwise their power will not penetrate deep into the skin, and they must have a strengthening and retaining property so that the head does not accept malignant matter; this property should not, however, be accompanied by a significant binding ability, which would prevent the nutrient from reaching the the sore spot and then penetrate the pores. The medicine must also have the power to attract good blood and sticky vapors in the body after the bad vapors in the skin have been dissolved, so that it combines the power to dissolve what is bad and near and to attract what is good and distant after the body has been cleansed.

Having used the medicines, you should observe their effect, start by using them weakened by diluting and reducing the amount and see what happens if it turns out that the patient tolerates them and the effect is beneficial, then increase the strength and amount of the medicine, and if the patient does not tolerate the medicine and the effect is too strong, then their strength is reduced by reducing the amount or diluting the medicine. Take care that the medicine does not cause ulceration or swelling, especially in people with soft bodies due to the qualities of their nature or depending on age and sex. If the medicine has led to swelling and ulceration, the matter is corrected by lubricating the sore spot with fats, for example, goose or chicken fat or gentle wax ointments, and when the swelling subsides, the medicine is reapplied in an amount that the patient can easily tolerate; if the effect of the medicine is significant, you do so in this way until the bad vapors dissolve and the good ones are drawn to the skin. A sign of the effect of the medicine is that the skin turns red from gentler and less frequent rubbing than before using the medicine, and if the situation remains unchanged, then you know that a stronger medicine is needed. If the skin does not turn red from the medicine, rub it as hard as possible with coarse rags until there is a danger of peeling, and then rub it, for example, with onion, and if the skin does not turn red, then you cannot do without a painful incision and smearing, for example, with garlic.

Among the means needed to cleanse the skin of the bad matter of fox disease are leeches, cupping and pricking with numerous needles, this also includes the formation of blisters with sharp medicines, which we will mention shortly, cleansing swollen places and healing them so that hair grows on them. They contribute to the dissolution of matter, by the way, constant wearing, day and night, of a fur hat causes dissolution and perspiration.

You should shave your head with a razor every two or three days, and as soon as the hair grows back, shave it off. Before using ointments, you should also shave your head and rub it, as we said, with a rough cloth or, for example, with an onion or radish peel, until the skin turns red and will not become susceptible to the power of the medicine that opens the pores; sometimes a bath replaces rubbing. If the head is not shaved, then the medicine is made liquid so that it reaches the roots.

As for emptying, the yellow gall matter is emptied with a decoction of myrobalans with a small amount of harbak and dodder, also with kavkaya pills or iyaraj fikra. I will also say that iyaraj with coloquinta pulp is an excellent remedy, especially for mucous juice. If there is also black bile, then a little black hellebore is mixed into it, and in the presence of yellow bile, the resins of scammonium iyaraj Rufa and lugaziya are mixed in, especially with black bile juice, often just defecation heals the patient.

You have already covered the varieties of these emptyings with knowledge from the previous one, and if the doctor wants something easier, he gives the patient bitter iyaraj three or four times a month, taking into account the pulp of the coloquinta and turbitum; if one emptying does not help, then they are repeated after resting between them .

When you see that the scalp is red and its vessels are red and full, then if common judgment requires it, after general bloodletting you bleed from the vessels of the head and the vessels on the forehead and temples, and if you do not see overflow, then do nothing at all - similar, because blood is needed here. As for rinses and medicines for administration into the nose and the like, you already know them from the paragraphs about the head.

Of the local medicines, the most powerful is furbiyun, which is not yet three years old; it is used according to the method taught by us in the general rules of treatment. Furbiyun is followed by tapsia - it acts very remarkably and strongly - and after it watercress, mustard, the ash of Spanish flies in the form of porridge with fresh zift, larkspur, ground with bay oil, as well as the milky juice of yattu, with the help of which they cause blisters and pierce them , so that what is iodine flows out, and when the crust is thrown off, hair rises from under it.

They also use buttercup, which is applied for a short time; it is necessary for severe fox disease.

Next comes sulfur, both harbak, indau seeds, bavrak foam, both types of sea foam, burnt reed bark and roots, mouse and sheep feces - also burnt, long pepper, mustard, burnt hazelnuts, fig leaves, kachim, celandine roots large, kitran sometimes includes ox bile among the medicines.

This is followed by bitter almonds, burnt in the shell, grated incense, soaked for several days in the highest grade vinegar; Nabataean horns are also among the medicines for this disease.

The best oils used in this case are laurel oil and castor bean oil, and the best substance for wax ointments is kitran and then zift from fats, the best is bear fat, especially old one.

An excellent mud cake is applied with mustard cake with kitran.

Description of an excellent, healthy flatbread. They take furbiyun, tapsia, laurel oil - two misqals each, live sulfur, any harbak - black or white - one miskal each and prepare a wax ointment, taking enough wax.

They also take African bavraca - two parts, ammonia part, burn and grind both in strong vinegar and lightly lubricate the sore spot after rubbing it. After three hours, the lubrication is repeated when the ointment dries, and they do this for three days; if a blister forms, then they do it as you know.

Also, Spanish flies with mustard are boiled in oil until they become like galliya, and with this medicine they cause a blister on the sore spot. The strength of a strong medicine is weakened by diluting it with a weak one.

One of the stronger remedies - it is remarkably useful - is to take strong vinegar with an equal amount of good rose oil and shake it, then rub the sore spot with a rough rag and lubricate it with this mixture. They also use gallium lubrication with a certain amount of tapsia.

Know that for infants, following the regimen is enough; a child can tolerate half a dirham of Qaqqaya pills, and a ten-year-old child can tolerate two danaks.