Sunflower seed oil in cosmetology

Sunflowers are one of my favorite themes in painting. Sunflower oil is one of the popular ingredients in cosmetics. Beautiful and extremely useful - here it is, a flower kissed by the sun.

  1. Beneficial properties of sunflower oil
  2. Compound
  3. When is sunflower oil good for facial skin?
  4. Tools Overview

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

If it were not for Peter I, who ordered the import of sunflowers from Holland to Russia in the 18th century, we might not have become acquainted with this wonderful plant in every sense. Well, or they would have found out about it much later. At least, all the possibilities and beneficial properties of the flower in Russia would not have been known for another 100 years. Its only function was decorative - yellow hats of sunflowers decorated vegetable gardens, parks and gardens.

The beneficial properties of sunflower were not immediately known © Getty Images

Thanks to the peasant Daniil Bokarev, who was the first to think of squeezing oil from the seeds of a plant using a hand press, it became clear: there is a lot of oil in sunflowers, it is tasty, and also incredibly healthy.


The oil contains many useful vitamins and substances © Getty Images

has antioxidant properties;

stimulates skin cells to regenerate;

protects against the effects of ultraviolet radiation;

restores the epidermis after tanning.

Sunflower oil also contains:

vitamins A, C, D (fight oxidative stress);

unsaturated acids, such as oleic, linoleic (serve to soften and moisturize the skin);

saturated fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic (nourishing).

When is sunflower oil good for facial skin?

Sunflower oil is found in a wide variety of skin products. © Getty Images

It is included in creams for the care of children's skin.

It is often found in products for aging skin.

This is one of the ingredients for skin care around the eyes.

Sunflower oil is included in hand creams.

In cosmetic formulas, sunflower oil is assigned many tasks.


In products for mature skin and the skin around the eyes, hand creams and lip balms, sunflower oil helps soften and moisturize the epidermis.


Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, sunflower oil, or more precisely, the ingredients produced from it, serve as excellent moisturizers for the skin.

Sun protection

Vitamin E contained in sunflower oil is an invaluable ingredient in sun protection products and skin restoration after ultraviolet baths.

Tools Overview

Night two-phase peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

One of the peeling phases is enriched with sunflower oil to nourish and moisturize the skin.

Plant extracts are a completely natural product that can be added to various moisturizing and nourishing products for the face and body. Sunflower oil for the skin is very soft and gentle, without injuring even very sensitive areas. Regular skin care with this component is not accompanied by unpleasant odors or unexpected side effects.

From this article you will learn:

Effectiveness of oil for skin

Thanks to the sunflower product, you can get rid of such unpleasant sensations as peeling, a feeling of tightness and dryness on the face. The nourishing effect of the oil is noticeable even if you simply apply it to the skin during a light massage of the face and body. True, you need to heat the product in a water bath and remove the excess with a towel, but do not wash it off completely. Thus, the plant extract becomes an excellent analogue of a natural nourishing cream, transforming the relief of the face and body, narrowing pores and delaying damage to the dermis.

Sunflower oil is also used in cosmetology for moisturizing. Here, the advantage of the product lies in the increased content of tocopherol, a vitamin that retains moisture inside the cell. Due to this, with constant use of the squeeze, the skin becomes velvety and smooth, and the face acquires a beautiful color. For such purposes, it is enough to add a couple of drops of oil to any cream suitable for your skin for daily use.

Sunflower oil for skin compares favorably with many store-bought cosmetics due to its versatility. In fact, it is equally suitable for people of different ages because it slows down the signs of aging, increases blood circulation, improves skin immunity and adds freshness and radiance to the skin. In addition, absolutely any type of skin, including sensitive, with such a product will only become better day by day, because sunflower extract gently heals even the deep layers of the epidermis, restoring the cellular structure.

How to use sunflower oil for face

To remove makeup

Most girls resort to using a vegetable squeeze from sunflower seeds when they need to remove makeup. Oil cleanses the skin very well, so it replaces foams and gels before the stage of deeper effects with masks, scrubs and peels. It is important that the skin does not dry out, so women can safely remove the remaining lipstick from their lips with a cotton pad and oil. In addition to cosmetic stains, the product removes traces of sweat, dust and dead skin particles well.

Eye care oil

Some ladies are afraid to use sunflower extract around the eyes. However, these are completely unnecessary fears, because the oil allows you to get rid of facial wrinkles. You can use the product yourself, instead of any anti-aging gels or creams. Simply apply the oil with patting massage movements in the evenings (or morning and evening, but not at night). Do not rinse off the product, but remove excess drops with lint-free wipes. Since sunflower oil is considered very light, it will not leave a greasy film unless the skin is damp.

Cosmetic oil compresses

Very often, vegetable oils are included in compresses and creams that help girls with dermatological facial imperfections. In particular, a compress with an unrefined product will make the skin glow if the oil is heated to 37-40 degrees and the soaked gauze is applied to the face for half an hour or overnight. During this procedure, it is important to insulate the face with cellophane and cotton wool, and at the end do a contrast wash or remove the oil with a decoction of linden. For constant hydration, it is recommended to mix sunflower pomace with onion pulp and crushed dandelion flowers. The mixture is boiled on the stove for 15 minutes, and after cooling, used as a night cream.

Face masks with sunflower oil

The most popular option for using sunflower oil on the face is to make a mask. Dry skin can be cared for by applying a mixture of oil and cottage cheese (in equal proportions) for 30 minutes. Additional nutrition will be provided by a mask of warm milk, honey, oatmeal and sunflower extract. You can get vitamins for facial skin, in turn, from a combination of yolk, 15 ml of oil and a pharmaceutical ampoule of tocopherol. This mask is kept for a little less than the previous ones - 20 minutes.

To lighten and soften dry skin, oil is used in combination with cream and instant coffee, and after using the mask for 15 minutes, the face is wiped with peony infusion. This mask can also be used as a night mask if there is excessive peeling of the dermis.

If you have normal or combination skin, then use oil masks twice a week, mixing sunflower extract with oatmeal in the same ratio and leaving on the face for 15 minutes.

As for oily skin, vegetable oil will help it cope with blackheads and acne and calm inflammatory processes on the face. To do this, mix the oil with yolk and lemon juice and apply the mask to your face until completely dry, removing the residue with warm water. A mask made of green tea, sunflower oil, green clay and rosemary ether also tightens pores on oily skin. This remedy is removed after 20 minutes with a decoction of calendula.

Eyelash nourishing oil

Sunflower oil for eyelashes is often considered insufficiently effective. You really shouldn't expect intense hair growth from it. However, if your eyelashes are constantly exposed to cosmetics, this product will prevent eyelash loss by strengthening their structure. The oil saturates the eyelashes with minerals and vitamins, making them more resistant to irritating factors. But in any case, the effect is noticeable only with constant use.

How to use vegetable body oil


  1. Sunflower remedy during a massage turns out to be of great benefit to the skin. By warming and softening the surface of the body, the oil ensures better gliding of the master’s hands and enhances the healing effect of the procedure. At the same time, it is quickly absorbed without excess shine, does not clog pores and accelerates blood circulation, which also adds an anti-cellulite effect to the massage.
  2. Sunflower oil for the skin of rough and irritated areas of the body is simply necessary for regular hydration and nutrition. For example, as part of the balm, vegetable oil softens the skin of the heels, removes stretch marks of pregnant women, improves heat exchange, treats burns and relieves itching. If a deeper effect is needed, you can mix 100 g of sea salt with warm oil and apply this scrub weekly to cleanse the body. Additional skin peeling removes dead cells and stimulates blood flow to the tissues. A moisturizing scrub is made from one large spoon of oil and two coffee spoons of oatmeal. Leave this product on the body for only five minutes.
  3. Many girls add vegetable oil to their bath before bed. It is enough to dissolve just a couple of drops in warm water to make the skin soft and velvety. After this procedure, you can also wipe yourself with oil for 15-20 minutes, lie down and remove the residue from your body with a dry towel.
  4. Very often, plant extract from sunflower seeds is used in the summer to protect against ultraviolet rays. It does not create an unpleasant film on the skin, but is ideal for tanning. It is recommended to use the oil in its pure form, applying it half an hour before sunbathing. The skin should be clean and dry, and the body should be lubricated from bottom to top, removing excess with napkins. Please note that you need to wait until the oil is completely absorbed, and you should only reapply it after four hours. The advantage of such a product is a natural ultraviolet filter of degree 4, hypoallergenicity and resistance to water procedures. But you need to use extra cold-pressed oil, so be prepared to transfer a specific aroma to your skin. In addition, sand and dust particles will begin to stick to the body. Experts do not recommend using this tanning product on the face and neck if you are prone to acne. It is also necessary to take into account that the oil is used on slightly tanned skin, because the snow-white body will easily become covered with burns.
  5. The moisturizing effect of sunflower oil makes it popular for use on hands. The product softens rough skin, smoothes fine wrinkles and accelerates the healing of cracks. It is most useful to mix the product with an ampoule of vitamin A and apply to the skin 2-3 times a day. This natural mixture quickly relieves irritation and removes flaking on the palms. Many ladies use pure warm sunflower oil to replace hand and nail cream, softening cuticles and strengthening flaking nails. Additionally, to eliminate excess pigmentation on the hands, you can mix the unrefined product with cottage cheese and apply it to the palms for 10 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and wipe with a piece of citrus fruit. It also allows for hand baths with a few drops of oil before a manicure. The protective qualities of the product also allow it to be applied to brushes before working in the garden, when you don’t want to spend a long time washing off the settled dirt and dust.
  6. For the skin of a newborn, sunflower oil can be an excellent protection against inflammation and peeling, diaper rash and germs. However, it must be taken into account that the usual cleaning properties of the product are not enough; sterilization of the product is required. Unrefined virgin oil can be sterilized in a pan or in a water bath for 20 minutes. The product is stored in a dark and dry room. The finished product is used to remove serum lubricant between the baby’s legs, to treat the scalp and body after bathing, and during massage. The light structure of the oil and the abundance of vitamins in the composition make it possible to use sunflower extract for baby’s skin in cases of redness and contamination, when treating the nasal and ear passages.


Sunflower oil for skin

It is also worth noting that vegetable oil is very beneficial for hair. It moisturizes the scalp, regenerates damaged cells, healing wounds, and restores the structure of the follicles. You can use this product as part of balms, masks and shampoos to get rid of itching, increased oiliness, and dandruff.

The familiar sunny flower is a source of essential vitamins and amino acids!

We are used to using sunflower oil and gnawing on the seeds, but they are a cure for many diseases, which is always at hand. The beneficial properties of sunflower seeds are equal to their popularity. True, you can’t exactly call them a dietary product: 100 grams of seeds account for 580 kcal. But the seeds are extremely rich in vegetable oil, they include fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have the excellent property of lowering cholesterol levels in human blood. Also, the benefit of the seeds lies in the high content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the sunflower kernels.

Sunflower seeds have a positive effect on the condition of human nails, hair, and oral mucosa. When consuming seeds, the acid-base balance in the body is normalized. These seeds are also rich in microelements: zinc, calcium, fluorine, iodine, iron. Their most valuable property is the constancy of useful qualities, regardless of shelf life. Their use is the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. The benefits of eating seeds are undeniable for diseases of the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. Sunflower seeds contain magnesium 6 times more than rye bread, and contain a large amount of folic acid and B vitamins. People suffering from heartburn, with increased acidity of gastric juice, need to chew the seeds more often.

Sunflower leaves and flowers contain betaine, choline, carotene, sterols, flavonoids and other beneficial substances. In addition, rubber and resins were found in sunflower leaves, and the seeds contain oil saturated with linoleic, lignoceric, and oleic acids. Extract and tinctures from sunflower leaves and flowers are used to improve appetite, and the oil is used to treat many diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.

The medicinal properties of sunflower are also used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea, jaundice, and pulmonary diseases.

It has long been known that the properties of products that affect the body as a whole are also true for facial and body skin care. Sunflower oil, rich in valuable substances and vitamins, has not gone unnoticed by cosmetologists. A study of the effect of natural oil on the skin led to the conclusion that it has excellent moisturizing, regenerating, plasticizing properties (that is, the ability to make the skin more elastic).

One of the most important components of sunflower oil, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, is fat-soluble vitamin E. Known for its excellent antioxidant properties, when used in cosmetics it helps slow down the aging process of the skin. In terms of vitamin E content, sunflower oil is 12 times higher than olive oil! The free acids in the oil promote the regeneration of new cells, which is why it is recommended for use on burns.

It does not create a heavy protective film on the skin, while perfectly moisturizing it. Using sunflower oil in cosmetics and eating it helps protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun.

In cosmetology, sunflower oil is commonly used as a base for cosmetics and bath oil mixtures created to restore tired skin. It is suitable for caring for any skin type, but best reveals its properties on dry or aging skin, giving it nutrition and comfortable hydration.