Sage oil for acne


Rejuvenating, cleansing and brightening the skin is the main task of sage in cosmetology. Its properties are aimed at renewing regenerative processes in the skin, increasing its elasticity and creating an antibacterial environment. Therefore, in the fight against acne, sage is recognized as one of the best folk remedies. It slows down the inflammatory process, even if blockage and contamination of the pores could not be avoided.

The anti-inflammatory effect of sage is complemented by a strengthening and drying effect. These properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of acne-affected skin.

What is sage rich in?

Against acne, not only dried or fresh organic raw materials from the leaves, stems and inflorescences of sage are used, but also oil, which is applied directly to pimples to dry them and get rid of redness.

The activity of sage against acne is due to its chemical composition:

  1. flavonoids, which inhibit the action of free radicals, which cause skin aging;
  2. carnosic acid - not only protects the skin from free radicals, but also prevents skin damage from ultraviolet radiation;
  3. Ursolic acid is a strong antiseptic that fights the cause of acne and fungal skin diseases, and has a keratolytic effect on post-acne scars.

Thanks to this composition, sage is used in folk medicine as a remedy for all skin diseases. It prolongs the youth of the skin, mattifies and evens out the complexion.

Methods of use against acne

You can use sage for acne at home without worrying about the allergic effect or peeling of the skin.. Sage is useful and completely safe for both external and internal use.

Decoction and infusion

For washing, you can make a concentrated decoction: 4-5 tablespoons of dry raw materials (can be bought at a pharmacy), pour 500 ml of boiling water, wrap in a warm towel and leave for 3 hours. Then strain and squeeze out the herbal residue well. Wash your face with the resulting infusion twice a day.


The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry sage is boiled in a glass of boiling water in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After boiling, leave the broth for half an hour. Strain and it is ready to eat.

You can dilute a teaspoon of honey in the resulting amount of decoction, and then apply lotions to the inflammation using a cotton pad. It is useful to wipe your face in the morning with ice cubes from the decoction. If you drink the decoction on an empty stomach, the rejuvenating and tonic processes will be activated, the body will get rid of free radicals.

For rashes on the body, you need baths with a decoction of calendula and sage, mixed in equal proportions. It is also useful to combine celandine and sage to achieve maximum antibacterial effect.


It is recommended to lubricate acne at night with a lotion made from sage decoction. To prepare it, add 5 drops of propolis oil and a tablespoon of aloe juice to a glass of decoction, mix well - the lotion is ready for use.


You can also prepare acne masks from sage decoction, which not only eliminate rashes, but also have a general healing effect on the skin. They will require different ingredients that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Dilute a couple of tablespoons of sage decoction with enough potato starch to obtain a viscous, creamy consistency. Apply to cleansed skin, leave for no more than 20 minutes and rinse. The mask is suitable for daily use.


For oily skin, the following composition with a vitaminizing effect and exfoliating effect is useful. Pour a teaspoon of oatmeal with 2-3 tablespoons of sage decoction, let it brew to make a porridge. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to the mask to soften and disinfect, or a pinch of salt to intensively dry out acne. Keep the mask on your face for about 15 minutes.

Sage with celandine and chamomile

To some extent, celandine is even toxic, otherwise it would not be used for exacerbations of cancer. At the same time, celandine is a panacea for cosmetic defects of problem skin. Fresh juice lotions cleanse the face of acne and unwanted freckles. Using celandine with the antiseptic composition of sage, you can significantly transform problematic skin and eliminate the cause of acne. If you add chamomile to this cocktail with its soothing and antifungal properties, a comprehensive treatment is guaranteed.

Chamomile, celandine and sage are mixed in proportions 3:2:2, respectively, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Dip a cotton swab into toner and lubricate your face. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Using sage for acne is beneficial and prudent. As an ingredient in masks and lotions, it will regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the formation of inflammatory processes. Be sure to buy sage at the pharmacy and include it in your acne treatment program.

Beautiful skin is every woman's dream. All you need is a minimum of effort and everything will be fine. Others spend money on expensive procedures, use a lot of drugs and products, and the effect lasts for a matter of days. The problem is that the skin is the first to react to various changes in the body. A pimple can appear from clogged pores, hormones, or illness. In this case, cosmetics will not be able to eradicate the problem; treatment and proper care are required. Medicinal herbs always come to the rescue. Sage is a gift of nature that is difficult to overestimate.


  1. Sage has an anti-inflammatory effect. Soothes an inflamed pimple - relieves redness, swelling, pain. The pustules become less pronounced.
  2. Sage is known for its antibacterial effect. The skin is cleansed of impurities and bacteria that cause blemishes are eliminated.
  3. Sage is an astringent. The skin dries out and the pores tighten. The pimple becomes less noticeable, the pustules mature and are easy to remove.
  4. Sage affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Removes excess sebum production. Oily sheen disappears, which means the likelihood of acne is reduced.

Sage is one of the best folk remedies for skin regeneration. A decoction or tincture is easy to prepare and does not take much time. After use, the skin is cleansed, rejuvenated, and brightened. The treatment occurs without side effects, and application is easy.

Rules of application

Sage is used in the preparation of various cosmetics: decoction, tincture, lotion, face mask. There are no special restrictions on use. The only side effect may be an allergic reaction to sage due to individual intolerance.

Advice! Before starting treatment, it is worth conducting a sensitivity test. Apply a small amount of the prepared product to your elbow or behind your ears. Leave for 20–30 minutes. If no discomfort occurs, sage can be used.

note! Sage is used without restrictions, but the procedure must be followed according to the instructions. Treatment depends on how severely the pimple has affected the skin.

Popular recipes

Decoction or tincture

The tincture is prepared from dry raw materials. Required:

  1. sage – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  2. water – 500 ml.

Pour boiling water, wrap in a towel and leave to steep for 2-3 hours. Strain the sage and use it to wash your face twice a day. Every day a new tincture is prepared.

Sage decoction is prepared from the same ingredients. Just cook for 5 minutes, then infuse. Used for washing and wiping. They also make lotions. The skin becomes fresher, the pimple disappears. Especially if you add sage with 1 teaspoon of honey. In addition, you can freeze the broth and wipe your face with ice cubes every morning. For a greater antibacterial effect, sage is combined with celandine. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks, then take a break.


Initially, a decoction is prepared, then the sage is supplemented with aloe juice and 5 drops of propolis oil. The skin is wiped before going to bed. Separately, you can wipe only the inflamed areas during the day.


Sage tincture is used as the main ingredient.

  1. Sage – 4 tbsp. spoons,
  2. Starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.

It should have a creamy consistency. Sage is applied to the face for 20 minutes. During this time, the skin will cleanse itself and absorb beneficial microelements. The pimple will become less inflamed. Treatment is carried out every day.

  1. Sage – 2–3 tbsp. spoons;
  2. Oatmeal – 1 teaspoon.

Mix the ingredients and leave to swell. To make the pimple dry faster, you can add a pinch of salt. The skin will also brighten after the mask.


  1. Sage;
  2. Celandine;
  3. Chamomile.

All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. They are poured with boiling water, infused and used as lotions. The pimple will disappear before your eyes, the skin will look beautiful and young.


“I really liked the product. Sage works wonders. After just one use I felt lightness on my face. The pimple began to dry out. Gradually the number of acne decreased. I couldn’t stop looking at myself!”

“Sage was prescribed by a cosmetologist. She said that the pimple would disappear faster if I applied less cosmetics to it, including skin care products. She began to wipe her face with lotion. Really helped!”

“My mother uses sage and recommended it to me. I have been suffering from pimple periodically since I was 16 years old. I make a mask with added salt. The next day you can make peace. It dries overnight and leaves no traces afterwards! Sage is a lifesaver!”

For the best effect, take 1 tbsp orally in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon.

Sage is an amazing plant with healing properties. Translated from ancient Greek, it means “sun and health.” What are the benefits of sage for the face? It contains many substances necessary for the skin. Many women use it in home cosmetics. Decoctions, infusions, and rejuvenating face masks are prepared using sage. They have cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties. Using them, you can keep your skin young and healthy for a long time.

What are the benefits of sage for facial skin?

The plant contains many useful components that help get rid of cosmetic imperfections, namely:

The ursolic acid contained in the composition removes the stratum corneum and helps in the treatment of acne, blackheads, eczema, and pimples.
Flavonoids help fight early aging and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.
Carnosic acid protects against ultraviolet radiation, fights free radicals, and reduces pain from sunburn.

The advantage of sage masks is that they are suitable for all skin types. They can be combined with other herbs that enhance their effects.

A decoction is prepared from sage, which can be used to wash the face twice a day, morning and evening. This simple procedure will provide the skin with additional care, prolong its youth, and relieve acne, inflammation, and swelling.

Steaming your face with sage will help cleanse pores of impurities, remove toxins, and improve color. It is recommended to do the procedure no more than two to three times a week. It is especially useful before cleansing, which enhances its effect.

Sage masks are effective for porous, oily skin, dryness, inflammatory processes, pimples, blackheads, pigment spots, and peeling.

Rules of application

  1. To avoid allergies, sage preparations must be tested on the wrist. If after 15 minutes there is no redness, then everything is fine and you can use them. If there are still rashes, the plant should be discarded and replaced with other cosmetics.
  2. Before washing with the decoction or applying masks, do not forget to remove makeup and cleanse your face of dirt.
  3. It is recommended to apply masks to the face no more than once or twice a week; they should be kept on for no longer than 20-25 minutes.

How to prepare sage

The plant can be purchased at a pharmacy or at the market from herbalists, but it is better to prepare it yourself. Grass collection begins in early summer, during the flowering period. For this purpose, choose warm, sunny days. The plant must be clean. If there is dust on it, it is better to shake it off, or rinse it with water from a watering can, and wait until it dries well.

Sage begins to bloom in its second year, so if it is not yet blooming, cut off the lower, well-formed leaves. The leaves and top of the stem are cut off from a flowering plant. Before drying, it is sorted out, the lower part of the stem is removed, since it is very dense and is not suitable for further use.

The plant is dried in rooms with good access to fresh air, without direct sunlight. To determine the degree of dryness, you need to rub it with your fingers. The dried plant crumbles and crumbles.

Sage for the face: the best recipes

Sage decoction for face

The decoction is used for steaming or washing in the presence of skin rashes and wrinkles. Pour 5 tbsp into the pan. l. herbs, pour one liter of boiling water over it, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Take a steam bath for 15 minutes. Tilt your face over a pan of steam, cover your head with a towel. The steam temperature should be comfortable. The decoction can be used for daily washing, wiping, or rinsing. To do this, it must be judged and strained.

Sage oil for face

It doesn't take long to prepare the oil. It is easy to prepare at home. Grind the flowers and leaves of the plant, fill half a liter jar with them, fill them with vegetable or olive oil to the top of the jar, cover tightly with a lid, and leave to infuse in a dark place. After two weeks, separate the plant from the oil and squeeze out the extract from it through several layers of gauze. Add a new portion of the crushed plant to the remaining oil and repeat the procedure.

Sage ice for face

To prepare ice cubes, you need to prepare a decoction from the plant, infuse it, strain it, pour it into special ice molds, and place it in the freezer to freeze. After a few hours, the ice will be ready for use. Use it for wiping in the morning and evening. The procedure must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Sage lotion for face

This is an effective remedy for acne, blackheads, and blackheads, which are often present on oily skin. Prepare one glass of plant decoction, cool it, strain, add one tbsp. l. aloe juice and 5 drops of propolis tincture. Wipe your skin before going to bed by soaking a cotton swab in lotion.

Sage and chamomile mask

The mask relieves irritation, the stratum corneum, smoothes wrinkles, and tones aging sensitive skin. Finely chop fresh sprigs of chamomile and sage, take two tbsp. l. mixture of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour. Separate the herbs from the water and place them on the skin. After 25 minutes, wash with warm water and the remaining infusion.

Sage and lemon balm mask

The mask is an effective means for cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating combination skin. Mix one tbsp. l. sage, lemon balm, St. John's wort, nettle, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour. Separate the herbs from the infusion, put them on the skin, after 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water, then with the remaining infusion.

Sage and oatmeal mask

The mask relieves puffiness, moisturizes, and refreshes tired skin. Mix one dessert spoon of crushed herbs of sage, cornflowers, calendula, pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for 50 minutes, strain. 3 tbsp. l. pour oatmeal with the prepared herbal infusion, apply the contents to the dermis, after 20 minutes wash with warm, then cool water.

Sage face mask for acne

The product helps get rid of purulent acne and is used for all skin types. Take two tbsp. l. potato starch, pour a small amount of warm herbal decoction over it, mix, apply to the dermis, and rinse with running water after 15-20 minutes.

Sage face mask for spider veins

The recipe helps in the treatment of rosacea, is suitable for all skin types, and is intended for daily use. Connect one st. l. sage, nettle, parsley, St. John's wort, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a mixture of herbs, put on fire, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cool, strain. Add one tsp to the broth. lemon juice. Dip a napkin into the broth, apply it to problem areas of the epidermis, hold for 10 minutes.

Whitening sage mask

The product can be used for all skin types. It removes bruises, dark spots, circles under the eyes. Mix one tbsp. l. chopped dry sage and finely chopped parsley, pour a small portion of boiling water over the herb mixture, leave for 25 minutes, strain. Place the herbs on the skin, after 20 minutes wash with running water, then with the herbal infusion.

Steaming mask with sage for facial cleansing

Prepare a decoction from the plant, cool it, strain. Dip a thick cloth into it, apply to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Sage for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, and the first wrinkles appear on it early. To slow down this process, you need to wipe the lower and upper eyelids with ice cubes, as well as apply gauze sage compresses for 25 minutes. For greater effect, cold and hot compresses must be alternated.

Now you know how sage is useful for the face, and you will use recipes with it to maintain beauty and youth.