Honey massage video free

Honey massage is one of the most popular cosmetic and wellness procedures. It gives a fresh look to the skin, tones, improves immunity and mood, relieves chronic fatigue, helps in the fight against cellulite, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


Honey as a massage product

To understand what results honey massage can achieve and how to do it correctly, let’s talk about the basic techniques and mechanisms of action on the body.

Preparation and technique

Like any intensive procedure, honey massage begins with preparing the skin. Before applying honey, the massage therapist strokes and lightly rubs the areas that will be worked on in the future.


Preparatory procedures

The type of honey is not of fundamental importance. A small amount is needed (for example, one small spoon for the back and each leg). The product is not smeared or rubbed into the skin; it is applied by lightly touching the patient's body. Then work begins with light patting movements. The specialist’s palms alternately touch the surface of the skin and immediately leave it.

It is important for anyone who is going to practice massage at home to know: the meaning of the positive effect is not valid. It is enough that the skin, sticking to the honey-covered palms, is pulled back. This is what triggers important processes in all its layers, including fatty tissue, as well as in blood vessels. Another rule: the massage therapist’s hands should be as relaxed as possible.

After the massage, you need to take a shower, you can lie down or sit quietly, leaning back in your chair; a cup of green or herbal tea will be beneficial.

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Processes and positive effects

In various descriptions, honey massage is endowed with many wonderful properties. Some of them have been proven by practice, others exist at the level of myths and speculation (more on this below). What exactly happens in the body during the procedure and why does it help with various diagnoses?


Sticky honey glues the patient's skin to the massage therapist's palms. It stretches when moving upward, pulling subcutaneous fatty tissue and blood vessels along with it. Increased blood flow is created. Sometimes the capillaries burst and microhematomas are formed. They should not be confused with bruises. Unlike large hematomas, they do not cause harm. On the contrary, their resorption triggers immune processes. The body begins to actively produce heparin, which thins the blood.

At the same time, honey helps remove old particles of the epidermis, and the upper layer of skin is regenerated. The unique natural composition nourishes tissues, soothes, and relieves irritation. Therefore, it is also used for masks and wraps using cling film.

Massage with honey provides both therapeutic and cosmetic effects. Separately, we can note the improvement in psycho-emotional state and mood after the procedure.

The aesthetic component is present in the form of tightened, smoothed, radiant skin. It is especially noticeable on the face. In this case, the easiest way is to master self-massage techniques and conduct useful sessions at home. Read more in the article: “Honey facial massage”

We often hear about the anti-cellulite properties of the technique. Indeed, stretching and stimulating subcutaneous fat, for example in the abdominal area, helps normalize tissue structure. To get rid of the orange peel effect, it is also recommended to work on the hips and buttocks. Such procedures are difficult to carry out independently.


Anti-cellulite buttock massage with honey

It is believed that honey massage is good for colds and bronchitis. This is true. Many patients with pulmonary problems have reported positive results. When coughing, massage the chest area directly. Along with the movements described above, tapping is used to help the patient clear his throat. The greatest effect is obtained from a session in a bathhouse. Sometimes eucalyptus and other oils that are beneficial for the respiratory system are added to honey. This medical procedure is recommended for both adults and children. But you need to remember that children's skin is very sensitive and work even more delicately.

The technique also shows itself well in the prevention of osteochondrosis. Under conditions of active exposure, the trophism of the tissues surrounding the spine, including the cervical region, improves. In addition, quality relaxation helps relieve back and neck pain.

Massage is effectively used in the prevention of joint diseases: arthrosis and osteoarthritis, which in everyday life is called salt deposition. This is also explained by the activation of metabolic processes around the joints. Let us emphasize that we are talking about prevention or the initial stage of the disease. It is impossible to correct complex cases with massage alone.

Honey procedures are good for health, they provide a complex positive effect. However, in advertising and online discussions it is credited with truly miraculous properties, not all of which correspond to reality.

Here are four of the most popular myths:

  1. Honey has characteristics close to blood plasma and is integrated into it, delivering vitamins and microelements to all organs.
  2. The bee product “pulls” toxins out of the skin.
  3. Significant pain is a sign of an effective procedure.
  4. Massage helps you lose weight.

The first myth must be recognized as untenable. It is the different concentrations of substances in the blood plasma and honey that make it possible for the latter to penetrate into tissues.

A useful product nourishes the skin itself, giving it a blooming appearance. Transport of vitamins to internal organs does not occur.

Honey remaining on the skin at the end of the session is often demonstrated as proof of the second statement. It changes its color from golden to white or gray. Supposedly it is toxins and impurities coming out. In fact, this shade appears due to saturation with air bubbles, as well as mixing with dead skin cells and impurities located in the pores. The latter is very good, because delicate peeling promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation.

The origin of the third myth is difficult to explain. In reality, the severity of the impact is not a criterion for effectiveness. A massage therapist who hurts a patient most likely does not have a good grasp of the technique. Painful sensations that are difficult to cope with occur in rare individual cases: when the skin is too sensitive or abundantly covered with hairs.

As for weight loss, massage can be used in a set of techniques aimed at combating excess weight. It improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat, is used to get rid of cellulite (lipodystrophy), and prevents the formation of stretch marks. At the same time, massage treatments alone do not help get rid of extra pounds. Activation of processes in adipose tissue gives only a short and insignificant effect of weight loss.

Recommendations and contraindications

Like most techniques, honey massage has indications and contraindications. Among the first:

  1. osteochondrosis (including prevention);
  2. lung diseases (except the acute stage);
  3. arthritis and arthrosis;
  4. cellulite;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. the period after suffering stress, depression;
  7. physical fatigue, mental overload.

Contraindications to massage are:

  1. blood clotting disorder;
  2. open wounds, burns, skin diseases;
  3. heat;
  4. allergic reaction to honey and propolis;
  5. cardiovascular diseases (massage is allowed no earlier than 6 months after a heart attack or stroke);
  6. fractures and other injuries (recovery period).

Pregnancy imposes certain restrictions. On the one hand, it is not an absolute contraindication; on the other hand, it requires caution. All manipulations are performed without pain, without affecting the thyroid gland, breast, or location of the lymph nodes. The decision on such procedures must be agreed with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy.

Do a honey massage often, but not every day. The top layer of skin that is peeled simply does not have time to recover in 24 hours. There should be at least two days between sessions.

By following the recommendations and listening to your body, you can truly enjoy the massage without any side effects.

Video tutorial on anti-cellulite procedures

In our modern times, honey massage is already commonplace and is used quite widely. It is actively practiced in Tibet, India, Southeast Asia and the countries of the former CIS.

The benefits of honey massage for humans

It has a healing and healing effect on the human body. The massage itself is very beneficial. And if in addition to it it is applied bioactive substances, then its effectiveness increases significantly.

In order for the human body to receive certain beneficial substances, they need to expend energy for absorption. Honey is such a wonderful product that in order to get enough of a large number of microorganisms and vitamins, you don’t need to spend much effort - the bees have processed everything.

Cleansing your skin with honey

Honey can replenish the energy costs of the human body. During a honey massage human skin cleanses. Natural peeling occurs. The skin is cleansed of keratinized particles, blood flow and the skin's ability to be saturated with oxygen are significantly improved.


Honey can absorb toxins. When honey penetrates through the skin into the soft tissues of a person, it pulls on the so-called toxins. This is confirmed by the appearance of grayish discharge on the human body after a 15-minute massage with honey.

Honey massage for firmness and elasticity of the skin

Besides skin cleansing, there is a significant increase in the firmness and elasticity of the skin. With regular honey massage, fat capsules under the skin can dissolve. Since everything in the human body is interconnected, it is clear that honey, penetrating through the skin, has influence on the functioning of internal organs.

Treats heart disease and improves immunity

A special beneficial effect on the condition of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia and decreased immune system function has been noticed. Massage with honey improves mobility and normal functioning of joints. Massage actions are indicative of osteochondrosis and nervous diseases.

Fighting fatigue

If a person suffers from fatigue or is in a stressful state, then a massage with honey will not only help you relax, but will also provide a preventive measure for the functioning of the mental system, help normalize sleep, and eliminate the consequences of physical fatigue.


Honey massage for cellulite

In many beauty salons, honey massage is presented as the main remedy for getting rid of cellulite. But this wonderful healing method should not be highlighted only as a session of cosmetic services.

Anti-cellulite massage It should be called such a massage when the massage therapist focuses only on problem areas on the women’s body. But by paying attention only to certain parts of the body, an imbalance may occur in the body. Which will lead to disturbances in the speed of metabolic processes and provoke a nervous state.

Improved blood flow during massage it should be in all parts of the body, and not just in problem areas. For honey massage, natural flower honey is used. The state of honey crystallization does not affect the massage at all.

Watch a video lesson on buttock massage with honey

How to massage with honey correctly

Honey massage technique involves the use of honey in a fluid state. But in order for crystallized honey to become fluid, it needs to be heated a little. The heating temperature of honey should not exceed 45 degrees. Often with honey add essential oils. The massage procedure begins with a warming general muscle massage without the use of oil. Honey is applied to the already heated body and they begin to rub it into the body. After the honey thickens, the massage technique changes: pressing and releasing the hands from the body.

In this video you will see the correct honey massage technique

When to stop the massage

The massage stops as soon as the client becomes uncomfortable. At the place where the massage was performed, wipe with a hot towel, cover with another hot one, and proceed to the next part of the body. After the massage, the client takes a warm shower, because the spent honey covering the body contains all the harmful substances released during the procedure.

At the present stage of development of medicine, many have become convinced of the side effects of most medications. This can explain the fact that more and more often people are resorting to treatment using products of natural origin that nature has given to humans. It has long been noted that honey, propolis, and bee products have a beneficial effect on the entire body. They improve general condition, prolong life and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Video training “Honey massage”

Before watching the video lesson “Honey Massage”, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it has its contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended for a certain category of people:

  1. if you are allergic to honey and bee products;
  2. during the course of acute diseases;
  3. for mental illness;
  4. in the presence of high temperature;
  5. with varicose veins;
  6. for various tumors;
  7. if there are many moles on the massaged area;
  8. people suffering from diabetes and bronchial asthma;
  9. with fragility of blood vessels.

Particular care should be taken in patients with excessive hair growth.

Before starting a honey massage, you must consult your doctor.

Allergy test

Before you start a honey massage, you need to make sure that your body tolerates honey:

  1. Apply a little honey to the inner surface of the forearm and observe for 15-20 minutes;
  2. if redness, blisters or itching do not appear, then honey massage can be used.

Preparatory massage

Before the honey massage, a light classical massage is performed. It helps warm up and improve skin elasticity. In this case, the usual classical techniques are used:

After rubbing techniques, kneading techniques are used, which affect the deeper layers of the body. Classic massage is facilitated by honey massage, since honey is accompanied by certain pain sensations. It is carried out until there is slight redness or a slight increase in the temperature of the skin surface. To improve the functioning of lymph flow and blood flow, light squeezes are used.

Honey massage

Natural honey is used for massage:

  1. take two tablespoons of honey;
  2. Apply an even layer of honey to the massaged surface of the back;
  3. Using classical techniques, we gradually begin to press the honey into the body;
  4. We use different parts of the hands;
  5. from the moment the honey begins to stick, we change the massage technique, affecting the body with sharper movements;
  6. We first perform a soft palmar action both transversely and longitudinally;
  7. We constantly alternate hand movements;
  8. with increasing plasticization of honey, we increase the impact with our hands;
  9. We use the rolling or caterpillar technique;
  10. We combine longitudinal and transverse movements, alternating massage techniques.

After finishing the honey massage, we perform light vibration techniques and apply contrasting compresses alternating cold and hot. There can be from six to eight.

A change in body temperature is accompanied by a narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, which improves the functioning of lymphatic and blood flows, and venous congestion is eliminated. Compresses enhance the effects of honey.

Honey and bee products are known not only as food products, but also as biostimulants. They have a biological effect on the entire body.