Body skin tightening oils


Girls fight cellulite and other imperfections in their own bodies in a variety of ways.. One of the most effective is the use of massage oils. You will learn about what natural or essential oils you can use for skin elasticity in this article.


Effect on the skin

The benefits of natural compositions for the body are obvious. They help fight body sagging, stretch marks and the first manifestations of cellulite. Women choose a variety of products depending on the individual characteristics and needs of their skin. The fact is that each product has its own special features. And while one oil simply tightens the skin, another also has a softening effect on it.


But in general, oils are one of the best and proven skincare products.

After using such a product, your skin will literally come to life, because you will nourish and tighten it naturally, without the use of chemical components that can harm the skin and body.


Essential: application features

Esters have a tightening effect on the body and make it visually better. Citrus oils - tangerine, orange, grapefruit and lemon - will help you restore elasticity to your body and make your skin more even. They are present even in expensive cosmetic products, which also confirms the effectiveness of essential supplements.


Tightening essential oils can also be mixed with various additives - spices, flower oils.

Massage with such mixtures is more effective. To obtain visible results, it is advisable to resort to this procedure regularly. If possible, choose a full massage once or twice a week. But you can also limit yourself to self-massage in the mornings and evenings.


In addition to esters, you can also use simple natural oils for body care. Let's look at the rating of the most famous and common oils for body care, which are used by girls and women around the world.


One of the most common oils in cosmetology is olive oil. It has a number of useful properties. This product simultaneously nourishes the skin, moisturizes it, and makes it more even and youthful. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can also restore smoothness and youth to your skin with the help of fresh olive oil. This can be done using a massage product.


The benefits of this oil are also enjoyed by cosmetologists who add it to many products. For example, good milk from Le Petit Olivier is often used for skin care.


Grape seeds

Another popular option is grape seed oil. It has a very good consistency and is suitable for the care of aging skin.



Jojoba oil is also widely known among those who actively care for their body, hair and nails. It can restore the skin, rid it of wrinkles and other irregularities.

The consistency of this product is more like liquid wax. But on the skin it does not feel like a greasy and unpleasant film. This product contains essential acids, which make it so effective.



This product is one of the most popular regenerating body products. However, when using this product, it is worth remembering that it is comedogenic, so if you have problem skin, then pay attention to something else.


Shea Butter

This product has an excellent softening effect and makes the skin softer and more pleasant to the touch. It helps get rid of sagging and stretch marks. This additive can also be found in many well-known creams.



Like burdock oil, this product is comedogenic. But it can be safely used to care for thin and delicate skin. Good coconut oil can be used for massage, or simply applied to the skin in the mornings and evenings to give the body elasticity.



Argan oil is better known as a product that is used for hair care. But this product also works very well and effectively on the skin.. Many cosmetologists call this product liquid gold, which is not surprising, given its composition rich in vitamins and antioxidants.



This product is more suitable for aging skin. It helps get rid of stretch marks and small wrinkles. It can also be supplemented with essential oils for more noticeable results.



The oil obtained from almonds is also rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It helps not only make the skin more elastic, but also restore water balance.


The advantage of natural oils is, first of all, that you can always be sure of its completely safe composition. Unlike creams and other store-bought products, you can be sure that no chemical components are penetrating your skin.


For body care, you can choose any of the above products. But before you actively use it all over your body, be sure to test how your skin reacts to it. To do this, apply the product to the elbow or wrist - this is where the skin is very sensitive.

How to make your body skin tightened and elastic with the help of argan oil - see the following video.

Review of famous brands

As already mentioned, the benefits of natural oils are highly valued not only by ordinary girls, but also by cosmetics manufacturers. Let's look at some popular body tightening skincare products from well-known companies.


One of the most famous companies producing affordable personal care cosmetics is Nivea. It is quite possible to find a good product for increasing skin elasticity. This product has a light consistency and is almost transparent in color. The product, unlike many others, does not change its consistency after being in the cold.


The product has a very pleasant aroma. In their reviews, girls note that the smell is reminiscent of good eau de toilette. But this oil causes allergies in some users.

Organic Shop "Mediterranean nut"

If you prefer organic cosmetics, then this product with an incredibly delicious aroma will definitely please you. The smell of the oil is as natural as possible. It is quite sweet, but not at all cloying. The pleasant aroma remains on the skin even several hours after use.

This care product has a thick consistency. But upon contact with a warm body, it melts slightly, so it spreads easily over the skin and is quickly absorbed. It is best applied to the body after a shower or bath, when the skin is steamed.


After using oil from Organic Shop, the skin becomes more hydrated. Despite the fact that the product seems thick and oily, it does not leave a greasy film on the skin. To notice a tightening effect on your body, use it regularly.


The product is used quite regularly, so one jar will last you quite a long time.


The contour filler from this brand is manufactured in Germany. The product is made from cold-pressed almond oil, so it nourishes the skin with beneficial minerals and vitamins. And due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, it is also considered an excellent product for mature skin.



For body care, this company offers a good concentrated milk based on oils, which is used to give elasticity to the body. The creamy consistency allows you to use this product in any conditions, and the results pleasantly surprise even those who have already tried a huge number of different products.

The product from this company is based on almond oil proteins. Therefore, it perfectly fights against skin that is sluggish and loses its natural elasticity.


In addition, you will feel the moisturizing effect within the next 24 hours after application.


This company is also considered a manufacturer of budget cosmetics. They produce both skincare and decorative cosmetics. Garnier oil, consisting of a large number of essential additives, is perfect for body care.

The composition is based on lemon, grapefruit and tangerine oils. Namely, these supplements, as already noted, best help fight the first signs of cellulite.


Each of them is effective in its own way and helps solve certain problems. Thus, lemon oil effectively stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. This component perfectly tightens the skin, and as a result of its use, the body becomes elastic and velvety to the touch.

Mandarin, in turn, prevents the formation of any scars, and also removes noticeable stretch marks on the body. Grapefruit extract removes excess fluid from the body and restores nutrition.

The combination of all these elements works great. Especially if you use it regularly for several weeks.





The experience of using oils to increase skin elasticity can best be told by those who have actively used them for a long period. Girls and women of different ages note that the body after procedures using oily compounds becomes visually better and more toned.


But in order to get rid of cellulite and a few extra centimeters on the body, it is not enough to simply apply pure oil to the body. You will feel the effectiveness of the chosen product only if you combine the selected products with regular exercise and proper nutrition. In this case, the centimeters will really go exactly where needed.

In addition, natural oils also help give the skin a more even tone, thus hiding unsightly stretch marks and other imperfections that may be on the body.



Choose the right product that works for your skin and you won't be disappointed.

In the video below, you can see anti-cellulite procedures for body elasticity at home.


Skin tightening oil

Today's youth trend gives rise to a variety of cosmetic procedures and products. We often come across the belief that early start to work on skin elasticity is harmful. But it’s difficult to do any harm with care if you use natural fatty and essential oils. So at what age is it advisable to start lifting care?
From the age of thirty, calmly include plant mixtures in your daily ritual that will increase skin turgor. Then you will approach the turn of forty years fully armed.

Popular components in the fight for youth and beauty of the skin are retinoids (synthetic derivatives of vitamin A). Their list of merits is long, ranging from solving acne problems to lifting effects. But they have contraindications that preclude their use: possible negative effects on pregnant and lactating women, and are also not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, since effects on the hormonal system cannot be ruled out.
But what if a woman is breastfeeding or expecting a baby. And I always want to be beautiful.

Natural analogues of retinoids

Enhancing collagen synthesis, increasing skin elasticity with oils

Essential oils with lifting effect

Skin tightening products

Oil mixtures are best used in combination with self-massage. Then the effect will increase significantly. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation and distribute cosmetics evenly over the surface of the skin.

Basic rules of self-massage

  1. Massage should be carried out after makeup removal, cleansing and toning of the skin. Hands must be clean.
  2. Apply oil mixtures and self-massage along massage lines without stretching the skin. Basic techniques: stroking, pinching, patting.
  3. If you self-massage with skin care cream, the session duration should not exceed 5 minutes.
  4. To prolong the procedure, use natural oil mixtures for self-massage. But after the procedure they must be removed from the skin. If you want to leave it on, apply to damp skin. If your skin is oily, it is better to wash your face. This will remove excess sebum from the surface of the skin.
  5. If you are sick, limit yourself to applying cream (serum), without massage. Otherwise, you can spread the infection and cause inflammation in the skin.
  6. Don't forget about your weekly massage with a cosmetologist. Self-massage is not a substitute for massage from a specialist.

For a lifting effect, use the following mixtures (containing base and essential oils that give a lifting effect):

Mix 1 (per 50 g):


Avocado – 47 g
Pomegranate – 2.7 g
Peony CO2 extract – 0.3 g
Mirra – 1
Geranium – 4

Mix 2 (per 50 g):
Jojoba – 42 g
Rose Moschetta – 4.5 g
Plum pits – 3 g
Ginkgo CO2 extract 0.5 g
Geranium – 3
Carrot seeds – 2

Preparation: Mix all ingredients well and store in a dark glass bottle in a cool place.
Apply 2-3 to the entire face on moisturized skin. Use as an oil serum under cream or instead of cream a couple of times a week.
Or use it as an oil phase for homemade creams.
Also important for complex effects are water-soluble components that are responsible for the skin tightening effect: hyaluronic acid, peptides (Matrixil, Trilagen), glycerin extracts. The recipe for a rejuvenating elixir will create a rich and effective cream. Green coffee has a smoothing, tonic and antioxidant effect. Peony CO2 extract and rose essential oil will be used to lift facial skin and reduce wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration, and virola enhances the penetration of other components).

What about the décolleté area and the body in general?

For the neck and décolleté area, use the same firming oil mixtures as for the face. Recommendations for self-massage apply to this area too.
The problem of cellulite and increased body skin turgor is a little more complicated than it might seem at first glance. Here it is important not to forget about sports, drinking regime, sleep, nutrition. About cellulite, read our article “7 best ways to get rid of cellulite”.
What products will help tighten the skin and enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin? .
Immortelle essential oil tightens the skin. What research confirms (Han X, et al. Biochim Open. 2017).

It will help with sagging skin of the body (and the abdomen in particular). whipped shea butter with immortelle (per 50 g):
Figs – 2 g
Ximenia – 2 g
Shea – 43 g
Arnica (macerate) – 1.5 g
Ginkgo CO2 extract – 1.5 g
Lemongrass – 2
Geranium (bourbon) – 3
Lemon – 4
Immortelle – 5
Microcarpus – 6

Preparation: Pre-melt the shea in a water bath, add liquid bases to it and cool the mixture in the refrigerator. It is necessary to catch the moment when the mixture is no longer liquid, but has not yet hardened, and start whisking. Be prepared that the volume will increase by about a third. Gradually add the extract and esters, continuing to beat. Transfer the mixture to a clean jar and store in a cool place.

Body massage mixture
For 50 g
Sasanqua – 15 g
Grapes – 15 g
Black coffee – 10 g
Cedar – 5 g
Ximenia – 5 g
Chestnut CO2 extract – 0.5 g
Litzea – 3
Grapefruit – 3
Ginger – 2
Rosewood – 2

Preparation: mix base oils in a brown glass bottle and CO2 extract. Add essential oils and shake lightly. Store in a cool, dark place.
Apply to damp skin after shower, combining with self-massage.

If you don’t have the time or desire to cook, take the ready-made “Energy Charge” body aroma mixture. It is suitable for simple application after a shower, but the results will be more vivid with a massage.
Modern cosmetology and hardware techniques will be an excellent help in the fight against age-related changes, along with home care.
But remember that the most important thing is proper daily care, well-chosen products, proper food, good sleep, physical activity and positive thinking.

Start your anti-aging care now. The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer you will be happy with your reflection in the mirror. Tightened skin for you!


Loss of elasticity and sagging of facial skin is a problem that can begin to manifest itself with age after 30-40 years or with sudden weight loss. It can be solved by carrying out expensive cosmetic procedures or using natural products. One such product is facial oils, which tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

How to tighten your facial skin at home

Women often experience loss of elasticity in the skin of the face and body during certain periods of life: after childbirth, sudden weight loss. In addition, the elasticity of the facial dermis is affected by:

  1. prolonged exposure to the sun without sunscreen
  2. bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse)
  3. use of low-quality cosmetics
  4. stress.

To prevent loss of elasticity, you need to try to reduce the influence of these factors or eliminate them.

Useful habits and natural care products will help restore skin elasticity and tighten it:

If the above procedures are carried out regularly, the effect will be noticeable within a month.

You should also not forget about a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and sufficient consumption of clean water.

What oil tightens facial skin

Natural oils are effective remedies for wrinkles, stretch marks, sagging and other skin problems. They are also called the elixir of youth. Many of them have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, rejuvenating effects, and remove toxins. Vegetable oils penetrate deep into the skin well and carry other substances with them. Essential oils penetrate even deeper into the blood and lymph. Therefore, they need to be applied to well-cleaned skin so that impurities along with oil do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. How to choose an oil for your skin type is described here.

Basic oils for tightened skin

Vegetable base oils can be used independently, but the best effect can be achieved by combining them with esters. Listed below are the most effective basic foundations for elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

Grape seed oil


This is a universal product, suitable for all skin types, obtained by cold pressing grape seeds. A special feature of the product is that it contains a record amount of vitamin E and linoleic acid., which helps retain moisture and restore skin. It also contains tannins, antioxidants, chlorophyll, beneficial macro- and microelements. The consistency of the oil is light, it does not clog pores, tightens them and regulates sebum secretion.

Grape seed oil is used to restore skin elasticity, cellulite, and varicose veins.



The oil is made from the nuts of the Simmondsia bush. It contains a large amount of vitamin E and is a liquid wax. For daily use, it is recommended to dilute jojoba 1:1 with other vegetable oils (peach, almond, avocado, grape seed). In its pure form it is better to apply to small areas of the skin.

The product is used to prevent stretch marks, soften rough areas of the dermis, and tighten it. Jojoba can be used during pregnancy and the postpartum period, as it has virtually no contraindications and does not cause allergies, and is suitable for any skin. Regular application of oil to the face reduces fine lines and signs of aging.



The product is obtained from the pulp of avocado fruits. It has a greenish tint and has a nutty taste and smell. The uniqueness of the oil is that the fats in its composition are similar in structure to the fats of human skin, which ensures maximum penetration of beneficial substances into the dermis. After application, the product does not leave greasy marks.

The product is considered one of the best moisturizing, rejuvenating, nourishing, anti-inflammatory products, which also has a lifting effect. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women and children.

Also, base oils with a lifting effect include:

What essential oil tightens skin

Essential oils are concentrated, so they are mixed with base oils to avoid damaging the skin and causing burns. To prepare a facial care product, you need to add a couple of drops of ether to a tablespoon of base oil or enrich creams and masks with it.

The following esters are suitable for restoring the elasticity of the dermis:

Rose oil


This extract was actively used in the East as a cosmetic and perfumery product back in the 10th century. It has a bright, sensual aroma and is a strong aphrodisiac with a thick, fluid texture. Rose oil has a complex composition, which includes about 300 micro- and macroelements. This is one of the most expensive and at the same time most popular oils.

Rose oil is an ideal product for caring for dry, flaky, aging skin. It has a tonic, astringent effect, smoothes and restores the elasticity of the skin, making it more elastic. It also restores the contour of the eyelids, helps in getting rid of dermatitis and scars.

Neroli oil


This product is obtained from the flowers of citrus trees. It has a strong floral aroma with a bitter undertone and is the main component of Chanel No. 5 perfume. The product is suitable for any skin type, has a good effect on mature and aging skin.

Neroli oil moisturizes the dermis, makes it more elastic, firm, stimulates its regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, and helps fight acne and herpes.

Evening primrose


The product is obtained from the flowers of a medicinal plant – evening primrose. A special feature of the product is the presence of triglycerides in its composition, which affect the breakdown of fats and a large amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Evening primrose oil increases skin elasticity, stimulates the body's natural process of self-rejuvenation, affects lipid metabolism, stimulates weight loss, strengthens cell membranes and vascular walls, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The product can be used not only to tighten the skin of the face and body, but also as an additional element in losing weight, treating cardiovascular diseases, and varicose veins.

Esters also increase skin elasticity:

Thanks to their rich composition and natural base, oils help tighten the skin and rejuvenate it. Use them regularly and you will look younger than your age.
Watch a video on how to tighten your facial skin using a mask with jojoba oil.