Masks for rosacea on the face in the pharmacy

With rosacea, small vascular networks and stars form on the skin. A large number of women suffer from it. This disease can be treated with medical and folk remedies. Masks against rosacea on the face, which can be prepared at home, have a fairly strong effect. They can be made from inexpensive ingredients that can not only eliminate the symptoms of this disease, but also quickly improve the condition of the skin.

Causes of rosacea on the face

Often, bundles of spider veins and spider veins form on the surface of the cheeks and on unprotected areas of the nose. This phenomenon occurs as a result of problems with blood circulation in the upper parts of the skin, which causes it to stagnate in the capillaries. The structure of the walls of blood vessels cannot withstand this load and this subsequently leads to the walls becoming fragile, unprotected and becoming very thin.

The main factors causing red mesh on the face include the following:

  1. Hereditary factors;
  2. Adverse weather conditions. A mesh on the skin often forms when exposed to the sun or frost for a long time;
  3. All kinds of diseases of internal organs - varicose veins, pathological processes of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, dysbacteriosis), problems with the genitals, sinuses;
  4. Stressful situations;
  5. Hypertension;
  6. The presence of any physiological changes in the body. For women, this may be the period of bearing a child, during which disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and their inflammation occur. Usually after the birth of the baby everything returns to normal;
  7. Increased smoking, alcohol consumption.

Important! When rosacea occurs on the face, it is worth visiting a doctor. He will be able to conduct a full examination and identify the main cause of the disease. He will also recommend suitable treatments.

What components should be included in the mask?

Face masks for rosacea can be made from various natural ingredients that everyone can have at home. In terms of action, they will be much better and more useful than many medicines. After using them, the skin will become much cleaner and healthier, and the signs of rosacea will disappear almost immediately after the first use.

Products made from components such as ascorbic acid, ascorutin, potatoes, clay, berries, oatmeal, yeast and many others have a good effect. When used, the active components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and accelerate the process of restoration of damaged cells.

Who are masks not suitable for?

Many masks for rosacea on the face can quickly eliminate the red vascular network on the skin; they strengthen the structure of blood vessels. However, it is not recommended to get too carried away with self-treatment. It is also recommended to follow certain rules when using it.

Note! When treating rosacea with home remedies, it is worth abandoning certain measures. There is no need to use peelings, scrubs, alcohol-based tonics, ice rubs, vacuum or manual massage therapies.

It is not advisable to use anti-rosacea formulations for those with overly sensitive skin. Some elements that are present in the base can cause side effects - redness, rashes, burning sensation, itching.

The problem described is discussed in the “Everything Will Be Good” program:

The best recipes for face masks against rosacea

At home, you can make various anti-rosacea face masks based on nutritious and healthy ingredients. They will help quickly normalize the skin and prevent signs of disease. They can be done every day until the disease completely disappears

Home Recipes

If you need to quickly get rid of rosacea at home, then you should pay attention to effective and healthy mask recipes. They will be able to quickly restore the condition of the skin and improve its appearance. They are suitable for any age; they can only be done during pregnancy.

With ascorbic acid

Compositions containing ascorbic acid have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. But before using it, you should consult a doctor, especially if you have problems with blood clotting.

The mask will require the following components:

  1. 1 teaspoon of green tea;
  2. Sour cream – 1 teaspoon;
  3. Ascorbic acid in powder form – ½ teaspoon;
  4. 30 grams of water.

How to prepare:

  1. First you need to brew green tea;
  2. Next, the drink is filtered and poured into a bowl;
  3. You need to add sour cream and ascorbic acid to it;
  4. Everything is mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The finished composition is applied to the cleansed surface of the face. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with herbal infusion or warm water. After this, you can apply moisturizer.

With ascorutin

A mask with ascorutin is highly beneficial. It cleanses blood vessels, thins the blood and improves blood circulation. After about a few uses, the mesh and stars will completely disappear. It should be done 2 hours before bedtime.

The preparation of the composition is simple:

  1. First, green tea is brewed;
  2. Then the drink needs to be strained well;
  3. Two tablets of the drug are crushed to a powder and added to tea;
  4. Pour 1 tablespoon of milk and add 20 grams of white clay;
  5. Everything is stirred until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Note! It is recommended to apply the mixture to the surface of the face in the form of a thin layer. But problem areas should be covered with a thicker layer. The composition must be kept for 20 minutes.

Next, everything is washed off with warm water or removed with a damp swab. To improve the effect, at the end you should apply grape seed oil to your face, which should first be rubbed in your palms.

Potato based

A potato mask has an excellent restorative effect. It can be easily made at home, especially since all the components will definitely be available.

When preparing and using, you should follow the following recommendations:

  1. One potato tuber should be peeled and rubbed through a fine grater;
  2. If the skin is dry, then you can add 1 teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil;
  3. The first layer of the composition is applied to the skin and left to dry for a while;
  4. Then the second and third layers are laid out in the same way;
  5. After 20 minutes, everything can be washed off.

It is worth noting! Potato-based compositions cleanse the face and even out its tone. After just a few uses, you will be able to notice positive results; all the meshes and stars will completely disappear.

From green tomatoes

Bright manifestations of rosacea on the face will help eliminate green tomatoes. They can lighten the skin and refresh its appearance. They should be used for several weeks.

Recommendations for performing masks with green tomatoes:

  1. Vegetables need to be finely chopped or pureed in a blender;
  2. Since the paste can have an aggressive effect and cause irritation, it is better to place it on a gauze material and wrap it;
  3. Next, apply gauze with the tomato mixture only to the area with severe manifestations of rosacea;
  4. It is recommended to carry out 5-6 lotions per day.

After applying the lotions, it is recommended to rinse your face with chamomile decoction. At the end, you can apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

From the mass market

From pharmaceutical products for rosacea on the face, you can use various creams and masks in ready-made form. They contain active components that can quickly eliminate the manifestations of this disease and improve the appearance of the face.

Among the most effective it is worth highlighting:

  1. Alginate mask. It has a quick effect. It can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  2. Couperose Cream – cream with arnica against rosacea;
  3. Anti Rougeurs Mask – mask against rosacea;
  4. Capillary Clear. A cream with a corrective effect that promotes active restoration of capillaries;
  5. Heparin ointment. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores blood circulation. Reduces symptoms of rosacea;
  6. Troxevasin. Strengthens the circulatory system, tones venous vessels, strengthens capillaries.

Important! The use of any cosmetics and pharmaceutical products must be carried out in accordance with the instructions. It is better to first consult with your doctor, he will be able to choose the appropriate regimen for use.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

When using masks against rosacea, do not forget about other actions that will help speed up the process of eliminating all manifestations of this unpleasant disease. Many cosmetologists recommend taking vitamins and doing facial exercises along with these formulations.

Also, do not forget about important rules:

  1. Masks should be used 2-3 times a week;
  2. Formulations with a strong composition (for example, with tomatoes) should be carried out only after testing for sensitivity;
  3. There is no need to use scrubs, peelings, rubbing with ice or alcohol;
  4. When preparing mixtures, you should strictly follow the recipe;
  5. Rinse off only with warm water or herbal decoctions;
  6. At the end, you can apply a healing cream.

The recipe for a simple mask is presented in the video:

The use of masks against rosacea must be correct and careful. Many compounds can quickly overcome this disease, but only if all the rules are followed. They are based on nourishing healing components that have a positive effect on the structure of the skin. After several procedures, you will notice that your skin has become fresher and healthier.

Thanks to this article, you will learn how to get rid of rosacea painlessly and effectively. We will consider not only theoretical information about this pathology, but also effective methods of combating it.

Face without stardust

Redness, spider veins, capillary mesh visible through the skin - these troubles often appear on the face, causing discomfort.

At the same time, men steadfastly try not to pay attention to what is happening, and women see no other way out but disguise. But the insidious “star” dust also appears through a thick layer of cosmetics when the temperature changes. Therefore, it is better to fight not with manifestations, but with the root cause. In this review, you will learn about a simple way to solve the problem - the use of ointments and creams.

What is rosacea

All of the above troubles are characteristic of rosacea. This disease occurs due to disruptions in the blood supply to the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). Violations entail a slowdown in blood circulation in the capillaries. Stagnation increases pressure on the thin walls of blood vessels, causing them to lose tone and cause discomfort.

If you see a vascular network, it means that rosacea is no longer at an early stage of development. The initial stage is characterized by:

  1. local redness;
  2. itching;
  3. irritation;
  4. burning in separate points.

At this stage, local external therapy with creams and ointments is effective. Unfortunately, many people pay attention to rosacea only when a “starfall” begins on the skin and a network of blood vessels appears. It is better to carry out complex treatment here. But creams and ointments are still effective.

What creams can be used

Let's look at the most obvious and simplest method of treatment (cream or ointment). All anti-rosacea drugs should have a similar result of use:

  1. accelerate blood to improve microcirculation in blood vessels;
  2. accelerate metabolism in cells (metabolic processes);
  3. strengthen healthy blood vessels, preventing rosacea from taking over new frontiers.

Otherwise, the selection of cream and ointment should be carried out individually, taking into account the following nuances:

  1. degree of skin damage;
  2. composition of the cream (for allergens and ingredients prohibited by age);
  3. recommendations of dermatologists (cosmetologists);
  4. patient reviews.

As with most skin ailments, there are different types of medicinal formulations for rosacea: hypoallergenic for children, aggressive anti-aging, natural homemade, etc. They differ in composition, release form, and price, but they should suit you and be effective. Let's look at the main types of creams/ointments for rosacea.

Children's professional pharmaceutical creams

Children's products are those without unnecessary allergens and aggressive ingredients. They usually do not have an immediate effect, but they protect against irritation and unwanted reactions for those who have delicate and sensitive skin, like a child.

As for the children themselves, at a very early age rosacea can be a temporary phenomenon. It should be eliminated only after six months of observation. If a child shows signs of rosacea, then eliminate the provoking factors:

  1. excessive exposure to frost, sun, wind;
  2. contact of affected areas of skin with irritating tissues;
  3. poor nutrition, excess sugar, preservatives, carcinogens in the diet.

In this case, it is better to use moisturizing and protective creams (from the sun, frost, wind). If rosacea on a child’s face still does not go away, then choose a baby cream at the pharmacy that contains:

  1. vitamins;
  2. natural oils;
  3. angioprotectors;
  4. natural plant extracts.

Gel from a pharmacy for the treatment of rosacea in adults

Collagen and elastin, as well as anti-aging components, are actively added to “adult” creams. Pharmacy cosmetics for the treatment of rosacea are varied in composition, price and release form. We present the most popular means in table form.

Name Features of the composition Advantages Flaws Average price, rub.
Vichy Ideal Pro


amino acids.

Quickly eliminates all signs of rosacea and related manifestations. High price 2,200 Bark Plant extracts,


Availability Long course treatment 400 Avene Diriseal Dextran sulfate,

thermal water.

Apply once a day, therapeutic effect. Long course (from 90 days) 650 Heparin ointment Heparin High efficiency in a short time,


Presence of side effects 50 Troxevasin Rutin,

ascorbic acid.

The effectiveness of treatment and the inadmissibility of relapses. Possible swelling 250 Calendula ointment Calendula Antibacterial and healing effect,


Allergic reactions are possible,

need for frequent use.


There are a lot of pharmaceutical products (ointments and cosmeceuticals) of different brands and price categories. It is better to choose a specific one with a specialist, having carefully studied the composition and formulated the tasks.

The best homemade products

Those who prefer herbal remedies and homemade ointments also have plenty to choose from.

  1. Green and black tea – consumed as a drink (600 ml per day) or as a lotion for 20 minutes several times a day.
  2. Chestnut decoction (any parts) - lotions.
  3. A mask of pharmaceutical herbs - plants mixed in equal proportions (chamomile, horse chestnut, calendula, yarrow and horsetail) with the addition of starch are brewed together. The cooled mixture is spread on the face through a layer of gauze. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Cooled leaves from a decoction of sage - in the form of a mask, are kept on the face for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  5. Chamomile infusion - used for washing and as a lotion.
  6. Melon and milk mask – application for 20 minutes.

Natural remedies are good for prevention and treatment, but due to the high concentration of active ingredients they can cause allergic reactions. Before first use, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

What is the most inexpensive and effective cream for rosacea for aging skin?

For age-related rosacea, it is better to use products that will act as broadly as possible: eliminate the consequences of the disease, fight pigmentation, skin aging, improve skin turgor, filling it with useful substances.

There are quite a lot of such products for the care of mature skin in professional pharmacy lines. Some are given in the review. But if you want to save money, then there is also a way out.

The inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs already mentioned above cope with the task:

  1. heparin ointment;
  2. calendula ointment;
  3. troxevasin.

Their main active ingredients are the basis of many luxury products. They are not considered as complex creams that combine the properties of venoprotectors and anti-aging complexes. But you can achieve the effect of treating rosacea and nourishing the skin with vitamins by combining the above products with retinoic pharmaceutical ointment. It makes the skin softer, provides hydration and adds a dose of retinol, which the epidermis needs to independently maintain youth.

How often can creams and ointments be used?

If we are talking about medicinal compositions (ointments, lotions, applications), then strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise you will run into side effects.

As for complex creams from professional cosmetics lines, the effect is cumulative. They can be a daily skin care product for a long time. But don’t forget the golden rule: when the jar of cream runs out, take a break and try another product.


You won’t be able to erase vascular networks and traces of “stardust” from your face instantly. To prevent the spread of painful manifestations, you need to get rid of bad habits and balance your diet. And recently emerging lesions can be suppressed with creams and ointments through careful course application. Unfortunately, old meshes can only be removed by vascular coagulation.

Cuperosis is a disease that occurs in stages. And the sooner you notice it, the more effective simple control methods will be. Ointments and creams cope with the task with proper selection and careful use.

Useful video


A pink mesh and a plexus of blood vessels on the face are harbingers of the development of rosacea. This disease occurs more often in women than in men. This is due to the fact that the epidermis in females is 30% thinner. Masks for rosacea on the face help in the fight against pink cobwebs.

Signs of this disease most often appear on the cheeks and nose - prominent places, which upsets women. You can eliminate the manifestations of the disease using remedies prepared with your own hands.

Effective masks based on raw potatoes, Ascorutin and algae containing alginate acid help.

Impact of masks

Masks have been used as a cosmetic product for quite a long time, both in beauty salons and at home. In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many recipes for any ailment. The variety of ingredients is simply amazing; it seems that you can use almost everything you have in the kitchen.

The main thing is to know the necessary proportions and follow the procedure. Therapeutic and cosmetic mixtures can relieve inflammation, activate blood circulation, smooth out wrinkles and provide cells with useful and nutritional elements that they lack.

Preparing a mask at home gives you confidence that all the ingredients will be useful and effective in fighting the disease. Eliminates the possibility of the presence of components that can aggravate the condition of the facial skin.

Masks against rosacea have the following effects:


  1. Strengthens the vascular system.
  2. Relieves itching.
  3. Soothes irritated skin areas.
  4. Nourish and moisturize the skin.
  5. Prevents the recurrence of the disease.

Skin vessels burst due to their fragility and decreased elasticity. The beneficial effects of home therapy will help them recover and return to their original state.

Recipes for medicinal compounds

The recipe for masks is varied. The necessary ingredients can be found easily, among them - potatoes, clay, herbs, oil. Some formulations require the addition of drugs.

Preparing mixtures against rosacea will not cause much trouble. Below are recipes for masks that give the most noticeable results.

Masks with Ascorutin

Ascorutin contains vitamin C. Doctors prescribe it to strengthen blood vessels, make the blood less viscous and get rid of traces of broken capillaries. In this case, its internal use is implied. External use of these tablets helps to effectively cope with the manifestations of rosacea.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. To prepare a mask with Ascorutin you will need:


  1. The tablets themselves.
  2. Black clay for oily skin or white clay for sensitive skin.
  3. Green tea.
  4. Milk.

Brew the tea firmly. Grind 2 vitamin tablets and add to tea. Add clay to the “cocktail” (choose it according to your skin type) and 1 tbsp. spoon of milk.

Now you can apply the paste to your face:

  1. The first layer should be made thin.
  2. The following layers are tightly applied to the affected areas.
  3. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off using a damp swab.
  4. After this, the skin should rest for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then grape seed oil is applied with massage movements. Movements should be light, directed from the center to the edges.

The course of treatment is 14 days.

Alginate based

An alginate mask can be purchased ready-made and diluted with water. It is necessary to maintain a 1:1 ratio. Or you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to buy a number of ingredients at the pharmacy:

  1. Sodium alginate. The required amount for 1 serving is 3 teaspoons.
  2. Dried kelp, take 2 teaspoons.
  3. White clay - 1.5 teaspoons.

The first ingredient is diluted in 60 ml of water and allowed to brew for 5 hours (more is possible). The result is a gel.

It is necessary to prepare 2 more mixtures: using kelp and white clay. Each base is filled with 30 ml of water. After a couple of minutes, all 3 bowls are mixed.

After preparation, the mask must be applied without delay, so it is worth taking care of the preparatory procedures in advance.

Before applying the product, your face should be cleansed with a scrub and lubricated with a nourishing cream. 15 minutes after this, an alginate mask is applied.

Plasticization time is 15 minutes, then it can be removed. You should start from the edges. If the mask is too dry to the skin, you need to moisten this area. The final stage will be the use of tonic or nourishing cream.

As a result, the skin is moisturized and blood vessels are strengthened. The vascular network reduces its manifestation.

Potatoes to the rescue

The potato mixture gives an excellent restorative effect. After its use, the face becomes bright and toned, pores and blood vessels narrow.

  1. It is enough to grate the raw tuber on a fine grater. If the skin is dry, then you should add 1 spoon of vegetable or olive oil.
  2. Apply the first layer of raw potato mask and wait until it dries. The 2nd and 3rd layers are applied in the same way.
  3. After 20 minutes, you will feel how the mask tightens the skin, which means that it can be washed off.


You can improve the result if you alternate it with lotions based on potato juice. Cotton cloth is soaked in it and applied to the face. As soon as the fabric is dry, you need to wash your face and apply a nourishing cream.

Berry bouquet

Preparing a mask from berries does not require much time and effort. It is enough to puree 5 large or 20 small berries. Add 1 teaspoon of starch to this mixture and the mask is ready.

For berries, give preference to strawberries, raspberries and lingonberries. This set will be most effective in the fight against capillary mesh. Apply the mask for 30 minutes, then wash it off.

Multicolored clay

Clay itself cannot affect the manifestations of rosacea. It should be used as an additional ingredient. It can enhance the effect of the mask. Moreover, its different types have their own healing properties:

  1. White helps stabilize blood flow, eliminate inflammation, and get rid of rashes. It is contraindicated for people with dry skin.
  2. Black has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses pores, and eliminates purulent rashes.
  3. Red soothes and cleanses the skin. Great for sensitive epidermis.
  4. Blue is effective in the fight against varicose veins. It is rich in minerals and trace elements


Clay masks are varied in their content. Here are some recipes:

  1. You will need 3 tbsp. spoons of clay, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little water. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to the face. After waiting 20 minutes, you can remove the mask. It is better to use chamomile decoction for this.
  2. Clay is diluted with milk or mineral water (at your discretion). After application you need to wait. Waiting time depends on skin type. So, for dry skin 5 minutes is enough, and for oily skin you need 15 minutes.
  3. For this recipe you need 2 types of clay: white and red. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. After this, pour in chamomile decoction. After 2 hours, add 4 drops of rosemary essential oil. Now you can begin the procedure of applying the mask, and after 10 minutes remove it.

Ingredients of masks for sensitive skin

Skin prone to irritation requires special treatment, especially if it is susceptible to rosacea. This type of epidermis responds violently to aggressive influences and incorrectly selected components.

Vitamins (K, P, C) and horse chestnut extract are excellent for strengthening vascular walls. Panthenol, azulene, seaweed, chamomile, grape and cornflower extract will help soothe, relieve swelling and inflammation. So you should pay attention to the composition of purchased pharmaceutical products for rosacea.

Red clay is great for sensitive skin. It has a gentle effect. If you have this skin type, then you should be more selective in choosing ingredients for preparing a mask. One suitable herbal recipe is given below.

Required ingredients for preparation:


  1. Horse chestnut inflorescences.
  2. Starch.
  3. Yarrow.
  4. Chamomile.
  5. Calendula.
  6. Horsetail

All this is mixed and filled with water. The result should be a thick porridge. The mixture is placed in gauze and applied to the face.

Waiting time - 15 minutes. Treat the skin with chamomile decoction (200 ml of water + 1 tablespoon of dried flowers).

Pharmacy products

In the fight against rosacea, you can use ointments, creams and gels. Their actions are aimed at stabilizing blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels, eliminating swelling and inflammation.

Particularly popular are:


  1. "Heparin ointment." Heparin has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps stabilize blood flow. Its external use gradually reduces the manifestations of rosacea. Frequency of use: 1 time per day.
  2. "Troxevasin" helps strengthen the circulatory system, tones venous vessels, and makes capillaries less fragile. Apply 2 times a day.
  3. Lyoton Gel is suitable for any skin type. It has not only a therapeutic effect, but also a cosmetic one. Effective in the treatment of rosacea, promotes skin renewal, eliminates bags under the eyes, and improves complexion. It should be used only during the treatment period. Cannot be used as a daily care product. It is applied once a day, before bedtime.

They also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect:

  1. "Dirozeal" is a hypoallergenic and effective drug. With its help, you can hide the terrible pink mesh of rosacea, improve blood circulation, and prevent the emergence of new foci of the disease.
  2. "Bark". Thanks to the correctly selected composition of ingredients, the product is able to strengthen capillaries, eliminate pigments on the skin, get rid of the stratum corneum, and remove manifestations of rosacea.

The compositions and methods of use are varied, everyone can choose a mask to their taste and depending on the availability of ingredients. Regular use of such a “weapon” against rosacea will help cleanse your face and prevent the reappearance of those unfortunate pink cobwebs.