Argan oil in cosmetics


Modern cosmetology is increasingly paying attention to the use of natural ingredients in facial skin care products. Cosmetologists are constantly working on solutions to problematic issues in keeping it healthy for a long time. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the effective effects of argan oil on facial skin.



What it is

This unique oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of the argan fruit. This tree grows only in Morocco. The technology for obtaining argan oil is not very complicated, but it requires experience, skills and a lot of work. By cold pressing unroasted argan kernels, oils are obtained for cosmetic purposes.


Oil for cosmetics and treatment is light in color, with a beautiful golden yellow tint. The argan product for culinary purposes has dark colors. The argan product used for treatment contains almost three times more vitamin E than the best vegetable oils. The magical product of argan brings benefits to any age, it is especially popular as a facial skin care product.



The effect of vitamin E is the same as that of fatty acids, but this vitamin is also involved in improving the condition of facial skin. The carotenoids of argan oil, entering the human body through the skin of the face, are converted into vitamin A and actively promote wound healing, treat various inflammations, and have an antioxidant effect.

Cold pressing of unroasted argan fruit seeds allows you to preserve all the most valuable nutrients and chemical components, which solve many problematic issues in cosmetology, including facial skin care. And although the range of uses of argan oil is wide, its main advantages are manifested in the care of dry skin.


With its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, this product, when used as part of other cosmetic products, allows you to get rid of dryness, flaking, and chapping in cold weather for a long time. Protects the top layer of facial skin from thinning, helps normalize the acid balance and strengthen its immunity.


Application in cosmetology

According to cosmetologists, argan oil can be used in a wide range of production of useful cosmetic products. It can be used as an independent medicinal and cosmetic product, or as a main or additional component:

  1. in its pure form;
  2. face and hand creams;
  3. healing lipsticks and lip balms;
  4. various weather and sunscreen creams;
  5. makeup removers;
  6. lotions;
  7. natural face masks.




This argan product is well absorbed into the skin without a feeling of stickiness or excess shine, refreshes and moisturizes the skin, protects against dryness and flaking. This is facilitated by vitamin E, Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, and squalene. Cellular, lipid reserves are restored, which can decrease as a result of too frequent use of shower products, shampoos and other active hygiene products. The self-protective functions of facial skin are enhanced, its firmness and elasticity increase.


Under the influence of carotenoids, vitamin E and phytosterol, skin cells are actively produced. The components enhance and accelerate the natural process of skin regeneration, epithelization and skin granulation in the treatment of damage, protect against inflammation and irritation, and participate in the complex treatment of acne. This natural natural oil is a strong barrier to the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays, premature aging of the skin, early appearance of age wrinkles and various spots.

This product is universal for nourishing all types of facial skin (oily, combination, very sensitive, problematic, mature, aging, delicate around the eyes, bust and décolleté). Massage using argan oil in its pure form and in its components improves lymph drainage, blood circulation, and circulation in the capillaries of subcutaneous fat.


The magical product of argan affects the skin of the face at the cellular level, restores lipid balance, and significantly enhances the protective abilities of the skin. The relief structure of the facial surface improves, becomes smoother, all areas of the face easily mate with each other. Use as a product to obtain an even and natural-looking tan to the skin gives an amazing effect.


Skin care requires different approaches. Where expensive drugs fail, natural extracts come to the rescue. Thus, argan oil for the face has become a valuable assistant in skin care and deservedly receives positive reviews from lovers of natural cosmetics. Find out how to properly use it to care for your epidermis at home.

What is argan oil

Argan (argan) oil has been used in cosmetology for hundreds of years. With it you can get rid of split ends of hair, rejuvenate the skin of the body and face. The ether is obtained by cold pressing from the seeds of the argan tree, which grows only in Morocco (sometimes it is called Moroccan). The product is considered very rare, which is why its price is high. When purchasing a bottle, you should pay attention to the country of origin, otherwise you may purchase a fake.


The main components of argan vegetable oil for the face are tocopherol, which promotes tissue regeneration, and polyphenols, which smooth the surface of the skin. Argan oil is rich in antioxidants and organic acids (lilac, vanillic and ferulic). Thanks to these substances, the substance is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. Fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic - protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment and promote rapid rejuvenation.


Argan extract has nourishing and tonic properties, is rich in vitamins F and E, so it is especially popular among women whose epidermis is prone to dryness. If you regularly use Moroccan oil for your facial skin, you can forget about such unpleasant effects as:

  1. chapping with visible inflammation;
  2. increased dryness;
  3. peeling of the skin;
  4. tightness.

The product copes well with aging: it can smooth out even deep wrinkles and add elasticity. Natural argan oil for the face refreshes, nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity, prevents further aging, and restores youth and beauty. Thanks to such unique properties, this substance can even be safely used to care for areas around the eyes that are especially sensitive to cosmetics.



Argan oil can be used in its pure form or mixed with additional ingredients. As a prophylaxis or for treating the skin, the product is used if there are such problems and conditions:

  1. problematic skin with pimples and blackheads;
  2. skin diseases - neurodermatitis, psoriasis or eczema;
  3. abrasions, wounds, burn marks;
  4. bags or dark circles under the eyes in the mornings or evenings;
  5. unhealthy complexion;
  6. inflammatory skin diseases such as furunculosis;
  7. scars from chickenpox;
  8. fading, tired, mature skin with visible wrinkles.

Cosmetics based on argan oil

Today, herbal products can be purchased in stores. Although argan oil in cosmetology is often used in its pure form, you can also buy ready-made cosmetics containing it. Their cost will not be the lowest, but the effect will not be long in coming. Pay attention to the following tools:

  1. Anti-wrinkle night cream from Dr. Scheller. Contains amaranth extract, perfectly moisturizes and smoothes out uneven skin.
  2. 3 in 1 product from Andalou Naturals. Gives the face a natural glow, restores it, and vitamin C saturates cells with nutrients.
  3. Acure Organics Night Cream with organ stem cells and chlorella promotes cell regeneration.

How to use argan oil on your face

The use of argan oil for the face is widespread. It can be rubbed in in its pure form, mixed with other substances to enhance the effect, prepared masks, added to ready-made creams and applied to problem areas. To choose a specific method of using a natural remedy, determine what shortcomings you need to get rid of.

For wrinkles

To smooth out wrinkles, the oil is used in its pure form or diluted with ready-made creams to enhance the effect. Apply the mixture carefully, alternating with a light massage (tapping with your fingertips, stroking), which will help the product to be better absorbed and speed up blood circulation inside the epidermis. If you are using argan oil extract on your face, you can apply the substance directly to wrinkles using a cotton swab. This way you will reduce the consumption of funds.


For eyelids

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate, so it is most easily susceptible to harmful external factors. Using argan oil for the skin around the eyes, you can restore the skin’s former elasticity and remove dark circles. It is better to use the product in combination with tightening creams created specifically for the eyelid area. To get rid of black circles around the eyes, use compresses made from cotton pads soaked in manganese tree extract.

For different skin types

An oil extract obtained from the seeds of the argan tree is ideal for dry, aging skin, but the product can also be used for other types if properly combined with additional components. Thus, oily skin can be removed from shine if you apply argan oil immediately after cleansing the top layer with a facial scrub. Moisturizing for oily skin plays a very important role, since you can get rid of shine only by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Face masks

The most effective ways to use argan oil extract are masks for various skin problems. They should be used no more than once a week, depending on the condition of the skin:

  1. anti-aging – once a week;
  2. to get rid of oily shine – 3 times a month;
  3. for nutrition and hydration – once a week;
  4. for acne – once a week.


To prepare an anti-aging mask, mix honey, argan oil and oatmeal in equal quantities (1 teaspoon of each ingredient), adding two teaspoons of peach puree. Mix everything well and pour two drops of rose and lavender essential oils into the mixture. The mask is applied to the skin for half an hour, and then gently washed off with warm water. To enhance the effect, you can use a refreshing tonic.


This composition perfectly moisturizes, giving the skin an even, healthy color. To prepare a moisturizing mask, mix freshly prepared fruit puree (a tablespoon), argan oil (5 ml), liquid honey (a teaspoon), rose essential oil (five drops). If the mixture is too thin, thicken it with oatmeal or barley flour. Apply the mask to prepared skin for 15 minutes. It is better to wash it off with a warm decoction of chamomile or linden blossom, but ordinary water will do.



To prepare a nourishing mask, heat 20 grams of honey to make the product more elastic. Mix ripe avocado puree with liquid honey and 5 ml of argan oil. This composition will help enrich the skin with nutrients and energize it. After preparation, apply the product, avoiding the eyelids, and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do this mask once every 2 weeks.

Another recipe for a nourishing mask with eggs: mix an egg yolk with two drops of argan oil, beat the white into a thick foam. Mix the prepared mixtures and add potato starch to the composition so that the consistency of the product resembles an ordinary cream. After application, leave the mask on your face for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to apply a refreshing tonic to soften the effect of the water.

For problem skin

For such a mask, you need to combine cosmetic clay (1 tbsp) with almond and argan oils in equal proportions (1 tsp of each product). The consistency of the product should resemble sour cream; if necessary, add water to the mixture. After this, apply the mask to your face and hold until the composition is completely dry, then rinse. It is advisable to carry out such procedures in a course for a month - once a week. As a result, the scars will begin to decrease, and acne will no longer bother you.



Natalya, 43 years old At my age, it’s time to think about effective products that will help keep my skin young and beautiful. I found the solution in argan oil, which I bought while on vacation in Morocco. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin and really smoothes out wrinkles. I apply it neat after washing my face before going to bed. The next morning the face looks fresh.

Veronica, 32 years old Argan oil for facial skin helped me cope with acne that had plagued me for many years. For several weeks I made nourishing masks based on it, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. So far I have noticed that my skin seems to be renewed: pimples have stopped appearing, the spots have lightened.

Angelica, 40 years old I, as a cosmetologist, declare that thanks to Moroccan oil, facial skin can get a new life. If you suffer from dryness and flaking, this product is a must-have in your makeup bag. You can simply apply the substance instead of cream after washing. It is recommended to start using the product after 25 years.

Elena, 31 years old Previously, I actively used pure argan oil to get rid of split ends. Just recently I read on a cosmetologist’s blog that the extract can also be used on the face. Since I already had the pure product, I didn’t wait and started using it right away. Now I have replaced all my moisturizers with it.

Argan oil is called the liquid gold of Morocco for a reason: its applications range from cooking to cosmetics. We are, of course, interested in the latter.

  1. Argan oil: what is it?
  2. Beneficial features
  3. How does it affect the skin?
  4. Compound
  5. Application in cosmetics
  6. Precautionary measures
  7. Tools Overview

Argan oil: what is it?

Until recently, bottles of argan oil were brought from Morocco. Even today, real Moroccan argan oil is the best gift for a beautyholic. Why is argan oil so valued and why is it called liquid gold in its homeland?

Marina Kamanina, Garnier expert, explains: “Argan oil is obtained from the seeds of the argan tree. Its delicate nutty aroma and excellent moisturizing and protective properties have always been appreciated by local beauties.

However, cosmetics are not the only area of ​​application for argan oil. Thanks to the unique combination of components that it contains in high concentration, the oil is also actively used in medicine, for example, for the treatment of joint diseases.”

Beneficial features

In the production of cosmetics, argan oil is primarily valued for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Although the list of its advantages is much wider. What else can it do?

Serves as an excellent product for hair - makes it shiny, prevents tangling, restores structure damaged by dyeing and perm.

Protects skin from UV radiation thanks to vitamin E content.

Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Effectively fights dandruff, eliminates flaking of the scalp, and promotes hair growth.

How does it affect the skin?

When argan oil is applied to the skin, it “adheses” to the cells of the surface layer of the epidermis and has an instant moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect, maintaining the water-fat balance.


The value of argan oil is determined by the uniqueness of its composition. Among the useful components there are the undisputed top three.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and -6, which effectively nourish and smooth the skin, making it soft and velvety. They are also antioxidants that slow down the aging process.

Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin A - component No. 1 in anti-aging products.

Application in cosmetics

Argan oil is included in anti-cellulite and modeling products. Due to its ability to restore skin elasticity, it is also often included in anti-wrinkle cream formulas.

Among products containing argan oil, the undisputed leaders are hair products: shampoos, conditioners, masks, balms.

Precautionary measures

“The potential disadvantages of argan oil are very relative,” says Marina Kamanina. — It is not recommended for overweight people to consume it internally, as it is quite high in calories. And also in case of individual intolerance and during pregnancy.”

Tools Overview

Micellar water with oils, Garnier, includes valuable oils, including argan. Helps thoroughly cleanse the skin of waterproof makeup. Before use, shake the bottle to mix the two phases of the product.

Sunscreen face cream Soleil Bronzer, SPF 50, Lancôme, contains vitamin E, argan oil, as well as monoi, musk rose oil and high SPF. The product effectively protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and restores it.

3-in-1 product “Luxury of 6 oils” Elsève, L’Oréal Paris, returns health and shine to hair, intensively nourishing and strengthening it.