Sunflower oil in cosmetics

There is no point in telling you what sunflower is and what sunflower oil is. But did you know that sunflower oil is not only a food product, but also a very effective cosmetic product, in no way inferior to oils traditionally used in cosmetology? It took marketers very little time to push one of the most useful and affordable products into the background, and now, when it comes to moisturizing your skin, you go to the online store for some exotic. And the remedy you need is just to extend your hand.

Sunflower cultivation began in South America. The Aztecs and Incas treated snake bites with sunflower infusion, and the oil extracted from the entire plant was used as a hair conditioner.

Spanish conquistadors brought sunflowers to Europe, and it took two centuries to learn how to extract the oil from the seeds. The healing properties of sunflower oil were quickly discovered. In Russia, for example, abscesses, skin ulcers, bronchitis and even rheumatism were successfully treated with oil and infusion of leaves.

Modern medicine knows the healing properties of sunflower. Sunflower oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, it is useful for asthma, arthritis, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. But in addition, it is good for the skin. And here is an important feature that many other base oils do not have: sunflower oil also works when taken orally, as a food product. You are unlikely to eat shea or argan, or many other oils. If only because it is too expensive and the taste properties are questionable. And sunflower oil is an everyday component of your diet.

In cosmetology, sunflower oil is used as a base oil, on its own or in combination with other base oils for a greater synergistic effect.

The main properties of sunflower oil used in cosmetology

  1. skin hydration;
  2. acceleration of cell regeneration;
  3. antioxidant properties;
  4. cleansing the skin of any impurities;
  5. the ability to soothe irritations and reduce inflammation.

Softening and moisturizing the skin

Sunflower oil moisturizes and softens the skin if used regularly. In addition, sunflower effectively relieves inflammation and irritation.

Acne elimination

Acne is the result of excess sebum production by the skin and the activity of bacteria that cause inflammatory processes. The vitamins A, C, D and E and fatty acids in sunflower oil can provide a kind of protective layer that prevents bacteria from coming into contact with the skin.

Sunflower oil to protect skin from the sun

Sunflower oil, like almond oil, contains a lot of vitamin E - 12 times more than olive oil. This vitamin prevents cell damage from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, sunflowers contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that counteracts free radicals.

Anti-aging properties

Free radicals are recognized as one of the causes of premature aging of cells and their breakdown. The high content of vitamin E not only protects the skin from the damaging effects of the sun, but also reduces wrinkles and softens the skin, leaving it soft and fresh looking.

Antibacterial properties

The fatty acids in sunflower oil protect the skin from the effects of bacteria.

Other properties of sunflower oil

  1. Reduces dark circles under the eyes and acne scars
  2. Softens rough and dry skin
  3. Helps remove makeup

In search of miracle cures, we turn to new technologies or exotics. If you are faced with a problem and are looking for a way to deal with it, don’t rush. You may already have everything you need at your fingertips.

Sunflowers are one of my favorite themes in painting. Sunflower oil is one of the popular ingredients in cosmetics. Beautiful and extremely useful - here it is, a flower kissed by the sun.

  1. Beneficial properties of sunflower oil
  2. Compound
  3. When is sunflower oil good for facial skin?
  4. Tools Overview

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

If it were not for Peter I, who ordered the import of sunflowers from Holland to Russia in the 18th century, we might not have become acquainted with this wonderful plant in every sense. Well, or they would have found out about it much later. At least, all the possibilities and beneficial properties of the flower in Russia would not have been known for another 100 years. Its only function was decorative - yellow hats of sunflowers decorated vegetable gardens, parks and gardens.

The beneficial properties of sunflower were not immediately known © Getty Images

Thanks to the peasant Daniil Bokarev, who was the first to think of squeezing oil from the seeds of a plant using a hand press, it became clear: there is a lot of oil in sunflowers, it is tasty, and also incredibly healthy.


The oil contains many useful vitamins and substances © Getty Images

has antioxidant properties;

stimulates skin cells to regenerate;

protects against the effects of ultraviolet radiation;

restores the epidermis after tanning.

Sunflower oil also contains:

vitamins A, C, D (fight oxidative stress);

unsaturated acids, such as oleic, linoleic (serve to soften and moisturize the skin);

saturated fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic (nourishing).

When is sunflower oil good for facial skin?

Sunflower oil is found in a wide variety of skin products. © Getty Images

It is included in creams for the care of children's skin.

It is often found in products for aging skin.

This is one of the ingredients for skin care around the eyes.

Sunflower oil is included in hand creams.

In cosmetic formulas, sunflower oil is assigned many tasks.


In products for mature skin and the skin around the eyes, hand creams and lip balms, sunflower oil helps soften and moisturize the epidermis.


Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, sunflower oil, or more precisely, the ingredients produced from it, serve as excellent moisturizers for the skin.

Sun protection

Vitamin E contained in sunflower oil is an invaluable ingredient in sun protection products and skin restoration after ultraviolet baths.

Tools Overview

Night two-phase peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

One of the peeling phases is enriched with sunflower oil to nourish and moisturize the skin.

The familiar sunny flower is a source of essential vitamins and amino acids!

We are used to using sunflower oil and gnawing on the seeds, but they are a cure for many diseases, which is always at hand. The beneficial properties of sunflower seeds are equal to their popularity. True, you can’t exactly call them a dietary product: 100 grams of seeds account for 580 kcal. But the seeds are extremely rich in vegetable oil, they include fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have the excellent property of lowering cholesterol levels in human blood. Also, the benefit of the seeds lies in the high content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the sunflower kernels.

Sunflower seeds have a positive effect on the condition of human nails, hair, and oral mucosa. When consuming seeds, the acid-base balance in the body is normalized. These seeds are also rich in microelements: zinc, calcium, fluorine, iodine, iron. Their most valuable property is the constancy of useful qualities, regardless of shelf life. Their use is the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. The benefits of eating seeds are undeniable for diseases of the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. Sunflower seeds contain magnesium 6 times more than rye bread, and contain a large amount of folic acid and B vitamins. People suffering from heartburn, with increased acidity of gastric juice, need to chew the seeds more often.

Sunflower leaves and flowers contain betaine, choline, carotene, sterols, flavonoids and other beneficial substances. In addition, rubber and resins were found in sunflower leaves, and the seeds contain oil saturated with linoleic, lignoceric, and oleic acids. Extract and tinctures from sunflower leaves and flowers are used to improve appetite, and the oil is used to treat many diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.

The medicinal properties of sunflower are also used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea, jaundice, and pulmonary diseases.

It has long been known that the properties of products that affect the body as a whole are also true for facial and body skin care. Sunflower oil, rich in valuable substances and vitamins, has not gone unnoticed by cosmetologists. A study of the effect of natural oil on the skin led to the conclusion that it has excellent moisturizing, regenerating, plasticizing properties (that is, the ability to make the skin more elastic).

One of the most important components of sunflower oil, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, is fat-soluble vitamin E. Known for its excellent antioxidant properties, when used in cosmetics it helps slow down the aging process of the skin. In terms of vitamin E content, sunflower oil is 12 times higher than olive oil! The free acids in the oil promote the regeneration of new cells, which is why it is recommended for use on burns.

It does not create a heavy protective film on the skin, while perfectly moisturizing it. Using sunflower oil in cosmetics and eating it helps protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun.

In cosmetology, sunflower oil is commonly used as a base for cosmetics and bath oil mixtures created to restore tired skin. It is suitable for caring for any skin type, but best reveals its properties on dry or aging skin, giving it nutrition and comfortable hydration.