What microcurrents give at 38 years old reviews


Negative reviews

Finally found the time to write my review about microcurrents. I am 31 years old. After turning 30, I decided to start taking care of my skin. Problems that bother me: enlarged pores on the face, the skin has lost its former elasticity and has become flabby. The cosmetologist recommended microcurrents and massage. I decided to start with the first one. I did 10 sessions over 1 month. I was very disappointed. I didn't see any effect. What they write in the reviews simply amazes me. This stupid procedure, for which I paid about 15,000 rubles. I'll try something different.



there is no effect


This month I did several rejuvenating facial treatments - microcurrents, galvanic currents for the face. The salon had a promotion for this procedure and offered a 50% discount, but on the condition that the client pays immediately for 5 sessions. At the same time, it was promised that the galvanic current procedure promotes facial rejuvenation, enhances blood microcirculation in cells, and therefore strengthens the tone of the facial skin and renews the skin. The procedure is performed by a cosmetologist using a device that operates on both mains power and batteries. That is, it was not a huge stationary device with a large number of different attachments, but a small one, it is called the “Home Electroplating” Facial Device. This device is intended for only one procedure - skin rejuvenation using galvanic currents. The size of this device can be compared to the size of a regular hair dryer. The whole procedure lasts about an hour. First, the cosmetologist cleanses the face, then applies a gel guide and begins to move these devices over the face, but only moves along massage lines (this is the so-called vibration massage). This device buzzes rather unpleasantly during the procedure. The cosmetologist works in this mode for about 10 minutes. I didn’t experience any sensations. No pain, no tingling, no burning, etc. Then the device switches to another mode - the mode of galvanic currents. There is no longer any buzzing here. But there are no sensations either. We lie down for another 10 minutes. Then the cosmetologist applies some kind of cream and does a final manual facial massage for 7-10 minutes. Each procedure costs about 400 rubles. After the procedure, the face turns a little pink. But nothing more. I did not notice any rejuvenating effect from these procedures. Therefore, I decided to abandon these procedures. I took the remaining money back. In a word, the procedure of galvanic currents using the “Home Galvanic” facial device seemed completely ineffective to me. And I wouldn't recommend it.

Neutral reviews

Well, after the microcurrent procedure there really is a noticeable effect - the face brightens, the color normalizes. Plus, when using any gel forms, a microfilm is formed, which gives a feeling of tightening. Again, some people get a healthy glow. but these are all effects of one or two days at best, and at worst before the first wash


A pleasant, painless, and most importantly effective procedure!


The procedure is not cheap, and the results are not always noticeable.

I went to microcurrents before the new year. I wanted to remove nasolabial folds. The procedure itself is very pleasant and very effective, no worse than any painful injections! I can say that when I saw myself in the before and after photos, the result was very noticeable, my nasolabial lips were smoothed out.
Of course, everything is individual for everyone, for some it doesn’t help much, for others it helps, everyone’s skin reacts differently to certain procedures.
Personally, I liked it, and I will definitely repeat this procedure in a year.


Pleasant sensations during the procedure


I learned about the microcurrent procedure from my cosmetologist. Having talked about it, she promised an even complexion, no dark circles under the eyes and complete relief from acne. The procedure must be followed in a course. I had five sessions. Lasts about 50 minutes. Although the therapy has a threatening name, in reality it is practically painless, and in some places even pleasant. I personally always fell asleep. The most noticeable place was my forehead, when I felt a slight pain.
I went to the course every other day or two so that there was a cumulative effect. At the end, I didn’t see any obvious changes. All those problem areas that bothered me remained in the same state. But I still enjoyed the procedure itself. This includes a massage and a mask after the procedure and the electric shocks themselves. Maybe my skin is such that microcurrents turned out to be too weak for me.

I went for the procedure on the advice of a cosmetologist. I have had a problem since childhood - constant swelling under my eyes (poor vision). Creams hardly help.

I took a course of 6 procedures (at least 10 preferably), one procedure is 1200.

Preparation: first, the cosmetologist cleanses the face and lubricates it with hyauron gel.

Procedure: then the cosmetologist runs microcurrents over the face with 2 nozzles, first with pinpoint nozzles, then with wider nozzles. The cosmetologist, depending on your sensations, sets the strength of the current. You want your face to tingle a little - that’s how the effect will be.

The procedure is generally pleasant and takes about 40 minutes.

Afterwards, they put an alginate mask on me, under which they apply a serum based on the type of face or problem, I had couperiosis.

then they treated my face with cream and I went home happy))))

The procedure gives an effect, the skin actually smoothes out a little, even the pores have narrowed a little, the complexion has become more even.

As for the swelling around the eyes, they have become less, which was a pleasant surprise. lack of sleep became less noticeable on workdays.

but there is one disadvantage of the procedure - it must be done twice a week - in order for there to be an effect, and it is advisable to take large courses, probably over 2 months. The effect of this procedure is simply short-lived. and it turns out to be good money.

and one more minus: two evenings a week you wear creams without makeup, so that your face rests, the effect is better, which of course is annoying.

Positive reviews

I once had experience using this procedure on myself. The procedure is truly safe, especially when it is performed by qualified specialists. A relatively small amount of time is spent, and as for the pricing policy, the prices are more than acceptable. The main thing is not to get carried away and maintain a sense of proportion. But overall the procedure is very good. I personally recommend it.

Having come across a description of the microcurrent rejuvenation procedure, I thought that this was exactly what I needed. But at that time I had contraindications - pregnancy. And after giving birth and breastfeeding, I decided to test the effectiveness of this method on myself. The face has really changed: the swelling has subsided, and overall the appearance is fresher. Another positive thing: in winter, my skin on my forehead usually peels. But after the course of microcurrents this did not happen. I'm very pleased with the result

I took a microcurrent course. Honestly, I didn’t see any effect either on the 4th or 5th time. I even began to despair. I am 34 years old, the first wrinkles and dark circles under my eyes have appeared. The result became visible only after the 8th procedure. The freshness of the face appeared, the oval of the face became clear, small wrinkles became almost invisible. I like it. The procedure itself is very pleasant.


Visible result; facial skin is fresh and toned.


Not very cheap if you do the full course.

Good afternoon, dear readers!
Today I would like to write about the cosmetic procedure “Microcurrent Therapy”. My cosmetologist recommended doing it 7 times every 2-3 days. This procedure applies to coursework. There is no point in doing it once. As a rule, the result will be barely noticeable.
Microcurrent therapy is the effect of pulsed currents on muscles. As a result, alternating muscle contraction and tension occurs, which entails improved blood supply to blood vessels, skin tone increases, and skin regeneration processes are accelerated.
The procedure is quite comfortable, lasts 40 minutes (face area).
There are certain contraindications for this procedure: the presence of a pacemaker; oncological diseases; pregnancy and breastfeeding; epilepsy; infectious skin diseases at the site of the proposed procedure.
Having completed a course of microcurrent therapy, I can note my sensations and changes.
Firstly, skin tone has improved and the oval of the face has tightened. Secondly, the smallest facial wrinkles disappeared (the more noticeable ones remained unchanged). Facial skin looks fresh and rested.
For myself, I decided to do a course of microcurrent therapy several times a year.
I highly recommend it! I'm sure you'll like it!


a clearer and tighter oval of the face; eliminates swelling;


Recently I began to notice that the skin on my face looked somewhat flabby, and unsightly bags had formed under my eyes. I understand that this is due to stress and lack of sleep, but, unfortunately, I cannot correct the surrounding situation, so I had to turn to hardware cosmetology for help. I decided to try the vaunted microcurrents.
The first thing I liked was how painless the procedure was. I felt practically nothing. And secondly, a great result. After completing the full course (I needed 8 procedures in total), the result is very noticeable. A competent cosmetologist + a good device is a clear success. I don’t remember the name of the device now, but I can safely recommend cosmetologist Inna from the Angel beauty club (in St. Petersburg).
In general, the result of my course was complete elimination of bags under the eyes, noticeable tightening of the skin (the effect is like lifting). My face acquired tone, I began to look healthier and less tired.

Since you looked at the reviews, it means you found out what

then for the beast "microcurrents". Therefore, I will not tell you the technique of the procedure. So as not to torment your curiosity))).

So, why did I do the procedure? I was tormented by ulcers on my face and acne. I couldn’t use creams. Any cream, tonic, lotion immediately results in pustular rashes and comedones. But. Due to the fact that I could not use creams, wrinkles began to appear. Vicious circle. I have been looking for a decent cosmetologist for a long time. And lo and behold, I found it.

First, the face was cleaned, mechanical cleansing. Then the Darsonval course. Masks. And finally, microcurrents. Moreover, the cosmetologist used a gel with silver, which has an antiseptic effect, as a means for carrying out the procedure.

The procedure is quite interesting. Your face twitches back and forth. The muscles move. Not everyone likes it, but I tolerated it well. I even liked it.

  1. The skin became even, elastic and smooth.
  2. Improved complexion.
  3. The puffiness and swelling of the face disappears.
  4. Pimples have disappeared.
  5. Small wrinkles are gone.
  6. The oval of the face has tightened.
  7. The bags and dark circles under the eyes are gone.

Thus, the procedure is very useful. There is no harm from it. Now I do the course every six months.

Be beautiful. And healthy.

I decided to write a review on the topic of facial care.

For those over 30, I recommend hardware massage with microtomes instead of injections. I had a problem in the lower part of my face (they took it) and a little bags under my eyes. I thought about getting injections on the advice of my friends, but at the last moment I refused because my face still looks unnatural. Botox is fundamentally dangerous. After a long search, I found a massage with microtomes in the salon. You need to do 10 procedures at once and then one per month. The result is smoother skin. Wrinkles are reduced. Facial turgor (tone) is five years younger. For those over 40, I cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the procedure.

The massage is performed using a cream-based device. It tingles and stings a little, but it's tolerable. After the massage, mask and you're done.

After the first unsuccessful experience with a cosmetologist and a useless procedure

carboxytherapy, dug through mountains of literature (websites) about microcurrents. Many cosmetologists recommend it, love it and use it often.

Some introductory information:

Microcurrents for the face is a type of physiotherapy aimed at rejuvenating the skin by exposing it to a pulsed current of very low voltage. The procedure is performed using an electrode and special preparations that act as conductors. Unlike myostimulation, microcurrents do not have a direct effect on the facial muscles. Microcurrent impulses are directed into the cell, into blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and indirectly into muscle fibers.

Indications for microcurrent therapy:

  1. the need to correct the oval of the face;
  2. elimination and prevention of wrinkles;
  3. care for dry and overly sensitive skin;
  4. preparing patients before plastic surgery, as well as postoperative therapy;
  5. treatment of acne and post-acne;
  6. treatment of rosacea and rosacea;
  7. lifting of the chest and buttocks;
  8. fight against cellulite at different stages;
  9. swelling, lymphostasis, therapy after liposuction;
  10. treatment of hyperpigmentation (in particular photoaging);
  11. flabby and aging skin.

Contraindications for microcurrent therapy:

  1. the presence of metal structures and pins in the body;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. severe somatic diseases, epilepsy;
  4. malignant neoplasms;
  5. heart rhythm disturbance;
  6. presence of an electrocardiomyostimulator;
  7. the presence of gold threads;
  8. history of heart attacks and strokes;
  9. individual intolerance to electric current.

I would like to note that this the procedure dissolves the drug injected into the faces. Therefore, if you want to get rid of it quickly, then you can do it, but if you don’t want to, then first microcurrents, and then Botox.

I chose a salon with the best price (1000 rubles) and one summer evening they performed this procedure on me. It goes like this: you lie down on the couch, they put a cap on you, cleanse your facial skin, apply gel, and move electrodes over your skin. There is a tingling sensation, especially sensitive in the eye area, but on the forehead it is almost not felt. The cosmetologist first treated one side of the face and neck for 15 minutes, and then the other, from bottom to top along the massage lines. Time flies quickly and unnoticed, then she applied a leave-in face mask. After the procedure, we talked a little, she asked me how old I was, I told her that I was 28, she said that it was just right for that age, but not later than 45 years old, she noted that my skin was good. I generally agree, but still there is swelling and the oval of the face has swollen a little, I asked her what procedures are best to undergo, to which she sent me to the reception, and there they simply handed me a price list. A very strange approach.

Already in the evening, before going to bed, when I applied the night cream, I noticed that the skin became tighter and more elastic, especially in the chin area, and if usually when applying the cream along the massage lines, the skin “gathered” a little, but now this was not the case. In the morning there was no swelling, the skin was still so thick you couldn’t really pinch it. The wrinkles around the eyes were less noticeable. I was honestly pleasantly surprised, because after one procedure I didn’t even expect any effect at all, but here I was such a joy! What will happen then after 10 procedures!

Then I went for a second procedure, and to another specialist, she treated the skin of the face along massage lines, but somehow chaotically, and not systematically like the last time. There was an effect, but not as stunning as the first time.

I liked the procedure, but a course of procedures is still required, which costs 10-15 thousand rubles. so I ordered a device for home use on the Internet (I will definitely write a review on it)

Greetings, my dear readers. I recently learned that to improve muscle tone you can do without Botox injections. With the help of a simple procedure, wrinkles will noticeably decrease and facial skin turgor will improve. Microcurrents for the face - what it is, I will tell you in detail today. I will describe the advantages, how the procedure is carried out in the salon and whether there is an analogue to professional devices for home use.

How does microcurrent therapy work?

From a certain age, the facial muscles are imbalanced. The fact is that with age, the muscles of the lower and upper third of the face spasm. As a result, we observe the phenomenon of gravitational ptosis and the appearance of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. And the muscles of the middle third of the face, on the contrary, are in hypotonicity. As a result, the face loses its shape. Microcurrent therapy has been successfully used to stimulate and relax facial muscles.

This procedure has the following effects:

  1. Metabolic processes are normalized. Cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. The production of elastin and collagen increases, so the skin becomes elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Thanks to the outflow of lymph, dark circles and bags under the eyes are reduced.
  3. Microcurrents have an analgesic and regenerating effect, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Muscle tone is restored, and this in turn provides an excellent lifting effect.

Some people wonder whether microcurrent therapy or myostimulation is better. During myostimulation, electric current is also used. But there is a different current strength and there is no effect at the cellular level. These are completely different procedures. Like, strictly speaking, disincrustation, lymphatic drainage or mesotherapy.

Microcurrent therapy is the effect of current on human soft tissues with low frequency and amplitude. This method combines the advantages of electromyostimulation and the effects of galvanic current on tissue. During the procedure, a very soft, gentle contraction of muscle tissue occurs.

Electric currents of ultra-low amplitude and frequency act directly on the cell membrane. The ion channels of the cell membrane are normalized. Thanks to this action, all biochemical processes are improved.


Indications for the procedure

Microcurrent therapy has a wide range of applications. It is indicated for skin pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes, and swelling of the face. In addition, it is recommended to do it for age-related changes (wrinkles or sagging skin). It is also indicated for very dry and sensitive skin.

The most important thing that microcurrents provide is the improvement of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) synthesis in cells and the normalization of facial muscle tone

This procedure can also be used as a restorative therapy after laser resurfacing and peeling. It also helps reduce aesthetic defects - scars, post-acne, etc.

By the way, microcurrent therapy is done not only on the face. It is also performed on other parts of the body. So, fat deposits are removed from the hips and abdomen. They also reduce hair loss due to alopecia. In this case, the scalp is affected.

What are the benefits of microcurrent therapy?

This cosmetic procedure has many benefits:

  1. the effect is carried out directly on the cell membrane (due to this action, all biochemical processes are improved);
  2. no painful sensations;
  3. is not addictive;
  4. the achieved positive result lasts for a long time;
  5. after the procedure, the production of your own collagen and elastin increases;
  6. has no age restrictions;

In addition, this procedure is time-tested and, judging by reviews, is highly effective. After it, the skin does not need special restorative care. She already feels great - and this is reflected in her appearance.

While I was studying the material, I wanted to try this procedure myself. Once I complete the course of plasma lifting for post-acne, I will talk to my cosmetologist about a course of microcurrents. I’m already 34 and I notice that my cheeks are not so elastic, and the muscles on my chin seem to be tightened.

There is another significant advantage of microcurrents. It can be performed at any time of the year - spring, summer, autumn or winter. No time restrictions. It's great, isn't it?

Protocol for the salon procedure

In the salon, microcurrent therapy lasts about 45 minutes. It consists of influencing the skin and underlying tissues with two special electrodes - stationary and labile. One electrode slowly moves towards the other from bottom to top along the muscle (for example, in the neck area). Or they can move towards each other, providing a stimulating effect. The electrodes can also spread apart, providing a relaxing effect.

How does the microcurrent therapy procedure work:

  1. The procedure begins with a thorough make-up remover. Use the usual cleanser you have on hand.
  2. The next step is applying a special conductive gel. It is applied locally to the area being worked on. Otherwise, it dries out and its effectiveness decreases.
  3. Next is the microcurrent therapy procedure itself, which acts only on the epidermis and dermis. But also on the subcutaneous fat and muscle layer. During the procedure, the movements of the electrodes must correspond to the location of the muscles.
  4. When finished, you need to wash off the gels and apply a mask according to your skin type. If you have age-related changes, then apply a tightening mask.

The intensity of the electrode used in each specific case may vary slightly. When carrying out such procedures, the microcurrent pulse can range from 10 to 600 μA. The frequency is 0.1-300 Hz.

Watch the video in which the cosmetologist shows in detail the protocol for the microcurrent procedure.

Frequency of the procedure and its cost

How often to do the procedure and the repetition period is chosen by the cosmetologist, based on your skin type. Here I will give only the recommended number of procedures for the first course and the frequency of repetitions for prevention.

The number of sessions depends on the client’s age and skin condition. The effects of microcurrent therapy are slow. That is, they have a cumulative effect. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a course of procedures, and then regularly maintain it - periodically do 1 procedure for prevention. Usually, most women notice that they look five years younger.

Below are general and approximate recommendations for frequency:

Age Number of first course procedures How often to carry out prophylaxis (1 procedure)
20 – 30 years 6 for the prevention of aging
30 – 35 years 6 once a week every 1.5-2 months
35 – 40 years 8-10 1-2 times a week every 1.5-2 months
40 – 50 years 10-12 1-2 times a week every 1 – 1.5 months
50 – 60 years 12-15 1-2 times a week every 1 – 1.5 months
60 and more 15-18 2 times a week every month

Microcurrents are great for better recovery after facelift surgery, treating blood congestion, scarring and numbness. Microcurrents are also used for rehabilitation after thread lifting.

The cost of microcurrent therapy in Moscow varies between 2000 - 2500 rubles. How long to do the procedure, of course, is decided by the cosmetologist. The duration of therapy can be 30-60 minutes depending on the chosen program.

The procedure is not cheap and requires regularity. I recommend looking at promotions in beauty salons on the Biglion or Groupon websites. Sometimes there are interesting offers from beauty salons.

Photos before and after

I think that the most reliable feedback on the effectiveness of this procedure will be photos before and after it. Compare them. Here you can see with the naked eye that professionally performed microcurrent therapy really works.

How to do the procedure at home

If the price of a procedure in a beauty salon seems too expensive to you, you can go a different route. Just buy the device and do the procedure yourself at home.

Of all those presented on the Internet, the most famous portable device for home use is the Bio Wave Gezatone m920. Essentially it acts like an electric massager with two ball electrodes. They are supplied with alternating electrical voltage.

The box contains the device itself + instruction manual. The device runs on 2 pinky batteries, they need to be purchased separately. There is power adjustment. The weight is small - with packaging only 170 grams.

I have a problem - nasolabial cavities. I can’t call it folds, because... I don't have any creases. A cosmetologist suggests doing a course of microcurrents. I want to collect feedback on what effect you got and how long it lasted.

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Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

mne tolko rassasivayushiesya niti pomogli, happy lift

I had no effect, it was a waste of money.

I also have 0 effect after 10 procedures

I had an effect, but I was only 33 years old at the time, they had just begun to form, and lasted for 3 months. After that, I did a course once a year, and went for a manual massage 2 times a month, but I didn’t observe such an effect, although what I also like is that the bags decrease for a while, the face becomes white and radiant

I walked and didn’t notice any visible effect. I am 29 years old.

I have a problem - nasolabial cavities. I can’t call it folds, because... I don't have any creases. A cosmetologist suggests doing a course of microcurrents. I want to collect feedback on what effect you got and how long it lasted.

Related topics

And I just did microcurrents for the first time today. And I can say that even in one go everything improved, I really liked the effect! I will do a course.

Gull! Apparently you are well versed in these “microcurrents” (gels, propetides, at HOME.) tell us more about this, please: what kind of device, how to use it, where to buy it and what it will give.

I took the course. Those around me noticed the effect after 3-4 sessions, I myself noticed it after 8. I really like it, my skin returned to the state it was -5 years ago. I'm 30.

A year ago I took Juvederm injections under the lower eyelids and swelling appeared! It's been a year already. Never had this problem! Now they recommend microcurrents. WILL HELP? I am 33 years old.

And I'm just a fan of microcurrents! Helps! But my problem is not wrinkles, there are practically none, but the loss of facial contours. I am 40 years old - of course I need regularity - a course + maintenance procedures 1-2 times a month, and other types of care are required.

And today I did the second procedure, I haven’t noticed any effect yet. I need to restore the oval of my face. Maybe after finishing the course something will change. I'm 31

To restore the “young oval”, myostimulation is best.
But you need to do a course of 12-15 procedures, every other day. It’s very expensive in salons. However, my cosmetologist charges 900 rubles. for the procedure is 2.5 times lower than the salon price. But registration for it is until August


If you decide, I can share my phone number


Yes, I forgot to write that she has microcurrents + care for only 1200 rubles :)
This happens even in Moscow!

The cosmetologist told me that the effect will be visible only after 5-6 procedures. If we want immediate results, then this is biorevitalization.

I bought myself a micro teener and am doing procedures for myself and several others.

Eva, please share your phone number


The price for microcurrents is really good compared to the salon where I go. Thank you!

8-926-211-6076 Elena Vladimirovna
I have already completed the procedure and the result met my expectations.


thank you very much)) how many procedures did you do?

I did a course of microcurrents consisting of 12 procedures 2 times a week + 1 time a week iontophoresis with some serums. The procedure is really comfortable (unlike myostimulation



I did microcurrent yesterday. The effect is more noticeable immediately.

I'm 37. I'm doing my 7th procedure. I'm very pleased. The flabbyness goes away, the general condition is better. The first 5 were done by one doctor, the last 2 by another. I understood one thing - a lot depends on the doctor, on his desire to work with microcurrents. The first doctor did them somehow, quickly, without enthusiasm, every time she asked when I would start injecting myself with Botox and hyaluronic acid. The second doctor specializes in microcurrents; when I compare, I understand how carefully she works with the skin, how carefully she treats each area. I leave the office very satisfied, the procedure has become much better.

Tomorrow I will start a microcurrent course. The oval is fine, there are no wrinkles, but we will fight pigmentation. I'll write back later.

Girls, today I did my first microcurrent procedure. I felt the effect immediately. but I have a question: will I take the course, and then for the rest of my life I will have to go to microcurrents 2 times a month? that is, if you start, then you will continue to do this ad infinitum?

Which is better isojay or microcurrent?

Seriously, this helps.

Seriously, this helps.

This is the second time I’ve been doing microcurrents, the first time was 10 sessions in the spring! And I’m going through the second one now! I’m 40, the effect is cool, the cosmetologist tells me that I need to take the course every six months and that’s enough! more often there is no need.

I think what is better: thermolifting or microcurrent? I did thermolifting 5 times, there is an effect, but not as advertised, while 1 procedure costs 3500 or more, if it is also in the neck and décolleté area. How long after thermolifting can microcurrents be applied?

Tell me who made microcurrents. Does anyone have pins or crowns in their mouth? This is anti-conversion in microcurrents. I really want to go through the procedure, I’m worried that there are crowns in my mouth.

Ladies, who have already done this procedure some time ago, please share how long does the effect last?

Ladies, who have already done this procedure some time ago, please share how long does the effect last?

who knows, please enlighten me, what is the difference between microcurrents and myolift?

Microcurrents are the impact of a pulsed current of small magnitude and, as a rule, low frequency. Myolifting is myostimulation with movable electrodes. Here the current magnitude is much higher. Myostimulation is an effect on the muscles, and microcurrents directly on the cells, cellular “massage”.
I did both. Myostimulation (myolifting) to correct the oval of the face and lift the eyelids. And microcurrents for the skin: the complexion improves, there is a visible skin lifting effect.

Is it possible to do myolift if I have had contour plastic surgery? The drug has not yet come out, it should last for another 6 months. Will the drug dissolve due to myolift?

But I'm interested. I recently had surgery, I have a scar all over my stomach. They said that we need to do microcurrents. They help speed up healing. Does anyone know about this?

Just finished microcurrent today. I’m 41. Even the cosmetologist noted that my face could no longer be pinched! I'm very pleased with the result! The face became fresher, a blush appeared - beauty! I did the procedures once every 7-10 days. Now I will support it 2 times a month. I recommend it to anyone who has seen it.

I’m 38. I’ve always treated microcurrents with distrust, too superficially. I preferred myostimulation in courses 2 times a year. And on December 1, I had blepharo of the lower eyelids and microcurrents were recommended. I want to say that there is an effect even after one procedure. It’s just that the result is not so noticeable on a young or well-groomed face, but this is from any hardware procedure. I had severe swelling and a huge bruise. Everything immediately began to go away. Excellent lymphatic drainage. And your face becomes fresher. And by the way, after 33-35 years, you need to come to terms with regular facial care and go to a cosmetologist as if you were going to work. Even those who had plastic surgery to prolong the effect, otherwise in 4-5 years they will have to see the surgeon again.

Tell me, is it possible with braces?

Greetings to all! I really respect microcurrents and 2 years ago I bought a microcurrent device for myself personally, I was 37. I started doing procedures using a regular gel (without any anti-aging additives such as placental extracts, peptides, collagens, etc.) every other day and for about 8-10 times I noticed that the depressions at the wings of the nose became lighter (they were deep and dark), the “bulldog” ridges at the bottom of the oval of the face “gone”, I realized that microcurrents really work. Then I bought a special one. Miokras gel Peptide complex, with it, of course, everything happens much faster. Now I’m 39, I have no wrinkles, my oval shape is tightened, I use the device only in the winter, in courses as needed, sometimes I do 4, sometimes 6 procedures (3-4 courses in the winter), I’m too lazy to do more, and it’s not necessary. I don’t go to the salon; the device has long since proven itself. I constantly use Christin’s cream with argillerine (muscle relaxant), because... I have a penchant for crow's feet, anti-aging serum and cream with vit. And from the same company. Don't be afraid of microcurrents, they have a long-term effect, they help the cell to feed better, and therefore produce more collagen, elastin and hyaluron. And they can also gently stimulate muscle fibers, changing, of course, the frequency and strength of the current, which I also do, and I also introduce aloe and ascorbic acid by electrophoresis. For the dermis, epidermis, and pancreas, the current strength and frequency are strictly different for each position. In general, I'm very happy!