Thuja oil for papillomas: application and reviews

Thuja oil against papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. Beneficial properties of thuja oil
  3. Contraindications
  4. How to use pure oil
  5. Recipes for folk remedies
  6. Results and reviews of the treatment of papillomas

Thuja oil for papillomas and warts is a remedy that is produced from plant cones and is widely used in folk medicine to combat tumors caused by HPV. Helps remove papillomas and has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin. You can use thuja oil at home only after consulting a doctor, since it has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Description and composition of thuja oil

Thuja oil for the treatment of papillomas

In the photo, thuja oil for the treatment of papillomas

Thuja oil for papillomas and skin diseases began to be widely used back in the 19th century. The evergreen tree of the Cypress family was brought from Asia and also grows in North America. Now thuja can be found in the southern regions of Russia, where a favorable climate allows it to grow to a significant size. In other regions it is mainly represented as a shrub.

Thuja essential oil has been used for papillomas for a very long time. The therapeutic effect of the extract is associated with pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial properties of the product, which is ensured by the content of the following useful components:

  1. Tannins that have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects;
  2. Specific essential oils present only in the cones of this plant are pinipicrin and pinin;
  3. Flavonoids with antioxidant properties;
  4. Various aromatic resins and other beneficial substances.
The combination of these natural components not only makes thuja oil an effective remedy against the external manifestations of HPV - papillomas, but also helps strengthen the immune system, which is especially important, since the pathogen manifests itself precisely when the body’s immune forces decrease.

Preparation of thuja oil for papillomas

The photo shows the process of preparing thuja oil for papillomas

Thuja oil for papillomas is a homeopathic preparation that is prepared industrially by isolating the product using steam and is sold in pharmacies in convenient containers. When producing thuja oil, certain precautions are taken, since the primary product obtained from the cones contains many toxic components that are hazardous to health.

The product is produced from the cones of adult plants that were planted more than 15 years ago; they contain the most beneficial essential substances. The ideal raw materials for oil are thuja cones, growing in their natural habitat in Canada and North America. This climate is optimal for trees, but the raw materials obtained in the latitudes of Russia are quite suitable for industrial production of the product.

In pharmacies you can buy thuja oil for papillomas from various manufacturers, but the following brands have proven themselves best:

  1. Thuja DN. A Russian preparation containing pure thuja oil. Its cost in pharmacies averages 250 rubles.
  2. Thuja oil Edas-801. In addition to thuja oil, olive oil is added to this product to soften the skin when removing papillomas. This product costs about 130 rubles.

There is a wide range of oils available in pharmacies under other names; their formulations are no fundamentally different.

To combat papillomas, you can use analogues of thuja oil - other effective oils, namely celandine, black cumin, tea tree, flaxseed, fir, sea buckthorn.

  1. Read about tea tree oil for papillomas

Beneficial properties of thuja oil against papillomas and warts

Thuja oil for removing papillomas

Treatment of papillomas with thuja oil is based on the properties of one of the main components, tuilon, to affect the skin formation, as a result of which it collapses and falls off, without leaving scars or scars. Of course, no remedy can completely defeat the papilloma virus, but regular use of thuja oil helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin and save a person from unpleasant cosmetic defects.

Tuilon is an effective immunostimulant, therefore, thuja oil creates a barrier to the development of the virus. Despite the fact that it is essentially a toxic substance, in small quantities it effectively affects the affected areas of the skin.

The maximum concentration of thuilone is contained in pure thuja essential oil; to reduce the aggressive effects, you can use ointments and creams containing this product, which are also widely available on pharmacy shelves. For example, thuja ointment, manufacturer - Marislavna, price in pharmacies - 350 rubles; Italian cream with thuja and witch hazel extract, its price is quite high and averages 1800 rubles.

In addition to ointments and creams with a high concentration of essential substances, they are also used for the treatment of papillomas. homeopathic medicines with thuja oil for oral administration according to a certain scheme. The therapeutic effect of this treatment method lies in the ability of the active components of the drug to influence the state of the immune system and their high antibacterial activity. In pharmacies you can buy homeopathic thuja oil “Thuya-GF”, its cost is on average 290 rubles.

Thuja oil successfully removes papillomas thanks to a combination of active substances that can destroy the structure of the formation, while maintaining the integrity of the skin in the areas where the growth is localized.

Note! Herbal remedies and traditional medicine recipes based on thuja oil for papillomas can be used as auxiliaries in the use of medications.
  1. Read how to cauterize papillomas with alcohol

Contraindications to the use of thuja oil for papillomas

A girl has a headache

Unfortunately, many people underestimate the potential harm of essential oils and folk recipes based on them for human health. The danger of thuja oil against papillomas is that some of its components can act as a poison on the body, so exceeding the recommended dosage poses a significant risk to the condition of the skin and general well-being.

Excessive enthusiasm for folk recipes with thuja oil for papillomas can lead to the following complications:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system;
  2. Allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock;
  3. Headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Absolute contraindications for the use of thuja oil for papillomas are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period. Studies have proven that the components of the drug contained in any dosage form can cause uterine contractions and termination of pregnancy in both early and late stages. Moreover, even minimal doses of oil that are used as aromatherapy pose a danger.
  2. Chronic alcoholism, as well as taking any alcoholic beverages during the therapeutic course. The combination of thuja oil for papillomas with alcohol breakdown products can cause a severe allergic reaction, which can be fatal. When collecting anamnesis and prescribing medications for the treatment of human papillomavirus, the attending physician must find out whether the patient drinks alcohol. Moreover, you need to focus not only on the patient’s words, but also on external signs.
  3. Cardiovascular problems. They are also a contraindication for the treatment of papillomas with thuja oil. The active components contained in it can cause exacerbation of chronic heart diseases and provoke the development of myocardial infarction.
  4. Epilepsy. Any strong odors, including essential oils, can cause an epileptic seizure. Strong-smelling medications are not recommended for use in many forms of mental illness.
  5. Individual intolerance to the components of thuja oil for papillomas. Allergies can manifest as itching and rashes on the skin at the affected sites. In addition, essential oils can cause asthma attacks in allergy sufferers, including asthmatic manifestations.

Essential oils, including thuja oil for papillomas, can provoke symptoms of depression of the nervous system.

Before using thuja oil, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, you need to carefully drop the product onto the wrist area and observe the reaction. If no signs of irritation or inflammation appear on the skin within several hours, then thuja oil can be used in the treatment of papillomas.
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Instructions on how to use thuja oil for papillomas in its pure form?

How to use pure thuja oil for papillomas

Before using thuja oil for papillomas, you should consult a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications.

To remove papillomas, oil should be applied to a cotton pad or swab and applied to their location. You can hold it until a burning sensation appears, after which it should be removed to avoid burning the skin.

Discomfort when removing papillomas with thuja oil is caused by the fact that the components of the product are quite aggressive, and the therapeutic effect of its use is based on the ability to burn out skin formations.

In addition to external use, thuja oil can be added to the treatment of papillomas. medicinal baths, to do this, just drop 10 drops of the product into warm water.

Papillomas can be treated with compresses and lotions, to prepare the product, you need to drop 4 drops into a glass of water and soak gauze or a bandage with the resulting solution.

Note! Thuja oil for papillomas is not recommended for removing growths from the face, as it may leave serious cosmetic defects. In no case should you burn growths on the mucous membranes and in the genital area in this way.
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Recipes for folk remedies with thuja oil for papillomas

Ointment with thuja oil and baby cream for papillomas

The photo shows an ointment with thuja oil and baby cream for papillomas

Traditional medicine offers many effective recipes based on this remedy, since thuja for papillomas has good reviews.

The following folk remedies have gained particular popularity:

  1. A mixture of thuja and olive oils. Combine olive oil and thuja oil in equal parts; to do this, just take 30 drops of the components. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and placed in a clean bottle, preferably made of dark glass with a tightly screwed lid. Apply the resulting product to places where papillomas accumulate or to single formations several times a day. The course of treatment can be continued for 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a week break and repeat. This treatment of papillomas with thuja and olive oil is recommended until the unwanted formations are completely eliminated.
  2. Garlic and thuja oil. To get rid of papillomas, you need to take a peeled clove of garlic and squeeze the juice out of it through a puncture. You can also use a small slice, cut in half. After this, you need to drop a few drops of oil on the garlic and use it as a lotion at night. To secure the product to the skin, you can use a sterile bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster. Usually, a 3-week course of treatment with thuja oil and garlic is sufficient for the disappearance of papillomas. If they have not completely disappeared, after a while the course can be repeated.
  3. Ointment with baby cream. Thuja oil should be mixed with baby cream and applied to the areas where papillomas grow several times a day. The baby cream included in the ointment will help not only get rid of growths, but also avoid irritation on the skin.
Important! Folk remedies should be used in combination with medications for the human papillomavirus, only then can one count on a complete recovery or long-term remission.

In folk medicine, not only ready-made thuja oil is used for papillomas. You can also use self-collected young shoots and leaves. We can recommend the following recipes:

  1. Powder. Grind washed and well-dried thuja shoots and leaves into powder using a mortar or coffee grinder and sprinkle it on the affected areas several times a day, covering with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  2. Infusion. Pour fresh shoots with alcohol or vodka and leave for a month, then use the product for compresses.

In order for folk recipes with thuja oil for papillomas to be truly effective, you must strictly follow the recommended dosage and frequency of use of the products, otherwise burns and scars will appear on the skin, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

  1. Find out if herbal medicine is beneficial for human papillomavirus

Results and reviews of the treatment of papillomas with thuja oil

Results of treatment of papilloma with thuja oil

The photo shows the results of treating papilloma with thuja oil

The remedy usually gives good results at the initial stage of the disease. You can find positive reviews about thuja oil for papillomas when they are localized on the feet or other fairly rough areas of the skin. Negative responses are mainly associated with an allergic reaction to the components of the product and quite unpleasant sensations during the procedure.

Marina, 42 years old, Lipetsk

Papillomas appeared on my skin quite a long time ago, and I used all known means to remove them, but I didn’t feel much effect. My friend’s mother loves to collect all sorts of herbs and knows a lot of folk recipes. Having learned about my problem, she offered me thuja oil for papillomas, which she made herself. I was quite skeptical about this, but still decided to try it. I was very pleased with the result: the tumors fell off after 2 weeks, leaving no trace.

Victoria, 31 years old, Moscow

I developed papillomas 2 years ago, and I was very upset because I read that the disease cannot be treated. Thuja oil was recommended to me by a salesperson at a pharmacy, and I decided to try it. I smeared the growths 3 times a day and tied them with a bandage. I had to do 2 courses for 3 weeks, but in the end everything worked out.

Igor, 35 years old, Tula

I highly recommend this product! Firstly, I really like the smell, I'm a fan of all kinds of oils. Secondly, my papillomas quickly fell off and have not appeared for six months.

Watch the video on how to use thuja oil for papillomas:

In conclusion, it should be recalled that thuja oil for papillomas can be used only in the absence of contraindications and after consultation with a doctor.

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