Honey mask for acne at home

Skin care is necessary at any age. Honey face masks for acne help with this very well. The bee product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, allows it to rejuvenate and provide it with nutrients.

The effect of honey on our skin

A face mask with honey for acne has a positive effect on the skin. This is explained by the unique valuable composition of the bee product. It contains many useful components. These include the following:

  1. vitamin B1. Takes part in improving the skin, normalizing the metabolism of substances;
  2. vitamin B2. Neutralizes free radicals;
  3. vitamin B6. Promotes hydration of the dermis, improves cell renewal;
  4. vitamin B3. Suppresses the inflammatory process, prevents the appearance of acne, softens the epidermis;
  5. vitamin C. Helps in the rapid healing of minor injuries, eliminates peeling, increases collagen synthesis;
  6. zinc. Slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles;
  7. polyphenols. Slow down oxidation in tissues.

Due to the presence of valuable components, honey has the following positive effects on the skin:

  1. tightens pores;
  2. provides nutrients;
  3. moisturizes;
  4. eliminates small wrinkles;
  5. suppresses the inflammatory process;
  6. relieves pimples and blackheads;
  7. tones tissues;
  8. rejuvenates the epidermis;
  9. normalizes blood flow;
  10. accelerates recovery and renewal of the dermis.

After honey masks, the face becomes clean, with an even tone, tender, smooth and soft. Experts advise using a bee product if a woman suffers from dry, aging skin, as well as inflammatory processes.

Be careful, there are contraindications

Not all women are allowed to use honey masks. First of all, the limitation for use is an allergic reaction to honey. If you carry out the procedure in the presence of this disease, a skin rash, itching, and possible swelling of the respiratory tract will immediately occur, which is very life-threatening.

It is not recommended to use products based on bee products in the following conditions:

  1. severe telangectasia;
  2. excessive sensitivity of the integument;
  3. ulcers on the face;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. diathesis;
  6. dermatological pathologies;

To avoid negative consequences, you should consult a doctor.

The best recipes for honey masks against acne and blackheads

There are many honey face masks for acne, but according to women’s reviews, the following recipes are the most effective.

Recipe No. 1

At home, you can prepare the following remedy: pour an aspirin tablet with 2 small spoons of water, wait for dissolution and add a tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly. Spread the mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure will help get rid of acne and pimples, as well as rejuvenate the skin.

Recipe No. 2

The following mask will help women with oily or combination skin: combine lemon juice and honey in equal quantities, mix until smooth. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Thanks to the product, acne and pimples gradually dry out, the skin is cleansed and nourished.

Recipe No. 3

A honey mask for acne and blackheads, prepared according to the following recipe, helps well: mix 2 tablespoons of bee product with a small spoon of cinnamon. Apply on face for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 4

The following recipe will help get rid of acne, eliminate the inflammatory process, and moisturize the skin: make a mixture of egg yolk, a large spoon of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of honey. Apply and leave for 150 minutes. If a woman has an oily dermis, then a tablespoon of sour cream should be added to the indicated ingredients.

Recipe No. 5

To treat acne, you can mix clay with honey. A black or blue variety of clay product is used. Clay and honey are mixed in equal quantities and diluted with a little water to form a paste. Apply for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 6

To eliminate acne, it is recommended to combine honey with potatoes. You need to pass raw potatoes through a grater, mix with a small spoon of bee product, 3 drops of lemon juice. Apply to face, wait until completely dry, and then rinse off.

Recipe No. 7

The following mixture helps to cure the inflammatory process on the skin, remove pimples and blackheads: 2 small spoons of honey and calendula tincture. Soak a napkin in the mixture and apply for 15 minutes.

What to do if masks don't help?

It happens that honey masks against pimples and acne do not produce the desired effect. Often the reasons for this are the following:

  1. improper preparation of the product;
  2. selection of components without taking into account skin type;
  3. non-compliance with the mask exposure time;
  4. use of stale products;
  5. neglect of a problem that cannot be solved by natural means.

Therefore, if masks are ineffective, you should first make sure whether they can eliminate existing defects. To do this, it is best to contact an experienced cosmetologist. He will carefully examine the skin and suggest effective face masks or hardware procedures.

If you have doubts about the type of epidermis, you do not need to use products at random. You need to know exactly the type of cover and select the components taking this into account. In order to find out the type of dermis, you need to visit a cosmetologist.


Thus, masks with honey for acne on the face are an effective way to eliminate blemishes. The bee product has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, and in combination with other natural ingredients it produces a combined effect.


Honey – a source of nutrients that is widely used not only in the food field, but also in cosmetology. This beekeeping product is effective against acne and pimples. A homemade acne mask with honey will not only help fight existing problems, but also prevent the emergence of new ones.

Why are acne masks made from honey?

The absorption of honey by the body is 100%. It contains biostimulants that affect physiological and biochemical processes in the skin. Nutrients penetrate the various layers of the epidermis, activate them, stimulating renewal.

This product has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. When using it, damage heals faster, redness and inflammation disappear. Therefore, honey is an effective method to combat them.

It acts not only on existing skin rashes, but also prevents the formation of new ones. Thus, honey face masks against acne eliminate the very cause of the disease.

Along with acne, swelling appears. Acting like a sponge, honey can draw out impurities from the pores. And the fruit acids in the product give a slight whitening effect.

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A honey mask for acne tones the skin, retains moisture, preventing flaking and dryness. Treatment mixtures from this product can be used for different skin types. But they are especially useful for dry and problematic skin prone to rashes.

Preparation of masks

Acne masks with honey can be easily prepared at home. To achieve the desired effect, they should be used systematically. Always use freshly prepared mixture. If you prepare it for future use, most of the beneficial properties will be lost. Apply the mask only to cleansed and, preferably, slightly steamed skin.

Acne mask with aspirin and honey


Thanks to aspirin, the honey composition penetrates deep into the cells. This mask acts as a scrub, so its optimal use is once a week. If there are a large number of rashes, apply the mask without massaging the skin. If the burning sensation is severe, the product should be washed off immediately.

Grind 4 tablets into powder aspirin, dilute them in 1 spoon cold water. Add ½ teaspoon to the solution honey. Apply for ¼ hour. This anti-acne mask with honey disinfects problem areas and relieves redness. After the procedure, cream is required to maintain the skin's moisture balance.

Honey and cinnamon mask for acne


To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of melted honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply to face in even portions for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with running water, then wipe the surface of the skin with tonic. It is recommended to do this mask every day for a month to achieve the desired result.

You can mix the ingredients 1:1 (a teaspoon). Apply to problem areas or the entire face before bed. Rinse off in the morning with warm water. The results of the mask will be noticeable within 2 weeks. For severely inflamed pimples and abscesses, you should not use a mask.

Acne mask with honey and lemon


Lemon juice contains vitamin C and phytoncides that suppress the proliferation of pathogens. It fights oily skin and tightens pores.

Mix lemon juice With honey And Hercules (1:1:1). Gently apply the product along the massage lines to areas with acne for 15 minutes, then wash. This mask is not suitable for dry skin, as it has a drying effect.

Acne mask made from honey and eggs


Egg yolk with honey is good for fighting acne with dry and normal skin. Grind 1 yolk with a teaspoon honey. Apply an even layer along massage lines to the face. After 15-25 minutes, rinse off. The mask retains moisture well in the dermis, preventing it from drying out. Use it once every 7 days.

Honey and baking soda mask for acne


Baking soda, as an abrasive component of the mask, cleanses pores and enhances metabolism. The product helps cleanse the skin, kills bacteria, and dries out acne.

1 tbsp. spoon soda pour 100 ml water. Add 1 spoon honey and stir. Apply to the surface of the skin carefully so as not to injure it. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off. It is recommended to use the mask once a week.

Cucumber and honey mask for acne


It can be used for all skin types. It tones it well. Combine in equal parts honey And fresh cucumber juice. The composition will be liquid. You need to moisten a soft cloth or gauze in it and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with running water. Regular application up to 3 times a week.

Mask for acne spots


After acne treatment, dark spots often remain on the face. To get rid of them, use honey masks with lightening ingredients (lemon, protein, clay, parsley juice).

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 1 egg white, 1 spoonful of lemon juice. Keep the composition on the skin for 15 minutes.

You can make a mask from 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 20 g of cosmetic clay, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. Apply directly to acne areas for up to 15 minutes. Cleanse skin with water at room temperature.

Contraindications to the use of masks

Honey is one of the products that can cause allergies. Therefore, before application, you need to test the skin for sensitivity by spreading the composition on the bend of your elbow. If redness appears, it is better not to use the mask.

Honey face masks against acne are not recommended for:

  1. dilated vascular network on the face (rosacea) with severe skin damage, diseases associated with carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes, exudative diathesis, asthma) with increased hair growth on the chin and above the lips

Does a honey mask help with acne? To achieve the desired results in the fight against acne, there must be regularity of procedures. If the problem of acne is associated with internal problems of the body, then honey masks can only be an additional remedy for an integrated approach to the problem.

A unique and extremely useful, and most importantly, absolutely natural product - bee honey is useful for any purpose!
Its use is not limited to cooking; on the contrary, it is most often used as an excellent general strengthening and warming agent for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, the prevention of colds and also for the creation of many cosmetic products.

It’s its medicinal properties that help fight skin problems and rashes that will be discussed in our article.

Beneficial properties of honey for skin

The multicomponent composition of this product is constantly being studied and supplemented with new discoveries. Indeed, in terms of the content of vitamins, microelements and minerals, it is simply a storehouse of minerals. In addition, liquid honey of natural origin is a valuable product in all respects, exactly repeating the chemical composition of human blood plasma. That is why it is absorbed as completely as possible with virtually no residue.

The nutrients of honey penetrate deeply into the cells of the dermis and provide regeneration and restoration. Thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory components, honey is an excellent treatment for acne and pimples. Its main advantage is that it not only masks appearance defects, but also helps eliminate the cause - bacterial infection. It was its disinfecting properties that made it possible in ancient times to safely use it as a preservative for high-ranking nobles and Egyptian pharaohs. According to legends, even the body of the great Alexander the Great was transported for burial in his homeland in a solution of natural honey.

In addition, honey contains a powerful dose of vitamins and emollients, which work equally well for all skin types. Honey tones oily and inflammation-prone skin and permanently cleanses it of clogged pores and excess sebum.

The great advantage of this component is its availability and naturalness. It is best to use fresh products, but honey retains its properties for a long time. If it has hardened a little during storage, then for ease of application it can be heated a little in a water bath.

Kefir is a universal remedy applicable to any skin type, capable of making facial skin soft, tender, and, if necessary, whitening age spots and getting rid of acne, blackheads and other minor blemishes. Read more about how to make a face mask with kefir at home.

The main rules of the honey mask:

  1. Use only natural “homemade” product, not a suspicious mixture from the supermarket.
  2. Shelf life of the finished mask will depend on other components, since honey itself can be stored for a long time without problems. In this case, it would be optimal to prepare a portion for one time.
  3. Before use it is advisable test the composition for allergenicity. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is applied to the sensitive area of ​​the elbow. If no undesirable effects or discomfort are observed, the mask can be safely used for its intended purpose.
  4. Using honey masks no more than twice a week. It would be best to do them once a week with a mandatory break after two months of use.
  5. Rinse off honey only with warm water. Cold water will not be able to completely remove residues, and hot water will provoke further rashes.

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Contraindications to the use of honey masks also exist - mainly due to individual intolerance. Diabetics and allergy sufferers should use it with caution, especially when a negative reaction to bee products has already been observed.

If you have vascular diseases, for example rosacea, using honey masks may worsen the situation. Honey perfectly dilates blood vessels, which in this case is undesirable.

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Problematic skin requires constant and very scrupulous care, which cannot give instant results. Sessions using homemade masks are highly effective and have a purely symbolic price for the components used. The best acne mask recipes

No matter how many new cosmetic creams and lotions are invented in chemical and biological laboratories, natural remedies will always remain at the peak of popularity. Masks made from honey and cinnamon have a great effect on the skin; these two ingredients not only combine with each other, but harmoniously complement each other’s effectiveness. Watch the video recipe for honey-cinnamon mask here.

Watch the video recipe for a honey acne mask

Recipes for acne masks based on honey at home

Honey can be used in its pure form. To do this, it is enough to apply it in an even layer on previously prepared (cleansed) skin. After some time (about 20 - 30 minutes), rinse with warm water.

To enhance efficiency Other components are also added to honey masks. A selection of the best formulations is given further in our article.

Honey mask for acne and blackheads

Honey can be successfully used not only for facial skin. Usually it is applied comprehensively to all problem areas, including the neck and décolleté. The skin on the back is thicker, so it is advisable to steam it well before applying.

Lemon juice contains beneficial vitamins and organic substances that whiten the skin well. Regular use of such natural masks will clear the skin of imperfections and eliminate any spots, darkening and freckles. Learn how to make a lemon whitening face mask at home.

Recipes for masks for blackheads and acne based on honey:

  1. Equals proportions of honey and lemon juice mix well. Apply to clean skin, leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse and, if desired, moisturize with regular cream. Perfect for combination and oily skin. Lemon also has a slight whitening effect.
  2. In the first recipe You can replace lemon with apple cider vinegar, only you need to take it in half as much as honey.
  3. Honey, natural oil (olive, almond or any desired) and yolk are mixed and applied to problem areas. The mixture should be left for about half an hour, then rinse with water. This recipe perfectly moisturizes the skin and can serve as both treatment and nutrition.
  4. If your skin is not too dry, you can simply use honey and yolk. For aging problem skin, using protein as a second component is an excellent solution.
  5. You can add to the honey mixture freshly squeezed potato or cabbage juice. This mask is applied pointwise, and not over the entire surface of the face. Carrot juice can also be used if desired, but only in diluted form, so as not to get an unwanted “self-tanning”.
  6. Sensitive skin can be perfectly toned honey-cucumber mask. To do this, use either fresh juice or crushed cucumber pulp. Such mixtures are also excellent at removing age spots and freckles.
  7. Honey with cinnamon - An excellent tonic. It is suitable for different skin types. To get the finished mask, just take two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon. This composition, by the way, can replace a scrub for delicate cleansing.
  8. Finely ground flakes in a coffee grinder "Hercules" can also be used for gentle peeling. To do this, mix a spoonful of oatmeal with a double portion of honey. For a smoothing effect and additional nutrition for dry skin, you can add a little glycerin solution.
  9. Clay mask is rightfully considered the most effective for any kind of rashes and blackheads. To do this, you can take any pack of pharmaceutical clay and mix it with liquid honey to obtain a slightly thick paste. The mixture is evenly distributed over the face, after 30 - 40 minutes of relaxation it is removed from the face.
  10. Grinded in a blender apple, Also mixed with honey, it will help tone tired and aging skin. You can optionally replace the apple with any fruit or berry that is in season.
  11. Honey with added aspirin tablets - An excellent tool for quick results. You should not use it often so as not to cause addiction. For comfortable use, you must first crush the aspirin, dissolve it in a small amount of warm water or herbal decoction, and then mix it with honey.

You can also add essential and natural oils, aloe juice, herbal decoctions and alcohol tincture of calendula to the honey base. All these secrets will allow you to carefully and effectively cleanse your face and get rid of rashes and blackheads.

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Video for you: recipe for apirin-honey mask


Julia: I like honey masks for their simplicity. Usually, in order to prepare the appropriate mixture, you just need to look in the refrigerator. I really like masks with oil, but I don’t do them often, since my skin is already too oily. Lemon helps well, but you don’t always have it on hand. I found a good alternative for myself - homemade aloe juice.

Diana: Masks with honey are something! The skin becomes smooth and simply pleasant to the touch. Rashes and small pimples disappear immediately, but for specific problems, of course, you have to be patient. The main obstacle to the spread of such recipes is our laziness, although such simple compositions must be written down immediately.

Lena: The daughters made masks with honey when they were growing up. Then the poor thing got a lot of trouble for her, they even wanted to spend money on laser cleaning. I felt sorry for the child, and all sorts of complexes appeared. “Grandma’s” recipes became the solution. The skin condition has improved significantly, although not ideal, but the child has calmed down. We alternated honey masks with herbal infusions, and now it’s much better.

Honey face masks are an excellent option for an inexpensive and effective cosmetic product that is easy and quick to prepare at home. Using honey as a base will maximize the cleansing of pores, which helps treat and prevent acne and skin rashes. Honey also has good anti-inflammatory properties, which means it acts directly on the cause of acne, rather than just masking it. A selection of successful and effective recipes will help you choose a recipe for yourself, and knowledge of the basic subtleties of cooking will help you avoid common mistakes.

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