Methyluracil ointment for acne reviews

The reddish spots remaining at the site of acne are disturbing. They don't go away for a long time. What to do with them? experts

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Try the gel with badyaga.

I heard peelings help. It is better to do it in a salon, but now glycolic peels (close to professional ones) are sold for home use. Once I encountered a similar phenomenon (though I only had 3 of them), a dermatologist prescribed methyluracil tablets (they seem to speed up the regeneration process), vitamin D, and fish oil. There was something else - if I find the recipe, I’ll write it (this was about 3 years ago).

There is also methyluracil in the form of an ointment - I have a cat that is “scratchy”, so I smear it on the scratches and they heal very quickly.

after the gel with badyaga, the skin flakes and peels off for three days, it looks the same, be careful

When my acne was removed at the beauty institute, the cosmetologist told me to go for mechanical cleaning, otherwise the spots (stagnation) would remain. I got scared and left. But this was an isolated case for me (pah-pah).

Has anyone used Methyluracil ointment? Does it help??

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and there used to be an ointment with ox blood extract. The burns on my face completely disappeared in 3 days and there was no trace left. really helped.

The cosmetologist recommended Contractubex ointment to me - it removes marks and scars after squeezing out pimples.

Solcoseryl (I don’t remember if I wrote it correctly) promotes granulation and epithelization. That's what it says there. I remember this))

I'm going to try the Sledocid cream.

Sledocid cream! Apply several times a day! It helped me a lot, everything went away in a week!

You can use Contratubeks or Mederma.

Is Sledotsid cream available in Ukraine?

I won’t tell you, tell me where have you been? Which beauty institute?

The reddish spots remaining at the site of acne are disturbing. They don't go away for a long time. What to do with them?

At one time I even had to do laser resurfacing - nothing helped. I can also recommend a doctor to you in the Elise center (Moscow, metro station Barrikadnaya)

Mimi, what spots did you have?

Please tell me some ointment for stains, they won’t go bad(((

Laser resurfacing is a waste of money.

SORRY. Laser Resurfacing is a waste of money.

To avoid pimples and blackheads, treat your gastrointestinal tract. Until you cure it, even if you smear gold on your face, it still won’t help.

Read below "GET RID OF ACNE"

Getting rid of acne.
It turns out that when protein rots in the large intestine, methane is formed, which destroys B vitamins.
Coated tongue, smelly breath, sudden headaches, dizziness, apathy, drowsiness, heaviness in the lower abdomen, bloating, pain and rumbling in the abdomen, decreased appetite, withdrawal, irritability, dark thoughts, forced, insufficient bowel movements - these are signs of constipation. As a result of improper nutrition, mainly starchy and boiled foods devoid of vitamins and mineral elements (potatoes, flour products made from fine flour, richly flavored with butter, sugar), mixed with protein foods (meat, sausage, cheese, eggs, milk ), each such food passes through the large intestine and leaves a film of feces on the walls - “scale”.

Accumulating in the folds-pockets (diverticula) of the large intestine, fecal stones are formed from this “scale” during dehydration (after all, up to 95% of water is absorbed there).
In both the first and second cases, processes of rotting and fermentation take place in the large intestine. The toxic products of these processes, along with water, enter the bloodstream and cause a phenomenon called “intestinal autointoxication”. Some surgeons claim that up to 70 percent of the colons they excise contain foreign material, worms, and fecal matter, stone-hardened, years-old matter. The inner walls of the intestine therefore turn out to be covered with material that got there a long time ago, often petrified. They resemble the roof of a furnace that needs complete cleaning.
“Every second poisoning of the body with poisons through the intestinal barrier creates a certain concentration of toxins in the blood. One half of humanity is capable of retaining waste solvents in the body - fat and water. People swell and increase greatly in size. The second half, probably due to the properties of its intestines and a certain order in metabolism, does not retain waste solvents - these dry out. The concentration of waste in the blood of the latter, the unfortunate ones, should be greater than that of the fat ones. Popular wisdom has its own assessment of this natural phenomenon: “While the fat man dries, the dry man dies.” Both types suffer from constipation, blockages, and poisoning from their own fecal stones. Let's take a closer look at the activities of microorganisms that live in the large intestine.

Hello. I’ll tell you about methyluracil ointment. I bought it for the first time after I got a tattoo, and the artist told me to apply this ointment at home for quick healing. Indeed, the ointment healed well, I’m happy with the effect. Since then it has always been in my purse. I am a chef by profession, and not a single day goes by without minor wounds on my hands. I apply methyluracil ointment and it quickly stops the bleeding. Promotes rapid healing. I didn't have any side effects from it.

Hello. I’ll tell you about methyluracil ointment. I bought it for the first time after I got a tattoo, and the artist told me to apply this ointment at home for quick healing. Indeed, the ointment healed well, I’m happy with the effect. Since then it has always been in my purse. I am a chef by profession, and not a single day goes by without minor wounds on my hands. I apply methyluracil ointment and it quickly stops the bleeding. Promotes rapid healing. I didn't have any side effects from it.

When I had to be treated for the consequences of a disease in the veins of my leg after an injury, and when I took several courses of IV drips, as if by chance, the list of all the prescriptions included the above-mentioned ointment. And later, when I saw the positive effect of this ointment, I simply regretted that no one had prescribed it to me before. But now, when it is much more difficult to get a positive effect, nevertheless I see it. And I know that the regeneration effect can occur in other cases when restoration of the skin is required in certain cases. It is necessary, of course, to cover the skin with ointment after additional disinfection procedures.

When I had to be treated for the consequences of a disease in the veins of my leg after an injury, and when I took several courses of IV drips, as if by chance, the list of all the prescriptions included the above-mentioned ointment. And later, when I saw the positive effect of this ointment, I simply regretted that no one had prescribed it to me before. But now, when it is much more difficult to get a positive effect, nevertheless I see it. And I know that the regeneration effect can occur in other cases when restoration of the skin is required in certain cases. It is necessary, of course, to cover the skin with ointment after additional disinfection procedures.

I became acquainted with methyluracil ointment when I worked in a meat factory. What is boning is very sharp knives, cuts, severe inflammation of damaged tissue at the end of the working day. Of course there was a first aid station, but it was no use, they would pour peroxide on me, bandage me and go back to the workshop. The wounds became very inflamed, of course without pus, at home they bandaged whatever they had. And then one fine day the doctor changed at the first-aid post. So she told us that there is such an ointment, and that it is specifically for regeneration. Indeed, you will put a bandage on at night, and in the morning there will be no inflammation. If it’s a two-day weekend, then you tie it every four hours and the wound heals. This is such a wonderful ointment.

I became acquainted with methyluracil ointment when I worked in a meat factory. What is boning is very sharp knives, cuts, severe inflammation of damaged tissue at the end of the working day. Of course there was a first aid station, but it was no use, they would pour peroxide on me, bandage me and go back to the workshop. The wounds became very inflamed, of course without pus, at home they bandaged whatever they had. And then one fine day the doctor changed at the first-aid post. So she told us that there is such an ointment, and that it is specifically for regeneration. Indeed, you will put a bandage on at night, and in the morning there will be no inflammation. If it’s a two-day weekend, then you tie it every four hours and the wound heals. This is such a wonderful ointment.

This ointment is always in my medicine cabinet. I use it everywhere and always, for any problems or damage to the skin. This ointment has an excellent healing effect, and very quickly, it won’t keep you waiting. I encountered it as a teenager, when my grandmother had an ulcer on her legs. She was prescribed Methyluracil ointment for healing. And it really helped her, that’s how I remember it, and as an adult, I haven’t forgotten about it, I always buy it. Methyluracil is an immunostimulating agent that promotes rapid healing and tissue regeneration. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment for external use. It can be used for slow-healing wounds, burns, ulcers, deep wounds, bedsores, etc. It can also be used in proctology, helping well. Read more for anal fissures. I smear my stitch after the operation when it becomes inflamed, I anointed it a couple of times and everything went away, there is no inflammation. I also use it as a final step for wounds left behind by boils and boils. Naturally after all the pus comes out.

This ointment is always in my medicine cabinet. I use it everywhere and always, for any problems or damage to the skin. This ointment has an excellent healing effect, and very quickly, it won’t keep you waiting. I encountered it as a teenager, when my grandmother had an ulcer on her legs. She was prescribed Methyluracil ointment for healing. And it really helped her, that’s how I remember it, and as an adult, I haven’t forgotten about it, I always buy it. Methyluracil is an immunostimulating agent that promotes rapid healing and tissue regeneration. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment for external use. It can be used for slow-healing wounds, burns, ulcers, deep wounds, bedsores, etc. It can also be used in proctology, it helps well with anal fissures. I smear my stitch after the operation when it becomes inflamed, I anointed it a couple of times and everything went away, there is no inflammation. I also use it as a final step for wounds left behind by boils and boils. Naturally after all the pus comes out.

Today I want to talk about a cheap and very useful drug - this is Methyluracil ointment, produced by the Biokhimik company. This is what the packaging looks like. Please note that the ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. The storage conditions are indicated on the packaging. The composition is indicated on the packaging and on the tube, if you are interested, you can look at it. Methyluracil ointment is used to restore damaged tissues and renew them. In my practice, the ointment was used to combat teenage acne and all kinds of rashes. After applying the ointment, the pimples quickly disappeared and did not leave bluish spots. My husband was prescribed this ointment after surgery to reduce and smooth out scars on sutures. The ointment heals well various cuts, wounds, abrasions, and cracks. It has minimal side effects, so the ointment can be used by young children. read more for the treatment of diaper rash. And also for bedridden patients, for the treatment of bedsores. Methyluracil ointment is even used in cosmetology to relieve inflammation on the face and smooth out scars. It was cosmetologists who discovered a very useful side effect: the ointment smoothes out not only scars, but also wrinkles. Of course, this ointment will not remove deep wrinkles, just like no other, but it will reduce them a little. But it smooths out expression wrinkles well. And this result can be achieved for only 45 rubles. I recommend Methyluracil ointment for purchase, it is a very necessary drug.

Today I want to talk about a cheap and very useful drug - this is Methyluracil ointment, produced by the Biokhimik company. This is what the packaging looks like. Please note that the ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. The storage conditions are indicated on the packaging. The composition is indicated on the packaging and on the tube, if you are interested, you can look at it. Methyluracil ointment is used to restore damaged tissues and renew them. In my practice, the ointment was used to combat teenage acne and all kinds of rashes. After applying the ointment, the pimples quickly disappeared and did not leave bluish spots. My husband was prescribed this ointment after surgery to reduce and smooth out scars on sutures. The ointment heals well various cuts, wounds, abrasions, and cracks. It has minimal side effects, so the ointment can be used in young children to treat diaper rash. And also for bedridden patients, for the treatment of bedsores. Methyluracil ointment is even used in cosmetology to relieve inflammation on the face and smooth out scars. It was cosmetologists who discovered a very useful side effect: the ointment smoothes out not only scars, but also wrinkles. Of course, this ointment will not remove deep wrinkles, just like no other, but it will reduce them a little. But it smooths out expression wrinkles well. And this result can be achieved for only 45 rubles. I recommend Methyluracil ointment for purchase, it is a very necessary drug.

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The ointment has become a good helper in the fight against acne and acne. It worked on several fronts at once. It gave a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and acted as an immunomodulatory agent. The protective functions of the skin were quickly restored. But most importantly, methyluracil promotes accelerated cell regeneration by activating metabolism; there are practically no traces on the face after recovery. This applies to both skin texture and pigmentation. The ointment demonstrates its greatest effectiveness in the early stages of the disease. When the situation is more serious, other drugs will have to be used.

I would not recommend using Methyluracil. After all, this is a drug and has contraindications and side effects. I used it on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, so I am describing my experience. It's not a fact that it will suit everyone.
In general, the ointment has proven itself well. It has many properties that solve dermatological problems, including acne.
At the end of the course, my pores narrowed, the skin cleared not only on my face, but also on my neck and décolleté.
The most attractive thing is that the ointment can help at any stage. When I just started using it in the first days, I smeared already large mature pimples, they gradually dried out, but at that time new rashes appeared, I also smeared these places of reddened swelling. The result is obvious - the big ones heal, the unripe ones disappear. And even pimple marks are reduced. Usually my entire course lasted no longer than 14 days.
The color of the ointment is white, sometimes with a yellowish tint, there is a smell, but it is not strong and it disappears quickly. The mass is thick, but rubs into the skin easily, and also softens it well.
The only strange thing is that the instructions indicate “conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - by prescription,” but it is sold freely in any pharmacy.

If we consider methyluracil ointment as a remedy for pimples and acne, then it is suitable only in cases where you squeeze them out yourself and not very carefully, and they are in poor condition and cannot heal for a long time.
The instructions for use do not contain a direct scheme for use against acne, but there is a recommendation for use in difficult-to-heal wounds on the skin and in inflammatory processes. But this already suits us.
The ointment helps to quickly heal the pimple wound itself, heal it, and cover it with a film. But it will prevent scar formation if used regularly. Therefore, it is better to smear until everything comes off. It is better to apply several times a day, from two weeks to a month, or longer.
It’s even better if you treat the sore spot with an antiseptic before applying.
It goes well with decorative cosmetics, I didn’t experience any rejection. I applied foundation over the ointment to disguise the pimples. But it is better to refuse decorative products during treatment, if possible.
If your head starts to hurt more often when using the ointment, then this is a side effect of it. Burning is also a side effect.

Ointment of a domestic manufacturer, used externally. We use it for various needs, including suitable for children, and for myself I found it a good helper for acne and its traces.
The ointment has no bacterial effect, so it can be combined or alternated with antibacterial drugs.
I found a good way to use it and it is very effective. I advise everyone to use methyluracil ointment not in the initial stages, but towards the end of the treatment process, when it becomes clear that the pimple begins to heal.
First I treat it with chlorhexidine, skinorene (whichever is more convenient for you), and then I apply ointment.
The ointment, of course, is not magical, but it is good enough. I was convinced that in combination with other products, acne goes away two times faster than if you don’t use it at all.
Pimple marks also disappear faster and disappear almost without a trace.
The ointment seems to be harmless, there are also tablets with this composition for oral administration, so it is safe to use externally.
The only thing is that it is oily and has a thick consistency. This is just a slight inconvenience when using it. Otherwise, I'm satisfied.
But in pharmacies they don’t recommend it, I mean they don’t offer it, so ask yourself.

I use Methyluracil ointment to accelerate skin regeneration.
It can be applied to acne. It helps speed up their healing.
It can also be used to smooth out scars.
To get rid of scars, apply the ointment immediately after they appear.
I was unable to get rid of old scars with its help. Fresh ones are smoothed out, but you need to apply them daily for 2-3 weeks.
There is no need to apply the ointment all over your face. It can clog pores, especially if they are enlarged and deep.
After each use of the ointment, the pores must be thoroughly cleaned.
Considering the affordable cost of the drug, the ointment does a good job.

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