Effective oil for wrinkles under the eyes reviews

There was a topic where girls wrote that wrinkles under the eyes respond well to oils. I don’t know the oils themselves, can you tell me? I began to notice a fine mesh under my eyes, not facial expressions. It's in the very beginning stages, but I see it.

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If in the initial stages, creams from Clinics personally help me. There was a wrinkle under my eyes that infuriated me. I started applying it regularly and it went away!

I read on the Internet that castor oil is very helpful for wrinkles around the eyes. Also, castor oil is used to make scalp masks to strengthen hair. Castor oil is sold at any pharmacy in small bottles; just wet the pad of your finger with the oil and gently massage the skin around your eyes.

I heard it's peach!
But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion!
And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

Well, screw it. Author, the skin around the eyes is so thin, what if some kind of allergy pops up? and oil can get into the eye.. It’s better to use ophthalmologist-tested creams.

I use almond and peach, they are not heavy. Creams didn’t help, oils help.

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

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jojoba oil diluted with whichever thread is lighter, I smeared it and didn’t feel any heaviness
Sometimes I washed it off with some water after a while just so it wouldn’t be too hard! But it’s better not to do it at night! Only during the day

I don’t recommend applying oil in its pure form, add it to the cream

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

I use cream, maybe that’s why it only appeared when I was 36.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.
In its purest form?

I heard it's peach! But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion! And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.

AuthorGuest In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.
And I used jojoba oil at night and removed the remnants of mascara with it (after rinsing it off). I had good, well-groomed skin. Then the oil ran out.

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

Tailed Masha, they start with oils and take care of the problems to the fullest. I, just like someone who screwed up in my time, want to warn against some of the most common problems. I rushed from one extreme (almost complete lack of skin care) to the other - hyper-care. True. as always, somewhere in the middle. The main thing is regularity. And then even with the most factory-made cream you will see the effect. What do natural cosmetics provide? Lack of preservatives (on an industrial scale, because even homemade cream needs to be preserved) and parabens. You absolutely cannot expect a super effect. Anything that gives quick results harms the skin. This must be remembered like the ABC. It took me the first year just to figure out MY base oils and assets. As for the “difficulties” of making creams. This is very interesting! This is a hobby. This can become your serious hobby for life. Is this bad? Moreover, excellent high-tech emulsifiers are now being sold, which are very easy to manufacture.
There is a well-known aromarti forum; beginners can go there and take notes, take notes, study the experience and valuable (I would even say the most valuable) advice from experienced forum members.

24, natural cosmetics give, first of all, knowledge of what is in the cream (and any other care product). Based on this knowledge, you can judge the effectiveness, and most importantly, the negative impact on your skin. after all, the same components can behave differently on different skins.
regarding the difficulty of making: not everyone is ready to do this all the time, not everyone is interested and excited about it - and if you do all this without pleasure, then nothing will work out. and one more thing: the average woman is unlikely to want to understand the theory in order to understand the essence of cream making, understand oils and their effects, choose specific ones for her skin - this takes time, all this is learned by trial and error, and most people want just the one mentioned You have an instant effect - you put it on and you’re immediately a beauty. It’s sad.
and advertising is a big deal - “a cream with a lifting effect (or disappearance of acne - who cares) in 2 weeks” - for some reason they still believe it! read the composition - and there is nothing useful, the assets are scanty, mainly components that give a pleasant, beloved texture of the cream, which give an effect only during application. I will not scold all industrial cosmetics, I believe that if someone is not interested in making creams on their own, then it is better to use ready-made ones, because without interest, passion, patience and the desire to learn, nothing good will come of it, you can only do harm.

You can’t spoil the skin around your eyes with oil,” cosmetologists paraphrased the well-known saying. This is true: the delicate sensitive skin of the “mirror of the soul” is unusually responsive to the nutritional effects of any oil, be it butter or sunflower. But let's not go to extremes. We will tell you which oil for wrinkles around the eyes is considered the best, according to reviews from professionals and users. We will provide a description of the “top ten” home remedies, including exotic ones. Let's introduce you to recipes for masks based on effective oils for wrinkles around the eyes.

So that it’s not too late: at what age should you use oil?


The aging processes of the dermis and the appearance of the first wrinkles do not depend on age. For some, unpleasant changes appear at the age of 20, while others enter their fourth decade with radiant eyes and smooth skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend starting preventative care for the skin around the eyes with vegetable oil at the age of 20–25 years. At this age, the skin is able to independently produce collagen and elastane and does not need lipid (heavy) anti-aging creams.

The best remedy is a natural base of vegetable oils. At a young age, it is not recommended to smear “pure” oil; it is better to prepare the cream yourself. The easiest way is to dilute the “base” with water and apply it around the eyes.

Almost all known vegetable oils are used in cosmetology. Let's highlight those that are effective in combating wrinkles around the eyes. And you choose the one that is ideal for your skin, makes it fresh and elastic.

Ten of the most effective oils for the skin around the eyes


Cosmetologists divide oils into base and essential oils and give recommendations on how to mix them correctly. The basic ones are fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The composition of different types of natural oils varies slightly.

  1. Jojoba oil stands out from the plant line with its uniqueness. Only it contains a set of rare acids: eicosenoic and behenic. They stimulate tissues for natural regeneration and restore elasticity lost over the years. Fatty acids protect against exposure to sunlight and remove crow's feet. Use jojoba oil for the face against wrinkles here.
  2. Castor oil promotes the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows, smoothes the skin around the eyes. Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes does not create an oily film and is completely absorbed. Saturates the eyelids with moisture. How to use castor oil for eyelashes - details here.
  3. Almond oil – one of the best cosmetics for softening, nutrition, and whitening. Cosmetologists note its ability to reduce wrinkles and fight age-related changes. A distinctive feature is a soft, delicate texture, ideal for the skin around the eyes.
    It is used to produce cosmetic products for removing eyelash makeup. Almond oil for wrinkles solves the problem of acne and aging skin. Smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend oil massage around the eyes twice a day: “crow’s feet” with this care become invisible and completely disappear over time.
  4. Wheat germ oil – a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Works on cell renewal. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Refreshes color, tightens oval shape, eliminates wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The only drawback is the heavy consistency. Therefore, combine it with light products: peach, apricot oil.
  5. Linseed oil for the face against wrinkles around the eyes - a universal remedy that nourishes, moisturizes, and smoothes. The disadvantages include the thick consistency, heavy on the eyelids. It is recommended to apply diluted with water or essential compounds. By the way, many people use flax oil for weight loss.

  6. maslo-ot-morshin-pod-glazami-zKhhON.webp

    Olive - Gently but quickly affects dry skin that has lost its elasticity. It is also simply a healthy product of Mediterranean cuisine, which Europeans consider anti-aging.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles under the eyes - in terms of the degree of effect on the skin it is not inferior to rose hips. The same composition of vitamins - A, C, E - slows down the aging process and is involved in the production of collagen. Fruit acids even out skin color by affecting age spots.
  8. Peach makes the skin soft and velvety, similar to the fruit itself. Oleic and linoleic acids regenerate the dermis under the eyes. Antioxidant vitamins improve metabolic processes in tissues.
  9. Coconut – moisturizer. It will help get rid of facial wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and dark circles in the infraorbital area.
  10. Rose hip extract – a powerful antioxidant surrounded by a dozen types of fatty acids. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis, thanks to the high content of vitamin C. A slightly smaller amount of vitamin A protects cells from aging and accelerates metabolic processes in tissues. It is a means of beauty and renewal. Many cosmetologists consider it one of the best basic products for homemade creams and masks.

Best eye oil for wrinkles


There is no clear advice on the use of oil products against wrinkles around the eyes. Which oil is considered the best if they have a similar composition? Fans of natural anti-aging procedures often prefer olive oil, which is common in households and affordable. Others advocate castor oil, which is absorbed without forming an unpleasant film.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, you should choose a natural product that is light and delicate in consistency. If you like the effect of “heavy” anti-wrinkle products on your face, use them as a base for combination eye masks against wrinkles. This way you will prepare a delicate elastic mass that will not cause swelling and swelling. As a supplement, use essential oils - 2-3 drops per mask, fruits, berries are enough.

Simple recipes

Here are some recipes for basic oil-based eye masks:

  1. Exotic: combine crushed avocado pulp with the base in a 1 to 1 ratio, add a couple of drops of lavender extract, which will effectively “suppress” the fat content of the oil base.
    Apply with light massaging movements to problem areas around the eyes and eyelids. Exposure: 15-20 minutes. Blot with a damp cloth.
  2. Citrus: coconut oil and sugar-free orange juice in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten cotton pads and apply to eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Vegetable: Carrot, potato, and cucumber puree is suitable as a filler-diluent with a fatty consistency. Mix in equal proportions.
  4. Essential oil cocktails. You can use various essential extracts in combination with an oil base. Sandalwood extract perfectly removes even deep creases. Rose extract improves the elasticity of the dermis. Exotic neroli oil (extract from orange flowers) stimulates the formation of new cells. Expensive lime oil has a similar effect.
    The peculiarity of citrus oils is that they have a fresh aroma, in their pure form they act aggressively on fabrics, so no more than one drop is added to the oil base.

Another recipe for an effective mask against wrinkles under the eyes is offered in this video:

In cosmetology, oil cocktails have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against expression wrinkles. When choosing an oil for rejuvenating eyelid procedures, do not overdo it with a greasy base and essential extracts that have an aggressive effect on delicate skin. Monitor your skin's reaction.

You can find more information on this topic in the Anti-Wrinkle Oil section.


  1. October 30, 2018
  2. Dermatology
  3. Olya Bodrova

Every woman tries to preserve her own youth and beauty as long as possible, but wrinkles sometimes appear too early and only add to their age. They are especially noticeable around the eyes, because this area is the most delicate and has almost no sebaceous glands. To provide thin skin with sufficient hydration and prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles or smooth out existing ones, it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics. Cosmetic oils for the eyes also do an excellent job of this.

Factors causing wrinkles

Interestingly, such a phenomenon as wrinkles can bother a woman not only with age, but also for many other reasons. Among them:

  1. abuse of bad habits;
  2. frequent stress;
  3. regular lack of sleep;
  4. passive lifestyle;
  5. infrequent walks in the fresh air;
  6. too active facial expressions;
  7. negative environmental conditions;
  8. hard physical labor;
  9. sudden fluctuations in weight;
  10. insufficient fluid intake;
  11. poor nutrition;
  12. abuse of decorative cosmetics;


  1. use of low-quality care products;
  2. lack of nutrients in the body;
  3. bad heredity.

In addition, the appearance of skin folds is affected by various diseases, hormonal imbalances and impaired blood circulation. You should select cosmetic oil for the eyes based on the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, otherwise the product may not only not help, but also cause harm.


This product is a basic one and is considered one of the most affordable. You can find olive oil in almost every home, where it is used to prepare various dishes. Rich in minerals and vitamins, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes thin skin, eliminating even minor abrasions and irritations. This cosmetic oil for the skin around the eyes can be used independently or as a basis for preparing various nutritional mixtures, the main thing is to choose only a cold-pressed product, since it is in it that the most nutrients are concentrated.

As an independent remedy, the olive squeeze product helps in a short time to get rid of small wrinkles, improve the tone of the skin around the eyes and moisturize it. It is recommended to apply the product 2 hours before bedtime with light pats and after absorption (approximately 30 minutes), be sure to remove excess with a napkin. In the morning, the oil can be used only if you completely avoid decorative cosmetics.


What kind of oil can you apply around your eyes if you don’t have olive oil in the house? Vegetable fat from sunflower seeds is rarely used in cosmetology, and in vain. And you can certainly find it in every home.


This product is rich in saturated fats, minerals and vitamins to fully nourish the skin from the inside. For a positive effect, you can simply include it in your diet in sufficient quantities and enjoy beautiful smooth and moisturized skin without special procedures. Just a tablespoon of oil per day will help eliminate dry skin.

Sea buckthorn

This product has long been used in cosmetology and has been famous for its healing properties since the times of our ancestors. It is rich in vitamins C, E and A. According to reviews, the anti-wrinkle oil around the eyes effectively eliminates the first wrinkles. Sufficient skin hydration can be achieved even by adding a few drops of the product to your regular cream. The oil is also great for getting rid of bags under the eyes, but it is almost never used on its own. It is often mixed with olive, sunflower or apricot.

Castor oil

Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes has only good reviews. This product is a source of not only vitamins, but also many beneficial fatty acids, each of which has a positive effect on the skin. Vitamins E and A help eliminate puffiness and dark marks under the eyes, and also smooth out the first expression lines.

Maximum results can be achieved by adding a few drops of the product to your regular cream and using it daily. The oil is not used in its pure form, but can be included in various masks.

Almond oil

According to reviews, almond oil for wrinkles around the eyes eliminates cosmetic troubles due to its rich composition of fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. The product perfectly smoothes skin folds, promotes activation of cell division and regenerative abilities of the skin.


The product also protects the skin from harmful environmental influences and promotes noticeable rejuvenation of even mature skin. In addition to its positive effect on facial beauty, the oil ensures healthy growth and strengthening of eyelashes.

Avocado oil

Reviews of avocado-based oil for wrinkles around the eyes can most often be heard from mature women or those with dry skin. In cosmetology, the product is used quite often due to its composition, rich in active amino acids, saturated fats and a whole complex of vitamins. Vegetable fat from avocado helps smooth out even deep wrinkles, returning radiance, elasticity and sufficient hydration to mature skin. Good absorption of the product makes it possible to use it at any time of the day. Most often, the oil is thickly applied to the skin in its pure form and left for 10 minutes, after which the excess is removed with a napkin. This must be done, since excess fat can worsen the situation and cause swelling, an allergic reaction, or clog pores.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil for the skin around the eyes also has good reviews. In cosmetology, this product can be called a champion in the fight against unwanted skin folds due to its high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes any skin, and with regular use it can even make age spots less noticeable or remove them completely.

Peach oil

The best oil for skin around the eyes that is prone to dryness is a peach seed product. This product is considered a godsend in age-related cosmetology, since it activates the production of collagen and helps smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Regular use of the product helps to significantly tighten the shape of the face and make its contours clearer. For those with sensitive skin, the oil can be used as a makeup remover or instead of an eye moisturizer. The product can be used both independently and as an additive to the nutritional composition, the main thing is to apply it only in a thin layer.

Cranberry seed oil

When looking for an answer to the question of which oil is best for wrinkles around the eyes, you should turn your attention to a product made from cranberry seeds. Its composition is enriched with the most effective combination of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. The product perfectly smooths out existing wrinkles and helps prevent the appearance of new ones. The oil can be used in its pure form, added to cream or mixed with other ingredients to make nutritional mixtures. Effective and quick hydration is ensured by the fact that the oil is perfectly absorbed and leaves virtually no excess.

Grape seed oil

This product has the highest concentration of vitamin E among all those listed above. This composition ensures fast and effective skin regeneration, hydration and nutrition. To achieve maximum skin smoothness and radiance, the oil is mixed with the yolk of a quail egg and a small amount of honey, and then applied to the entire face and eyelids. As a stand-alone product, the product is applied with gentle patting movements of the ring fingers, as well as in circular movements around the eyes.

Cacao butter

A very interesting oil for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews indicate that it is sold in solid form and requires heating before use.


Once the product is melted, it can be applied to thin skin alone or mixed with other light oils. The product is left on the skin for only 10 minutes, after which excess should be removed with a napkin. The oil is rich in vitamins and phytosterols, which give a good rejuvenating effect.


Essential oils differ from base oils in their volatility. If you drop a little product onto the fabric, then after a while there will be no trace left of it. Such oils do not dissolve in water and are often used for inhalation, herbal medicine, perfumery and cosmetology. In addition to their positive effect on the skin, essential oils can lift your spirits and improve blood circulation with their aroma, but only when mixed with a base oil base (most often almond, sunflower or olive oil). Essential oils are never used separately as they can cause skin burns. The concentration with the base should be 1:3.

It is difficult to determine which oil is suitable for the skin around the eyes in a particular case, but the right product will definitely give results. Before use, you need to check the quality of the product by dropping a little onto the paper. Good oil will evaporate quickly and leave no residue. Also, quality products are sold only in dark glass bottles in pharmacies. Esters of mint, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rose and other plants are often used in cosmetology.

Terms of use

The main rule for using oil in cosmetology is maintaining the required temperature. Vegetable fats must be warmed up a little before use, but not to noticeable heat; just rub the product between your fingers before applying to the skin. In addition, very thin and delicate skin does not tolerate strong stretching, so any product should be applied only with light patting movements. The ring fingers are considered the least mobile, and they should be used to distribute the oil. On the lower eyelid, pats should be directed from the outer edge of the eye to the inner, and from above - vice versa, so as not to stretch the wrinkles even more.

After applying the oil, you should not immediately go to bed; you must remove the excess after a quarter of an hour, otherwise swelling may appear in the morning. You cannot use water or special means for this, otherwise there will be no effect. You only need to remove excess with a dry cloth.

Procedures can be carried out no more often than once every 2 days, and the duration of the course depends on the age of the lady and the condition of her skin.

Oils are stored in a cool, dark place.

Preparation of mixtures

Equal parts of olive, almond and peach oils with the addition of a few drops of rose and ylang-ylang oil will help get rid of swelling and fine lines.


30 g of peach oil is mixed with four drops of jojoba oil and used for swelling.

For wrinkles, use a mixture of equal parts of mint, lemon, basil and juniper oils.

An excellent result is obtained by combining 30 g of olive oil with three drops of avocado and coconut oils.

Some people mix macadamia and orange oils to prevent wrinkles.

Rose and incense ether are added to jojoba oil.

You can use carrot, rose, olive, lavender and geranium oil.

Oils can also be mixed with oatmeal, glycerin, egg yolks or regular moisturizer.


Reviews about oil for wrinkles around the eyes are usually positive, but if you have the wrong lifestyle, no remedy can help. Even the most expensive products cannot cope with the tasks set if a woman regularly worsens the condition of her skin. Insufficient sleep, irregular rhythm, abuse of bad habits and constant stress lead to the regular appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, which are almost impossible to cope with.


To get visible results, you need to enrich your menu with healthy foods, follow a routine and regularly spend time in the fresh air, while avoiding ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to premature aging. Smoking also leads to dry skin, which causes wrinkles to appear earlier than expected.

All women who met the necessary conditions were able to achieve excellent rejuvenation results using conventional, inexpensive oils. Many claim that the reduction in wrinkles is noticeable after just a few uses. The skin quickly gains elasticity, becomes smooth and radiant. Some products even help get rid of age-related pigmentation, puffiness and bags under the eyes. Of course, not everyone succeeds in choosing the best oil the first time, but persistent efforts will certainly lead to success.