Medical ointments for wrinkles

Not all women can afford professional cosmetics or regular visits to a cosmetologist to eliminate the first signs of aging (wrinkles, decreased tone, age spots, etc.). In this case, various pharmaceutical products will help. When used at home, such preparations help smooth out wrinkles and maintain a clear facial contour. However, it is recommended to consult a specialist first.


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Pharmacies offer a large selection of drugs that help fight age-related changes in facial skin. They must contain the following components:

  1. Vitamins A, D, E and B5. They are found in products used to treat burns and wounds.
  2. Hyaluronicacid. Found in preparations designed to combat dryness and restore the dermis.
  3. Amino acids. Used to improve metabolism in the skin.
  4. Natural plant extracts. They saturate the epidermis with useful substances and moisturize.

In most cases, pharmaceutical products contain a higher concentration of active substances than cosmetic creams.


Pharmacy products containing hyaluronic acid smooth out existing wrinkles, moisturize the skin well, which prevents the appearance of new wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial triangle.


Blepharogel is used for eye diseases, but is also effective against wrinkles and puffiness. The medicine contains two active ingredients - hyaluronic acid and aloe vera juice. Blefarogel can be used in several ways:

  1. Mix 2 drops of the product with Lyoton and apply around the eyes.
  2. Mix 5 drops of gel with 50 ml of cucumber juice. Soak 2 cotton pads in the solution and apply them to your eyes.
  3. Apply 5 g of Solcoseryl and 4 drops of Blepharogel to the skin around the eyes for 30 minutes. Then wash off.

It is recommended to use Blepharogel 1 because Blepharogel 2 contains sulfur, which is not beneficial for the skin.



This is a cheap drug that is used for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and bruises. When used on the face, the product accelerates cell regeneration and reduces swelling. Heparin ointment is especially effective in preventing wrinkles.

Apply the product in a thin layer 2-3 times daily for 7-10 days.


Cosmetologists recommend using Lyoton to reduce puffiness, bags under the eyes and smooth out facial wrinkles. Options for use at home:

  1. As a mask, apply to the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  2. As a night cream - 1-2 times a week.


The drug helps restore the protective functions of the epidermis due to the content of petroleum jelly and paraffin. The ointment lays on the face in a fairly dense layer and does not allow moisture to evaporate, which prevents dryness and flaking, and also quickly heals wounds and cracks.

Vaseline is especially effective in protecting the skin around the eyes from dryness and preventing the formation of fine expression lines. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week, preferably before lunch, since use in the evening causes swelling of the eyes.

Thanks to its composition (the preparation contains vitamins A, E and D), shark oil can cope with sagging skin. Active substances smooth out wrinkles from the inside. In pharmacies, shark oil can be presented in the form of cream or suppositories.


The product can be used several times a week on clean skin. After 30 minutes, excess should be removed using a napkin or cotton swab.

Thiogamma is a medicine intended to normalize fat metabolism. For the face, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of a solution for infusion. The active component is thioctic acid. It is able to quickly penetrate the skin and improve cellular metabolism. After several courses of using Tiogram, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out and the functioning of the sebaceous glands will be normalized. The skin becomes smooth and radiant. Tiogram is suitable for combination skin type with a tendency to acne.

The injection solution is used instead of lotion in the morning and evening. It is important to wait until it is completely absorbed and only then use the cream. To get rid of facial wrinkles, 1 month of regular use of the solution is required.


The appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of skin condition are associated not only with age, heredity, but also with lifestyle. Lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates, and insufficient care accelerate the aging process.

Lifestyle changes and the use of pharmaceutical products will help stop this process.

Panthenol is able to restore skin after various burns and injuries. Vitamin B5 contained in its composition accelerates tissue restoration several times. Regular use of the product prevents premature aging. If your skin is oily, it is recommended to use Panthenol in the form of a spray. It has a lighter texture and does not clog pores.

The product is applied to the face in a thin layer. It is recommended to do a light massage to deeply penetrate the beneficial substances into the epidermis. Duration of use is a month, then the skin should rest for 10-14 days.


Levomekol is a complex remedy that is used to treat wounds. He contains:

  1. Levomecithin. Fights most pathogenic microorganisms and heals the skin.
  2. Polyethylene oxide. A hydrophilic substance that is additionally capable of drawing out impurities from the pores.
  3. Methyluracil. Enhances cell regeneration.

Levomekol is suitable for rejuvenating oily skin with inflammation. For dry types, the drug promotes even greater dehydration of the dermis. It is recommended to use the product once a day for 2 weeks.


Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which cleanses the skin and reduces swelling. The rejuvenating effect is ensured due to the complex effect of all components (calendula extract, flavonoids, essential oils).

The ointment should be applied to a clean face every 3 days, and after 15-20 minutes, remove excess with a paper napkin.


Purelan contains lanolin, which is a natural moisturizer with a healing effect. In medicine, this remedy is used to treat cracks (including during breastfeeding), microtraumas, neurodermatitis and skin dehydration. When using the drug in facial care, it fights age-related changes and lack of elasticity of the epidermis. Purelan rarely causes allergic reactions because it does not contain lanolin alcohol.

Apply the ointment 2 times a day for a long time. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, peeling disappears. Purelan can be used for chapped lips.


Contractubex, in addition to its main purpose of dissolving scars and scars, prevents the loss of skin tone. Each component of the ointment has a specific effect on the cells of the epidermis:

  1. Heparin. Relieves swelling, stimulates cell regeneration.
  2. Onion extract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Allantoin. Increases cell regeneration and oxygen metabolism.

Contractubex stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

The gel is allowed to be used daily for a course of 2 weeks with a break of 1 month. The product is well absorbed without leaving any traces.

Bepanten has a pronounced restorative and regenerating effect due to the content of vitamin B5, which helps accelerate metabolic processes in the dermis. After application to the face, the vitamin is synthesized into panthenolic acid, which helps strengthen collagen fibers.

To get rid of wrinkles, Bepanten is applied 2-3 times a day. The course is a month with a break of 2 weeks.

Liniment contains castor oil and birch tar. This composition has a softening, drying and antiseptic effect. Vishnevsky ointment starts the regeneration process in the deep layers of the dermis. Masks with this product are indicated for tired, dull and aged skin, and the presence of age spots.

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the face and covered with two layers of gauze with slits for the eyes. Wash off after an hour. It is also recommended to apply the product only to problem areas 2 times a week for 1-2 months.


Actovegin has a unique composition. Its active substance is dialysate from the blood of calves. Under the influence of Actovegin, cell regeneration accelerates, elasticity is restored, and the epidermis receives more oxygen.

To achieve the best effect, the ointment is applied 2 times a day. It is recommended to refrain from using cosmetics for at least an hour, since makeup clogs pores and prevents the flow of nutrients. The course of treatment is 3 weeks with a break of a month, since Actovegin can cause allergies.


This is a homeopathic remedy with a multicomponent composition intended for the treatment of rhinitis, dermatitis, and varicose veins. Fleming's ointment includes extracts of calendula, witch hazel, and horse chestnut. They soothe irritated skin with inflammation, and also improve blood circulation in the dermis.

It is recommended to apply the ointment 3 times a week a month in a thick layer, which must be washed off with warm water after 30-40 minutes. It is allowed to conduct several courses per year.


The main purpose of Solcoseryl is wound healing. At the same time, the remedy:

  1. nourishes the skin;
  2. increases the flow of oxygen and blood;
  3. increases collagen production.

To obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use the following mask once a week:

  1. 1. Mix Dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. 2. Apply the resulting composition to clean skin and leave until dry.
  3. 3. Apply Solcoseryl for 1 hour, periodically sprinkling the product with water to prevent drying.
  4. 4. Remove the remains with a napkin.


With age, the skin loses its elasticity, which negatively affects the contour of the face.

Some pharmaceutical products prevent sagging tissue, help eliminate wrinkles and give the skin a fresher appearance.

This is an immunomodulator that is used in the treatment of wounds, burns and various dermatitis. Although methyluracil ointment contains lanolin, it has recently begun to be used as an anti-aging agent.

To reduce wrinkles, the ointment is applied 2 times a day for 3 weeks.


This balm can have a tightening effect on the skin of the face. "Golden Star" contains only natural ingredients.

The balm should be applied in a thin layer and left for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. The procedure is allowed to be performed once a week for 2 months.

Before first use, you need to check for an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​skin.


Hydrocortisone ointment contains a glucocorticosteroid (hormone). It is believed that skin aging is associated with hormonal imbalance. When using hydrocortisone, the active substances penetrate the epidermis and retain moisture, which causes slight swelling, which smoothes out fine wrinkles.

The product is applied to the skin 2 times a day on problem areas for 1-2 weeks.

This medicine has many undesirable effects and contraindications, so it is recommended that you read the instructions first.