HPV type 45 in women: what is it and how to treat the disease

The content of the article:
  1. Description of HPV type 45 in women
  2. Routes of transmission of the virus
  3. Reasons for activation
  4. Main manifestations
  5. Methods of treating HPV type 45
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Radical ways

Human papillomavirus type 45 in women is a strain that leads in prevalence among all its variations, belongs to the category of aggressive and threatens dangerous diseases. No one is immune from infection; you can suffer from it at absolutely any age. Even completely healthy people are not an exception, since he is very active.

Description of HPV type 45 in women

This is one of the strains of papillomavirus, affecting mainly women. As with other species, papillomavirus type 45 in women is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple neoplasms at the peak of activity on the body or even internal organs. But compared to other types of HPV, this happens much less frequently and in much smaller volumes.

Most often, the patient develops genital warts, often localized on the vaginal mucosa. They have a high risk of transition from a benign form to oncology.

Infection with this strain of the virus is widespread among both girls and adult women. They become its carriers immediately after entering the body, and from that moment on they are considered dangerous to other people.

The photo shows genital warts with HPV type 45 in women

The lack of treatment for human papillomavirus type 45 in women often leads to rapid proliferation of genital epithelial cells, vaginal carcinoma and cervical dysplasia.

Note! It is unrealistic to completely eliminate the 45th strain of HPV; the virus can only be “put to sleep” and minimize the likelihood of complications.

Routes of transmission of papillomavirus type 45

Compared to other types of papillomavirus, the likelihood of becoming infected with this strain is much higher. This is explained by its high resistance to aggressive environments, in which it can survive for quite a long time. Because of this, the infectious agent often affects the healthy cells of a woman, penetrating into them through the skin in the vaginal area during sexual intercourse, even despite the use of protective equipment.

Most susceptible to the appearance of papillomas of type 45 virus in women are those who lead a disordered intimate life, change sexual partners too often and do not particularly care about their health, for example, who do not want to undergo the necessary examinations after casual contacts. But first of all, girls who refuse to use condoms during sexual intercourse with “unverified” men are at risk. This applies to those practicing all types of sex - oral, vaginal, etc.

Not only sex itself is dangerous, but also foreplay, since intimate caresses (touching a woman’s genitals by a partner) and close contact with her lubricant can also become a means of infection.

In some situations, this happens during childbirth, at the moment the baby leaves the uterus. After this, he can live with HPV type 45 for a long time, without knowing anything about it, until the clinical picture appears.

  1. Read also: Why is HPV type 39 dangerous?

Reasons for activation of HPV 45 in women

The awakening of papillomavirus type 45 in women can be caused by the most common cold, hypothermia and even slight stress. Of particular note here is the negative impact of prolonged use of antibiotics and antidepressants. But the main reason for the activation of HPV of this strain is still weak immunity.

Below are the 3 most common factors that contribute to the progression of HPV type 45 in women:

  1. Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman loses many useful substances and forces that the baby needs for normal development. Accordingly, it is much more difficult for it to fight external attacks from viruses in this state, which creates a dangerous situation.
  2. Weak immunity. With a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the body, it is weakened and less resistant to viruses. Because of this, it becomes easier for them to penetrate inside, infect cells and provoke exacerbations.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Most often, the situation worsens after a decrease in the amount of iron, folic and ascorbic acid, and cyanocobalamin in the body. This mainly happens in the autumn-winter period, when vitamin deficiency is a common condition.

Main manifestations of HPV strain 45 in women

Human papillomavirus type 45 does not always manifest itself in women; with a sufficiently strong immune system, it can exist without any manifestations. Most often, it takes 5 to 10 years for symptoms to appear after infection, but in some cases this period increases to 20 years. The symptoms may flare up and then go away, and the most obvious symptom is genital warts in the vaginal area.

Among the signs indicating the presence of the 45th strain of HPV are the following:

  1. Discharge from the genitals. They may have a white or yellowish color and an unpleasant, pungent, repulsive odor. Quite often, clear mucus appears, which is especially actively produced after sexual intercourse.
  2. Discomfort in the vagina. It can bother you both in a quiet position lying down, standing or sitting, and when walking, running, jumping. Most often, its manifestations intensify in the evening and at the time of intercourse with a man.
  3. Itching of the genitals. Its appearance is usually accompanied by some burning and redness of the vaginal mucosa. Outwardly, it looks swollen, and during sexual contact the discomfort only intensifies.
  4. Painful urination. This symptom is quite rare and occurs mainly when the virus becomes very active and enters the urinary tract.

When symptoms of human papillomavirus type 45 appear in women, they should be thoroughly examined: perform a colposcopy, take a smear taken from the vagina to study the structure of the cells, and do a biopsy to exclude the malignancy of the process. If any suspicions arise from their results, a Digen test is performed.

Important! HPV carriers are recommended to visit a gynecologist and virologist every 3-4 months to monitor their condition.
  1. Read also about HPV type 68

Treatment methods for HPV type 45 in women

If there is human papillomavirus type 45 in women in the body, if there are no manifestations of it, it will be enough to take effective drugs to strengthen the immune system, as well as antiviral tablets. In this combination, they will help to quickly suppress HPV activity, which is the main goal of the doctor. If papillomas or condylomas occur on the body in the genital area, the use of external agents and cosmetic procedures may be required.

Drug therapy for HPV 45 strain

In the photo Alpizarin for the treatment of HPV type 45 in women

When there is a high level of human papillomavirus type 45 in women in the blood, the optimal combination of vitamins with drugs that have an antiviral effect. They should be taken within the same course. To stabilize the condition, its duration should be at least 1-2 weeks; if necessary, it can be repeated after a certain break in agreement with the doctor.

Here is what is suitable for treatment:

  1. Vitamins. Women carrying a child can be advised to drink the Complivit Trimesterum complex for a month. As an option, you can consider Elevit Pronatal, which perfectly increases the body’s resistance to HPV, including type 45. Take it for 30 days, 1 tablet per day. Their analogues are Centrum Silver and Pregnazon, the regimen of which is very similar - you need to take a course lasting a month, take a break for six months and repeat the treatment. If desired, you can replace them with Pregnacare or Femibion ​​Natal, which, like Complivit Trimester, are also intended for pregnant women.
  2. Antiviral drugs. First of all, to suppress type 45 papillomavirus in women, they should use Alpizarin tablets, but since they are quite expensive, they can be replaced with Lykopid, which also has immunomodulatory properties. Israeli-made Isoprinosine is powerful enough to suppress the activity of the virus; it is taken 1-4 tablets per day for 2-4 weeks. Acyclovir, Galavit, Arbidol are considered good analogues of these drugs. They not only have a detrimental effect on the virus, but also strengthen the immune system and enhance the body’s defenses. Rimantadine, created, in particular, to combat papillomavirus, is quite effective. It is recommended to drink it both during it and after removal of tumors to prevent their reappearance.
  3. External means. They cannot eliminate papillomavirus type 45 in women, but they can eliminate its manifestations on the body. They treat problem areas 2-4 times a day, depending on the specific cream, ointment or gel. Panavir has proven itself well here, suitable even for pregnant women due to its natural composition. It has effective alternatives - Virogel ointment, Betadine and Viferon. The formations can also be lubricated with Cryopharma, which destroys it from the base. In extreme cases, for example, if the budget is limited, alcohol is suitable, as it dries out papillomas and helps remove them.
  4. Solutions for injections. In especially severe cases, it is difficult to do without injections of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, which quickly deliver into the blood the substances needed to combat type 45 papillomavirus in women. Among them, Allokin-alpha, Panavir, Taktivin have a good reputation. All this can be replaced with Cycloferon. Most of them require subcutaneous injections, but there are also solutions for intravenous administration. In any case, both should only be done by a specialist.
Note! Injections are given on average once every 2 days. The optimal number of injections per course is from 6 to 12 injections, depending on the drug. After completing treatment, you need to take a break for at least 2-3 months, then therapy can be repeated.

Radical methods of treating HPV type 45 in women

Such measures are needed only when a large number of papillomas and condylomas appear, which interfere with leading a normal lifestyle and threaten health with the risk of becoming cancerous. If they occur on the skin, a surgical operation may be justified, requiring general anesthesia and rehabilitation in a hospital. But all this can only eliminate the symptoms of papillomavirus type 45 in women, and not the virus itself.

Among the methods available to patients, the following are widely used:

  1. Cryodestruction. It uses liquid nitrogen, which freezes and destroys the papilloma, after which it is easily removed on its own along with the base. This procedure requires local anesthesia and is performed within 10-30 minutes, depending on the number of formations. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnia).
  2. Electrocoagulation. This method involves exposing the papillomas to a small electric current. It is completely safe, helps in just 1-2 procedures and does not cause particularly painful sensations. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Laser therapy. This procedure is most often performed with a CO2 laser. Its benefit lies in the thermal effect on formations of rays of various lengths, which heat them and destroy them from the inside. In this case, there is practically no pain and no traces remain. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnia).
  4. Radio wave exposure. This method is unique due to its 100% safety. During the procedure, electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 2.7 to 4.0 MHz are used. They heat tissues and help remove papillomas without close contact with them, which eliminates burns and other complications. The price of radio wave removal of papilloma is 950 rubles (350 hryvnia).

What is HPV type 45 - watch the video:


Since type 45 human papillomavirus is very dangerous for women, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations to exclude infection. If its presence in the body is confirmed, urgent measures should be taken - contact a virologist, immunologist, or gynecologist. The sooner this is done, the greater the chances for a speedy and successful recovery.

  1. Read about Condilin - a drug for removing genital warts