Small pimples on the butt in women

Women's skin is often subject to various inflammations and acne. This problem can appear on any part of the body. The buttocks are no exception. In addition to the fact that it looks unsightly, it also causes a lot of inconvenience, since pimples on the buttocks constantly come into contact with underwear and clothes, which causes them to itch and become painful. It is important to determine the correct cause in time and carry out treatment, since this skin defect can increase in size, accumulate purulent contents, and spread to healthy areas of the skin.

Types of acne by type and stage of development

Regardless of the type of blackhead that appears, you need to remember not to squeeze it out yourself, especially with unwashed hands. This is fraught with secondary infection, further progression, and the formation of an abscess. The following types of formations on the surface of the skin of the buttocks are classified:

  1. Non-inflammatory formations - comedones or wen. They appear due to blockage of the sebaceous plug. The stages of development are: formation of a plug, release of a light liquid, thickening of sebum, oxidation of sebum, self-cleaning of the canal.
  2. Inflammatory formations - papules, cysts and pustules. They begin to form when infectious agents penetrate deep into the epidermis. They are characterized by the formation of an abscess. The main stages of development are: blockage of the plug, inflammatory process, accumulation of purulent contents, appearance of a white head in the center, independent opening.

Regardless of the type and stage of development, squeezing out pimples on your own is not allowed, as this can lead to a secondary infection and long-term treatment in the future.

Causes of acne

Dry skin

Since there are no sebaceous glands on the buttocks, the amount of secretion in this area is minimal, as a result of which the skin dries out greatly. And with constant contact with external irritants, with a lack of oxygen, inflammation of the clogged pores occurs. The result is the formation of acne.

To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to lubricate the rashes with salicylic ointment and iodine, which will dry them out. To prevent excessive drying of the skin, you should moisturize it systematically after taking a shower or bath. And regular use of a scrub or peeling for this area will help get rid of dead particles of the epithelium, as a result the skin will be smooth, nourishing or moisturizing cream will be better absorbed.


Sometimes acne on the buttocks occurs due to hypothermia in this area. This often occurs in autumn or winter. Incorrectly chosen, too light clothing contributes to the problem.

The pimples hurt, the skin around them is red, and suppuration may appear. You can get rid of them with the help of the drug Baziron. It reduces the severity of inflammation and helps to heal quickly. Additionally, you can dry it with iodine or fucorcin. To eliminate inflammation, use the drug Zinerit or Anti-acne. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula have proven themselves to be effective in treating acne. You can make lotions out of them, lubricate painful areas, and take baths.

To prevent further occurrence of colds, it is recommended to dress warmly for the season. Avoid wearing synthetic products that do not allow air to pass through.

Increased sweating

Sweat is a strong irritant to the skin. It provokes the appearance of unpleasant small rashes. Most often they are painless, but with constant contact with clothing they can hurt and become inflamed.

It is recommended to lubricate the rash with salicylic ointment, bepanthen, and iodine. Such products will dry them out. To prevent the problem from occurring, use talc in case of increased sweating, apply Desitin or baby powder.

Increased keratinization

With increased keratinization, the process of self-cleaning of the epidermis is disrupted. The upper keratinized layer of the epithelium is not removed and clogs the pores, resulting in rashes and acne. They may be accompanied by pain or be painless.

To combat the problem, it is recommended to regularly cleanse the skin using peeling or scrub. Apply sea buckthorn, rosehip, and calendula oil. You can treat damaged areas with Zenerite, Anti-Acne, Acne-Stop. With the help of such medications, inflammation is eliminated, treatment proceeds faster. Additionally, you can lubricate with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Figure “Appearance of red pimples on the butt in women due to acne”


Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction occurs when the body is exposed to an irritant. Allergens include personal hygiene products (gel, shower soap), cosmetics, powder, household chemicals, and low-quality underwear. In this case, when the skin is exposed to irritants, redness or rashes appear on the buttocks. Most often they are painless, but can be very itchy. In this situation, treatment is carried out with antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin). Externally, the affected areas are lubricated with fenistil and sinaflan.

Be sure to avoid contact with a potential allergen. For prevention, you should select underwear only from natural fabrics, use hypoallergenic personal hygiene products and cosmetics.

Drawing “Appearance of red pimples on a woman’s butt”


Hormonal imbalances

Often, pimples or acne on the skin of the buttocks appear during menopause, puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation. Such rashes require treatment with bepanten or desitin, zinc ointment. If pimples do not go away, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist who will conduct examinations, identify the cause of such symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment. Sometimes the cause of rashes can be excess estrogen or testosterone in the body, so medications are prescribed to reduce or increase these hormones.

To prevent further formation of acne, you should carefully observe all hygiene measures and use hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Lack of proper hygiene

If personal hygiene is not observed, this problem can also arise. Treatment involves the use of drying agents - zinc ointment, salicylic ointment. Can be lubricated with iodine and fucorcin. Be sure to follow all the rules of personal hygiene and shower daily.

Gastrointestinal diseases

If there are disorders in the organs of the digestive system, a small rash appears on the skin of different parts of the body, including the buttocks. These pimples are painless, but can cause discomfort when they come into contact with clothing.

It is important to establish the cause. To do this, be sure to visit a gastroenterologist. After he conducts examinations and prescribes treatment, you must strictly follow all recommendations. After completing a course of therapy and eliminating the underlying cause, acne usually goes away on its own.

Photo and video


Regardless of the cause of acne on the buttocks, women should be attentive to their health, do not ignore the problem, and take care of their skin.

Skin rashes can affect any part of the body, including the buttocks. Pimples on the butt require mandatory treatment, which often involves treating the pustules with local antiseptics and antibiotics. If it is recurrent, complex therapy is necessary.

Why do acne appear on the buttocks?

There are the following reasons why pimples appear on the butt:

  1. decreased immunity;
  2. lack of vitamins;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. damage to the integrity of the integument;
  6. insufficient local hygiene;
  7. increasing skin pH.

One of the main reasons why acne appears on the butt in women is a weakened immune system due to frequent colds (ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.), kidney pathologies, and diabetes. Rashes can also occur after hypothermia and previous infections, which include tuberculosis, measles, hepatitis, etc.


The causes of acne on the butt also sometimes lie in vitamin deficiency and hormonal changes. With a lack of nutrients and improper functioning of the organs responsible for the production of hormones, a decrease in the protective functions of the body is observed. Women during pregnancy and menopause are more susceptible to hormonal rashes. In girls, the problem often arises during adolescence.

Hyperhidrosis, known as excessive sweating, is a trigger for rashes under the buttocks. Sweat causes skin irritation and bacterial growth, which can lead to sore spots between and under the buttocks. Obese people, who often suffer from hyperhidrosis, are more susceptible to the occurrence of this type of skin rash. Pustules under the butt can also appear in hot weather in the absence of personal hygiene.

Violation of the integrity of the skin is one of the provoking factors why acne appears on the butt. Wearing tight synthetic underwear that causes friction, or frequent shaving inevitably leads to a decrease in the local protective functions of the skin. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms, most often staphylococci, actively begin to multiply in the affected area. These rashes are usually itchy and itchy.

Acne on the buttocks in women, the causes of which are often associated with a decrease in local immunity, sometimes occurs due to changes in the acid-base balance of the pH of the skin. This can be affected by the quality of tap water, hygiene products, pathologies of internal organs, insufficient consumption of drinking water and an unbalanced diet. A decrease in acidity, which has a protective effect on the skin, is typical for older women, who are more susceptible to rashes in this area of ​​the body.

The nature and etiology of inflamed elements

Ostiofollicular rashes are most often diagnosed on the legs and buttocks (see photo below). Their appearance is associated with inflammation of the hair follicle in the upper part, which occurs as a result of the penetration and proliferation of staphylococci in areas where the protective functions of the tissues have been weakened.

At the beginning, single or multiple red painful elements appear. Redness is observed in the area where the hair follicle emerges, which causes some pain when pressed. Subsequently, the inflammatory process in the skin is manifested by the appearance of a pustule in the form of a white or yellowish head. In the absence of adequate therapy, deeper tissues are affected, which inevitably leads to the formation of scars after the pustules resolve. For this reason, treatment should be carried out immediately as soon as red pimples appear on the butt.

Diagnostic measures

Acne on the buttocks in women, which is permanent, multiple in nature and does not go away for a long time, necessarily requires contacting a dermatologist. To make a diagnosis, it is sometimes enough for a doctor to perform a dermatoscopy, which consists of visually enlarging the affected areas using a special apparatus.

In some cases, a specialist prescribes pH testing of the skin in order to determine the cause of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

Multiple purulent pimples on the butt require a test such as culture of discharged pustules to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process on the skin.

Ways to get rid of acne on the buttocks

Before treating acne on the thighs and buttocks, you should consult a specialist to identify the cause of their occurrence. As a rule, treatment is carried out using local medications. First of all, antibacterial ointments and antiseptics are prescribed, which include:

  1. Erythromycin ointment;
  2. Syntomycin liniment;
  3. Colimycin ointment;
  4. Tetracycline ointment;
  5. Bactroban;
  6. calcium permanganate solution;
  7. brilliant green;
  8. Fukortsin;
  9. Hydrogen peroxide;
  10. Methylene blue.

First, the affected areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide. After this, brilliant green or Fukortsin is applied along the contour of the redness. Inflamed elements are smeared with any antibacterial ointment. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day until the red or purulent elements on the skin completely disappear.

Additional control measures

Rashes on the buttocks in women can be treated by taking sea salt baths. The solution will dry the affected areas of the skin and reduce the inflammatory process. For a bath you will need a pack of salt weighing 300-500 grams. The substance is pre-dissolved in 2 liters of hot water. 15-minute water procedures with sea salt will help stop inflammation and prevent the development of the pathological process.

For minor rashes similar to miliaria and allergic rashes, salt baths used at home will also help. In addition to the water procedure, in this case it is recommended to apply zinc paste to the rash up to 2-3 times a day until the pimples are completely eliminated.

If pimples on your butt don’t go away: what to do?

In some cases, treating acne on the buttocks in women requires an integrated approach. Frequent recurrences of buttock rashes require the following measures:

  1. prescription of general antibiotic therapy;
  2. taking probiotics and vitamins;
  3. conducting physiotherapy;
  4. nutrition correction;
  5. maintaining personal hygiene.

Complex therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the pathogenic process in the skin by suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria and strengthening local immunity.

Antibiotic therapy

Recurrent acne on the butt in women is treated with the following broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs:

  1. Doxycycline;
  2. Clindamycin;
  3. Azithromycin;
  4. Unidox Solutab.

The dosage and course of treatment are strictly determined by the attending physician who prescribed this or that drug. In addition to oral administration, local bactericidal treatment is mandatory. Among antiseptic agents, Fukortsin has proven itself to be effective against acne on the butt.

Probiotics and vitamins

Internal acne on the buttocks, which does not go away for a long period and hurts, may require taking immunomodulatory and vitamin-containing medications. Often, skin rashes are observed against the background of a deficiency in the body of vitamins B, A, E, C and D. If a problem arises for this reason, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes for the skin.

To boost immunity, probiotic therapy can also be prescribed in the form of drugs such as Rioflora, Linex, Acipol, etc.


One of the effective ways to remove acne from the buttocks is physical therapy. Most often, ultraviolet light therapy or laser therapy are used to eliminate inflamed elements. This kind of procedure has a local antibacterial effect, stops the inflammatory process, eliminates pain and restores the protective functions of the skin.


One of the additional therapeutic measures to get rid of acne on the butt is following a diet. Proper nutrition will help compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements and strengthen local immunity. The following foods must be included in the daily diet:

Dishes that require heat treatment should be baked, stewed, steamed or boiled. The method of frying and smoking should be completely excluded, since dishes prepared in this way lose most of their beneficial properties and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the body due to the increased content of carcinogens in them.

It is important not only to eat properly during the treatment of rashes, but also to drink a lot of clean water. The liquid helps to quickly remove all waste and toxins from the body, accelerates metabolic processes, thereby indirectly influencing the strengthening of the immune system.

Acne on the butt during therapy also requires complete exclusion of alcohol from the diet, which even in small quantities leads to a decrease in the body's protective functions.

Preventive measures

It is important to know not only how to remove pimples on the butt, but also how to prevent their further occurrence. To do this, it is enough to carry out the following preventive measures:

  1. maintaining personal hygiene;
  2. use of hygiene products with a neutral pH;
  3. strengthening the immune system;
  4. avoiding hypothermia;
  5. proper nutrition;
  6. prevention of skin injury.

Acne on the buttocks is a consequence of weakened, both local and general immunity. For this reason, prevention should first of all be aimed at eliminating provoking factors that cause a decrease in the body’s protective functions.

Acne on the buttocks is a problem that women of all ages face. The reasons are as follows: they can appear against the background of poor nutrition, exhaustion of the body, hypothermia, as well as some other factors. So that you can cope with such rashes, let's figure out what types of acne can appear on the buttocks, for what reasons they can occur, and also what treatment and prevention they require.

Acne on the buttocks in women - what does it mean?

Acne is a general name for a whole range of different types of rashes that appear on the skin. All these rashes are pathological elements that differ from normal skin in texture, as well as color and appearance. This category includes both clogged pores and inflammatory processes that occur in different layers of the dermis.

Types: pustules, red pimples

Women may experience various types of rashes on their buttocks. Such rashes may mean:

  1. Cold pimples. They are small red bumps, usually filled with serous fluid.
  2. Comedones. These are clogged pores or hair follicles. If such pimples appear on the buttocks and thighs in adults, they are usually white in color, and their appearance is not accompanied by any painful processes. But comedones are most common on the face.
  3. Boils. These are pustules of different sizes, which are usually localized in the hair follicles or sebaceous glands. The most common cause of such inflammation is a staphylococcal infection.
  4. Pustules. They are large formations on the butt and back, filled with greenish or yellowish pus. Usually such rashes are quite painful.
  5. Papules. These are small reddish or white pimples that protrude above the surface of the skin.
  6. Nodes. Large rashes, often combined with each other. They have a red tint and are usually very painful.

In some cases, acne of different types can transform. So, for example, comedones, when infected, can turn into boils.

Why they appear on the butt: causes of inflammation

Acne on the buttocks in women can appear for various reasons. These can rightly include:

  1. Hypothermia. Most often, it is caused by wearing clothes that are not selected for the season.
  2. Lack of certain vitamins in the body, including A, B. Most often observed in women in the off-season.
  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Passive lifestyle.
  4. Wearing excessively tight clothing: leggings, jeans, tight tights, some types of underwear. Products made from cheap synthetic fabrics are especially likely to cause acne.
  5. Pregnancy. In this case, acne is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, dehydration, and toxicosis.
  6. Increased sweating. Most often, this problem bothers women during training.
  7. Allergic reactions. It may occur when using certain medications, as well as body care products.
  8. Poor nutrition. The predominance of fatty, fried foods, as well as fast food in the diet.

Read also about face wash gels in this article.

Also, rashes on the buttocks may indicate the presence of serious disorders in the body. These include gastrointestinal pathologies, hormonal imbalances, as well as diseases of the genital organs. In addition, similar rashes can appear in women who recently had an abortion.

How to get rid of purulent rashes

Depending on the type of rash and its size, patients may be recommended drug or surgical treatment. If you have small acne that is non-infectious in nature, it can be cured with folk remedies.

Drug treatment

In most cases, you can get rid of rashes on the buttocks using only medications. You can treat with the following drugs:

  1. Oral contraceptives. Prescribed only when acne is hormonal in nature. Prescribed by a gynecologist.
  2. Antibiotics. Depending on the indications, the patient may be prescribed Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Metrodinazole. Most often, such drugs are recommended to be taken 1-2 times a day; the course of treatment with them is on average 7-10 days. These medications are not usually prescribed to pregnant women.
  3. Vitamin complexes. The most popular products of this type are Perfectil, Alphabet, Vitrum. The period for taking such funds is 4 weeks.
  4. Retinoids, in particular Roaccutane. The course of treatment with such drugs is 16-20 weeks. They are used to regulate sebum production.
  5. Tablets for cleansing the body: activated carbon, Lactofiltrum. Such drugs are effective when the rash is caused by slagging in the body. Take them 2-3 tablets per day for a course of 2-3 weeks.
  6. Local remedies. To treat minor acne, salicylic acid is usually used, which should be applied to the skin daily. Medium-sized rashes should be spot-treated 1-2 times a day with salicylic or syntomycin ointment. Boils are removed with Vishnevsky ointment, which is applied at night under a patch. Also, minor inflammations are treated with iodine and zinc ointment.

Read also about the use of Akriderm cream in this material.

The list of drugs is selected for the patient individually. It is not recommended to independently use the above remedies to treat inflammation, especially purulent ones.


There are many effective folk recipes that allow you to cope with rashes. The most effective of them are the following:

  1. Tincture of calendula. This remedy is mixed with honey in equal quantities, then applied directly to the affected area of ​​the skin, covered with film and left for 2-3 hours.
  2. Cucumber lotion. This product dries out the rashes and also disinfects the skin around them. To prepare it, take fresh cucumbers, grate them and pour vodka. Leave it in this form for several hours. After this, the lotion is decanted, poured into a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator on the side shelf. To obtain the desired therapeutic effect, apply this product to the skin 2-3 times a day.
  3. Aloe compress. This remedy is used like this: take a fresh cut of an aloe leaf and apply it to the pimple, fixing it with a band-aid. Leave it on the problem area overnight. Repeat this technique until the pimple comes out completely.
  4. Clay mask. It is prepared like this: a bag of green clay is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, and then wheat germ oil is added to the resulting mixture. The resulting mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin and left for half an hour until completely dry. After this, wash it off. This remedy can also be used for preventive purposes once a week.

Read also about the acne antiseptic Miramistin here.

It should be remembered that folk remedies against acne can cause allergies in people. That is why, before using them, it is very important to test the chosen product on the crook of your elbow to make sure that it suits you. If you do not experience any irritation two to three hours after applying it, you can use it.

Surgical intervention

If boils or other large inflammations appear on the body, the patient may be prescribed not only medication, but also surgical treatment. It is carried out in a clinical setting and proceeds as follows:

  1. Initially, local anesthesia is administered.
  2. After this, the doctor carefully opens the abscess, removes its contents and disinfects the wound.
  3. Then a bandage is applied to the affected area of ​​skin, which in some cases is additionally secured with a bandage.

After removing a pimple in this way, the patient needs to monitor his condition. If a person experiences an increase in temperature or a reappearance of pus at the site of the removed boil, he will need to consult a doctor again and, possibly, undergo full-fledged drug therapy using general antibiotics and local remedies.


To prevent acne on the buttocks from bothering you, it is enough to follow simple measures to prevent the appearance of various inflammations. They provide:

  1. Refusal to wear tight clothing. It is especially important to remove tight skirts or trousers from your wardrobe, or at least wear them as little as possible.
  2. Diet correction. Refusal of junk food in favor of natural products containing vitamins and beneficial minerals.
  3. Lifestyle changes. Regular walks in the fresh air, playing sports.
  4. Follow general skin care recommendations. Using scrubs to remove dead tissue, as well as moisturizers.
  5. Using baby powder for excessive sweating. It is not at all necessary to use them regularly; it is quite enough to apply such products to the skin before playing sports.
  6. Refusal of synthetic clothing, especially underwear made of polyamide and other similar fabrics. Instead, you should choose items made from cotton or other natural fibers for everyday wear.

You may also be interested in Cynovit cream, which you can find here.

Also, in order to prevent any rashes from appearing on the skin, it is very important to monitor the state of your health, including the functioning of the intestines, endocrine system, and genital organs. If there are any malfunctions in these systems, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a full diagnosis and treatment.



As you can see, acne on the buttocks occurs quite often in women. Their appearance can be triggered by various factors, including hypothermia, poor nutrition, and certain infections. To get rid of them, it is important to contact a dermatologist in a timely manner and undergo the necessary treatment.

Read also about facial acne creams for teenagers at the link.