Metrogyl for subcutaneous mites

Demodectic mange is treated mainly with ointments containing permethrin and other compounds that are effective against acariasis, a disease caused by ticks. Metrogyl for demodicosis is an option that deserves attention, despite the fact that, according to the official instructions, the drug is intended for the treatment of protozoal and bacterial infections.

Brief information about the causative agent of the disease

Demodicosis is caused by the subcutaneous demodex mite. The second name of the parasite is ironworm acne. This is a small (no more than 0.5 mm in length), worm-like parasite with eight legs on the front of the body.

It lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands - mainly the face, but can also colonize other areas of the body - the back, chest, legs. Feeds on sebum and skin particles.

The spread of the mite to uninfected surfaces is possible both from a person’s hands (for example, after scratching acne on the face) and as a result of the parasite’s independent movement across the skin.

The speed of the iron is small; in 1 hour it can cover no more than 10-15 mm, but this is enough to spread over the entire surface of the body over time. Ticks usually travel at night. During the day, to escape bright light, he prefers to hide deep in the follicles and sebaceous glands.

Demodex is a bisexual creature that reproduces by mating. This happens at the mouth of the follicle or gland. The female moves deeper to lay eggs. After a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae. The entire cycle of transformation of an egg into an adult takes about 2-3 weeks.

It is believed that D. folliculorum and D. brevis are present on the skin of most healthy people, without causing them any harm for the time being. Under favorable conditions, parasites begin to actively reproduce, causing demodicosis.

To become the owner of acne, it is not at all necessary to become infected with a mite from a sick person (although this path is also possible). It is enough to weaken the immune system or have some disease that is a risk factor for demodicosis, for example, viral hepatitis or diabetes mellitus.

Is it possible to cure demodicosis with Metrogil?

The active substance of Metrogyl is an antiprotozoal and bactericidal drug Metronidazole. The mechanism of its action is to block the synthesis of nucleic acids in protozoa and microbes, leading to their death.

Metrogil Available in various dosage forms.

  1. injection solutions, each ml containing 5 mg of metronidazole;
  2. tablets containing 200 or 400 mg of active substance;
  3. ointments and gels for local use with 10 mg of metronidazole per 1 ml.

To get rid of iron worms, metrogil is used in the form of ointments. Reviews about their effectiveness vary greatly - from delight at successfully getting rid of the disease, to complete disappointment and the categorical conclusion that Metrogyl is absolutely powerless in the fight against acne.

But the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of metrogil cannot be doubted, so there is no doubt about its benefits in the treatment of inflammatory skin processes that accompany pronounced demodicosis.


We are glad to meet again with regular and new subscribers! The topic of the article today is the drug Metrogyl for demodicosis. Is it possible to use it in the fight against subcutaneous mites, and how to quickly achieve positive results?

Demodicosis is one of the skin diseases. Unlike pimples and comedones, which occur as a result of clogging of pores with sebum and dirt, the appearance of demodicosis is caused by a parasite.

The demodex mite, which can only be seen under high magnification under a microscope, lives on the body of more than half of people and animals. It may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, but under the influence of unfavorable factors (stress, weakened immunity, etc.) it becomes active and begins to declare itself:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. inflammation;
  3. the appearance of a small rash;
  4. peeling and unpleasant itching.

Characteristics of the drug

Metrogyl gel is one of the most effective forms of this group of antibiotics for external use. Thanks to its light, non-greasy consistency, the gel is perfectly absorbed into the skin and has an inhibitory effect on colonies of subcutaneous parasites, as well as their larvae.


The main purpose of Metrogil is:

  1. inhibition and complete destruction of various harmful bacteria, including mites;
  2. relief of inflammatory processes;
  3. eliminating itching;
  4. returning the skin to a healthy natural tone, reducing redness and flaking.

The gel is poorly absorbed into the blood, so its side effects (negative effects on the liver, etc.) are minimized. But it also cannot help the skin recover in 1-2 applications.

Why do dermatologists prescribe it as a course?

With regular lubrication of the affected areas of the skin, the active component of the drug (metronidazole) accumulates in the layers of the dermis - exactly where demodex likes to live. Thus, at the end of the course, both adult active parasites and larvae will be destroyed.

Subtleties of practical use of the gel

To achieve positive results, apply the gel to inflamed areas of the skin twice a day. The product is applied to cleansed skin, from which remaining moisture has been removed, in a thin, even layer, without rinsing off, so it is better to treat the face in the morning and evening.

The gel is quickly absorbed, forming an almost invisible transparent film on the surface, onto which any decorative cosmetics can be applied very easily.

To quickly get rid of blackheads, acne and pimples, as well as to rejuvenate your facial skin, we recommend that you read this effective remedy .

Why should the drug not be applied to wet skin?

Because moisture prevents the rapid penetration of the active components of the medicine into the pores of the skin. A similar rule applies to cleaning the face - pores free from dust and dirt quickly absorb the gel.

Clogged pores, with excess sebum produced, are simply not able to absorb the required amount of the drug, and more than half of the gel remains on the surface of the skin, quickly drying out. Thus, contaminated pores do not allow the product to “reach” the mite’s habitat.

In case of severe inflammation, Metrogyl gel is used to apply compresses. To do this, a dense layer of the drug is applied to a gauze bandage, and then attached with pieces of adhesive tape, covering the areas affected by the mite.

Particular care must be taken when applying oil to the upper part of the face. The gel should not come into contact with the eyes or the mucous membrane of the eyelids.

Did you know that you need to lubricate damaged areas of the skin, going slightly beyond the boundaries of redness (a couple of centimeters)? This is done for preventive purposes to prevent parasites from moving from infected skin to healthy skin. Even if the redness has passed quickly, continue to lubricate the skin with gel until tests (skin scraping to test for the presence of demodex) show negative results. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 months to 1 year and will be individual for each person.

List of contraindications and possible side effects

Young mothers during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding need to exercise caution when using Metrogyl gel, and be sure to coordinate this with their doctor.

Obvious contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. individual intolerance to individual components of the drug, and especially metronidazole;
  2. extensive skin burns;
  3. the presence of open wounds, ulcers;
  4. chronic respiratory diseases.

To determine how the body reacts to the drug, it is enough to apply a small amount of gel to one of the areas where the tick is localized. If discomfort occurs (tingling, burning, swelling, etc.), the skin is thoroughly washed with running water, and Metrogyl gel is replaced with another product.

Common side effects include:

  1. slight swelling occurs at the sites of application to the skin, it takes a long time to go away;
  2. maintaining hyperemia;
  3. mild itching;
  4. hives (small rash);
  5. a feeling of tightness and slight flaking of the skin.

Doctors say that the manifestation of at least one of the side effects can serve as a good reason for abandoning the gel or replacing it with antibiotics of a similar effect.

This concludes this article, dear readers.

Metrogyl gel, by today's standards, continues to be one of the most effective pharmaceutical products in the fight against demodicosis. But remember that it is important to apply it correctly, and then you will definitely defeat the subcutaneous mite.


See you again on the blog pages!


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Metrogyl gel: composition

Metronidazole: 10 mg/g

Other ingredients: propyl hydroxybenzoate, methyl hydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, carbomer 940, sodium edetate, sodium hydroxide, distilled water.

Metrogyl gel: pharmacological properties

Metronidazole (1-(?-oxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole) is an effective antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent from the group of nitroimidazole derivatives. Active regarding Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolytica And Giardia intestinalis, as well as in relation to obligate anaerobes - Bacteroides spp.. (B. fragilis, B. distansonis, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. vulgatus), Fusobacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., Peptococcus spp.
Inactive against aerobic microorganisms.
The mechanism of action of Metrogyl is due to the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group of metronidazole by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. The reduced 5-nitro group of metronidazole interacts with the DNA of microorganisms, leading to their death.
In the presence of mixed flora (aerobic and anaerobic bacteria), metronidazole acts synergistically with antibiotics active against aerobic microorganisms. Improvement usually occurs within 9 days of treatment.

Metrogil gel: indications

papular-pustular rash, rosacea and vulgar acne.
The drug is also recommended as part of complex therapy in the treatment of infected trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus and chronic venous insufficiency.

Metrogyl gel: method of application

a thin layer of gel is applied to a previously cleansed affected area of ​​skin 2 times a day (morning and evening) and lightly rubbed. A pronounced clinical effect occurs after 3 weeks of therapy.

Metrogyl gel: contraindications

hypersensitivity to metronidazole, other nitroimidazole derivatives and other components of the drug; I trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Side effects

local reactions are possible - hyperemia, dry skin, burning sensation and skin irritation. When applied to the skin in the eye area, lacrimation may occur.

Special instructions

Avoid getting the gel in your eyes. When applied to large areas of skin or with prolonged use, there is a possibility of resorption of metronidazole and the development of systemic side effects, so the drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with impaired hematopoietic function. If local reactions occur, the drug should be used less frequently or temporarily discontinued. Metronidazole penetrates well into breast milk, so it is not recommended to use Metrogyl during breastfeeding.
After applying the gel, you can use cosmetics.
During pregnancy, it is prescribed only if absolutely necessary.


with external and intravaginal use of Metrogyl gel, an interaction due to systemic absorption of metronidazole is unlikely. However, when prescribing the drug to persons receiving anticoagulants, it should be remembered that metronidazole may enhance the anticoagulant effect of coumarin and warfarin, which leads to an increase in prothrombin time.


Storage conditions

in a cool place.

Reviews for "Metrogil gel for demodicosis"

Ariel, Kurgan

I have acne and Metrogyl did not help me at all. I used it according to the doctor’s instructions after chatting in the morning and evening for 2 months. There was no effect. A friend was diagnosed with subcutaneous mites and Metrogyl helped her very well. So try it, the price is low, it definitely won’t get any worse.

Metrogil is of no use, it's a poultice for the dead. Of all the drugs, the best are only Xinsheng and Kang, excellent creams, the result is visible immediately, the itching disappears, the skin cleanses

Love, Lyubertsy

Elena, Kurganinsk

I am diagnosed with subcutaneous mites, the doctor prescribed me Metrogyl, I used it for 3 months, it only got worse.

Rita, Stavropol

I buy vaginal metrogyl, it helps better

Lina, St. Petersburg

I don’t remember exactly, but it seems I couldn’t stand using it for two weeks, because internal acne that had not ripened for a long time appeared, and the skin became somehow brown, people around me even noticed.

Maria, Chelyabinsk

Metrogyl did not help me at all with pimples or itching.

I have been suffering from demodicosis for 4 years! At first the doctors made the wrong diagnosis! For the third time they diagnosed demodicosis, prescribed Metrogyl, and told me to apply it for 10 days! I applied it for probably half a year, but it didn’t help! Then they prescribed Afloderm, which I found with difficulty and costs 400 rubles! no results at all! I went to the doctor, but they refused to treat me at all! The doctor says you have a subcutaneous mite, but there’s no point in treating it, because you’ve seen it, I don’t have many of it, there’s only redness in the nose area, two spots, and he says that the mite doesn’t multiply much! and it will remain for life! They prescribed me Metrogyl again, which I no longer bought and decided to self-medicate! I found on the Internet that formic alcohol helps a lot, but it didn’t help me! I tried benzyl benzoate, which costs 12 rubles! the feeling is not good! as if they had doused it with gasoline and set it on fire! I smeared it all over my face for about five days! everything went away in the nose area, but the tick came out between the eyebrows and that’s it, I scored! It wasn't that scary yet! The worst thing is when I wash myself, slowly, and with warm water! you come out, your face is scary and every time I drive home like this from work after washing! I don’t want to go to a paid doctor, it’s very expensive! I recently went online and found that Metrogyl helps mainly against vaginal bacteria such as Trichomonas vaginalis and that it may not have an effect on the Demodex mite, but there will be results in interaction with antibiotics! So I decided to try it, I bought the cheapest antibiotics because I heard that that it’s all the same thing, only the name and price are different! They said this in the habitat program! The antibiotics are called Ciprofloxalin, the price is 24.8! 500mg tablet! The instructions say that it kills all bacteria in the human body! I take 2 tablets a day and apply Metrogyl, the result is already in 2 days, but not completely yet! I no longer sleep on old pillows and don’t visit guests! I hope I recover soon and I hope this article helps someone!

Elmira, Orenburg

I’ve had this rash for about a year now, I’ve been using Metrogyl with no results. I used Yam cream once again - my eyes were swollen, everything was red, it didn’t suit me. I don’t have allergies, so that’s probably how the cream worked. I wanted to try another cream, Xinsheng. I think I’ll order it later, I just don’t have the option of not wearing makeup.

Don’t waste your money on Metrogil gel, it’s like a poultice against subcutaneous mites for a dead person, it won’t help 100%.
It’s better to smear yourself with Yam, just follow the instructions: wipe your face with calendula tincture to clean and open the pores, then apply a thin layer of Yam ointment all over your face, hold it for 1 hour, the remains of the ointment, and like all ointments it is greasy, remove with paper napkins and do not wash your face, the entrance to the pores will be clogged and the source of oxygen for the mite will be blocked, lay a clean napkin on the pillow so as not to stain it and go to bed like that, and in the morning wash off the remaining ointment, preferably with tar soap. During the procedure, the face will tingle and itch, this will agonize the mite.
The procedure must be repeated for a month. Try not to be in the sun, cover your face, as there is birch tar in the Pit, it is oily, penetrates very deeply under the skin and your face will burn 100% in the open sun.
Don’t forget to iron your pillowcases, pillows and towels regularly, and preferably replace the pillows. Once a month I bought a small pillow for 50 rubles and then threw it away. Several of my friends were cured of demodex in this way.
Demalan helped someone (its current analogue is glycodem)

Alena, Belgorod

Metrogyl didn’t help me with demodex, it didn’t get worse, but it didn’t get better either

Sasha, Chelyabinsk

The most effective creams for demodicosis are Xinsheng and Kang - I tried everything in treatment - he saw a real improvement with these creams. I advise

Milana, Moscow

Metrogyl does not help against demodex; the mite is immune to it. I used specialized anti-demodicosis products Demodex Complex, the effect is amazing, thanks to the manufacturers for such a find!

Metrogil does not help at all, I do not recommend it!

Svetlana, Tomsk

The product didn't help me at all! I just wasted my money. Of course, it’s her own fault, she started treatment. Perhaps it works in the early stages, but then...
In general, I am now being treated with demodex complex. Only two months passed, and the disease disappeared from the face by exactly 70 percent. I am very happy! After so many years of searching.

Anastasia, Moscow

There is no benefit from this product, but I hoped so much, I applied it for more than two months in a row... I was completely desperate, what to do, help.

Dmitry, Izhevsk

I have the same problem, everything I try seems to do more harm than good, after the next ointment the rashes appear more and more profusely. Can someone recommend an ointment or cream that can really cope with the demodex problem?

Angelina, St. Petersburg

Anastasia and Dmitry, I can only recommend what really helped me: Xinsheng and Kang from the manufacturer Demodex Complex. Just don’t limit yourself to ointments, also buy a special anti-demodetic soap for washing, follow a diet (no fatty foods, sweets, nuts, cigarettes, eggs, dairy products except kefir). In this case, recovery will follow in 2.5-3 months, at least that’s what happened to me.

Daria, Chelyabinsk

The problem of demodicosis has been familiar to me for a long time. A few years ago these sudden itchy rashes started, I got treatment and everything went away. After 3 years they started again. I started using Metrogyl gel, but only in conjunction with treatment with metronidazole tablets (you can buy Trichopolum, the spectrum of action is approximately the same) and cosmetic procedures. I have a huge request - do not self-medicate, especially with unknown antibiotics, especially cheap ones. Because then you will have to turn to gastroenterologists and also treat intestinal problems, because... Antibiotics are primarily dysbacteriosis. And there is no point in going to cosmetologists mindlessly - they will make mincemeat out of your face, then no laser procedures will help you. The most optimal treatment for demodicosis is to wipe the skin with salicylic lotion with herbs, Metrogyl gel and metronidazole. Well, and some regenerating cream-gel, like Contractubex. and cosmetology services upon confirmation of the diagnosis. prices for drugs are reasonable. I wish everyone luck in beating this disease!

I've read a lot of good reviews, but I have doubts about the composition of these creams. Such a miracle effect is possible only with hormonal therapy. What's in these creams?

I've been using it for 4 months! The face looks disgusting, a lot of small rashes have appeared and everything is covered in red spots, this never happened before the creams. 4 months! and it’s getting worse and worse, I’m in shock, I don’t know what to do, and in half a month there’s a wedding, I’m just in despair.

I've been using it for more than 2 months, but to no avail.

Valeria, Moscow

I have been using the gel for 3 years now. SUPER :(, no shifts.

Hi all. I lived abroad with my family for 5 years. So we decided to move the whole family to Russia! It would seem that this is happiness. But everything is not so simple with us! Due to stress, I developed demodex. It's good that you went to the doctor right away! In humans, biosynthesis occurs with the subcutaneous mite. We all have it. But there are situations in which it begins to multiply vigorously, thereby causing a lot of trouble. It is necessary to treat immediately and systematically, otherwise bye bye beauty face and skin. First of all, personal hygiene! Change your feather pillow to holofiber, use disposable facial wipes! Tar soap morning and evening! Demodex Complex Kang on problem areas in the morning and evening + smear Xinsheng at night. And so on for 3 months, every day. Be sure to get tested for the presence of demodex on your eyelashes! Because if it is on the face, 99% it is on the eyelashes too! What the dermatologist didn’t tell me about, but my cousin, who has been working as a physiotherapist for a long time and has good medical experience, told me! Since I am a nursing mother, I can’t take antibiotics. But doctors can prescribe them for you if there are no contraindications. Demodex leaves marks on the face. I still have some post-recovery to do. For example, contractubes ointment and darsonval. Of course, it is unpleasant to have demodex. But don't despair! The main thing is a systematic approach! And be sure to analyze and check your general physical condition! Perhaps the cause of demodex is even deeper and another treatment will be needed!

I used Metrogyl for two or three months continuously, morning and evening, and applied it directly under foundation in the morning! This is the only remedy that helped me. Each individual! Try it! I wish everyone clear and beautiful skin!

LiliaBondar, Kyiv

I don’t understand something, the instructions don’t say that Metrogil is used for demodicosis. Or have I gone blind? For acne, eczema, non-healing wounds, burns, it is definitely used and helps. What about demodicosis in complex therapy, or what?

Svetlana, Tyumen

I use your products to treat the Demodex complex series for demodicosis, I am satisfied. Kang and Xinsheng creams moisturize the skin very well and there is no irritation after them, so I like how the treatment goes.