How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home after 30 years, reviews

I'm 30 and a fine network of wrinkles has already appeared around my eyes. Of course, this is inevitable, but you still want to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. How can I remove it or at least make this grid less noticeable? Has anyone tried anything, peelings, laser, or maybe something else? I would be grateful for any advice. experts

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I’m 27 and have the same problem, however, wrinkles are only under the eyes, there are no “crow’s feet” yet. I spread it with vegetable oil so that it doesn’t get worse. I'm afraid of all kinds of creams, my mother uses them, but I don't see any effect. So the question here is not how to remove wrinkles, but how not to worsen the condition of the skin. To hide wrinkles, you can use foundation, but I don’t use it yet; wrinkles are only visible if you hold the mirror very close. And now I know for sure that wrinkles also appear from stress. So take care of your nerves from a young age!

Here, if you are interested, look at folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes

1- Vegetable oil. Skin around the eyes.
This is the first time I've heard about this! The delicate skin around the eyes needs to be moisturized, not clogged with an oil film.
Don’t spare money on good creams, serums, gels, masks, and care from a cosmetologist. The face is a woman’s calling card.

If the wrinkles are not deep and have recently appeared, then good hydration can help. Choose the appropriate cream. I really like Guerlain eye moisturizer. And recently on one forum I was advised Blefarogel 1, sold in pharmacies, costs a penny. The main component is hyaluronic acid. I’m using it now, I like it too, it moisturizes very well


You can apply olive oil, but it makes me irritated.
When wrinkles are more obvious, Botox is injected under the eyes (but not the Botox that is put on the forehead, but some kind of diluted one). As a last resort - an operation, by the way, a girl I know already had it done at the age of 30, but she had very obvious wrinkles and crow's feet.

Only radical methods (surgeon, injections) can help you get rid of them, but you can reduce them with the help of professional care (I consider visiting a salon after 30 a necessity), and of course home care. Do not stretch the skin unnecessarily, do not rub your eyes, dry your face with a towel rather than rubbing it, apply the cream with light pats along the lines, do not apply night creams right before bed, do not drink excessively an hour or two before bed, sleep preferably on your back. That's how much has happened, of course, none of us clearly follows all these rules, but we must adhere to them if possible, and then the youth of the skin will last longer. Maybe someone wants to add something? I think everyone here will be happy with any recommendations.

5, exactly. You can't get rid of it with creams.

Related topics

Prevention is very simple: try not to squint and wear sunglasses in sunny times. I'm 50 and have no wrinkles in my eyes.

7 - yeah, they believed it, every second person here is 50 without wrinkles and with a girlish figure, photo taken in the studio!

I am 22, I have expression lines around my eyes, what do you advise me?

amused witch))))))))
So I advise you, kids.

I am 38 years old; creams cannot get rid of deep wrinkles, but Mustela creams with fucus oil help me very well with crow’s feet.

here are these medicinal creams

I recommend gel pads-patches under the eyes, some are expensive, and some are not so expensive. A cosmetologist recommended NaturAge (sold only in pharmacies 36.6) to me - she said that they work as effectively as the expensive ones, and cost 4 times less (approx. 150 rubles 6 pairs)

15 — what is the difference between these pads and the cream? I’m 30, for the last year I’ve been using the Chanel series to prevent the first signs - Beaute Initiale, however, with the onset of spring it got worse and worse. In general, I decided to fight wrinkles more radically, fell for active advertising, bought a cream from the new Chanel line repair series (the store said that it’s generally used for 40 years, but if “I’m really worried”, you can try one course, then return to the usual moisturizing - preventing. I’ve been actively smearing it for a week now, so far there’s nothing to brag about)))

From what I tried, the best one was Letual Strivectin 3D around the eyes, manufactured by. USA. I had an amazing effect (age 34) the cream lasted for a year. but unfortunately I don’t see it on sale now, I use l, octane series shea butter, it also softens well, but this one was generally excellent!

Girls, try Belkosmex wrinkle correctors. I noticed wrinkles around my eyes at the age of 27. For two years (I’m now 29), I tried everything, it seemed that they deepened even more, and then there’s my eternal problem of bags under the eyes (such the structure of the face, everything is fine with the kidneys) more steel. I thought I was already approaching age, my mood was at zero, I didn’t want to look in the mirror. I thought, well, if there’s no point, why throw money down the drain, I’ll buy cheaper cosmetics, the result will still be the same. I bought an Orchid wrinkle corrector. I applied it without enthusiasm, until after three weeks I noticed that small wrinkles had disappeared, and the deeper ones had become almost invisible. But the most pleasant thing for me is that the skin under my eyes has tightened, the bags have become smaller than at the age of 18. I’m shocked. Try it, especially since it costs about 100 rubles. There is no need to use it constantly, one or two courses a year, for prevention.
Belkosmex also has a Miriel corrector, which is also good, but I liked Orchid better. Moreover, you can apply them even at night before bed, in the morning there is no swelling, on the contrary, the skin is tightened.

13, Why, I wonder, should unfortunate minks pay for your wrinkles?

19, because in the next life 13 will become a mink)))

I’m 28 and I have a problem with wrinkles around my eyes, I was already getting depressed, I was constantly thinking about how to get rid of it, masks, creams, gels. I spent so much time and money on these experiments, but there was no use. Until I tried BLEPHAROGEL1 HURRAY. it really helped me, girls, I haven’t tried a better product yet, the whole problem is in the deep hydration due to the gel, wrinkles were smoothed out and crow’s feet are a thing of the past

Dear girls! Even if wrinkles appear around the eyes, there is no need to be upset. In most cases, they can be corrected. I am 21 years old, the skin around my eyes was always smooth - not a single wrinkle. I went on a diet, lost 6 kg in a short time, and, please, barely noticeable stripes appeared under my eyes. I started using Blefarogel1 together with RetinolS from Vichy, plus a milk mask. (Cut the white loaf into slices, place it in a paper bag, put it all in the refrigerator. Every morning, take the circle out of the refrigerator and soak it in whole (not pasteurized) warm milk, preferably for 20-30 minutes. The eyes should remain motionless. The result is visible after first use of the mask. Bags disappear, the skin is moisturized. Or use ice molds: pour milk (whole) into molds and place in the freezer. Every morning and every evening, carefully wipe the skin around the eyes and face with cubes of this milk ice. Tones and the skin becomes smooth Pink colour). Don’t be lazy to thoroughly cleanse the skin around your eyes, never go to bed with makeup on your face - it’s very harmful. Try to wear sunglasses often and don’t squint too much. A cosmetologist gave me these recommendations, if you follow them, wrinkles will not threaten you. I was very glad to share with you!

Every girl at any age strives to look beautiful, young and well-groomed. But, most often, by the age of 30, and sometimes earlier, girls begin to notice wrinkles around the eyes. It is there that the skin is thin and delicate, there are almost no muscles that could maintain the elasticity of the skin, there is almost no sebum and sebaceous glands. Alas, this is a natural process determined by the very structure of the skin in this place. Unfortunately, we cannot change the structure of the skin, but we can begin to carefully and properly care for it, ensuring its youth and delaying the signs of aging.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes at 30 years old

There are several reasons why wrinkles around the eyes appear at such a fairly early age:

  1. Hereditary predisposition
  2. Bad habits (abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking)
  3. Insufficient skin care around the eyes
  4. Increased facial activity


  5. Prolonged exposure to the sun
  6. Use of low-quality cosmetics
  7. Poor nutrition
  8. Stress, overwork

If you start immediately and effectively deal with small wrinkles that have appeared, you can achieve very good results. There are many ways available today to combat wrinkles around the eyes.

Modern cosmetological care methods

Beauty salons will offer you several options for effective cosmetic procedures. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Photorejuvenation. The skin on the face is exposed to flashes of pulsed light, which activates the production of collagen and elastin


  2. Mesotherapy. Special meso-cocktails are introduced under the skin, which enrich the skin with nutrients, which, in turn, accelerate the regeneration of the dermis.
  3. Contour plastic. Introducing special different fillers, not drugs. Most often, this is hyaluronic acid - a natural component of our body. This solves not only the problem of contour correction, but also improves the overall condition of the skin - it becomes more toned, elastic and moisturized.

Cosmetics to reduce wrinkles around the eyes

The entire variety of cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes can be divided into several groups:

  1. Masks
  2. Vitamins
  3. Non-specialized drugs

Let's look at each group in more detail.


  1. The most popular are placental face masks, which help restore the skin to a fresh and toned appearance. These are relatively inexpensive remedies and have almost no contraindications.


  2. Vitamin preparation Aevit. The capsule must be crushed and applied to the skin around the eyes. The effect already appears within a week.
  3. Liquorice root will help in the fight not only against wrinkles, but also against dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Apricot kernel oil, peach oil, almond oil, olive oil will help not only saturate the skin with vitamins, but also rejuvenate it.


  1. Vitamin A. Apply either pure or together with oils. The course of application is 2 weeks, break for a month and repeat again.
  2. Vitamin F Relieves irritation, dryness, enriches the skin with fatty acids.
  3. Vitamin E. Relieves dryness, improves metabolism.

Not specialized means

  1. Relief ointment. The ointment contains shark liver oil, which contains a lot of useful substances. It is what gives the skin elasticity and eliminates inflammation. Course of application – 2 weeks.


  2. Gel Curiosin. Contains hyaluronic acid. Can be used in conjunction with vitamins. To achieve noticeable results, the rejuvenation course must last at least three months.
  3. Heparin ointment. The main purpose is to combat bruises, pimples, and wrinkles. The ointment can cause allergies, so before use it is advisable to test it for an allergic reaction. It is also prohibited to use the ointment for bleeding disorders, pregnant and lactating women, or those with individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

Home and folk recipes

There are many different folk methods to combat wrinkles around the eyes. They will not replace basic care, but will perfectly complement it, which will allow you to achieve better skin rejuvenation results in a shorter time.

  1. Aloe juice. Rub in pure form with fingertips or a cotton pad. Perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives freshness.


  2. Parsley. It is necessary to chop it finely, put it in gauze bags and place it on the eyes for 20 minutes. This mask will restore elasticity to the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  3. Coconut or olive oil. Perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Apply with stroking movements from the outer to the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid and vice versa along the upper.
  4. Cucumber. As everyone has long known, it refreshes perfectly and fights fine wrinkles. To do this, cut the cucumber into thin slices and place it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  5. White bread. Soak in milk. Distribute the resulting paste around the eyes for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The skin will become softer and more elastic.
  6. Banana. Grind the pulp into a paste, add 2 teaspoons of melted butter. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes, and rinse with warm water.


  7. Raw grated potatoes. Add a spoonful of heavy cream and apply the paste around the eyes for 20 minutes, wash with warm water.
  8. Honey and oatmeal. Mix honey, ground oatmeal, strong tea and water in equal proportions. Warm the mixture and apply to the skin, cover with a napkin and lie with this mask for half an hour. Then wash off.
  9. Egg yolk. Just apply to your eyelids, massage a little and rinse off.
  10. Spinach juice. Apply to the skin around the eyes for half an hour. Wipe off any remaining residue with a napkin.
  11. Strawberry. Crush the berries, add honey, transfer the pulp into gauze bags and keep it in front of your eyes for half an hour. Then wash your face.


  12. Sauerkraut. Distribute on gauze bags. Place on eyes for 20 minutes. After rinse with warm water, apply olive oil. It is recommended to use this mask for 10 days every 3 months.
  13. Rubbing with a strong solution of sea salt. Stimulates blood circulation and gives the skin a healthy appearance.
  14. Contrast water procedures also have a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes. First you need to make a warm compress and then wash with cool water.
  15. Camphor cream. Mix camphor oil and pork fat in equal proportions. Mix until smooth. Apply to the skin before going to bed, after removing makeup.
  16. Linseed oil. Warm it up, soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyes for half an hour. Afterwards wash with warm water. The procedure perfectly fights dark circles under the eyes, and also removes expression wrinkles. It is recommended to do it every two days.


  17. Curd and honey mask. In equal parts, mix full-fat cottage cheese with warm milk, 30 grams each, add honey and cream, 5 grams each. Mix until smooth. Distribute into two gauze bags and apply to the eyes. For 15 minutes. Afterwards we wash ourselves.
  18. Massage with ice cubes of infusion of medicinal plants. An infusion can be made from parsley, calendula, and chamomile in equal proportions. You can add aloe juice and a few drops of lemon juice. Massage these cubes wrapped in a thin cloth onto the skin around your eyes for a few minutes. This massage will restore elasticity and freshness to the skin and saturate it with essential vitamins.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes at an early age

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to combat the causes of their appearance, which were already mentioned above in the article.


A fresh blush, even tone, smooth skin without a single pimple and an open look are the ideal of any woman. However, with age, the level of collagen in the epidermis decreases, the skin loses its elasticity, the oval of the face begins to change, and wrinkles appear under the eyes. What to do in this case - resort to radical methods or turn to home remedies - depends on the depth and number of wrinkles.

Reasons for education

The very delicate skin around the eyes is the first to undergo age-related changes. Wrinkles in this area begin to appear by the age of 30. This is due to the fact that in this area the skin is practically devoid of subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands, and the skin structure is very thin and inelastic. In addition, there are no muscles near the eyes that can maintain skin elasticity and tone. All this contributes to the formation of small facial wrinkles, dark circles, swelling and other cosmetic problems.

The reasons for the formation of wrinkles are as follows:

  1. Age-related changes in the skin. At 30 years old, the process of cell restoration, as well as collagen production, begins to slow down, and at 40, ptosis already appears - sagging of skin tissue.
  2. Lack of vitamins. Every woman’s diet should contain women’s vitamin and mineral complexes that are adapted to her age. This helps to prolong the beauty and health of the body, hair, skin and nails.
  3. Improper care. Even at the age of 25, some girls begin to develop wrinkles due to drying cosmetics, or, conversely, due to the use of overly nourishing creams and oil-based masks. The skin will absorb products faster and better, which will consist of 70% water.

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    Active facial expressions. A wrinkled forehead, pursed lips in anger, or a wide smile can lead to the formation of facial wrinkles.
  5. Natural factors. Frost, strong wind, and scorching sun can negatively affect the condition of the upper layer of the skin, resulting in tightness and dryness, which subsequently leads to the appearance of wrinkles. That is why it is recommended to apply protective and moisturizing cream 1 hour before going outside.
  6. Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol can dry out the skin, depriving it of nutrients.
  7. Stressful situations. If a woman is always stressed at work and gets very tired, she needs to carefully monitor her facial skin. Stress can cause blockage of blood vessels, which impairs blood circulation and slows down cell regeneration.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the structure of your skin, but absolutely any woman can constantly care for and take care of the area around her eyes. Moreover, modern cosmetology can offer many different methods and means to combat wrinkles in this problem area. There are also various folk cosmetics


recipes that have stood the test of time. Every woman can choose the most suitable method for herself and use it regularly.

If a woman neglects to care for her delicate skin, then by the age of three, the skin will lose its tone and will also become covered with fine wrinkles. They will quickly deepen and turn into age-related ones, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

Preventing the problem

To prevent the formation of wrinkles, you need to start caring for your face at a young age, since in adulthood it will be much more difficult to get rid of deep wrinkles using harmless and folk remedies. The problem must be dealt with in a timely manner in order to restore youth to the skin without harm to the body.

To understand how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, you must first know how to prevent age-related changes. Preventive measures help avoid the formation of wrinkles and folds around the eyes.

  1. Regular cleansing of the skin with mild cosmetics. These products include those that will not dry out the skin, cause an allergic reaction, or clog pores.
  2. Lipid layer. Do not cleanse your face too intensely so as not to wash away the protective layer of skin, which can lead to the development of bacteria, acne formation and early wrinkles, especially in the area under the eyes.

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    Light hydration. For light moisturizing, it is necessary to select cosmetics that will not leave an oily sheen on the face, but will be completely absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis.
  4. Special care. Before the first small wrinkles appear around the eyes, you need to start taking care of the delicate skin of the eyelids. Currently, there are many different professional patches, fluids and serums that are necessary to smooth out deep wrinkles.
  5. More clean water. It is necessary to drink as much clean, plain water as possible per day. But if you suffer from swelling, then the liquid should be consumed only 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. Quitting bad habits and fast food. The body, which is poisoned by alcohol and nicotine, is in a weakened state, while the skin deteriorates and blood circulation worsens. Poor nutrition also does not supply the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements to the body, which contribute to the renewal of epidermal cells.

Cosmetological methods of struggle

Most women who have seen the first signs of aging on their face try to find the most effective ways to combat wrinkles around the eyes. Everyone wants to get the effect literally in one procedure, but such a result can only be provided by professional salons that offer many ways to deal with wrinkles under the eyes.

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    . This procedure involves introducing a substance under the skin to intensively nourish the epidermis, after which the cells secrete collagen and elastin, and microcirculation also increases. The method is quite safe, but it requires regular procedures. Once a month will be enough.
  2. Photorejuvenation. This method involves exposing the epidermis to light rays. In cosmetology, this procedure is considered quite effective in the fight against wrinkles, but after it, swelling and age spots may form on the face. However, swelling goes away after 10 days, and age spots can remain for a long time. To avoid these consequences, it is necessary to first undergo diagnostics of the upper layer of the epidermis. The procedure is contraindicated for women with sensitive skin to ultraviolet radiation, as well as for serious diseases of the dermis.
  3. Biorevitalization. Experts recommend these subcutaneous injections to combat wrinkles under the eyes at 30 years of age or older. The composition of the injection includes hyaluronic acid in gel form. This substance is already found in the skin and plays a special role in youth and elasticity. With age, moisture in the epidermis becomes scarce, so it is necessary to replenish its reserves using artificial methods. The procedure allows you to rejuvenate the skin by increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as activating the renewal of epidermal cells.
  4. Botox. The components that make up this drug have the properties of blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. Botox is usually injected into the lateral part of the orbicularis muscle, due to which it relaxes. After this, the facial muscles are unloaded, as well as wrinkles in the area around the eyes are smoothed out. This method is quite effective, but it also has negative consequences for appearance and health. Usually,


    Botox inhibits the work of the muscle, and after some time, it begins to degrade even more, but the aging of the epidermis continues. The effect of the procedure will last for a maximum of one year. And the facial muscles are permanently affected by the drug. For two weeks after the procedure, muscle weakness, dizziness and fever are observed. If a low-quality composition is introduced, then facial asymmetry and ptosis are possible.
  5. Organic acid masks. Such masks should only be made in beauty salons. Expression wrinkles will be smoothed out immediately, and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable. This method must be carried out regularly, the course lasting from 12 days.

Home methods

You can remove wrinkles and bags without surgery and expensive cosmetic procedures at home using folk remedies. To do this, you just need to choose the most convenient method for yourself and observe regular use.

  1. Serums, emulsions and creams. You can get rid of wrinkles at home using oil-based creams. Thanks to its thick composition, as well as a large number of active components, the skin begins to thicken, becomes moisturized and smooth. Creams are recommended for use by women over 40 years of age who have dry skin. If there is a tendency to rashes, then it is best to use lighter products, for example, serums or emulsions. As a rule, their composition is based on water, which is considered more gentle on the skin. In addition, such compositions penetrate deeper into the epidermis and do not clog pores.

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    . Currently, patches for the lower eyelid have begun to be used more actively. The patch is a patch that is saturated with beneficial plant components and other stimulants for epidermal cells that help restore tone. The patch just needs to be glued to the area under the eyes and continue to do your business. Patches help quickly smooth out wrinkles and relieve signs of fatigue. When choosing a brand, you must carefully read the contraindications and composition. The more natural the composition, the more useful the patch is considered.
  3. Heparin ointment. The active substances that make up the heparin ointment prevent the formation of blood clots, and when applied to the area around the eyes, metabolism increases, blood flow improves, thereby smoothing out wrinkles.

Light honey vibe

This mask fights oily shine and evens out the texture of the skin. Walnut oil is very effective in the fight against wrinkles, therefore it is used in many folk remedies, honey moisturizes and smoothes the skin, vitamin E returns a healthy color, and the oil nourishes the epidermis with B vitamins and also relieves puffiness.

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    You need to mix 20 ml of almond oil, 7 teaspoons of liquid honey and one ampoule of vitamin E.
  2. Using light massaging movements, apply the resulting composition evenly to the problem area around the eyes.
  3. Avoid getting the mask into your eyes.
  4. The fluid is left on the face all night.
  5. In the morning, the mask is removed with the usual cleanser, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Parsley against wrinkles

If bruises, bags and swelling have been added to the wrinkles, then a parsley-based composition will help combat this. The ingredients that make up this mask have brightening and draining properties.

  1. Parsley must be chopped in a blender to obtain a tablespoon of puree.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with one teaspoon of olive oil.
  3. Add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the area around the eyes.
  5. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
  6. After this time, wash off the mask with cool water.

In some cases, instant and impressive results can be achieved using cosmetic procedures. But first, it is recommended to use conservative methods of caring for your skin.