Makeup master class for teenagers

Makeup is what makes a girl expressive, emphasizes her individuality and image. Every girl wants to be beautiful. If you actively showed interest in this in your early years, even when you were a child, then as an adult you will probably want to seriously master the profession. Agree that at first you wanted to learn how to do beautiful hairstyles, and then you had a desire to master such a direction as Make-up.

Makeup courses for teenagers in Moscow have become popular. Nowadays, many schools offer training courses to become a stylist or makeup artist, but not every one has a brilliant reputation.

Do you want to learn how to do really beautiful makeup for yourself?
Do you want to learn how to do makeup for others professionally?

Come to the ArtGrimer school, which is located at: Moscow, st. m. Kitay-gorod, Armenian lane, 13 bldg.

Why is makeup training interested in so many people today?

By studying at a makeup school, you can expand your knowledge of makeup. It’s interesting for us, because the girls at our school gain knowledge about the latest fashion trends and learn what truly proper facial skin care is.

Our make-up school helps girls accept the features of their faces, that is, skillfully mask flaws and competently emphasize advantages.

Also, those who want to make money from it also come to our makeup school.

Why do people come to our school?

People turn to School Art Grimer because:

  1. We teach in a comfortable studio environment.
  2. Our tuition fees are affordable.
  3. We offer various types of courses (makeup course from scratch “Makeup Artist Basic”, course “Makeup Artist-Makeup Artist”, course “Makeup Artist PRO” and other training areas).
  4. Our training takes place in small groups (no more than 3 people per group). We gather such a small number of students so that the teacher can pay as much attention as possible to each student.
  5. During training courses, cosmetics are offered to all students free of charge.
  6. Upon completion of the courses, we provide an author's certificate that will allow you to find a good job and realize your skills in the field of beauty.

They show interest in our school because the training is conducted by professionals. They have a wealth of practical experience in the field of style and image. In addition, they know how to convey their knowledge to all course participants.

They are also interested in us because we offer a discount on our makeup courses, which everyone who joins the ArtGrimer group on the social network Facebook or Vk can receive.

How to sign up for makeup artist courses for teenagers?

Do you want to gain knowledge and learn professional makeup? Then you should enroll in our school. This is not difficult to do. Need to:

  1. Enter your name in the special window that our official resource offers (if you are recording not yourself, but someone else, then you should enter the name of the person who wants to train as a makeup artist).
  2. Provide your phone number and wait for school representatives to call you back.

During a telephone conversation, specialists will tell you everything about makeup courses for teenagers in Moscow and inform you about the cost of classes and also tell you about what our students will learn at the end of the course.

Upon completion of the chosen course, you will learn how to professionally mask facial imperfections, emphasizing obvious advantages. You can also easily even out your face tone, do the right makeup for your client’s hairstyle, clothing style, and upcoming event.

Course for teenagers: makeup and express hairstyles

Training is conducted in a comfortable studio environment. Each student is provided with a work place. Free WI-FI.

During training, each student will create a personal portfolio. Upon completion of the course, students receive a school author's certificate.

Important! For training, have mascara with you.

During the course of training the following are provided free of charge:

  1. Set of brushes (13 pieces in a leather case "JUST")
  2. Cosmetics: M.A.C., Paris Berlin, Bobbi Brown, Make Up For Ever, De Klie, MAKE UP ATELIER, Becca, Kryolan, KIKO Milano, VOV, Sleek, JUST.
  3. Consumables: bundle eyelashes, medium. for makeup removal, cotton discs, sticks, napkins.

The course is intended for teenage girls aged 12-16 years.

You will learn:
• How to emphasize your natural beauty?
• What makeup is appropriate and how to apply it correctly?
• How to disguise skin problems using a minimum of cosmetics?
• How to put on makeup beautifully and correctly for school, a birthday, a disco, a concert or a party?
• How to quickly and smoothly draw arrows and paint lips?

Let's try different light cosmetics and select the best products to avoid using cosmetics for adults and wasting money on unsuitable products.
There will be no more prohibitions from adults, sneaky makeup, “screaming” inappropriate makeup and insecurity in your image!
Perfect makeup will help you to be confident every day, to be stylish even against the backdrop of YouTube bloggers and celebrities, to receive approving comments from girlfriends and attention from friends and classmates!

Also, I have a great gift for all my students: a photo session after each lesson! Absolutely free! All girls, without exception, like this bonus! The results are beautiful portrait photos, ideal for Instagram posts and avatars on social networks! And, of course, from these photos you can see progress in makeup from class to class!

See you at our makeup classes!

• June 1, 2, 8, 9, 2019 classes on Sat, Sun, from 15:00 to 17:30 • July 20, 21, 22, 23, 2019 classes Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue

This course or one lesson
from the course can be ordered as a GIFT
(in the form of a special gift

  1. Determination of face shape, color type
  2. The order and stages of applying makeup
  3. Features of the selection of cosmetics for the care of normal, dry, combination and oily skin
  4. Types of makeup. Express makeup
  1. Development of forms and colors of daytime (natural) makeup
  2. Applying shadows
  3. Mascara
  4. Review of cosmetic brands and products
  1. Daytime makeup practice
  2. Techniques for correcting facial contours using foundation
  3. Correction means
  4. Correction of the shape of the nose, eyes, eyebrows, lips
  1. Developing evening or holiday makeup using decor and colored eyeliners
  2. Applying shadows
  3. Applying eyeliner
  4. Mascara

Fifth lesson (optional)

  1. Hair types
  2. Caring for your hair type
  3. Hair problems (dandruff, dry ends, etc.)
  4. Causes and solutions
  5. How to use a hairdryer correctly
  6. Practical lesson: creating a hairstyle using your own tools (combs, hairpins, hairpins, rollers, etc.)
  7. Hairstyles: ponytail, braid, Greek hairstyle with an elastic band, smooth or disheveled bun
  8. Weaving braids on yourself (French braid, spikelet braid)

Course graduate results


Vlada, April 2017



Lydia, June 2017



Sofia, January 2018


Christina, March 2018


Alina, June 2018


Arina, June 2018


Sofia, June 2018


Miloslava, June 2018



Nastya, July 2018


Sasha, August 2018


Sophie, August 2018


Katya, August 2018

At the address: Moscow, Ozerkovskaya embankment 22/24, in a spacious studio in which each student is provided with a workspace equipped with everything necessary. Free WiFi available

To get to know me and my teaching style better, I suggest you read the book
recommendations for daily makeup
which is based on 8 years of experience in the beauty industry.

Enter your email and I will send the book. It's free.

When girls begin puberty, they try to get as close to adulthood as possible. And first of all, they do this with the help of cosmetics. Mom's or older sister's dressing tables are quickly emptied, teachers are kicked out of classes for wearing war paint, and makeup like Harley Quinn's makes many talk about the promiscuity of modern youth.

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What should makeup be like for teenagers so that the rights of growing girls are not infringed and at the same time they look in accordance with their age?

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Lightness, naturalness, freshness, emphasizing youth and masking problem skin - these are the tasks that teenage makeup should solve.

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The mother of the growing lady should first get to know all its features, and at the age of 10-11, tell her about them herself. At the same time, expensive, high-quality cosmetics, the shades of which are best chosen by adults, would be an excellent gift. This way you will be sure that nothing unnecessary will appear on your daughter’s skin, and your products will remain safe and sound.

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What do you need?

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  1. Without proper skin care, no makeup will look natural. Therefore, it is so important to provide her with daily cleansing and moisturizing.
  2. The choice is natural, high-quality mineral cosmetics.
  3. If you have rashes, choose medicinal decorative products with vitamins and extracts of tea tree, aloe, chamomile, and string. For single pimples, you can use concealer spot on.
  4. For eye makeup for teenagers, shadows in natural shades are recommended: beige, peach, cream, sand, mint, nude, soft pink.
  5. It is better to avoid pencils and eyeliners as part of everyday makeup: arrows make the look heavier.
  6. Instead of colored mascara before school, it is better to apply a transparent gel with vitamins to your eyelashes, which makes them longer, fuller, thicker, and gives a soft look.
  7. Lipstick will be replaced by lip gloss to emphasize the freshness of youth. An even more acceptable option for this age is balm.

What's prohibited?

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  1. Cosmetics from mom or older sister.
  2. All cheap products are of dubious quality.
  3. A thick layer of dense, heavy foundation.
  4. Bright shades of eye shadow and lipstick.
  5. Smokey eyes.
  6. False, eyelash extensions.
  7. Red lipstick.

In order not to worsen the condition of problematic skin, teenagers should wash off their makeup every day before going to bed and never go to bed with makeup on their face (read about how to do this correctly and what is best for these purposes in our article at the link).

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We collect our cosmetics bag. From the age of 14, teenagers can use shimmering shadows for formal makeup, which will look attractive and gentle on a young face. One of the best options is Twinkle (matte), Satin (satin), Frost (with glitter) or Opal (holographic) from Era Minerals (USA). Estimated cost: $15.

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Make-up for different ages

Depending on the age of the teenager, stylists give advice on how to make their makeup unobtrusive and natural.

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The main lines in the makeup of girls 12-13 years old are a minimum of cosmetics and maximum naturalness of shades.

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  1. Rashes are masked with concealer, which is applied pointwise - exclusively to problem areas.
  2. Instead of foundation - delicate mineral powder.
  3. Shadow palette: nude, mint, beige, peach shades.
  4. Colored mascara is still prohibited, otherwise in a couple of years they will become thinner, begin to break and fall out. It’s better to use a medicinal vitamin for now.
  5. Lipstick can be peach-colored or even replaced with a small amount of transparent gloss.

At this stage, the mother conducts master classes with the teenager, teaching her to use brushes and various tools. This is the initial stage of forming a girl’s personal cosmetic bag.

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At the time of first love, at 14-15 years old, teenagers want to stand out from the crowd with bright colors. And here you need to take control of the intensity of shadows, eyeliners and lipstick.

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And the peak of the hormonal surge due to puberty forces girls to apply a thick layer of foundation to their skin, which further worsens its condition. Don't let this happen.

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  1. Foundation is still prohibited. Rashes need to be treated, not masked if there are too many of them.
  2. The palette of shadows becomes more diverse: it includes light blue, cream, green, light brown shades.
  3. For evening makeup, it is allowed to paint eyelashes with colored mascara in 1 layer.
  4. Lipstick - peach, pink. Gloss with a moisturizing effect will make the image of a young lady very attractive.

Active replenishment of the cosmetic bag continues.

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Don't know how to choose the first cosmetics for teenage girls? For a list of the required minimum and brands, read our previous article.

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At the age of 16, teenagers no longer look so desperate and calm down a little. By this age, girls should know the basics of makeup.

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  1. The cosmetic bag includes a light texture foundation.
  2. For evening makeup, eyeliner would be appropriate, but not black: it’s quite possible to limit yourself to gray or brown.
  3. Colored (preferably brown) mascara is applied to the eyelashes in 1 layer.
  4. You can start working with your eyebrows - highlight them with color, look for a suitable shape for them.

It is very difficult to decide what the first makeup look for a teenager should be—both stylists and parents argue about this. Some argue that it is better to introduce girls to decorative cosmetics no earlier than 16 years old. Others have been tinting their little princesses since they were 10 years old. Many makeup artists include black eyeliner in the list of taboos for this age group, but if you look at teenagers at a disco, long arrows and smokey eyes are on every second one.

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These moments depend on the mother’s upbringing and ability to use cosmetics, which she must pass on to her daughter.

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To the cosmetic bag. Mineral powder from Zeitun (Jordan) has a light texture and does not interfere with skin breathing. This company also sells foundations and BB creams that can be used by teenagers.

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What style makeup options for teenage girls do makeup artists offer? There aren't many of them. There is no need to forbid them to wear makeup to school. During adolescence, this will result in rebellion and you will receive that same war paint in response. To avoid this, teach your daughter three different directions in make-up that will correspond to the environment that will surround her: school, everyday and evening.

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General points

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  1. Wash with antibacterial foam.
  2. Cleanse your face with a tonic for teenagers (with anti-inflammatory effect).
  3. Apply moisturizer.
  4. Apply makeup only after 15 minutes.
  5. Start with concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas.
  6. Upon completion, it is better to consult with an adult how it turned out.

To school

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  1. Concealing imperfections with concealer.
  2. Applying mineral powder, which needs to be thoroughly rubbed on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. A sponge or wide brush is used for this purpose.
  3. Comb your eyebrows, lightly draw them in with a brown pencil (if necessary). If the hairs are unruly, gel/wax/lipstick will help fix the shape.
  4. It is better not to use shadows for school for teenagers under 16 years of age. In grades 10-11, it is allowed to do nude makeup with peach or light brown shades, which are applied only to the moving part of the upper eyelid.
  5. The same goes for eyeliner - it is only appropriate for older teenagers. Using a sharp brown pencil, draw a thin arrow on both eyelids (more details here).
  6. The upper eyelashes are painted in a single layer with medicinal or colored mascara in 1 layer. Do not touch the lower ones.
  7. Peach blush is applied to the cheekbones with light movements.
  8. Transparent glitter completes the school makeup look.

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  1. Concealer can cover not only rashes, but also circles under the eyes.
  2. Mineral powder can be applied in a thicker layer, and it must contain a UPF filter, since makeup for every day is usually done by teenagers for outings.
  3. Tidy up your eyebrows.
  4. Shadows of the most natural shades (beige, light brown, peach, light pink) are applied to the entire eyelid area up to the eyebrows. On the moving part - darker ones (brown, sand, gold). The outer corners of the eyes are decorated with the darkest shadows (coffee, copper, chocolate).
  5. For the older age group, ultra-thin, short brown arrows are allowed.
  6. Medicinal or colored soft mascara is applied to the upper eyelashes in 1 layer. The lower ones are not painted over.
  7. Faint blush is shaded with a wide brush along the cheekbones.
  8. Light lip makeup is completed with a moisturizing balm (preferably) or gloss in a neutral shade.

To the disco

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  1. All rashes and circles under the eyes are carefully masked with concealer.
  2. If the skin is very problematic, you can use a foundation (mineral) or BB cream to even out its relief.
  3. Mineral powder is applied with a sponge.
  4. A brown pencil draws a clear outline of the eyebrows, which is best filled in with appropriate shadows. Fix their shape with gel.
  5. Paint over the entire eyelid area up to the eyebrows with light brown shadows. The moving eyelid is dark brown. Draw a line along the fold with a brown pencil. Highlight the outer corner with dark chocolate. Use a brush to shade all this splendor.
  6. Sand shadows can be used to slightly highlight the lower eyelids.
  7. Using a dark brown pencil, neat arrows of medium thickness are drawn along the outer and lower eyelids.
  8. Eyelashes are painted with brown mascara in 1 layer.
  9. Cream lipstick will fit perfectly into this make-up. Fix it on top with transparent glitter.
  10. Sand blush with shimmer will complete the evening look.
  11. Since you are going to shine at the disco after all, a little glitter won’t hurt. In small quantities they can be sprinkled on the tips of the eyebrows or temples. In moderate quantities, you can use a luminizer or bronzer.

Lightness, maximum naturalness, translucency - these are the features makeup for teenagers 12-16 years old should have. Mothers should take an active part in its creation, and not turn a blind eye to unsuccessful attempts. Help the girl with the choice of cosmetics and image, instill in her a sense of taste - this will be an excellent springboard for her into adulthood. And the more likely she will be to look her age at any event.

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