Vidal milk for acne


Most of those who used Vidal's milk for acne were delighted with the effect obtained, as evidenced by positive reviews. Many people note a noticeable improvement after just 2 weeks. When conventional cosmetics did not solve the problem, Vidal's milk successfully helped get rid of rashes and acne. The only drawback of the product is its not very pleasant smell, but for the sake of the result, all patients agree to be patient a little.

Often, acne on the face is caused by demodicosis or subcutaneous mites, which can affect oily skin. It feeds on secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, cells of hair follicles, and fatty ingredients of cosmetics. When the amount of fat in the sebaceous glands decreases, the tick’s nutrition disappears, and it disappears on its own without any treatment. Vidal's milk degreases the skin and has a depressing effect on the parasite.

What does the product consist of?

The composition of the drug is a mixture of medicinal components and is prepared according to a doctor’s prescription in a pharmacy. It contains camphor, boric and salicylic acid, glycerin, precipitated sulfur. It is the last component that has a detrimental effect on ticks.

Sulfur has a specific smell that literally “chokes” parasites. In the process of fighting acne, this component also plays an important role. In addition to its antimicrobial effect, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has an exfoliating effect.

Camphor has a bactericidal and itching effect, glycerin is necessary to soften the skin. Ethyl alcohol has an antibacterial effect. Boric acid cleanses pores and reduces sebum production.

More accurately, the composition of this product reflects its preparation recipe:

Usually, preparation requires a prescription from a doctor indicating specific proportions related to the patient’s skin characteristics. Some pharmacies sell pre-prepared standard formulations that can be purchased without a prescription.
The shelf life is 1 month from the date of preparation; to avoid skin irritation and burns, it is not recommended to use it after this period.

Availability and analogues

Vidal's milk, the price of which is only 200 rubles, is not inferior in properties to many expensive drugs and makes it possible to obtain an excellent therapeutic effect, while saving a lot of money. In addition, its analogs such as Skinoren or Baziron have a stronger effect on the skin during the treatment process. There are also cosmetics that help fight acne - creams, gels, lotions, but they are much more expensive, and they contain substances that are undesirable for inflamed skin - various fragrances and preservatives.

Many dermatologists consider this remedy one of the most effective in the treatment and prevention of acne. Indications for the use of Vidal's milk are as follows:

  1. moderate acne;
  2. subcutaneous mite;
  3. pityriasis rosea;
  4. inflammatory skin diseases.

That is, it can be used in all cases where it is necessary to degrease the skin and treat it with antiseptics.

Instructions for use

Vidal's milk is applied to dry and cleansed skin 1-2 times a day in the afternoon, and also before bed. You do not need to wipe the entire face with milk, but only the areas where there are rashes. It should not be washed off after application. The milk must be shaken before use. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and does not exceed one month.

Do not apply the composition to wounds, bleeding pimples, scratches, moles and warts. In advanced cases, dermatologists advise wiping your face with mint lotion during the day, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug. In severe forms of disease, it is recommended to use chloramphenicol alcohol instead of lotion. It is recommended to apply moisturizer 30 minutes after using the product. This will soften the skin and reduce side effects such as dryness and flaking.

In rare cases, allergic reactions, itching, burning, and hyperemia may occur. Therefore, the product is not recommended for children under 7 years of age, patients with very dry skin, and patients with bronchial asthma. If one of these side effects develops, use of the drug should be discontinued. When treating demodicosis, you need to give up decorative cosmetics, avoid baths and steam rooms, and not make face masks.

DIY Vidal milk

Want to know how to make Vidal's milk at home?
The product is an ordinary mash, obtained by mixing the original medicinal components, so you can prepare it at home. To do this, you just need to mix all the required ingredients in the specified proportion and shake the resulting mixture thoroughly. It must be stored, just like a drug purchased at a pharmacy, in the refrigerator.

There is also a more simplified recipe that is convenient to use at home. It looks like this:

  1. Sulfur-3 g;
  2. Boric acid -20 ml;
  3. Distilled water -20 ml;
  4. Levomycetin-0.05 g.

Despite the simplified composition, the main components remain in it. As you can see, there is no glycerin here, so it is imperative to use a moisturizer after using the product.

Vidal's milk is a proven treatment for inflammatory skin diseases. The experience of using milk in medicine is more than 50 years. It was widely used earlier, when the range of pharmaceutical drugs was very limited. The instructions for the drug are simple, but compliance with them is mandatory when treating inflammation of the skin of various etiologies.

Characteristics and features of the drug

The development of the drug was carried out by professor-dermatologist A.P. Rakcheev, who studied methods of treating skin diseases, in particular demodicosis.

Vidal's milk has advantages over other drugs:

  1. Possibility of making at home. This does not require additional equipment, and you can easily make do with improvised means.
  2. It consists of simple but effective ingredients that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. It does not contain preservatives or parabens, which distinguishes it from industrially produced drugs. In addition to the active medicinal substance, they contain additional additives that do not always have a beneficial effect on the skin and can cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Inexpensive price both when purchasing components for production yourself, and in a pharmacy chain with a prescription.

Dosage forms

Vidal's milk, in terms of its composition and production method, is classified as milk milk.


The composition includes a dry substance with glycerin, diluted with water or alcohol. When applied to the skin, the mash acts as a lotion. As the liquid part dries, a dry substance remains on the skin, which acts like powder.

Glycerin keeps it on the skin longer. This complex action contributes to a longer lasting therapeutic effect. During storage, sulfur settles to the bottom, and further use of the medicine requires shaking until homogeneous.

Composition of Vidal's milk

Vidal's milk has a multicomponent composition:

  1. Sulfur precipitated.
  2. Ethanol.
  3. Camphor alcohol.
  4. Boric acid.
  5. Salicylic acid.
  6. Glycerol.

All substances in the drug are in strictly established proportions. When writing a prescription for a medicine, a dermatologist may change the composition to obtain the maximum effect that needs to be achieved during treatment, or supplement it with another substance.

For example, to enhance the antibacterial effect, add chloramphenicol or streptocide.

pharmachologic effect

The instructions for use describe Vidal's milk as an effective remedy for skin diseases.

The therapeutic effect of milk is due to the substances that are included in the composition:

  1. Ethanol - antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Its action is based on the ability to destroy the protein shell of microorganisms. For use on the skin, it is necessary to use 70% alcohol, since it is in this form that it penetrates more easily into the outer layers of the skin and does not have an aggressive effect.


  2. Camphor alcohol - has a slight irritating effect, as a result of which blood flow improves, metabolic processes increase and healing improves. Alcohol has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Boric acid - tightens pores, thereby controlling the production of sebaceous secretions.
  4. Salicylic acid - reduces the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, softens the stratum corneum of the skin and promotes its exfoliation, has a keratolytic effect.
  5. Glycerol - creates a protective film, thereby eliminating dryness.
  6. Sulfur precipitated - an antiseptic substance that has antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects, improves skin regeneration.
Property Ethanol Camphor alcohol Boric acid Salicylic acid Glycerol Sulfur
antiseptic + + + +
analgesic + + +
antimicrobial +
anti-inflammatory + +
insecticidal + +
keratolytic +
dehydrating +


Vidal's milk acts mainly in the upper layers of the skin. Deep penetration of the drug is carried out with the help of salicylic acid, which softens the stratum corneum and promotes the penetration of medicinal substances deep into the skin.

Sulfur is the main substance that acts directly on microorganisms. Ethyl and camphor alcohols enhance the antimicrobial effect. Boric acid reduces the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as a result of which the environment for the proliferation of microorganisms becomes unfavorable. Glycerin protects the skin.


The drug acts in the upper layers of the skin and does not penetrate the body, so it is not possible to study pharmacokinetics. A small amount of the drug, mainly alcohols, penetrates the blood and is excreted through the liver and kidneys.


Vidal's milk (instructions for use are provided for informational purposes) can be used for inflammatory diseases of the skin and hair:

  1. Demodicosis - parasitic inflammation of the skin. The disease occurs when a microscopic mite penetrates the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. The parasite is found on the skin of healthy people. With a decrease in immunity, stress, or hormonal imbalances, the tick begins to actively reproduce. A rash appears in areas with a large number of sebaceous glands, which is accompanied by redness and itching. The diagnosis is made based on the detection of a mite in a skin scraping.
  2. Pityriasis rosea - This is an inflammation of the skin of a presumably infectious nature. The causative agent of the disease is viruses. The disease is characterized by the formation of pink-red spots with a tendency to spread.

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    Vidal's milk can be made according to the manufacturing instructions:
    1. Prepare a container in which mixing will take place. It should be a glass or ceramic cup.
    2. Prepare a container in which the drug will be stored. It is better that it is made of dark glass with a ground-in lid to prevent the evaporation of substances.
    3. Mix camphor alcohol and glycerin and pour into a storage container.
    4. Next add salicylic and boric acid.
    5. Add sulfur powder to ethyl alcohol and mix until smooth and pour into a storage container.
    6. Shake the resulting composition thoroughly.
    7. The medicine is ready for use immediately after mixing.

    There is also a simpler option for making at home.

    Mixing Ingredients:

    1. Water - 25 ml.
    2. Boric alcohol 3% - 25 ml.
    3. Camphor alcohol 10% - 20 ml.
    4. Sulfur - ½ tablespoon.

    This composition does not contain ethyl alcohol. The antiseptic property is enhanced by camphor alcohol 10% (2% is required in the basic recipe). After using this composition, after 20 minutes it is necessary to moisturize the skin with cream, since due to the lack of glycerin, a feeling of dryness may appear.

    Instructions for use

    Vidal's milk, instructions for use of which are given below, must be used 2 times a day. It is better to apply the medicine in the afternoon and at night.

    For adults

    Vidal's milk is used to lubricate areas on the body where there are inflammatory elements.

    A little preparation for the procedure will increase the effect of treatment:

    1. Remove makeup using any usual means.
