Anti-wrinkle masks for eyelid skin


As they say, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, which is one of the reasons why women around the world take great care of this facial area. The skin around them is quite delicate and sensitive, prone to dryness, which leads to premature formation of wrinkles. In addition, active facial expressions contribute to this, because during squinting or smiling, the muscles in this area are actively involved. Moreover, many face this problem due to age-related changes, which becomes a catalyst, if not the main cause of the appearance of wrinkles.



As women age, wrinkles appear around the eyes. It is worth turning to the topic of traditional medicine and seeing what home recipes for caring for this area will help minimize the number of wrinkles, make them invisible, and also prevent the appearance of new ones.

Today, with the development of medicine and cosmetic products, it is still difficult to carefully monitor the skin around the eyes, which is why folk recipes are still very popular. However, you cannot look for a solution to a problem without understanding its causes and specifics.

For the area around the eyes, biological changes in the body that are directly related to aging play a significant role. The skin becomes less elastic due to a gradual decrease in the amount of collagen, which determines elasticity. To restore it, it is necessary to use tightening and rejuvenating agents.

A separate point worth mentioning are the problems associated with the occurrence of “crow’s feet”. Expression wrinkles can appear even at a fairly young age - after 30. Among the reasons for their appearance are stretching of the skin in the appropriate places due to the expressiveness of facial expressions, which reflect all emotions on the face, but this is not a reason to stop laughing, smiling and showing other feelings. By using various products to remove expression lines, you can significantly smooth out the areas around the eyes.




There are various products that help get rid of deep wrinkles, because they negatively affect the appearance. The absence of problems around the eyes is the main indicator of a woman’s health and beauty. These criteria are reflected directly and around the eye contour.

For the skin of the eyelids, there are a number of drugs and folk recipes that are used to maintain the elastic state of this area and get rid of bags. These methods are also great against swelling. Such unpleasant symptoms indicate the accumulation of interstitial fluid in this area, which is a consequence of age-related changes, hormonal changes and general fatigue of the body. It does not look the most aesthetically pleasing, so it is not surprising that women are trying in every possible way to get rid of them.




Some people naively believe that facial skin care begins only with the appearance of the first bells, barely noticeable wrinkles, which occurs already in adulthood. However, this position is fundamentally wrong. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Girls after 30 years of age should begin to closely monitor the condition of their skin and make both cosmetic and folk face masks. They will slow down the aging process and stimulate the body to produce new cells. The right product will refresh your look. Nourishing masks are perfect for this purpose and will also come in handy when taking care of your skin at 35 years of age.
  2. After reaching 40, you need to focus on nutrition and rejuvenation of problem areas of the faceusing tightening masks containing collagen, beeswax, hyaluronic acid, various oils, glycerin. They will give the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.
  3. After 45 years, wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable, as a result of which they attract more attention, so the fight against them should enter an active phase. Use creams and products that have a comprehensive effect on this area of ​​the face: reduce swelling, relieve redness and counteract the appearance of bags under the eyes. This will help solve not just one side of the problem, but the whole spectrum.
  4. Lifting masks must be added to these procedures after 50-55 years, after all, from this moment on, the eye contour should not only be moisturized, but also tightened. In achieving the desired effect, compliance with certain rules for using cosmetics and facial care, which will be discussed below, plays a key role.
  5. 60 years is the next date when measures to take care of your face should be strengthened, after all, the epidermis has already lost its elasticity and has become thinner and wrinkled. From this time on, the approach becomes comprehensive and regular (this is the most important thing).







Most often, women of different ages turn to cosmetic products, but folk remedies, of which there are a large number, will also have an additional effect.

How to do it at home?

Various decoctions, gels and creams, which are quite easy to prepare at home yourself, have gained great popularity among the people.



If you are going to fight the appearance of new wrinkles, it is worth tightening and smoothing out existing ones. First you need to prepare an infusion of herbs, which will include parsley itself. One tablespoon of greens should be poured with a third or half a glass of boiling water.

The next step is to infuse the broth for fifteen minutes (you must first tightly close the container with the lid). Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of prepared liquid to the mixture. Next, take gauze and spread the pre-mixed gruel on it in a thin, even layer. Place the cloth over your eyes, holding the mask on for up to twenty minutes.

The key point is that the contents cannot be washed off. It is simply removed with a cotton pad, since the beneficial elements included in the gel can be easily washed off with water, and then the whole procedure will be meaningless. It is better to do this mask before bed, allowing the nutrients to be absorbed into the skin overnight.




A rejuvenating ointment made from starch with a Botox effect can, with regular use, not only tighten the skin, but also significantly reduce the number of wrinkles, smoothing them out. To achieve this result correctly, follow the tips below:

  1. Boil the water. While this process is going on, take a tablespoon of starch and pour it into 100 ml of cool water. Stir.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into 50 ml of boiling water. Boil this mixture until it thickens, but do not bring it to a boil. Once the consistency becomes thicker, set the container aside, allowing the starch to cool. After this, add one spoon of high-fat sour cream to it.
  3. Prepare carrot juice preferably freshly squeezed, as it has a wide range of beneficial substances.
  4. Add the juice to the mixture of starch and sour cream, which has already had time to brew.
  5. After mixing the resulting product, spread it evenly on the skin around the eyes and hold until the mask dries. Now you can apply the second layer, again waiting for it to dry.
  6. Taking off the mask, After half an hour, apply nourishing cream to your face.

This recipe is applied every day (for two weeks), after which the skin area should “rest” for a week.



One of the most remarkable recipes is the use of aloe to moisturize the area around the eyes. It is known for its effective nutrition of the skin, which helps eliminate dryness in this area.

To achieve this result, regularly apply aloe juice to problem areas before going to bed. From a fresh leaf of the plant you need to squeeze out a certain amount of drops, which will subsequently be applied around the eyes.

If it is not possible to find a real plant, then there is also a way out. You just need to buy the juice of this plant at the pharmacy or an ointment (can be sold in the form of a gel), which contains up to 98% aloe oil. It should be used in the same way as in the case described above with juice from the leaves: before going to bed, lubricate problem areas.


The next remedy that actively fights wrinkles around the eyes is a mask with honey. This method simply must be used to eliminate dryness, especially since the ingredients for the recipe can be found in the kitchen of absolutely every housewife.

You should take 1 tablespoon of honey, wheat flour, one beaten egg white and mix. If the honey is thick, you need to melt it in advance. If there is no flour at home, oatmeal will come as a replacement. After mixing, apply the resulting consistency to the area suffering from wrinkles. The time for using the gel is until it dries, which corresponds to approximately fifteen minutes. Then you need to wash your face. If oatmeal was used in the composition, then the mask should last longer - about forty minutes.



Another simple and effective remedy is a potato mask, which is grated on a fine grater and then added with milk or cream. The paste is spread on problem areas and stays on for about fifteen minutes.


Cosmetic applications can easily be found for fruits, making, for example, masks from mango or banana. When making a nutritious mass from the latter, mash the fruit to pulp, take it in the amount of two tablespoons, add the same amount of pre-melted butter, mix everything. Warm the resulting mixture with your fingertips and apply under and around the eyes. After half an hour, rinse off the composition with warm water.

The same procedure can be done with mangoes, which will provide deep hydration and intensively nourish the skin with beneficial components.



Oriental beauties at one time unexpectedly discovered the benefits of using spices against the appearance of “crow’s feet.” The first place in terms of effectiveness is occupied by turmeric, which contains elements that prevent the occurrence of redness and irritation. It promotes rapid cell regeneration. Here is the prescription:

  1. Take two teaspoons of turmeric and three tablespoons of pineapple juice.
  2. Mixed ingredients to a thick consistency, let the mixture brew, meanwhile cleanse your face.
  3. Apply apply the mask to problem areas and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

The procedure is performed within a week, three or four times, at personal discretion. When used correctly, this spice in combination with other elements (for example, olive oil) will have noticeable effects in the form of a restored area of ​​the skin.




The same effect can be achieved by using a product made from gelatin, but this recipe has its own specifics, without understanding which, you can cause irreparable harm to the skin by greatly stretching it. To avoid this, read the instructions carefully and follow them carefully:

  1. First, scrub your face. This will noticeably cleanse the pores, remove excess skin particles, exfoliating them. You can use a ready-made scrub, or you can make it at home (using oatmeal).
  2. Take a handful of chopped or whole oatmeal, dilute with warm water, stir thoroughly into a thick paste. Take the soft flakes little by little and gently massage them onto your face. After just a couple of seconds, the flakes will become soapy and begin to cleanse the skin.
  3. Next we move on to preparing the mask. Place one tablespoon of gelatin in a bowl. Add warmed fat milk to it and remove the container for a while, due to which the gelatin will swell.
  4. Having waited for this, add vitamins A and E to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Apply the finished mask to the area near the eye contour in a dense layer, maybe even several. Also cover the upper and lower eyelids, this will have a rejuvenating effect and relieve swelling.
  6. When the ointment hardens, you will need to remove it, but this cannot be done by pulling the film off the face, otherwise this will lead to stretching of the dermis, which directly contradicts the goals of the procedure. Instead, you need to resort to using cotton pads soaked in milk. After placing these discs on your eyes and waiting until the mixture gets wet, you need to carefully wash it off with milk and remove the remaining mass.
  7. After this, use eye cream.




You should not get carried away with this method, because it has a very active effect on the skin. A product made from glycerin, which is a safe and affordable product for combating imperfections, has a similar effect on crow’s feet. Its most important advantage is the absence of contraindications and harmful consequences. It is suitable for almost all skin types, which, under the influence of glycerin, become softer and more elastic. Let's look at how to make a mask:

  1. To start You need to shake the bottle very lightly to prepare it for subsequent actions.
  2. Use vitamins A or E as additional components, which can be squeezed directly into the bottle with the drug, but it is still better to mix it in a ceramic bowl, which will avoid unwanted reactions of the ingredients. This especially applies to those who will add other elements to the composition - they can oxidize if used incorrectly, so the best option would be to avoid mixing substances in metal containers.
  3. Let’s make a reservation right away that it is preferable to dilute glycerin with folk remedies: herbs, oils, even decoctions. This will reduce the intensity of the substance, this is emphasized since the liquid has a powerful biological effect. Moreover, experts do not recommend applying it to the face with your fingertips due to the active reaction of the substance.
  4. If you are planning to apply glycerin products to the extremely sensitive areas around the eyes, it is necessary to test the composition in other areas.

Tip: you do not need to warm up the mask with your fingers, but apply it in a thin (almost weightless) layer, without driving the product into the epidermis. You just need to smear the problem area and remove it after fifteen minutes.

  1. As with gelatin, the film coating must not be torn off. You need to take a damp cloth and use it to wipe the medicinal mass off your face. After such a cosmetic session, under no circumstances should you immediately wash your face with special gels and lubricate your face with creams, as this only contributes to irritation of the dermis and the appearance of redness on it.
  2. This method can be used only a couple of times a week for a month; the rest of the time you need to give the skin a “break.” By carefully following the recommendations and rational use of the product, the skin loses its predisposition to wrinkles and premature aging.



Watch the next video for more masks for the skin around the eyes.


Generally speaking, the reviews are good - both about folk recipes and branded products. Among the first to be effective are masks made from glycerin, since the girls noticed positive changes in the shortest possible time, which they were pleasantly surprised by. Nevertheless, women achieved the best results by resorting to two approaches at once - supplementing cosmetics with products made at home.

Properly selected care products for problem areas will become faithful assistants in the fight against wrinkles. If you apply various folk methods every day, a positive result will be noticeable, and tightened corners of the eyes without wrinkles will delight a woman of any age.

Women strive to maintain youthful skin for a long time. And the first signs of aging usually appear around the eyes. In this area of ​​the face, the epidermis is thinnest and there are practically no sebaceous glands. Therefore, the skin requires special care, including special creams and masks. A homemade eye mask for wrinkles can give excellent results, but you need to learn how to carry out the procedures correctly.

Set of events

To maintain youthful skin, a set of measures is required.


Here are tips from cosmetologists to help maintain smooth and elastic skin:

  1. try not to squint, wear sunglasses on sunny days;
  2. drink enough water;
  3. get enough sleep, be in the fresh air every day;
  4. daily use tonic and moisturizing cosmetics selected individually;
  5. make homemade masks twice a week.


Chinese Candy Lo is a woman who has completely conquered aging. At 52 years old, she continues to act and make plans for her life. What is the secret of her eternal youth?
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Characteristics of the main components

A homemade eye mask for wrinkles can be prepared using a variety of products. The main requirement is that the products must be fresh and natural.

Most often used:

  1. Honey – it perfectly tightens, nourishes and strengthens. It is not recommended to apply honey to the skin of the eyelids in its pure form; it is mixed with other ingredients.
  2. Egg. The white is excellent for tightening, and the yolk is nourishing. You can use both chicken and quail eggs.
  3. Dairy and fermented milk products. For delicate eyelid skin, it is recommended to use fresh milk, cream or sour cream. Substances from dairy products soften and moisturize the skin.
  4. Oils. Vegetable oils are often included in cosmetic formulations; they provide additional nutrition and moisture retention.
  5. Yeast. It is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are essential for maintaining beautiful skin.
  6. Potato. This product can be used both raw and cooked; it nourishes, smoothes the skin, and eliminates swelling.
  7. Fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is a source of vitamins and minerals.
  8. Aloe juice. This is an amazing natural product for skin regeneration and rejuvenation.
  9. Decoctions of medicinal herbs. This product saturates the skin with enzymes, tones and moisturizes.


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Basic Rules

When planning to carry out anti-aging procedures at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for their implementation in advance:

  1. You should use recipes for masks created specifically for this area; you should not apply facial cosmetics to the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Before applying the composition, be sure to remove makeup and cleanse your skin. If this is not done, then inflammation can develop.


  1. When applying the compositions, you need to be as careful as possible to prevent the composition from getting on the mucous membranes and eyelashes.
  2. If the cosmetic composition is liquid, then cotton pads are moistened in it and placed on closed eyelids.

Advice! It is recommended to spread compositions that have the consistency of liquid slurry on gauze napkins, and then apply these napkins to the eyelids. These thick masks can be applied directly to the skin. In this case, you need to avoid excessive pressure and stretching of the skin.

  1. During the procedure, it is advisable to lie down and relax your facial muscles; the procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour.
  2. After removing the composition, it is recommended to wipe the skin with tonic and apply a suitable cream.

Popular recipes

There are various options for cosmetic homemade masks; each woman will need to choose the recipes that suit her.


This is a very simple procedure that can be done daily in the morning or evening. To make ice, you need to take fresh milk (choose a natural product with a short shelf life) and dilute it in half with mineral water (still). Freeze the resulting mixture in molds. Use to wipe the skin of the eyelids. You need to act carefully, without applying pressure or stretching the skin. After the procedure, the skin should be blotted with a napkin and a special cream should be applied.

In addition to milk, herbal decoctions can be used to prepare ice cubes. Chamomile, lemon balm, and sage are especially useful.


This nourishing mask is prepared using crustless white bread, almond butter and milk. You need to take a little crumb, pour it with a spoon of butter and warm milk to get a semi-liquid paste.


Place the bread pulp on gauze napkins and apply to the eyelids.


A simple potato mask will help not only smooth out wrinkles, but also remove bags under the eyes.

Peel a fresh potato tuber and grate it on a fine grater. Place the mixture on gauze pads and place them on your eyes.

A more complex version of the potato composition is prepared with the addition of cream and black tea. This composition perfectly tones, nourishes and tightens. Necessary:

  1. boil one potato, mash it until puree;
  2. pour a teaspoon of tea leaves and a little cream into the puree to form a fairly thick mass that can be applied to the skin in a thick layer;
  3. apply the prepared composition under the eyes, cover with damp gauze wipes;
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wipe the skin with tonic or chamomile infusion.


This eye mask for swelling and wrinkles is prepared from fresh parsley and thick sour cream. You need to chop the greens very finely, or even better, grind them in a blender. Then mix with thick sour cream in a one to one ratio. The mixture is applied to gauze napkins. This composition smooths out fine wrinkles, nourishes and improves blood circulation.


This is a very simple and effective homemade mask. You just need to cut a couple of grapes and wipe the juice on the skin of your eyelids. After a quarter of an hour, wash off.

Advice! It is not advisable to use red grapes for this procedure, as they can stain the skin.


A mask made from oatmeal mixed with honey is very effective. To prepare, you will need oatmeal or oatmeal, ground to a fine powder.


There are two mask options. The first one is prepared on the basis of milk. Pour a spoonful of oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk. After the mass has cooled, add half a teaspoon of liquid honey to it and stir.

The second option is prepared based on yolk. The yolk is ground with half a teaspoon of honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then a little oatmeal is added until a thick mass is obtained, which can be applied in a thick layer to the eyelids.


This vitamin tonic composition is prepared on the basis of white cabbage juice. You will need about a quarter cup of this product. Dissolve a spoonful of dry brewer's yeast in the juice and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. We soak cotton pads or gauze pads folded several times with this mixture and apply them to closed eyelids.


For a ripe apricot, remove the pit and peel, mash the pulp and mix with a spoonful of thick sour cream or the same amount of almond oil. Similarly, you can prepare a cosmetic composition from peach; half the fruit is enough for it.


The banana composition perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin of the eyelids. It is very simple to prepare: you need to mash a banana (you will need about a quarter of a medium-sized fruit). The finished banana puree is mixed with a spoonful of oil and three drops of an oil solution of vitamin E. You can choose any oil, almond or flaxseed work well.


For preparation you will need fresh rose petals. You can also use rosehip petals. You need about a spoonful of crushed mass.


The petals can be chopped very finely with a knife or crushed in a blender. Then mix the aromatic mass with a teaspoon of softened butter. The finished cream is applied in a thick layer to the lower eyelids.


There are several options for masks based on fresh cucumber. The simplest option will not require any effort, you just need to cut a couple of circles from a cucumber and apply them to your eyelids. This procedure perfectly refreshes and saturates the skin with moisture.

You can grate the cucumber and place it on gauze napkins and apply it to the skin of the eyelids. After removing the wipes, you do not need to wash your face, just wipe your skin with toner.

A more complex composition is prepared with the addition of oil and an oil solution of vitamin E. Add a teaspoon of almond oil and three drops of vitamin E solution to a tablespoon of grated mass. Apply the finished composition using napkins.

Curd with honey

This is an excellent product for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids. It is prepared using fresh cottage cheese, ideally homemade. But you can buy cottage cheese in a store or at the market, the main thing is that it is a product with a fat content of 9% or more. It is not advisable to use low-fat cottage cheese.

For 50 grams of cottage cheese you will need 15 grams of vegetable oil and honey. Everything needs to be ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Beans and flax seed oil

This composition perfectly tightens and smoothes the skin. It is necessary to boil white beans until soft. To prepare the composition you will need about 50 grams of the finished product. The beans need to be mashed until pureed, gradually pouring in linseed oil. You will need 25 ml of oil. The thick mass is applied to the skin and covered with damp gauze wipes.


This composition perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. You will need 2-3 fresh strawberries and a tablespoon of thick sour cream. The berries are crushed and mixed with fermented milk product. Apply using gauze pads.


This mask is recommended to be made in the summer, since berries that ripen in natural conditions contain more vitamins.

With linden blossom and chamomile

You need to prepare an infusion by mixing dry linden blossom and chamomile flowers in equal quantities. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew.

Grind 50 grams of high-quality butter, gradually adding two tablespoons of the prepared infusion and 10 drops of castor oil. Whisk everything to form a homogeneous cream. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Carry out the procedures every other day. Apply the prepared cream in a thin layer on the eyelids, and after half an hour, remove the remaining residue using paper napkins.


This is a composition of sea buckthorn and cocoa oils, as well as an oil solution of vitamin E. These three components are mixed in a ratio of 2: 3: 1. That is, if you take 10 grams for one part, you will need:

  1. 10 grams of vitamin oil solution;
  2. 20 grams of sea buckthorn oil;
  3. 30 grams of cocoa butter.

The mixture is applied first to the lower eyelids (amply), and then to the upper eyelids (in a thin layer).

It is advisable to cut out pieces of parchment in advance of such a size that you can cover the lower eyelids, including the outer corners (where crow's feet form). Prepared pieces of parchment are placed on top of the applied composition. After twenty minutes, remove the parchment and gently blot the skin with napkins.

With flaxseed

This composition perfectly tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles and bags under the eyes. You need to boil two tablespoons of seeds with 400 ml of water. Cook over low heat until the seeds are softened. Cool. Drain the broth, put the thick mass on napkins and apply to the skin of the eyelids.


To prepare a cosmetic composition from yeast, you can use a dry instant product in powder. This option is more convenient. But you can also use fresh compressed yeast.

You will need a tablespoon of yeast and twice as much warm milk. Mix both products and add a pinch of sugar or a little honey. Let the mixture sit for the yeast to come to life. Then apply the prepared mixture onto your eyelids.

Another version of the mask has a more complex composition. It is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in a quarter glass of milk and pour a tablespoon of yeast into this mixture. When the mass rises like a “head,” pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil into it and add flour until a soft dough is obtained. Two “cakes” are rolled out from the dough and placed on the eyelids. To prepare this composition, it is advisable to use oatmeal or barley flour, but you can also use wheat flour.

With aloe

Cosmetic compositions made from aloe are very effective. To prepare them, it is recommended to use freshly prepared juice. In order for this product to contain the maximum amount of biologically active substances, you must adhere to the following preparation rules:

  1. use the lowest thick leaves of plants, and the plant itself must be mature (at least 3 years old);
  2. After cutting the leaves, they need to be kept in a cool, dark place (in the refrigerator on the door or in the vegetable compartment) for a week. Before storing in the refrigerator, the leaves need to be wrapped in parchment;
  3. then the leaves are cleared of thorns and skin;
  4. To prepare the compositions, either crushed pulp or juice squeezed through gauze is used.

Next The composition is called Cleopatra's cream. To prepare it, you need to heat a teaspoon of honey, mix it with a tablespoon of mineral or just clean water. Then add 50 ml of rose water and 4 teaspoons of aloe juice into the warm mass. Beat everything well.


Now you need to prepare the base. In the classic recipe this is fat, but you can also use butter. The fat needs to be melted, and the butter just needs to be slightly warmed until it becomes soft. Mix the base with the previously prepared mixture. Store the finished mixture in the refrigerator in an opaque container with a lid. Apply daily, combining application with light massage. This The cream is effective in eliminating crow's feet.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Precautionary measures

Before you start carrying out home cosmetic procedures, you must make sure that the chosen cosmetic composition is safe. Skin reactions are individual, so a recipe that is ideal for one woman may cause negative reactions in another.

Therefore, before the first use of a new composition for you, be sure to do skin sensitivity test to cosmetic composition.


Good reviews from women are the best proof of the effectiveness of homemade masks.

The parsley and sour cream mask suited me perfectly. Very easy to prepare and gives excellent results. I recommend to everyone.

I tried a banana mask. At first I was disappointed because there was no noticeable result. But a friend advised me to make masks regularly. And after 5-6 procedures, I noticed that small wrinkles were gone. So, don’t expect instant results, but do the full course.

We will tell you about the most effective anti-wrinkle remedies that have been tested for many years - home care procedures, we will give tips on extra-moisturizing the skin, and we will also share recommendations on how to properly use this care tool.


The eyes, as well as the entire area around the eyes, are the area that, unfortunately, most often can reveal female age, fatigue, stress, and chronic lack of sleep. However, it is not always possible to undergo expensive cosmetic procedures in salons. That is why today we decided to consider the most effective and useful masks for the eyelids around the eyes against wrinkles, against bags under the eyes, as well as tightening and moisturizing.

Moisturizing and nourishing compositions that preserve youthful skin

In winter, the epidermis becomes especially dry and needs much more nutrition and hydration. In this case, the lack of vitamins, lack of sleep and many other factors have an effect. From about 25 years old, most women already begin to develop micro-wrinkles, so at any age the recipes below can be necessary and useful.

Nourishing mask for wrinkles under the eyes with banana

Take a ripe banana and grate a small amount on a fine grater - for one procedure you will only need one teaspoon. Add one teaspoon of warm soft butter to this ingredient and stir well with a fork to form a homogeneous paste. Using a brush or just your fingers, apply the mixture to the area around the eyes and leave for 15 minutes, then carefully rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

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Oily nutritional composition

Mix in equal proportions (1 teaspoon is enough) macadamia nut oil, sea buckthorn and liquid vitamins A and E. In order for the mixture to work, you can slightly warm it in a water bath to a temperature comfortable for the skin of the face. Then soak cotton pads in the oil and apply them to your eyes for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, you don’t have to rinse it off, but just remove the residue with a dry cloth.

Avocado and honey work great for wrinkles around the eyes. The main condition is that the avocado fruit must be very ripe and soft. You need to take a small amount of this exotic fruit and grind it into a paste or puree using a grater, blender or fork. For one procedure, you will need 1-2 teaspoons of this puree and 1 teaspoon of liquid natural honey - either buckwheat or flower product will do.

Mix these two ingredients together and apply to the eye area. You can not limit yourself to it and also apply the remainder to the forehead and nasolabial folds - areas that most often suffer from the appearance of wrinkles. You can wash off the product after 15–20 minutes.

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An excellent product for moisturizing aging tissues. homemade aloe vera lotion. The extract of this plant in liquid form can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can simply squeeze aloe juice from the leaf of a houseplant. It must be poured into a bottle and mixed with ordinary mineral water in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can wipe your face with this mixture 2-3 times a day. The lotion can be stored for up to 7 days either in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Masks for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles and bags

Women have long known that potato starch is very good at relieving swelling and helping in the fight against wrinkles. In addition, due to the substances contained in this vegetable, a slight lightening of the tissue occurs, so it is also an excellent tool in the fight against age spots. To do this, the vegetable is grated on a fine grater, and then some fatty component is added in a 1 to 1 ratio - natural vegetable oils - for example, almond or pumpkin, as well as fatty sour cream or soft butter - are suitable for this purpose. This composition is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer and left for about 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

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How to use masks correctly

Before using new ingredients, you should check the fabric for possible allergic reactions by applying a small amount of the prepared mixture to the crook of your elbow and holding it for at least 10-15 minutes on this area. If no redness or itching occurs, the product can be applied to the face.

When choosing a recipe, it is advisable to determine your skin type: for skin that is too oily, it is better to refrain from using masks with an excessive amount of natural oils; for dry skin, you should not use ingredients that are too drying and tightening, for example, gelatin.

Before applying the product to your face, you should clean your face of makeup and any dirt. A product that you always use is suitable here: cleansing lotion or serum, milk, liquid soap, tar soap and other products.

Most masks have a cumulative effect, which means they should be used regularly. Make sure to carry out the procedure at least a couple of times a week, sometimes you can do it more often.

Of course, when using such home remedies around the eyes, it is unacceptable for the products to get on the mucous membrane of the eye itself, so do not apply it too close to the organs of vision.
