Laminaria masks for wrinkles reviews

Every woman wants to look good. With age, the skin becomes loose and wrinkles appear. Salon procedures, cosmetics and folk remedies help preserve her youth.

Today we’ll talk about the latter and the heroes of our topic are kelp face masks – seaweed or seaweed. They are a source of iodine, so eating them is very healthy. In addition, they are able to take care of the beauty and youth of the face.

What is this mask used for and how does it work?

Thanks to its rich composition, kelp can restore youth, tighten, and straighten the oval. Laminaria face masks are popular among those with dry skin. Laminaria nourishes, restores water balance, removes peeling and inflammation.

For those with oily skin, seaweed will help get rid of greasy shine. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and removes inflammation. Those with normal skin type can use this product for prevention, tightening, getting rid of crow's feet and other wrinkles.

Rules for preparation and application

  1. You can buy a quality product at a pharmacy. Store or market kelp may not be of high quality, so it is better to trust a pharmacy product.
  2. Before use, thin layers of dry seaweed should be crushed with a coffee grinder, then soaked in warm water for an hour. It is better not to use boiling water or very hot water, because it will cook the plant.
  3. Before applying, thoroughly clean your face of cosmetics, scrub, steam it over the steam of chamomile infusion or plain water to open the pores well.
  4. After 15 minutes, wipe your face with a paper napkin, then wash your face and apply moisturizer or any other cream.
  5. Carry out the procedures once a week.

Classic recipe

The simplest recipe was a one-component mask without additives. This procedure tightens, moisturizes the skin, and removes fatigue.

Soak 2 tbsp. l. chopped kelp in water for 1 hour. Then strain through several layers of gauze. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed face, after 15 minutes, remove with a paper napkin, wash, and use cream. Pour the remaining water into ice molds, freeze, and wipe your skin with these pieces in the morning.

Other recipes

Face mask with clay and kelp

Combine 1 tbsp. l. swollen seaweed powder, the same amount of blue clay. Stir, dilute with warm boiled water until a creamy mass is formed. Use as directed. You can use any clay - white, green, pink.

Anti-aging masks

Sea kale contains vitamins A, B, E. They prevent aging, smooth out wrinkles, and moisturize the dermis. If you combine two parts of swollen seaweed and one part of a mixture of lavender oil and avocado, you get a rejuvenating mask. You will notice huge changes after completing the 10-day course. Small wrinkles will disappear, deep wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Express lifting

After the first procedure, you will notice how your dermis has tightened, become moisturized, and fresh. Pour 2 tbsp. l. algae powder with the same amount of water. After an hour, add 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger, 20 g sea buckthorn oil and cream, mix well. Distribute over face and décolleté. Now lie down, relax, avoid facial movements, wash off the mixture after half an hour. It is better to do this procedure before bed or 2 hours before going outside.

Honey for dry skin

If you have dry dermis, then strictly adhere to the specified time before removing the mask. Do not allow it to dry; additionally, after application, you can cover your face with gauze or a paper napkin.

The following procedure nourishes, restores, and stabilizes the water balance:
Combine 1 tbsp. l. swollen seaweed with 25 g sour cream, 1 tsp. olive oil. Add 20 g of warm honey, mix everything, use as directed.

Yolk and glycerin

It is better to carry out this procedure while taking a bath. Glycerin attracts water molecules, saturating the body with them. If you use masks with glycerin in a dry room, it will draw moisture out of you. Such a procedure will not only bring no benefit, but will also cause harm.

Pour 2 tsp warm water. seaweed powder. After 2 hours, add 2 quail yolks and 30 drops of glycerin. Mix well, apply a thick layer to clean dermis, rinse after 15 minutes, use a moisturizer.

For oily skin

If you have oily dermis, then use these products 2 times a week. More often it is not possible, because the dermis will be oversaturated with iodine and other beneficial components of the plant, which will cause allergies.

The main ingredients of masks for oily skin are lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, egg white, fruit, and salt. Lemon juice dries the skin well, the protein cleanses the pores and removes oily shine. Laminaria nourishes with beneficial substances, so such mixtures have a positive effect on the skin in different directions.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. swollen gruel of a sea plant with protein, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave on your face for 20 minutes, rinse, apply cream.

For problem skin

Pour 1 tbsp. l. kelp 20 g of water. Make a paste from the inside of one aloe leaf and combine with seaweed. Let it brew for a couple of hours. Then spread the mixture over the desired areas and remove after 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

  1. Do an allergy test before use. Apply a little onto your wrist. If you develop a rash, redness, or itching, discard the product. You may be allergic to iodine.
  2. The drug is contraindicated for people with thyroid diseases, pregnant women, and nursing young mothers.
  3. Consult a physician before use, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.


Tatyana, 35 years old

A friend at work read a lot of reviews, studied descriptions of its use in cosmetology, and tried a face mask made from a thallus of dried algae - kelp. Her dermis is normal, wrinkles appear, but there are no special problems. But even after the first procedure, significant improvements were visible. The face became more hydrated, fresh, and radiant. I wanted to try it too. For the second month now, I have been doing these procedures every Saturday, and they are very effective.

Expert comments: You and your friend can carry out these procedures together. This makes it easier to apply the mixture to each other. Remember that the dermis should be allowed to rest for a couple of weeks every 10 procedures.

Ekaterina, 46 years old

I don’t like the smell of seaweed, so I avoided such procedures for a long time. But when the reviews on the forums and my sister’s results finally “finished off” me, I finally decided. The effect is truly unique: improvements are noticeable after the first use. I can tolerate the smell better than I thought.

Expert comments: As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Few people reported dislike for this product because of the smell.

Elena, 43 years old

I’ve been using similar recipes for a couple of years now, and they’re very effective. Initially, I fell in love with a honey mask with kelp, then I spent a long time looking for recipes for masks around the eyes. I found one where you combine seaweed with my favorite honey and peach seed oil. This product smoothes wrinkles well, removes puffiness and dark circles. I recommend it to anyone who has similar problems.

Expert comments: Honey is very healthy, so its combination with kelp forms a real magic potion that can restore youth.


I recommend watching a detailed video recipe on how to prepare a face mask from dry kelp at home. You will be able to watch the entire process of its creation.

Now you know how to preserve the youth of the dermis, restore water balance, and get rid of acne with a fairly budget-friendly means. Share your feedback, additions, suggestions, we will be glad to hear your opinion.

Laminaria, or seaweed, can be called a real gift from the ocean to humanity. People have long consumed these brown algae as food, used as fertilizer, and used in medicine. Cosmetology also did not stand aside: with the help of kelp, problems with facial skin and cellulite deposits are solved. Many women use seaweed to fight wrinkles.

What are the benefits of kelp for the face?

The composition of brown algae is extremely rich in biologically active components. In terms of their content, kelp surpasses all terrestrial plants. Seaweed contains 82 of the 92 natural chemical components. Among them are substances that have the most beneficial effect on the skin:

  1. vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, PP, K;
  2. trace elements: iodine, silicon, sodium, calcium, magnesium;
  3. Omega-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  4. alginates.


All these components easily penetrate through the membranes of skin cells, since the cellular structure of kelp is similar to the structure of cells in the human body. Active ingredients enter into metabolic processes and activate them. Thanks to this, the powerful regenerating properties of seaweed appear. Laminaria effectively removes dead cells and promotes the growth of new ones.

Therefore, seaweed used in face masks not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also takes care of its health from the inside.

The use of kelp allows you to:

  1. make the skin firm and elastic;
  2. smooth out large wrinkles and eliminate small ones;
  3. refresh your complexion;
  4. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  5. dry out rashes on the skin surface;
  6. moisturize dry skin;
  7. lighten age spots;
  8. straighten the contour of the face.

Sea kale is universal in its effect on the skin. It is equally good for use on both dry and oily skin types.

How to prepare seaweed base

To prepare face masks at home, kelp must be purchased at the pharmacy in powder form. To prepare the seaweed base, you should take:

  1. kelp powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. purified water at room temperature - 250 ml.

Pour water over the algae powder and leave to swell for 1.5–2 hours. Then place the swollen mass on cheesecloth and squeeze out. The resulting paste can be used as a stand-alone anti-wrinkle mask, or in combination with other ingredients that will enrich the composition with additional active elements.


Advice. It is more convenient to apply compositions with seaweed while lying down, since the seaweed base has a slippery structure and easily slides off the skin.

Masks with kelp

Before applying kelp-based masks, it is recommended to steam your facial skin and treat it with a light scrub. In this case, the active ingredients will be able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and the effectiveness of the composition will be much higher.

To steam the skin, you can use just hot water (58 °C) or a herbal infusion of chamomile, calendula, and sage. The face should be tilted over the vessel and the head should be covered with a towel for 10 minutes.

Since kelp actively affects the skin layer, it is necessary to correctly use masks based on it. Anti-wrinkle course lasts 1 month. During the first two weeks, the procedure can be repeated 3 times a week. Then the mask is applied only once every seven days. As a result, the course should consist of 8 sessions.

The duration of exposure to the algae mask is 15 minutes. The remaining product is washed off the face with cool water. The procedure ends with applying a moisturizer with SPF factor. Seaweed contains a lot of iodine and when exposed to direct sunlight, pigmentation may appear on the skin.

Laminaria-based masks can be used after 25 years.

Recipes for dry skin

Naturally dry skin begins to age much earlier than other types. This is due to poor hydration of the skin surface. Therefore, the use of kelp-based masks is a lifeline for such skin, since seaweed has a powerful moisturizing effect, as a result of which the processes of early wrinkles are inhibited.

Oil mask

The advantage of vegetable oils is that they do not contain chemical components and are rich in active substances. To care for dry skin, you should choose light oils that can retain moisture in the skin. These include:

  1. olive oil;
  2. rose oil;
  3. sandalwood oil;
  4. almond oil;
  5. rosehip oil.

To prepare the mask you need to take:

  1. kelp base - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. vegetable oil of your choice - 1 tbsp. l.


Clay on guard of youth

There are several varieties of natural clay. Its color scheme is close to rainbow. But for dry skin types, red clay will be most suitable. It significantly improves the condition of the skin, relieves irritation, eliminates peeling and itching.

The mask includes:

  1. seaweed base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. red clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. kefir - 1 tbsp. l.;
  4. lavender essential oil - 3 drops.

Dilute red clay with kefir until smooth, add algae base and lavender oil. Mix all ingredients well and apply to facial skin.


Healing composition with aloe

Aloe juice is famous for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. If irritation occurs on dry skin, it is recommended to use a mask with aloe juice.

  1. kelp pulp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. aloe juice - 1 tsp.


Chicken yolk anti-aging

Since the yolk contains many vitamins and other active substances, it has an effective effect on dry skin. The yolk promotes skin hydration, cell regeneration processes and, as a result, rejuvenation and elimination of wrinkles.

For the mask you need:

  1. seaweed base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. chicken yolk - 1 pc.;
  3. burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Add chicken yolk to the kelp base, add burdock oil. Mix everything thoroughly.


Application of glycerin

Glycerin is considered an effective skin moisturizer because it attracts moisture by absorbing it from the air. The use of glycerin helps smooth out wrinkles.

  1. seaweed base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. glycerin - 0.5 tsp;
  3. water - 0.5 tsp;
  4. olive (or any other) oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Add water and glycerin to the base, and then add warm oil (38 °C).


Fighting wrinkles on oily skin

On oily skin, wrinkles are not as noticeable and appear much less frequently than on dry skin. However, this problem exists, and with the help of algae masks you can simultaneously smooth out wrinkles and eliminate oily shine.

Kefir mask

Kefir contains specific lactic acids, bacteria and fungi, which help normalize sebaceous metabolism and also help the skin become smooth and silky.

For the mask you need to take:

  1. kefir - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. kelp pulp - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients together and apply the mixture to your face.


Yeast remedy

Yeast is often used in cosmetology both to fight wrinkles and to eliminate oily shine. After all, their living structure, after application to the skin, first feeds on the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and then produces substances that stimulate cell regeneration.

  1. seaweed base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. “live” yeast - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. purified warm water (38 °C) – 2 tbsp. l.

Dilute the yeast with water and leave for 10 minutes. After this, add the kelp base to the yeast mixture and mix thoroughly.


Apple nutrition

Apples, thanks to the astringent components they contain, narrow large pores on oily skin and regulate the secretion of sebum. At the same time, applesauce effectively moisturizes, nourishes the skin and helps smooth out wrinkles.

  1. kelp base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. fresh applesauce - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components and distribute the composition over the skin.


Whitening with lemon

The natural acids in lemon have antibacterial, exfoliating, cleansing, whitening and astringent properties. Using lemon juice in masks helps fight wrinkles, control the secretion of sebaceous secretions and whiten the skin surface.

  1. seaweed base - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. lemon juice - 2 tsp.

Add lemon juice to the kelp base, mix and apply to face.


Honey help

Honey is a unique product with invaluable medicinal properties. It contains more than 400 biologically active components that help regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and make the skin elastic.

  1. kelp base - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. natural liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  3. tea tree essential oil - 2 drops.

Video: kelp mask at home

Contraindications for use

Algae masks cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. open wounds, scratches and other skin damage;
  2. purulent inflammation;
  3. rosacea mesh;
  4. diseases of the endocrine system;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. individual intolerance.


Laminaria algae perfectly smoothes out wrinkles. It costs a penny at the pharmacy. Enough for a month. Excited! Make a mask every day for 1 month. The recipe is as follows: a teaspoon of kelp, pour boiling water, let it brew, add a spoonful of natural honey, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Apply a thick layer to a clean face. Place cling film on top, making holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Walk like this for 1 hour. Then rinse with warm water without soap or any products.

Thumbelina from a fairy tale

I like the usual classic kelp mask (1 tablespoon of dry crushed kelp and 1 cup of filtered water at room temperature). It is ideal to make a mask while lying in the bath. After a 7-day course, the skin became noticeably more elastic; no other cream has given me this effect.



You can also prepare a very good mask from kelp diluted with min. water or green tea, and cosmetic clay for viscosity. An excellent alternative to alginate masks, as kelp contains alginates. The effect is wonderful.

Gaintseva Lyubov

Kelp masks effectively smooth out wrinkles, since seaweed contains many active components that promote the processes of exfoliation and cell restoration. It is noteworthy that seaweed is equally suitable for all skin types.

Laminaria is a representative of seaweed, better known as seaweed. It is eaten, used in the pharmaceutical industry, as part of dietary supplements. The product contains a high content of iodine, organic acids and beauty vitamins. Which, of course, cosmetologists could not ignore. This is how masks, creams, sprays, tonics and many other skincare products appeared. And even at home, women have learned to use seaweed to solve a number of skin problems. And reviews of kelp for facial rejuvenation literally encourage you: take it and try it.


Kelp is a brown algae that is primarily rich in iodine. A face mask with kelp “works” quickly and effectively - it evens out color and texture, tightens and rejuvenates.

According to reviews, a face mask made from kelp (specifically, dried algae) is an ideal option for flabby, aging dermis. It is also a good helper in solving oily skin problems: it removes grease, cleanses pores and gets rid of acne and blackheads.

Help your skin

Why is an algae facial mask effective? Firstly, iodine makes it this way. It eliminates inflammation, destroys acne, adds smoothness and velvety, and heals. But besides this, seaweed also contains other components that are important for the face.

  1. Vitamins A, B and D. They give the skin a natural and healthy color, eliminate unnecessary pigmentation, tighten and rejuvenate.
  2. Vitamin C . A natural antioxidant, an ardent fighter against wrinkles and old age.
  3. Vitamin E. It guards the integrity of cells.
  4. Organic acids. Rejuvenate, cleanse clogged pores.
  5. A nicotinic acid . This is nutrition for the skin, a means of treating various dermatitis.
  6. Iron . Normalizes blood circulation, helps with oxygen transfer in the blood.
  7. Calcium. Gives an even texture, evens out roughness on the skin.
  8. Potassium. Moisturizes and prevents skin from drying out.
  9. Zinc. Heals and gets rid of bacteria.
  10. Silicon. Gives elasticity.
  11. Copper . Does not allow the dermis to age.


Adverse reactions

If the product is used incorrectly for cosmetic purposes, seaweed can do more harm than good. Laminaria has a number of contraindications for use.

  1. Blood problems. Any deviations in the functioning of the circulatory system put a taboo on algae procedures.
  2. Problems with the thyroid gland. A face mask made from any algae, including kelp, prepared at home, is saturated with iodine. Therefore, in case of endocrinological problems, the reaction to the procedure is unpredictable.
  3. Individual intolerance. A reaction is possible not only to iodine, but also to other components in the product. Before using algae, do a test - apply the product to your wrist.
  4. Interesting situation. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, any manipulations with kelp are unsafe.
  5. Open wounds. If the skin is inflamed, there are cracks and a wound opens after acne removal, postpone algae treatments.

How to prepare and apply

Before applying the mask to your skin, make sure your face is properly prepared. Steam it, clean it with a scrub - this will open up more opportunities for the action of kelp. You have already bought dry seaweed, but now remember: kelp for the face against wrinkles is used only in wet form, the mixture needs to be prepared. How to prepare a face mask from kelp, or rather its base?

Instructions for preparing the main component

  1. Take 15 g of seaweed powder. Pour a glass of warm water (purified or mineral). But not with boiling water, since when it reacts, kelp loses its properties.
  2. The kelp should be in the water for at least one and a half to two hours until it swells well.
  3. Then drain the water through cheesecloth.
  4. Squeeze the seaweed thoroughly.
  5. Ready. Use kelp as one of the components of the mask.
  6. The amount received is enough for one time.


How to wash off and after care

The kelp mask is applied for 15 minutes - you should not leave it on longer, since the skin will already have received everything it needs by this time. And if you overdo it, irritation and burns are possible.

According to reviews, a seaweed face mask is best washed off with cool water. This can be either ordinary water, pre-boiled and settled, or mineral water. Even with gas, but without any sweet additives. After the mask, apply your favorite nourishing cream to the skin.

Laminaria for rejuvenation: 10 recipes

Laminaria face mask - reviews speak of its versatility. It suits both women with dry skin and women with oiliness problems. This is why they love her, inventing more and more new recipes.


For oily skin

With aloe for acne and wrinkles

  1. Peel the aloe leaf.
  2. Grind the pulp into a puree.
  3. Mix the prepared kelp with aloe.
  4. Let the mixture sit for another two hours until it has at least doubled in size.
  5. Apply to dry skin.

Lemon rejuvenating with whitening effect

  1. Mix kelp with protein.
  2. Squeeze the juice of one lemon slice into the mixture.
  3. Stir and spread thickly over your face.
  1. Chop a peeled apple (ideally green).
  2. Mix with kelp.
  3. Apply it.

With a lifting effect by leaps and bounds

  1. Grind the pressed yeast - 25 g is enough.
  2. Fill with water - 50 ml of warm liquid.
  3. Let it sit for half an hour.
  4. As soon as foam appears on top, add seaweed.
  5. Apply to skin to create a thicker layer. Well refreshes, tightens, tones.

Cleansing with oatmeal

  1. Make flour from a handful of oatmeal.
  2. Pour boiling water - half a glass is enough.
  3. Knead.
  4. Add seaweed.
  5. Stir. Apply while massaging your face.


For dry skin

With clay for fine wrinkles

  1. Prepare kelp in mineral water.
  2. Mix seaweed with 25 ml of kefir.
  3. Add 25 g clay.
  4. Add three drops of sage oil.

Pull-up with honey

  1. Mix kelp with 25 ml of sour cream.
  2. Add a teaspoon of good olive oil.
  3. Melt 20 ml of honey in a water bath.
  4. Mix with prepared mixture.
  5. Apply a thick layer.


Anti-aging with quail yolks

  1. Add two quail egg yolks to the kelp.
  2. Add 30 drops of glycerin.
  3. Mix and apply.

Rejuvenating kefir option

  1. Prepare kelp in kefir.
  2. After swelling, apply to skin.

On gelatin to prevent aging

  1. Pour 10 g of gelatin with hot water (75 ml).
  2. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Mix with kelp.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  5. Give a few drops of vitamin A.
  6. Apply the thickened mass to your face.

A homemade face mask with kelp should not be used more than once every seven days. Otherwise, there will be an excess of vitamins and nutrients, which is also bad: spots and even burns may appear. Buy dried kelp only at the pharmacy. If you purchased seaweed thalli, you need to grind them using a blender. Do not take the pickled product for cosmetic purposes - it is of no use.


Reviews of the algae mask: “I won’t say that I’m younger, but I’m definitely fresher”

Laminaria algae smoothes out beautifully. It costs a penny at the pharmacy. Enough for a month. Excited! Make a mask every day for 1 month. The recipe is as follows: a teaspoon of kelp, pour boiling water, let it brew, add a spoonful of natural honey, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Apply a thick layer to a clean face. Place cling film on top, making holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Walk like this for 1 hour. Then rinse with warm water without soap or any products.

Thumbelina from a fairy tale, //

I’ve been doing the procedure every other day for two weeks, I won’t say that I’m younger, but my skin is definitely fresher)). I remember my Murmansk friends with envy: they have the opportunity to go to the littoral and tear themselves kelp sheets (they are very large and several meters long, that’s why the sheets are there) and make an expensive wrap at home.

Yes, yes, I want to tell you the secret of youthful skin. I found this product for myself not so long ago, on the recommendation of a friend. She, like me, is approaching 40, but her facial skin is flawless, wrinkles are practically invisible, there are no pimples or redness to speak of. The secret is very simple and cheap. This is kelp thallus, and simply dry seaweed. This miracle remedy costs just over 50 rubles and is sold in almost any pharmacy.

Nadezhda 70, //

Making face masks: 2-3 tsp. I pour ground kelp into a thermos mug, let it sit for several hours, then drain the water, and apply a thick layer of kelp to a cleansed face. You can put a gauze napkin on top to prevent it from slipping. I swim in the bath for 20 minutes, then wash it off. That's all. The result is that peeling goes away, the skin is smooth and moisturized.
I pour the infusion water into ice cube trays, defrost one cube in the morning and wipe my face instead of tonic. (you can, of course, just pour it into a bottle, but then it will quickly disappear, and if frozen it will be stored for a long time).