Foundation that changes color to match the skin

I’ll tell you about a very unusual product – green foundation Color Change Blemish Balm SPF25 PA++. At one time it became a sensation; it is a cream-changer. When you squeeze it out, it is greenish-white in color. And then it turns beige and blends into the skin. Price - around 1000 rubles.

What does the manufacturer promise?

A unique BB cream that changes color right on your skin! Innovative technology of color capsules that adapt to the characteristics of skin tone allows you to create a perfectly even coating. The cream has a light mattifying effect and hides imperfections.

Water-soluble collagen and phyto-moisturizing component gently moisturize and soften the skin. Texture: dense. The cream itself is white-green in color interspersed with dark particles, which, when applied to the skin, burst and turn the cream into a flesh-colored shade.

Coverage: medium, well hides dark circles under the eyes, broken capillaries, partially covers freckles. Almost invisible. Finish: slightly luminous, not matte.

My impressions

A very unusual product. I was afraid that it would remain green, but the cream very quickly takes on the desired shade. It is practically invisible on the face, while its covering ability is excellent; it will cover not only some minor, but also serious defects. The tone is even, the boundaries are not visible, the cream is just like a second skin.

The downside is that it doesn’t mattify at all, so the skin starts to shine quite quickly. Can get into small wrinkles and emphasize them. And it still whitens the skin and won’t match a tanned face. So if you are not a fan of aristocratic pallor, the cream may seem too light to you. I give the cream a solid three plus on a five-point scale. I’m unlikely to buy it again - I didn’t get the “wow” effect with it, although I was really looking forward to it.

Did the foundation actually turn out lighter than it looked in the bottle? Or, on the contrary, did it darken after application to the skin? Such problems are probably familiar to everyone. To choose the right shade of foundation, it is important to consider several factors. We analyze all the intricacies of the process.

How to choose the right foundation for your face? 3 tips

You should approach the purchase of foundation thoroughly. We have drawn up a detailed action plan.

1. Consider multiple options

In a cosmetics store, don’t try to immediately find the perfect foundation - it’s worth considering several “candidates”. Choose several shades at once (at least three) that seem suitable to you, and give each a chance to shine.

2. Apply cream to several areas

It is customary to test foundations on the wrist (it is believed that this is where the skin is the lightest), but pay attention to other areas as well. Apply a little product to the area near the wings of the nose, on the cheeks and neck to correctly assess whether the cream looks like a foreign spot on the skin.

More information about skin care:

3. Evaluate the result under different lighting conditions

See how the foundation looks under the lights in the store, then go to a window or outside to check out the shade in natural light.

Advice! Remember that not only the shade of the foundation is important, but also its texture, ease of blending and durability. It would be ideal if you manage to get a sample of the foundation to test it for 24 hours.

How to choose a foundation to match your skin color?

Three rules that will help you easily cope with one of the most difficult makeup tasks.

Three rules that will help you easily cope with one of the most difficult makeup tasks.

1. Determine the basic tone

The first step is to determine which of these large groups your skin tone belongs to.

Very light

You have very light, almost transparent skin. Under the rays of the sun, the skin tans slightly or does not change its shade at all. The main difficulty when choosing a foundation is that most shades from any range turn out to be too dark.


Those with fair skin will find it easier to choose the right color - most likely, it will be the lightest shade in the line of any foundation. In summer, such skin tans slightly, so in the warmer months you will need to change your foundation to a darker one.

Mid tone

Your skin is more golden or olive, tans very well and almost never burns.

Dark or dark

Your skin tans perfectly and never burns, has a chocolate or caramel color.

Those with fair skin will find it easier to choose the right color - most likely, it will be the lightest shade in the line of any foundation.

Having decided on this parameter, you will know which shades with which notes on the packaging should be considered as possible candidates: fair very light, light, medium, dark.

2. Determine your skin undertone

Another important parameter, without which it will be impossible to choose the ideal shade of foundation. There are several ways to determine whether your skin has a warm or cool undertone. The easiest way to do this is to do a small test with a piece of white paper. Place the sheet on your face and look at yourself in the mirror.

  1. If your skin looks yellowish or peachy against the paper, it probably has warm undertones, and if it appears a little pink or blue, then you have cool undertones.
  2. If you can't accurately determine the shade, most likely you have a neutral undertone.

Advice! If you understand which color type you belong to, you can easily choose the right shade of foundation, but also all other cosmetics and clothes.

3. Mix shades

If you haven't been able to find a foundation shade that suits you completely, create your own! Mix several shades to achieve the perfect result.

How to choose a foundation based on your skin type?

Even if you have decided on the shade, do not rush to immediately take the foundation to the checkout. Read the label carefully to see if a particular foundation is suitable for your skin type. By what signs can this be understood?

For oily skin

Your option is a mattifying foundation. Pay attention to the composition: it is better if there are no oils among the ingredients, but salicylic acid or zinc oxide.

For combination skin

Finding the right tone is not an easy task. Mainly pay attention to the texture: the product should not be thick and “stringy”.

For dry skin

Most likely, you already know this, but just in case, let us remind you: your foundation must moisturize your skin well. Oils and hyaluronic acid in the composition are good signs.

For problem skin

Problem skin often has a reddish tint, so don't buy a foundation with a pinkish undertone - it will make the problem even more obvious. Your option is a foundation with olive pigments. Ideally, the packaging will have the inscriptions SPF and matte. Also make sure that the product has high covering power.

For normal skin

If you have normal skin, there shouldn't be any problems at all. Choose a product with a matte or shiny finish depending on your preferences. The texture can also be any, but better consider the time of year: in winter, switch to thicker products.

L’Oréal Paris Alliance Perfect foundation: benefits

Even if you have carefully studied and memorized the above, in practice everything can be a little more complicated. To minimize difficulties, try choosing a foundation from the Alliance Perfect range from L'Oréal Paris. What are its features?

  1. Firstly, it has a light texture, but at the same time effectively hides all imperfections and literally merges with the skin.
  2. Secondly, among the ingredients is vitamin E, which will nourish and moisturize the skin.
  3. Thirdly, the cream provides a beautiful matte effect.
  4. Fourthly, thanks to the wide range of shades, the chances of finding your ideal tone are greater than ever - there are as many as 33 of them in the collection!

Plus, you don't have to look closely at a bottle of foundation to determine the undertone of a particular shade. Next to the shade number you will find a Latin letter: R, D or N. Marking R is a means of a warm shade, D is a cold shade, and N is a neutral shade. Now, taking into account your color type and skin tone, you can easily choose a foundation that will be invisible on your skin. You can apply the product using a sponge to obtain a thin and invisible layer. When creating evening makeup, use a brush to get a denser tone.

We will not scare you by saying that foundation can think and surpasses Wasserman in IQ level. So why does he need intelligence?

You've probably heard about “smart” foundations. Recently, every self-respecting brand has been releasing them. The creators claim that these foundations are endowed with intelligence, are capable, fulfill all her whims and adapt to any pigment. But is this really what happens? How do such foundations differ from those that “can’t think”?

We can say with full confidence that the era of “smart” foundation creams began with the light hand of the Koreans - with the invention of BB cream in Asian countries. Initially, it was a product with a powerful composition of components that helped restore the skin of patients after plastic surgery and harsh cosmetic procedures such as medium peeling or laser resurfacing.

But the product contained zinc, which covered the face with a white mask and turned a person into a participant in the Kabuki theater. Then it was decided to add pigments to the product and turn it into a foundation.

This tone not only hid shortcomings, but also healed. Subsequently, the BB cream received a number of changes, including in the texture - it became less dense, reflective particles were added to the elixir, which visually create an ideal facial contour, and the care composition began to be developed depending on the problems and skin type. So the line included creams for oily, dry, and aging dermis.

It is not surprising that BB creams have pushed their less intelligent brothers out of the market. After all, in fact, they replace both the care cream and the foundation, freeing up space on the dressing table and in the cosmetic bag.

Representatives of the European market were not satisfied with such competition, they began to create their own foundations. Now “smart people” are surrounded by a bunch of myths, which we decided to look into.

It is believed that foundation is so smart that it can adapt to the color of your skin, and you don’t have to constantly choose the right shade of the product.

In fact, everything is not like that. The foundation dissolves slightly during the day under the influence of sebum, and it begins to “match” the skin tone.

Therefore, you should not pay attention to the marketing ploy; foundation must be selected according to shade. To do this, apply several tones from darkest to lightest to the transition area from the chin to the neck. See which cream completely blends with your skin tone - this is your choice.

Indeed, this is so. The composition of “smart” foundations is aimed at solving various skin problems. The product can be loaded with peptides and enzymes that easily, antibacterial components that fight inflammation, powerful moisturizing complexes that eliminate thirst for dry skin.

The latest generation foundation creams have a special structure. Their coating is quite dense, so it hides all imperfections, but is also lightweight. It does not create a mask effect, does not clog pores, and allows the skin to breathe freely.

It evens out, but this is only a visual effect. The cream hides all defects and irregularities thanks to the effect of optical illusion. The product contains reflective particles of different sizes. They create the illusion of smooth and beautiful skin when exposed to light.

Your assistants: 1. Foundation mousse for the face essens soft touch. 2. BB cream Black Snail Repair Steblanc. 3. Foundation+corrector Foundation Plus+ Gosh 4. Tone elixir Ton Elixir Vivienne Sabo 5. Mattifying foundation Ton Matt Vivienne Sabo