Is Metrogyl gel hormonal or not?



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Rashes on the face, back and décolleté cause a lot of trouble not only for adolescents in adolescence, but also for adults. Retouching redness with cosmetics leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands and only aggravates the problem. Acne is the result of inflammation caused by the action of the bacterium propionibact Erium Acnes. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use agents that can neutralize pathogenic microflora. One such drug is the acne gel Metrogyl.

What kind of drug is this

Metrogyl gel has been used in the treatment of pimples and acne of varying severity for many years. This is an ointment for external use and does not require a prescription. It does not contain antibiotics or hormones.

The main active ingredient is metronidazole. This component helps to actively fight inflammatory processes that lead to acne. The ointment also contains antibacterial elements that suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. In addition to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, it has regenerating and wound-healing properties.

The drug for external use is produced in the form of a gel, packaged in an aluminum tube with 30 g packaging. Metrogyl is in demand. Its popularity is due to its effectiveness, a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, as well as its low price.


How it works

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the face and some parts of the body is disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which can be caused by the following factors:

  1. hormonal imbalances associated with adolescence or disruption of the endocrine system;
  2. gynecological diseases and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. intoxication of the body caused by the unsystematic use of drugs;
  4. long stay in stuffy, very dusty rooms;
  5. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Metrogyl anti-acne gel effectively combats problems caused by the action of pathogenic bacteria that actively develop in the epidermis under the influence of one or more of the factors listed above.

The ointment has a powerful therapeutic effect aimed at preventing the spread of infection:

  1. stops the inflammatory process and increases the resistance of the skin;
  2. effectively cleanses the skin, is a strong antioxidant;
  3. has a drying effect on opened purulent rashes;
  4. prevents the appearance of scars and scars that may appear after treatment of deep subcutaneous acne.

Metrogyl solves the problem at the cellular level. It inhibits the action of bacteria by penetrating their DNA structure and disrupting the process of substance synthesis. The gel helps start the regeneration process of injured skin.

Important! Before starting the course, it is better to consult a doctor. Unsystematic use of ointment can disrupt the water and fat balance of the epidermis.



In the list of the most popular acne gels, Metrogyl takes 3rd place. This high rating is due to the following properties of the drug:

  1. strong antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect;
  2. wide range of uses;
  3. rapid relief of inflammatory processes and increased immunity of the epidermis at the cellular level;
  4. long-lasting effect after use;
  5. is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system and organ function;
  6. has a light structure, is quickly absorbed, does not require rinsing;
  7. can be used as a base for makeup, does not dry out the skin and does not create a feeling of tightness;
  8. the ointment can be bought without a prescription at an affordable price (average cost in pharmacies is 130 rubles).

Attention! At least 10 minutes should pass between using the medicinal ointment and applying foundation.



Metrogil does not have many disadvantages, but they are still present:

  1. the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components of the drug;
  2. to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the drug after cleansing the face, as an addition to the procedure;
  3. Metrogyl is highly addictive and repeated use may be less effective;
  4. therapy takes a long time. The minimum duration of the course is 2 weeks. In difficult cases, treatment may take 2 months;
  5. after use, avoid prolonged exposure of treated skin to direct sunlight;
  6. in winter, it is better to refrain from long walks in the cold;
  7. visiting a sauna can neutralize the therapeutic effect of the ointment;
  8. The gel is not effective in 100% of cases.

The last drawback can be attributed to almost all medications used in the treatment of acne.

Attention! Each case is individual. If the choice of medicine is dictated by the recommendations of Internet users, and not by a doctor’s prescription, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% result.


Indications for use

Metrogyl is a broad-spectrum drug. It can be prescribed for the following skin problems:

  1. acne on the face and back;
  2. infections and inflammations of the skin;
  3. trophic ulcers caused by poor circulation;
  4. burns, open, difficult-to-heal wounds after abscesses, boils, boils;
  5. with purulent inflammation;
  6. eczema, seborrhea, dermatitis, accompanied by severe rashes;
  7. bedsores at the initial stage;
  8. in proctology they are used for varicose hemorrhoidal veins and for the treatment of cracks and wounds in the anus.

For mild rashes, the desired effect can be achieved after just a few applications of the ointment. In more complex cases, you will have to complete the full course, which lasts up to 9 weeks.


How to treat acne with Metrogil ointment

Instructions for using the drug are included in the package. To achieve results, you must follow the rules for using the gel:

  1. Before application, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to wash with warm running water with minimal use of detergents;
  2. apply the ointment to problem skin with gentle massaging movements in a thin, even layer;
  3. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid accidental contact of ointment residues with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  4. use the gel morning and evening. If the rash has cleared up after several uses, it is recommended to take a minimum course of 2 weeks;
  5. wait until completely absorbed. Remove excess with a soft cloth or towel.

Metrogyl, used against acne, rarely causes an allergic reaction, but a sensitivity test must be done before first use. For this

you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the inside of your wrist. If no discomfort occurs within 10 minutes, it can be used to treat acne.


Contraindications and side effects

Metrogyl for acne, like any other medicine, has contraindications and side effects. Since it is not absorbed into the blood, the official instructions for its use indicate only one contraindication:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is not recommended to use Metrogyl during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and lactation. Patients with diseases of the blood, internal organs and the presence of tumors and neoplasms are recommended to consult a doctor before using the product.

The ointment contains a very low concentration of metronidazole, so the risk of side effects is minimal. However, in rare cases the following deviations can be observed:

  1. allergies (urticaria, skin rash);
  2. swelling, peeling, dryness and burning of the skin;
  3. lacrimation (when applying the ointment close to the eyes);
  4. reverse effect (when there are more acne than there were before treatment).

During the course, it is advisable to avoid the use of strong alcoholic beverages and closely monitor your condition. Excessive drowsiness may occur. This should be taken into account by people whose work requires increased concentration.

To achieve 100% results, the ointment is recommended to be used in combination with other facial skin care products, including mechanical or chemical cleansing.

The human body, thanks to its immune defense, is able to cope with a large number of harmful microorganisms. In some situations, the immune system cannot cope and it requires additional help in the form of medications. Metrogyl gel is a product for external use that is used to treat vaginal diseases; there is a form of the product to combat skin rashes. This is a universal medicine that has proven itself.

What is Metrogyl gel

This is a synthetic medicine that has a wide spectrum of antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects. Metrogyl ointment contains the substance metronidazole, which has a detrimental effect on protozoan microorganisms and anaerobic infections. The medication is prescribed after testing and determining the causative agent of the pathology. There are several dosage forms of the drug:

The main active component of Metrogil is metronidazole; it has properties to effectively combat a large number of pathogenic bacteria that develop and multiply during inflammatory processes on the skin and blockage of the sebaceous glands. The components of the drug penetrate the DNA of viruses and destroy the structure of cells from the inside. The auxiliary components of Metrogyl gel are:

  1. carbomer 940;
  2. purified water;
  3. sodium hydroxide;
  4. edetate disodium.

Antibiotic or not

This product is not an antibiotic, although it has an antibacterial effect. Metronidazole is a bacteriostatic substance that has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antioxidant effects. This dictates the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of a wide range of pathologies caused by microorganisms and bacteria. Metrogyl gel can be used for a long time without fear of becoming addictive.

Pharmachologic effect

Metrogyl gel against acne or in the treatment of vaginal pathologies has an antimicrobial effect. It is capable of killing parasites that develop without oxygen. The product can infect the following types of microbes:

  1. mobiluncus;
  2. eubacterium;
  3. clostridium;
  4. bacteroides;
  5. peptostreptococcus.

Metrogyl is effective against the following protozoa:

  1. Giardia intestinalis;
  2. Gardnerella vaginalis;
  3. Trichomonas vaginalis.


Metrogyl exhibits activity against pathogens at the cellular level, inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acids in bacterial molecules. This mechanism of action helps the drug effectively resist infectious diseases. There is a gel for external use against acne and a vaginal version to combat urogenital pathologies. Metrogyl Denta was created for dental needs.

Indications for use

When used externally, a doctor may prescribe Metrogyl cream for the treatment of infectious lesions of the skin surface, for example: seborrhea, difficult-to-heal wounds, eczema, acne. Metrogyl helps well against demodicosis (fighting subcutaneous mites). A drug may be prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, bedsores, and fissures in the anus. In dentistry, it is used in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, alveolitis, chronic and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. The vaginal form is prescribed for the treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis and vaginosis.

In gynecology

The ability of the drug to resist a wide range of protozoa (including gardnerella, trichomonas) and various bacteria is recognized by gynecologists. To fight diseases, the same ability is used to destroy the DNA of viral cells, which causes their death. Metrogyl in gynecology, due to its antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect, in the form of a gel is used in the treatment of:

  1. urogenital trichomoniasis;
  2. vulvovaginitis, which is caused by microorganisms sensitive to metronidazole.

For face

It is a gel with metronidazole for the face, a thick white mass, which is applied in small quantities to the skin. The affected area of ​​the dermis and hands should be washed and dried before use. Dermatologists recommend using Metrogyl gel in the treatment of acne, demodicosis, trophic ulcers, seborrhea, and eczema. Apply the product in an even layer for 20-30 seconds, the gel is absorbed and then you can apply cosmetics on top (the product does not react).


Instructions for use

Metrogyl gel has several medicinal purposes, which implies different options for using the medication. When treating skin pathologies and vaginal use, there are different algorithms for applying the product. It is not recommended to treat gynecological pathologies without consulting a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the duration of the course and dosage, based on the diagnosis.

Metrogyl vaginal gel

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, the drug is administered intravaginally. We recommend that the amount of gel should be inserted into the vagina using a special applicator. As a rule, the dosage is 5 g of the drug in the evening and in the morning. The standard course of therapy is 5-7 days. The duration may be longer depending on the type of pathogen and the severity of the pathology. During use, you must refrain from sexual intercourse. The application algorithm is as follows:

  1. Remove the applicator from the packaging and remove the cap from the tube.
  2. Place the applicator onto the neck of the tube.
  3. Hold the tube so that the applicator is facing up, press down on the contents so that the nozzle is completely filled.
  4. Unscrew the applicator and remove it from the tube, close it with the cap.
  5. Carefully insert the nozzle into the vagina, slowly press the plunger so that all the gel is inside.
  6. Remove the applicator, wipe it with medical alcohol, and store it clean until next use.

For external use

Apply Metrogyl gel only to the affected area of ​​the skin, specifically on acne or pimples. To perform the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands and apply the product using your fingertips. It is necessary to smear acne, pimples, and the affected surface in the morning and evening. Instructions for use:

  1. Cleanse your skin with milk, gel, foam or mild soap.
  2. Wipe with alcohol-free lotion.
  3. Apply a thin layer of gel, rub in a little and leave to absorb completely.


Metrogyl gel during pregnancy

The medication cannot be used in the first trimester; in the second and third it can be prescribed only as a last resort. Metrogyl can only be prescribed by the attending physician, provided that the potential benefit to the mother is higher than the expected risk to the fetus. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation, because metronidazole has the ability to pass into breast milk. It is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding during treatment with Metrogyl.

How to enhance the effect

The catalyst for the antimicrobial properties of the drug is sulfonamides. If you combine Phenytoin and Metrogyl gel, the expulsion of the second is accelerated, which reduces the concentration of metronidazole in the blood. Patients who have received increased doses of lithium-containing drugs for a long time should take into account that it is possible to increase the concentration of lithium in plasma when combined with Metrogyl. Combined use with other anti-acne agents will help increase effectiveness in the fight against acne.

Drug interactions

Clinical studies have confirmed that the interaction of the drug with other drugs is insignificant due to the low concentration of the drug in the blood. Mutual influence may be observed when taking the following medications simultaneously:

  1. Agents with an indirect anticoagulant effect. When used together with metronidazole, the prothrombin time will increase.
  2. Patients taking disulfiram are not prescribed metronidazole, because this provokes side effects from the nervous system.
  3. The risk of side effects increases when taken simultaneously with cimetidine, which increases plasma concentrations of metronidazole.

Contraindications and side effects

There are some factors that exclude the possibility of using the drug with metronidazole. Contraindications include the following:

  1. The gel cannot be prescribed to people who suffer from liver failure, epileptic seizures, leukopenia, or allergies to the components of the drug.
  2. The medication is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  3. Contraindicated for children under 12 years of age; dental use is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
  4. Alcohol is prohibited during treatment with Metrogyl gel.


As a rule, the medication is well tolerated by patients, and side effects are extremely rare. When applied externally, its concentration in the blood is insignificant. Negative sensations include the following manifestations:

  1. skin irritation at the application sites (swelling, redness, rarely itching, urticaria);
  2. peeling, feeling of tightness.


According to patient reviews, the results of using the gel are positive; unpleasant consequences rarely occur. If this medication is not available in the pharmacy, you can find analogues that contain metronidazole. Such drugs belong to the group of antiprotozoal drugs to combat bacterial activity. For the treatment of acne inflammation, purulent pimples, you can order:

The cost of the medicine may vary depending on the place of sale. You can buy it in an online medicine store through a catalog or at a pharmacy. How much does Metrogyl gel cost if bought in Moscow:

  1. for vaginal use, 30 g, price – 170 rubles;
  2. for external use, 30 g, price – 180 rubles.
  3. Metrogyl denta, 20 g, price – 200 rubles.