What does acne look like on the face?

Each of us has faced the problem of acne. This is an unpleasant and troublesome phenomenon; it frightens with the unpredictability of its appearance and development. Acne is often treated incorrectly, and the main reason for rash actions is the lack of knowledge in this area. To effectively fight acne, you need to understand the types of acne, know how they differ from each other and understand the severity of the disease. If these parameters are known, then the search for a treatment regimen is simplified.

Disease severity

There are four degrees of severity of the disease.

The first one is the easiest. Light form flows smoothly, it can be seen on the face of a teenager or an adult. The first stage is characterized by a small number of blackheads and they look like closed acne or open acne (comedones). As a rule, there is no inflammatory process. However, within the first degree, several pustules are allowed. Treatment can be carried out at home, but it must take place, otherwise the disease will begin to progress. When acne disappears, there are usually no traces left.

The second stage of the disease begins when there is up to 11 pieces of different eels. It is manifested by the presence of closed acne, blackheads, redheads and pustules. It happens to both teenagers and mature people, for example, women during their menstrual periods. Self-treatment is acceptable, but if acne has not disappeared within three weeks, then you should go to a dermatologist.

The third degree is a severe form of the disease. It has already spread to the body and counts up to 40 pimples different types. You can see the inflammatory process and suppuration. Pimples look larger than in the first two stages. Post-acne appears, which looks like stagnant spots and scars. At the third stage, acne “multiplies” uncontrollably, capturing more and more new territories, so you need to urgently go to the doctor. If this is not done or if you begin to treat it yourself, it can result in ugly scars and blood poisoning.

At the fourth stage of the disease, there is already a whole “army” of pimples on the skin with various shades and sizes. Often several pimples merge together and form cysts and nodes. Dark spots and large scars form on the skin, and the affected areas bleed and fester; at the slightest friction of clothing, breakouts form. As a rule, the back, shoulders, and chest are completely affected. If professional treatment by a dermatologist is not carried out at this stage, then this can be dangerous not only for the beauty of the body, but also for health in general.

It is important to know that acne is a multifaceted disease, its course depends on the individual skin. Therefore, there is no uniform classification system for acne, but some types of acne have been studied, correctly diagnosed and treated by dermatologists.

Types of acne

All acne are divided into two types:

  1. No inflammatory process.
  2. With an inflammatory process.

Pimples without signs of inflammation, in turn, are divided into open comedones, which look like blackheads, and closed comedones, which look like whiteheads.

Acne with inflammatory symptoms has the following names:

How to determine whether there is an inflamed acne on the face or not? The appearance of the first one is larger and it catches the eye, disfiguring the face. There are signs of tissue swelling, redness, suppurationbecause there is an infection. Inflamed pimples are often painful and uncomfortable. If the acne has no signs of inflammation, then at one moment it can turn into an inflamed one; all you need to do is introduce an infection into the skin pore.

Acne without inflammation

Comedones appear as a result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. These pimples contain thick fat, dead cells and epithelial scales.

If such a blockage forms outside the pores, then open comedones occur. Why are they black? Since the pores are open, an oxidation reaction occurs caused by the action of oxygen on lumps of fat. As a rule, blackheads do not cause any trouble, however, if an infection occurs, the situation becomes the opposite.

Closed comedones or whiteheads, wen occur when there is a blockage of fat in the lower part of the pores. They resemble blood clots because they have no way out. They are invisible to the eye and are often felt only by touch. However, some of them are still noticeable, as they rise above the surface. They are called millet grains because they resemble grains.

Closed comedones form on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, forehead and they don’t bother me too much - there is no inflammation or pain. However, despite some harmlessness, they are still dangerous, since they are capable of combining with neighboring inflammatory acne under the skin. As a result, a voluminous cavity is formed, which is gradually filled with pus. Thus, the wen can worsen the situation significantly.

Inflammatory acne

Acne with an inflammatory process is also classified. For example, papules are comedones with inflammation, often arising from wen. In diameter their size is up to 1 cm, look like pink or red balls that rise above the surface of the skin. If you press a little, it temporarily changes color to white. Lacks white head. If the papule has grown from a blackhead, then you can see a dark fat plug. These acne are divided into types:

  1. Superficial. Their size is up to 5 mm, after disappearing they leave no traces, sometimes a temporary stain forms.
  2. Deep papules or nodules. They occupy the entire thickness, their diameter is from 1 to 3 cm. They are usually painful, colored red or blue-purple, when they disappear, they leave spots and scars on the skin that disfigure the appearance.
  3. Cysts. With severe inflammation, dense formations with pus are formed. Often several merge into one, forming a chain of cyst-like papules. If you touch it, you might think that it is a dense capsule. They consist of chambers that are connected by fistulas. They cause a lot of trouble and leave a mark behind.

Acne on the face: causes and treatment

As a rule, acne appears due to hormonal imbalance. It occurs in adolescence, before the onset of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and at menopause. Often hormonal disorders lead to hyperkeratosis when the sebaceous glands do not work properly. This pathology is characterized by an increase in the upper, stratum corneum layer of the skin. As a result, blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs, which leads to acne.

Open pores are a target for pathogens. Therefore, acne often occurs as a result of skin damage by subcutaneous mites or fungi. The second reason for acne is clogged pores, for example, when decorative cosmetics are used. With improper care, acne almost always forms on the face.

The reasons for the formation of acne also lie in lipid metabolism disorders, which are signaled by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Typically, an imbalance is caused by hot summers, abuse of tanning, both solar and artificial, and baths or saunas. An incorrect lifestyle can also provoke the appearance of acne - these are bad habits, poor nutrition, when you eat fatty, salty, fried or spicy foods.

Other reasons include allergic reactions to an irritant, as well as lack of vitamins. Acne can occur during a cold, when the body experiences a decrease in immunity, resulting in disruption of the sebaceous glands. But they can also be provoked by internal diseases such as dysbiosis and cholelithiasis. In this case, acne is localized on the forehead. If endocrine or digestive system disorders occur, then the chin is affected. On the nose - you need to get your immune system in order.

How to treat?

Doctors and cosmetologists never tire of repeating that squeezing pimples on your own is contraindicated! As a result of home self-medication, unpleasant consequences arise, which are expressed in the spread of acne to new areas and secondary blood poisoning with the appearance of age spots and scars. Treatment of acne is a complex process, it includes a number of stages:

  1. Prevention of the appearance of new comedones. Prevention is based on the selection of the necessary care products for problem skin, improvement of the body as a whole, which includes proper nutrition, stimulation of the immune system, as well as monitoring the effect of treatment drugs on the body.
  2. Removing existing comedones with the help of medications, which include azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, tazarotene and others.
  3. Reducing the amount of sebum using hormones and retinoids. This figure needs to be reduced to 30% or more.
  4. Exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis using peels that contain salicylic or glycolic acid.
  5. Facial cleansing using gentle ultrasound or other hardware-based, low-traumatic methods. This is an excellent alternative to chemical peels.
  6. Antibacterial drugs are used for local and internal treatment of inflammatory processes.
  7. Using different types of dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy and other methods, cosmetic removal of the effects of acne is carried out.
  8. If necessary, parallel treatment of body systems is prescribed - treatment of the digestive system, gynecological, endocrine diseases.

Preventing acne

To prevent the occurrence and recurrence of acne you need follow a number of the following rules:

  1. The skin should be cleansed in the mornings and evenings with special mild products, for example, a water-soluble tonic, which will not only cleanse, but also moisturize.
  2. Makeup must be washed off every evening, especially if it is liquid powder or foundation.
  3. For washing, use water at a moderately comfortable temperature - barely warm or cool.
  4. It is necessary to regularly exfoliate dead skin particles with special scrubs or peels. To avoid putting a lot of stress on your skin, choose one product. It is better if it is a chemical peel, it is gentler than a scrub.
  5. Facial skin needs hydration and antioxidants. To do this, choose household products that are suitable for your facial skin type.
  6. Locally it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, for example, based on benzene peroxide.
  7. You should regularly use sunscreen, this is especially important after procedures to exfoliate dead skin cells.
  8. It is necessary to regularly change clothes, bed linen, and face towels - this will prevent unnecessary contact of microorganisms with the skin.

So, the main place in preventing the appearance of acne is prevention with proper skin care. But if acne does appear and is spreading, then you should not wait, much less start treating yourself; you should immediately go to a dermatologist to stop the inflammatory process.

The problem of acne often affects teenagers. In this article we will look at photos of different types of acne, the causes of their appearance and treatment.

Acne, pimples, acne - all this is the result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. They occur in adolescence during puberty, as well as in adulthood. Most often, acne occurs on the face, chest or back.

Acne can appear as small nodules (papules) or pustules (pustules). If you do not fight them, inflammation occurs again and again, then turns into permanent, persistent rashes and can even remain throughout life, causing a person to suffer and developing complexes.

Acne can be classified

  1. Ordinary – this is a mild degree of the disease, isolated acne is observed, mainly comedones. Inflammations and pustules may be isolated. Treatment does not require much time and can be done at home.
  1. Comedonal – a moderate degree of the disease, when a noticeable number of comedones, both open and closed, appear on the skin. They contain sebum. Blackheads are open comedones, they got their name due to the interaction of subcutaneous fat with air and darkening (rancidity), as well as dirt and dust getting into the pores, darkening. Whiteheads are closed comedones, inside which fat accumulates and is not oxidized by air.
  1. Papulopustular – the average degree of the disease, there can be up to 40 rashes, and a papule, that is, a nodule, appears on the skin. The hair follicles become damaged, bacteria penetrate there and pustules appear, otherwise known as pustules. You should not squeeze such acne yourself, otherwise you can get an infection. Treatment can only be carried out by a specialist.
  1. Nodular-cystic - a rather severe form of acne, which is characterized by comedones, papules and pustules. All these formations can combine with each other and form cysts and painful nodes.

Types of acne on the face: vulgar, pink, steroid

Inflammation in the sebaceous gland, which leads to its blockage, can have different origins and be of different types:

  1. Acne vulgaris. Most often, this is nothing more than teenage acne. They are the norm for a large number of teenagers and disappear around the age of 20. These rashes are also observed in adults, but their percentage is small. They are most often caused by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, or a malfunction in the endocrine system. It is characterized by not very large reddish pimples, then they open and a purulent cavity is formed. Acne vulgaris may leave scars and cause changes in skin pigmentation. The favorite place for acne vulgaris to appear is the face, but they can also appear on the chest and back. The reasons may be: hormonal imbalance, hereditary predisposition, unbalanced diet, lack of skin care, the presence of parasites.
  1. Rosacea or rosacea. Most common in people 30 years of age and older. With rosacea, the blood vessels dilate, papules may appear, and these, in turn, become pustules. Women are most often affected. Signs of rosacea: the forehead, nose, as well as the chin and cheeks become very red; in rarer cases, the back and chest may be affected. Most often they begin with ordinary redness of the skin, then turn into rashes, and later the skin becomes denser in places of inflammation, blood vessels dilate, dryness and prickly feeling are noted, it seems that there is sand in the eyes, they turn red and watery. It is very important not to harm the skin further, that is, not to expose it to excessive hypothermia or harmful exposure to the sun.
  1. Steroid acne. Most often, their occurrence is associated with taking various types of hormonal drugs. They do not cause any significant harmful effects, but only worsen the appearance of the skin. When the medication is discontinued, acne goes away on its own. However, if a person requires treatment with hormonal drugs, this can become a problem. Such acne is characterized by small red rashes with pustules. If a person takes hormonal drugs orally, the whole body can be affected. If ointment is used, only a certain area will be affected. A distinctive feature is severe itching and burning.

Video: Details

About what tests you need to take for acne. More details here.

Acne treatment - ointments

Let's consider the most popular means:

  1. Aven. Produced in France, it was created specifically for the treatment of adult acne caused by hormonal imbalance. The product is also suitable for dry skin. The effect of the ointment is to relieve inflammation, cleanse pores of dirt and sebum, due to which the skin calms down. You need to apply the ointment 1-2 times a day, after cleansing the skin. The duration is individual.
  2. Azelik. A Russian-made ointment that has proven itself at a low price. The result can be seen after just a few hours. The convenience lies in the fact that you can apply the product shortly before going out. The ointment can be used for a long time, as it is not addictive. The medicine should be applied to inflamed areas of the skin 2 times a day, after cleansing it beforehand. If there is a noticeable improvement in the face, it is necessary to switch to a single application of the drug.
  3. Floresan. Inexpensive acne treatment. This product has an unusual smell and a not very pleasant consistency. But the remedy is quite effective. There is one more drawback: in the heat or increased sweating, the ointment will be visible. The substances included in the composition have a drying effect and remove pus. The medicine is applied for a month in the morning and evening, then a break is taken for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated. Not recommended for dry skin.
  4. Himani Boro Plus. The ointment is made in Germany, the consistency is quite greasy and has a specific smell. Just a lifesaver for excessively dry skin. It is necessary to apply to the affected areas one to three times a day. Thanks to this product, the skin is filled with vitamins and moisturized by restoring sebaceous secretion. The drug is suitable for long-term use, as well as for children, as it is not addictive.
  5. Klerasil. This product is produced in the UK. In addition to the cream, the series also includes other skin cleansing products. Klerasil is applied to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. It would be a good idea to take steam baths with herbs to soothe the skin. Recommended for combination or oily skin types. An unfavorable factor in treatment with this drug is addiction. The effect can be noticed after a week. Once a month you need to take a week's break.
  6. Zenerite. Produced in Holland, it fights acne quite effectively. This product is approved for use by adolescents during puberty, when the first changes to the skin occur. The medicine can prevent the appearance of recurrent rashes on the skin, which means complete relief from acne is possible. A course of treatment is required for 3 weeks with a break for the same period. The ointment is applied to cleansed skin pointwise. This product has an antibacterial effect and also creates a special breathable film on the skin.
  7. Ichthyol ointment. The remedy is well-known and is used for inflammation and suppuration of the skin. It has a good effect on acne, helps the ulcers to open. The smell of the ointment is quite strong, so use it only before bed. First, we cleanse the face, then apply the medicine in a thin layer. If there are a lot of rashes, then applying the ointment twice is possible. The duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks, followed by a one-month break.
  8. Klindovit. An effective remedy for acne and purulent inflammation. Treatment is carried out for no more than 10 days, due to possible addiction to the drug. This remedy is not suitable for mild acne; it is used rather in severe cases. Sometimes an allergy to the medicine may occur. Apply the product morning and evening, applying to inflammation.
  9. Retin-A. A fairly common remedy in the fight against acne, it additionally protects from the sun and prevents skin aging. Retin-A is applied once for 3-6 months, then a break of 3 months. When first used, retinoic acid may cause mild redness and irritation. Everything goes away within a week of use.
  10. Curiosin. This remedy is good because it fights both existing rashes and smoothes out scars from already healed ones. But it is not able to prevent the appearance of acne. The ointment is applied only once a day. Curiosin should be used with caution, since the drug is based on hormones and “withdrawal syndrome” is possible, so it can be applied for no more than two weeks. Recommended for any skin. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 18 years of age.

This question worries a good half of humanity, because acne, or acne, is the most common skin disease in the world. It is not life threatening, but can seriously ruin it. Let's try to solve the problem together.

  1. What are acne
  2. The main causes of acne
  3. Types of eels
  4. Acne and skin types
  5. Rules for caring for problem skin
  6. Acne marks: how to get rid of them
  7. Cosmetics and prevention

What are acne

How to get rid of acne on your face? The answer to this question will require a good knowledge of the “material parts”. Let's start with the theory. Acne (acne vulgaris, from the Greek akme - “top”) is a kind of plug formed from a mixture of sebum and keratinized skin particles accumulated in the sebaceous gland and its ducts. This plug serves as an excellent substrate for the growth of bacteria.

Acne always appears against the background of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, but there are several other factors on which the status of this skin defect depends - whether it will be just an unesthetic, but generally harmless “black dot” or a full-fledged pimple filled with pus.

Look for the cause of acne formation.

The main causes of acne

Every phenomenon is explained not by one, but by several reasons. Acne is no exception to the rule.

Hormonal imbalance

This is the first and main reason. When your skin produces too much sebum, it can indicate two things:

about a high level of male sex hormones in the blood;

that the sebaceous glands are particularly sensitive to androgens.

“This is why acne and pimples most often appear on young skin during a period when the body is experiencing hormonal changes,” says Alexander Prokofiev, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand. “However, acne can appear not only in adolescence, but much later, when hormonal storms, it would seem, should have passed.”

In this case, there is a possibility of changes in the amount of steroid hormones in the blood, which can increase the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.

Bacteria multiply in the sebaceous plug.

Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin

“The second name for this phenomenon is hyperkeratosis. It always goes hand in hand with increased skin greasiness and rashes, says Alexander Prokofiev. “The inability of the skin to promptly get rid of dead cells that clog pores and are part of the sebaceous plug is associated with the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to hormones and often characterizes the skin of adolescents.”

A course of acid peels, aimed at eliminating hyperkeratosis and skin renewal, is often included in the acne treatment program.

Inflammatory processes

“Acne is a disease. However, the severity of acne varies. For some, it is limited to the appearance of minor rashes on the face, while for others it affects both the face and torso.”

The culprits behind the formation of inflammatory elements in acne are the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which quietly live at the mouth of the follicles of the sebaceous glands and do not bother anyone until they begin to receive food. To suppress their activity, doctors prescribe drugs for external and internal use.

Food – “right” or “wrong” – is not the root cause of acne. The main culprits, as we have already said, are hormones. But some food groups can provoke an exacerbation and give rise to inflammation in the sebaceous gland. These products include:

carbohydrates with a high glycemic index;

sugar and sweets.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Despite the fact that a proper diet can be a good help in the fight against acne and pimples, there is no direct cause-and-effect relationship between diseases of the digestive system and the formation of comedones.

Types of eels

Comedones are divided into two large groups:

The severity of acne is determined by the number of inflammatory elements and their depth. If there are more than 10 pustules, but there are no deep nodes yet, there is a moderate degree of severity. If there are multiple pimples with white heads and deep inflammatory rashes, we can talk about a severe form of the disease.


They are also called blackheads. Blackheads appear when oil accumulates closer to the surface of the pore and becomes dark in color due to oxidation and the release of melanin. Such acne belongs to non-inflammatory elements. They are easily removed during cosmetic cleaning or regular home care and leave no residue.

Blackheads are easily removed during cleansing.


They also belong to the non-inflammatory group, but in whiteheads the sebaceous congestion has no outlet. These formations look like small white balls under the skin. To get rid of them, go to a cosmetologist. Do not try to remove them yourself - inept handling can damage blood vessels and provoke an inflammatory process.


These are red bumps that rise above the surface of the skin, they are also pimples without a purulent “cap”. Papules are a consequence of the inflammatory process in the sebaceous gland.


This is the name for pimples topped with a purulent vesicle (head). Like papules, these are inflammatory elements of acne. In their place, a stagnant red spot, post-inflammatory pigmentation, may later form.

The degree of acne is determined by the number of inflammatory elements.

Internal acne

They are also called subcutaneous acne. Dermatologists define them as “nodules” and classify them as deep inflammatory elements. The presence of internal acne on the face indicates the severity of the inflammatory process and characterizes acne of moderate or severe severity. In this case, systemic drug therapy is indicated to stop the process and prevent scars.

Rosacea or red acne

Rosacea is in no way associated with increased oiliness of the skin and is not a sign of acne at all, but of rosacea, a skin disease characterized by changes in the vascular wall and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Rosacea is localized on the convex parts of the face (nose, cheeks, forehead, chin), occurs most often in adults with fair skin, is accompanied by redness and visible vascular network.

Acne and skin types

Those with normal skin do not experience acne. The maximum that threatens them is isolated rashes. For example, before the start of the menstrual cycle in women.

Girls with mixed skin type are more likely to see pimples on the forehead, nose or chin before their critical days, that is, in areas of high activity of the sebaceous glands. Obviously, oily skin, which is characterized by an abundance of sebum, is the number one candidate for persistent acne, especially during puberty.

A pimple can appear on anyone, but only those with oily skin can seriously fear acne. The causes of rashes can be different, as well as treatment methods. The main thing is not to self-medicate and not to wait for acne to go away on its own.

Oily skin

The first task of oily skin is not to turn into problematic skin, that is, to avoid the appearance of multiple sebaceous plugs and comedones. Proper care based on proper daily cleansing, regular exfoliation and cosmetic cleansing will help keep the situation under control. If there are a large number of inflammatory elements, you need the help of a dermatologist who will draw up an individual treatment regimen.

Rules for caring for problem skin

Anyone who has encountered an acne problem has most likely done something that absolutely should not be done. And he paid for his mistake. To prevent history from repeating itself, let us explain once again what should absolutely not be done and why.

Cleanse your skin until it's squeaky clean

When your face is constantly shiny from excess oil and blackheads are annoying, you want to cleanse your skin so that it squeaks with cleanliness. This is usually what we do when using alkaline products and lotions with a high alcohol content. In vain: both alcohol and alkali actually degrease the skin, but at the same time deprive it of its protective hydrolipidic film. Left without natural protection, the skin begins to compensate for losses and produce sebum with triple zeal.

Aggressive cleansing aggravates skin problems with acne: disruption of the natural lipid barrier causes a protective reaction, which is expressed in increased sebum production. Use mild, non-alkaline cleansers with a normal or acidic pH.

Burn “unripe” pimples with alcohol

Attempts to relieve inflammation and remove the pimple before it comes out using alcohol only lead to further injury to the surface of the skin. In this case, alcohol does not penetrate deeply and does not reach the source of inflammation.

Special pharmaceutical preparations, as well as SOS products for local application, but not alcohol, can extinguish the inflammatory process and cope with a pimple at the initial stage.

Squeeze pimples

Yes, it is beyond human strength to resist temptation. If you are determined to get rid of the abscess, use local anti-inflammatory drugs. You should not injure the skin in the area of ​​the rash, because after damage, inflammation may intensify or post-inflammatory pigmentation may remain.

Do not try to get rid of deep nodes on your own, so as not to aggravate the situation and prevent scarring.

Acne marks: how to get rid of them

Stagnant red spots and post-acne scars are an unkind memory that acne leaves behind. Fighting them takes time and special procedures.


Liquid nitrogen massage has been and remains the most effective method against stains. Gradually they turn pale and then completely disappear due to improved local blood circulation.

Acid peels

They help visually smooth out scars and reduce their depth.

Cold massage solves the problem of post-acne.

Fractional laser

A hardware alternative to chemical peeling, aimed at renewing the skin and reducing the visibility of scars.

Cosmetics and prevention

It is impossible to cure acne with cosmetics, but this does not mean that problem skin does not need to be taken care of. Moreover, separate cosmetic lines are dedicated to her, capable of providing her with everything necessary to improve her appearance and condition.

Products for cleansing and toning oily skin with acne.

Cleansing and toning products

Name Action Active components
Cleansing foaming gel for oily, acne-prone skin Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay Gently cleanses, has an antibacterial effect mild cleansers, zinc pidolate / ZINC PCA, thermal water
3-in-1 cleanser, Vichy combines the properties of a cleanser, scrub and mask salicylic and glycolic acids, lipohydroxy acid, kaolin
Cleansing toner for skin with acne and age-related changes Blemish + Age Solution, Skinceuticals cleanses, provides light exfoliation glycolic and salicylic acids, lipohydroxy acid
Daily scrub “Pure Zone Absolute cleanliness 7 in 1”, L’Oréal Paris provides deep cleansing salicylic acid, exfoliating microparticles
“Clean skin 3-in-1”, Garnier combines the properties of a cleansing gel, scrub and mask zinc, pumice particles, white clay

Cosmetics for the prevention of acne and for oily acne-prone skin.

Day and night care products

moisturizes, controls oily shine, corrects imperfections

Name Action Active components
Cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay moisturizes, corrects acne spots mild cleansers, zinc pidolate / ZINC PCA, thermal water
Corrective care against imperfections “Normaderm 24 hours moisturizing”, Vichy