How to remove wrinkles of grief with fillers

What are marionette wrinkles and how to get rid of them

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Marionette lines are furrows that extend from the corners of the lips to the chin. These folds not only spoil the appearance, but also show age. In this article, we have collected the most useful information on how to remove marionette wrinkles.

  1. Why do “puppets” appear on the face?
  2. Removing furrows at home
  3. Eliminating wrinkles with gymnastics
  4. Cosmetology procedures
  5. Finally

Why do “puppets” appear on the face?

According to cosmetologists, folds in the mouth area are formed due to the fact that the tissues of the chin sag due to a decrease in the layer of fat under the skin. However, there are a number of factors that contribute to their appearance:

  1. Losing weight. Marionette wrinkles are most often familiar to those who are constantly on diets. As a result of sudden weight loss, loose, inelastic skin appears on the face.
  2. Weak muscles on the face. Due to low muscle tone, they gradually sink to the bottom, and arches form on the chin.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This leads to excessive dryness of the skin, as well as the death of collagen fibers, resulting in wrinkles.
  4. Use of tobacco products. Smoking causes the skin of the entire face to age prematurely, but the negative effects of toxins are especially noticeable on the lips and chin.
  5. Changes in hormonal balance. During menopause, for example, women's estrogen levels drop significantly, causing the condition of their skin to deteriorate.
  6. Heredity. Women, due to a genetic predisposition, have excessively dry skin in the mouth area.
  7. Changing the jaw. The appearance of marionette lines can be associated with tooth extraction.
  8. Occupational conditions in which the lips become too tense. Premature wrinkles often appear in those who play wind instruments.

Prevention of the formation of such folds includes holistic skin care, nutritional correction and constant protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation. If you already have grooves around your mouth, then you need to take measures to eliminate the defect or visually reduce it.

Removing furrows at home

If the elimination of marionette wrinkles is timely, then you can get rid of the blemish on your face without turning to professional cosmetologists. At home you can do the following yourself:

  1. Moisturize dry skin. The surface of the epidermis around the mouth is particularly sensitive and thin, as a result of which this area requires careful care, like the eyelid area. Cosmetologists say that if small folds form near the lips, you need to regularly use special creams. Cosmetics should include vitamins, healthy oils and peptides. For dry and even parched skin, oils such as almond, grape seed oil, cocoa, and avocado are suitable.
  2. Toning the skin with cosmetic ice. You can prepare this ice at home with herbal infusion, green tea or mineral water. Every morning you need to wipe your skin with ice cubes to improve its tone. In addition, in this way you can not only eliminate wrinkles, but also remove puffiness in the eye area, and also give freshness to the skin surface. However, this remedy should be used with caution, especially for people with blood vessels close to the skin.
  3. Cleansing and peeling. Elimination of dead cells promotes skin rejuvenation. So, to eliminate marionette wrinkles at home, you can make cosmetic masks with the addition of fruits and berries. The acids they contain remove the layer of dead cells for a smooth skin surface. You can cleanse the skin using a solution of apple cider vinegar. This product contains beneficial acids that remove the dead top layer and also nourish the skin with beneficial components. Be careful, it is better not to use apple cider vinegar in its pure form if you do not want to end up with irritation. It is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar per glass of water.

Eliminating wrinkles with gymnastics

Facial muscle training is a popular means of rejuvenation today. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of “folds of grief” on your face, use a set of gymnastic exercises:

  1. Press the index fingers of both hands to the corners of your lips. Fix them in one place, then lift the corners of your mouth, as if trying to resist your hands.
  2. You need to put your fingers on your chin and pull the skin down, while resisting with your muscles.
  3. Hold the corners of your mouth with your fingers and try to smile at the same time.
  4. It is necessary to puff out your cheeks and hold air in your mouth for a long time.
  5. Imagine that you have an imaginary ball in your mouth. After this, try to roll it around without opening your mouth.
  6. Shape your lips into a tube and then return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated at least 20 times.
  7. Press your hands firmly to your cheeks, using the pads of your middle fingers to secure the corners of your lips. At the same time, they need to be pulled forward, as if trying to blow a kiss. Make sure that there are no folds above the upper lip. Next, you need to relax your muscles and repeat the exercise.

“Puppets” can really be eliminated by using a set of gymnastic exercises for the facial muscles. However, remember that the defect will not be removed in a short time, so in advanced cases you may need the help of cosmetologists.

For more information on how to eliminate marionette wrinkles using gymnastics, watch the video:

Cosmetology procedures

Modern experts can offer a number of recommendations on how to remove marionette wrinkles. So, pay attention to the following procedures:

  1. “Beauty injections” (Dysport, Botox). This is a method that gives quick results due to the fixation of the muscles that hold the corners of the lips in a stable state.
  2. Contour plastic surgery. This method helps to make the contour voluminous and restore atrophied muscles. Most often, this method is combined with “beauty injections”.
  3. Mesotherapy method. After introducing nutrients under the skin, the skin becomes elastic, and folds in the form of furrows on the chin become less noticeable.

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    You can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at any age

    1. Uneven fight, but you can win
    2. If you don’t know how to remove wrinkles around the mouth, simple rules will help you:
    3. Proper nutrition is everything
    4. Cleansing
    5. Special movements for lips
    6. Smoothing masks
    7. Don't put off going to the salon

    There comes a time when every woman notices that she has wrinkles around her mouth. At that moment, more than anything in life, you want to get rid of them, and sometimes this is very difficult. Ideally, it is better to think in advance about how to prevent premature aging, but if this does not happen, and they still appear, you need to start acting today. So, our short article will tell you how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth. Why small? Because you can talk about this topic for hours.

    Uneven fight, but you can win

    Let's face it: aging and sagging skin is very difficult to completely eliminate, but you can make it less noticeable. No one promises that it will be easy, but with an integrated and systematic approach, deep “folds” will become less noticeable, you will shine with beauty, and your lips will increasingly give the world around you a smile.

    If you don’t know how to remove wrinkles around the mouth, simple rules will help you:

    1. Rational, proper nutrition;
    2. Masks and creams (you can combine professional care and folk remedies);
    3. Gymnastics and facial massage (a powerful tool that allows you to almost completely remove the signs of skin aging);
    4. Going to the bathhouse, sauna;
    5. Salon procedures.

    Proper nutrition is everything

    It is no secret that the area around the lips, as well as the eyes, is prone to the appearance of an unsightly “mesh”. The process usually begins after 30. But if you eat right, you can delay it for ten years and make your skin more elastic. To maintain youth, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods, since it is protein that can restore our cells. Don't neglect vitamins, especially C and E.

    To prevent wrinkles near the mouth and partially get rid of them, it is important to drink good water in sufficient quantities (at least 8 glasses a day so that the skin cleanses and regenerates).

    If you decide to remove wrinkles near your mouth, you should forget about bad habits. You won’t be able to combine them with beauty – you’ll have to choose. And the older a woman gets, the more clearly the traces of cigarettes smoked in her youth are visible on her face. The first to appear is a “light mesh” in the corners of the mouth - this is a reaction to an incorrect lifestyle.

    Read also: You can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at any age


    To remove wrinkles around the mouth, you need to cleanse the skin of dust, dirt, and dead cells. Washing with cool water alone is not enough; you need to do peeling and use scrubs. Wrinkles are afraid of so-called salon cleanings, so visit a cosmetologist at least once every 6 months.

    Special movements for lips

    Regular exercise helps remove wrinkles around the mouth. It is also effective: it is enough to pronounce the letters “U-u-u”, “A-a-a”, “I-i-i” 10 times daily.

    Another exercise: alternately lifting the upper and lower lips to completely expose the lips.

    Taking deep breaths, holding your breath and puffing out your cheeks, followed by a sharp release of air, also help.

    It is better to do such exercises completely alone, since this spectacle is not for the faint of heart, but the skin will be elastic, and the wrinkles around the mouth will be invisible.

    Smoothing masks

    To remove wrinkles around the mouth, you need to make special masks 2-3 times a week.

    Mix honey, sour cream and cottage cheese (1 teaspoon each), apply the mask to the problem area (you can apply it to the whole face), rinse with warm water after 10 minutes.

    Egg white can smooth out wrinkles around the lips, even if used in its pure form. It is enough to apply it to the lips themselves and the area around them three times in a row until a feeling of tightness appears. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

    A mixture of vegetable and olive oils helps in the fight against “fine” mesh. Making a compress is not difficult: just soak a paper napkin in oil and place it on your lips. Wash off after 20 minutes. slightly warm water.

    Don't put off going to the salon

    If the signs of skin aging in the corners of the mouth are already visible to the naked eye, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them. Proper care and masks are more suitable for young people whose wrinkles have just begun to appear. For mature ladies, even strong creams do not help much, since they cannot affect the absence of fat and moisture in the problem area. However, there is a way out: you should go to the salon and see a good cosmetologist. He knows how to remove the “mesh” around the lips using Botox injections, laser correction, and mesotherapy. If you are over 40 and have not previously agreed to such procedures while preserving your natural beauty, know: the time has come!

    How to remove wrinkles around the lips and above the upper lip?

    Wrinkles around the lips are the main enemy of female beauty, because lips are a sexy and alluring part of a woman’s face. Therefore, after looking at the photo of wrinkles around the mouth, get rid of them with the help of a professional. The “folds” around the lips will become less noticeable after individually selected procedures, and you will only be left with the most pleasant thing – caring for your skin at home in order to delay the process of the appearance of a new “mesh”.

    Read more Lychee fruit is very useful

    It is important not only to know how to remove it, but also to understand that the effect is long-lasting, but not permanent. Hardware cosmetology procedures will have to be repeated again if you want to forget about the ugly “mesh” in the corners of your mouth. But after what period of time you will have to visit the cosmetologist again depends on you: the characteristics of your skin and the correct care.

    Now that you know how to remove fine lines and wrinkles around the lips, go ahead: human skin can be easily corrected, and that’s a good thing!

    Marionette lines are folds that run from the corners of the lips down to the chin. They are often called “sorrow lines” because they give the face an expression of sadness. These labiomental folds look unsightly. They visually outline the chin and lower lip, separating them from the rest of the face, for which they are called “puppets”, like dolls.

    Photo from the site

    The expression of grief on the face, discontent and sadness, thanks to these gravitational folds, noticeably ages a person, increasing his age by 5–10 years. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to age-related ptosis, sagging tissues at an early stage, and get professional help from a dermatocosmetologist.


    Marionette lines from the corners of the lips down to the chin can appear both as a result of age-related gravitational ptosis and in young women. The appearance of this aesthetic defect can be explained by age or accelerated due to the following factors:

    1. Dramatic weight loss. Losing weight using express diets with a strictly depleted diet after 30 years is undesirable, since rapid weight loss can lead to the appearance of deep folds on the face - nasolabial and “marionette lines”.
    2. Ultraviolet. Excessive use of solariums and the scorching sun negatively affects the skin, causing photoaging and early formation of wrinkles.
    3. Hormonal imbalances. They can be caused by menopause or appear in young women when the level of estrogen, female hormones, decreases. In this case, the skin wrinkles and loses its attractiveness.
    4. Weakened muscle tone. If the facial muscles are not trained, they fall lower under the influence of gravity, causing folds to appear on the skin.
    5. Smoking. Nicotine and tobacco smoke negatively affect the inner and outer surface of the skin. The area around the mouth suffers especially severely, nutrition and blood supply to tissues deteriorate, cells do not receive enough oxygen, and the main antioxidant - vitamin C - is destroyed. Therefore, young girls may already develop vertical wrinkles - purse-string - around the mouth and wrinkles of grief.
    6. Dental problems – malocclusion, extraction of individual teeth, etc.
    7. Professional habits. In opera singers, musicians working with wind instruments, actors - people who constantly tense their lip muscles, folds of grief appear early.

    At what age do marionette lines appear?

    Typically, folds of grief appear by the age of 35 or later, but they can form earlier due to:

    1. genetic predisposition;
    2. nicotine addiction;
    3. hormonal problems;
    4. Chewing gum craze.

    After 30 years, home treatments help get rid of marionette wrinkles - masks, scrubs, exercises for the facial muscles, toning with ice cubes made from decoctions of medicinal herbs. Regular face-building strengthens muscle tone, helping them effectively resist gravity.

    At the age of 40–45, home methods of dealing with wrinkles of grief become unproductive - they cannot cope with deep folds. In this case, you need to contact a dermatocosmetologist. Examining the marionette's wrinkles and their depth, he will recommend the best removal option - correction with fillers, a course of hardware procedures, or the help of a plastic surgeon.

    Salon methods of disposal

    In the arsenal of cosmetologists today there are many ways to help effectively and safely remove marionette wrinkles: with filler or Botox injections, using laser resurfacing or mesotherapy, plasma or lipolifting, radio wave or thermolifting.

    Botulinum therapy

    Botulinum toxin is the active ingredient of drugs that block neuromuscular connections:

    1. "Botox" USA;
    2. "Botulax" South Korea;
    3. "Dysport" France;
    4. "Xeomin" Germany;
    5. "Relatox" Russia;
    6. "Lantox", "Prosizhen" China.

    With the help of injections, it is possible to remove any marionette wrinkles around the lips, including persistent and deep ones. This result is achieved due to the fact that the active muscles that form facial wrinkles relax. In this case, impulses between muscle tissue and nerve endings are blocked, thereby limiting motor activity.

    After injections with botulinum toxin, marionette wrinkles are smoothed out and facial skin is evened out. The procedure is carried out using painkillers. The effect of such injections depends on the individual characteristics of the body and habits. Usually the effect occurs after 2 weeks and lasts up to 6 months. After 2–3 months, when muscle fixation weakens, muscle mobility returns, and after six months their activity is restored.

    Contour plastic

    Photo from the site

    The most popular method of combating wrinkles is the introduction of a gel with a dense consistency under the skin to fill marionette lines. How to remove such aesthetic defects with fillers? The main task in this case is to saturate the loose labio-mental area with substances that compensate for the deficiency of collagen and hyaluronic acid. At the same time as replenishing the lost volume, the filler gel stimulates the production of its own collagen fibers.

    To correct one shallow wrinkle, up to 0.8 ml of gel is injected under the skin. After the injection, swelling and swelling may be observed in this area for several days. For the first 2 days, it will seem that the person is in a joyful mood, because the “Mona Lisa smile” - a side effect of the procedure - will use the facial muscles, then it will disappear.

    Thread lifting

    This method serves as a “reserve” in the correction of marionette wrinkles. It is performed when it is necessary to remove wrinkles around the lips that go down, and at the same time tighten the lower third of the face as a whole.

    The principle of this procedure is to reinforce folds by implanting threads made of biomaterials compatible with human tissue under the skin. They are made from polylactic acid, caprolac, silicone, polydioxanone and other safe materials. Due to the natural growth of collagen fibers around the threads, soft tissues are supported, signs of early ptosis are removed and the facial contour is restored.

    Other methods to combat marionette wrinkles

    Mesotherapy involves introducing special cocktails based on hyaluronic acid, enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, under the skin using injections. The course of several procedures is determined individually. At the initial stage of marionette wrinkles, 2-3 sessions may be needed. It is not advisable to carry out a large number of procedures, up to 15–16; it is better to use a more effective method.

    You can also get rid of marionette wrinkles using plasma lifting or lipofilling. In the first case, autologous – “native” – human plasma, previously enriched with platelets, is injected under the skin. After injections, the body starts regeneration processes and more actively produces collagen and elastin cells, which are responsible for skin turgor and stretching. In this way, a rejuvenation effect is achieved.

    In the second case, your own fat comes under the skin, extracted from the abdomen or thighs, then purified. Experts consider this method to be ineffective, since the body soon absorbs up to 50% of the injected lipid suspension and the folds of grief appear again.

    One of the most effective methods of combating marionette wrinkles today is considered to be a combination of fractional laser resurfacing and subsequent contouring. In other cases, biorevitalization is first carried out and grief wrinkles are filled with fillers if the papyrus skin is dehydrated, and only then the fractional thermolysis method is used.

    Surgical methods

    Plastic surgery to remove marionette wrinkles is performed on women after 50–60 years of age, when cosmetic treatment no longer provides a long-term effect of getting rid of wrinkles. It must be remembered that surgical intervention changes the overall facial expressions.

    Lifting the corners of the mouth occurs with simultaneous lifting of the cheeks, removal of excess skin and accompanying fat layer. Normally, bruising, swelling, and limited mouth mobility may occur after surgery. When all the areas touched by the surgeon have healed, the final result will be visible. As a rule, this period takes several months.

    How to remove marionette wrinkles at home

    To eliminate wrinkles of grief, you can use natural remedies that you prepare yourself. They should be used in combination with facial gymnastics, anti-aging cosmetics and cryomassage with ice cubes.


    To remove marionette wrinkles at home, you need to use high-quality anti-aging creams that contain hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and coenzymes. To protect aging skin with folds, it is preferable to choose products containing vitamin A - retinol, E and C.


    Home remedies made from bananas, avocado, honey, oatmeal and cottage cheese, seasoned with oils - olive, peach, coconut or almond, at the early stage of the appearance of marionette wrinkles can tighten and smooth the skin, remove wrinkles:

    1. An avocado mask is prepared from crushed fruit pulp, applying it to the area around the lips. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin well. After 20–25 minutes, you can wash off the residue and apply anti-aging cream.
    2. A honey mask is made from bee honey heated in a water bath. After keeping the product on the skin for about half an hour, wash off with warm water. Repeat sessions daily.
    3. Oatmeal-honey peeling. For 0.5 cups of warm honey add 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal. Gently apply the scrub to the skin, massage and rinse.

    The drug "Aevit" with antioxidants can be added 3-5 drops to any homemade mask to increase its effectiveness.


    Facial muscle training - face building - rejuvenates the skin if done daily. The first noticeable result of reducing marionette wrinkles can be seen after 8-10 weeks.

    Simple but effective exercises for marionette wrinkles:

    1. With your index fingers pressed to the corners of your lips, lift them into a smile and fix them.
    2. Place your fingers on the chin and gently pull the skin down, causing resistance to the muscles to strengthen their tone.
    3. Puff out your cheeks and hold the air inside for a minute.
    4. While puffing out your cheeks, imagine that there is a balloon in your mouth. Roll it from left to right and from right to left, without opening your lips.
    5. Purse your lips into a “tube” and relax into the starting position. Repeat the action 15–20 times.

    After gymnastics, you need to cleanse the skin as after regular fitness, moisturize and treat with nourishing cream.

    Contraindications to procedures

    An absolute ban on contouring to get rid of marionette wrinkles is prescribed by doctors for:

    1. autoimmune and systemic diseases;
    2. exacerbations of chronic ailments;
    3. high temperature and fever of any etiology;
    4. pregnancy and lactation;
    5. the presence of epilepsy and mental disorders;
    6. tendency to intense tissue scarring;
    7. minority;
    8. preliminary introduction of substances incompatible with the proposed filler.

    Of the temporary contraindications that can be eliminated, experts note:

    1. taking medications - anticoagulants, blood thinners;
    2. menstruation;
    3. inflammation, herpetic rashes or allergies in the area where the drug was administered.


    You can delay the appearance of the first mournful wrinkles, or marionette wrinkles, using simple rules:

    1. give up negative habits - smoking and chewing gum;
    2. Massage your face, neck and décolleté every day;
    3. moisturize and nourish the skin with day and night cream, treat with serums and micellar water;
    4. use products with SPF protection;
    5. treat teeth in a timely manner;
    6. give up “magic”, “super-effective” diets;
    7. control facial expressions.

    If you begin to solve the problem of marionette wrinkles at an early stage, you can tighten sagging cheeks, fill the folds with fillers and look young and cheerful for a long time.

    Author: Elena Perevertneva,
    especially for

    Useful video about marionette wrinkles

    The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process. Throughout life, a person constantly shows emotions, and gradually he develops so-called depressor muscles, “pulling” the tissues of the face down. This is how puppet wrinkles, hated by millions of women, appear. They descend from the nose to the chin, giving the face a sad or dissatisfied expression. Such wrinkles spoil a woman’s appearance and immediately reveal her age. If you notice “puppets” in yourself, you cannot give up. There are many ways to help eliminate this unpleasant problem.

    What are marionette lines and why do they appear?

    As a rule, marionette lines appear after the age of 35, but some women notice them earlier. The skin in the lip area falls down and forms folds that lead to the chin. Due to the fact that a face with such wrinkles takes on a sad expression, they are also called wrinkles of grief. And the name “puppets” appeared due to the similarity of a woman’s face with such folds on the face of a puppet doll.


    Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that wrinkles running from the corners of the mouth to the chin appear as a result of a decrease in the fat layer under the skin. This inevitably happens with age. There are also a number of other factors that influence the appearance of grief lines:

    1. Dramatic weight loss. If you constantly torment yourself with diets and dramatically lose weight, you are susceptible to the early appearance of wrinkles. With rapid weight loss, facial skin loses elasticity.
    2. Low tone of facial muscles. Women who naturally have weak facial muscles notice the appearance of marionette wrinkles quite early on. The skin of the face gradually sinks down, forming unaesthetic “arches”.
    3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. With regular visits to the solarium and sunbathing on the beach, the skin of the face becomes very dry. At the same time, natural collagen fibers die from ultraviolet radiation. Together, these two factors cause wrinkles to appear.
    4. Nicotine addiction. Smoking causes premature aging of the skin, and the negative impact of this addiction is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the lips and chin.
    5. Hormonal changes. During menopause, a woman's level of the hormone estrogen sharply decreases, as a result of which the condition of the skin worsens.
    6. Genetic predisposition. Some representatives of the fair sex do not have very good heredity, which is why wrinkles may appear prematurely.
    7. Tooth extraction. When teeth are removed, the jaw changes and the skin around the lips may sag.
    8. Excessive lip tension. Due to the nature of their profession, some women may strain their lips too much - for example, musicians who play wind instruments. Wrinkles in the mouth area appear prematurely.

    Ways to deal with wrinkles of grief

    There are many ways to help eliminate marionette lines. There are home techniques that you can use yourself without visiting a salon. These are various folk remedies and gymnastics for the facial muscles. There are also effective salon treatments. They are less safe than homemade recipes, but they give faster and more noticeable results.

    How to deal with marionette wrinkles at different ages

    At different ages, the methods of combating wrinkles are different. What will help a thirty-year-old girl will be ineffective for a fifty-year-old lady. Therefore, each age has its own characteristics of “cosmetology care”.

    After 25 years, we advise you to prevent the appearance of marionette wrinkles. To prevent this unpleasant problem, follow these recommendations:

    1. Stop using nicotine.
    2. Don't indulge in chewing gum.
    3. Do special exercises for your facial muscles regularly.
    4. In summer, use cream with UV filters.
    5. Control your facial expressions.
    6. Minimize sunbathing and visits to solariums.

    After 30 and up to 45 years, home methods help get rid of marionette wrinkles. These are face-building, masks, scrubs, etc. Such techniques are cheap and do not require visits to the salon, but the results do not appear immediately. After 45 years, home methods become ineffective; they are not able to cope with serious wrinkles.

    At the age of 45–50, you should contact a specialized salon to correct marionette wrinkles. You can use hardware techniques, do plasma lifting or contour plastic surgery. In advanced cases, the most effective way to get rid of wrinkles is Botox injections.

    Next, we will look in detail at home and salon methods for getting rid of grief wrinkles.

    Home Methods to Eliminate Sorrow Wrinkles

    To eliminate wrinkles of grief at home, you can use self-prepared masks, scrubs, and natural oils. We will share with you several proven recipes:

    1. Avocado mask. The oily texture of this fruit is wonderful for the skin. You need to mash a small piece of avocado with a fork and apply the resulting paste to the area around the lips. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water. You will see for yourself that avocado perfectly moisturizes the skin.
    2. Honey mask. Heat a small amount of honey in a water bath and apply the warm paste to the skin. Keep the mask on your face for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water. You need to repeat the procedure every day for a month. In a month you will see the magical results of using natural honey.
    3. Oatmeal-honey scrub. Regular use of the scrub will provide the skin with constant renewal, which will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Since the skin around the lips is delicate, only mild products should be used on it. Mix half a glass of liquid honey with 1 tablespoon of ground oats. Apply the resulting paste onto the skin using gentle massage movements, then rinse with warm water.
    4. Smoothing mask made from cottage cheese. Mix half a glass of honey, heated in a water bath, with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a spoonful of cottage cheese. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass. Apply the mask to the skin around your mouth for 15–20 minutes and rinse. This remedy effectively helps remove shallow folds of grief.

    For oils, give preference to olive, peach, coconut, and almond. Apply a few drops to the skin around the lips, rubbing the product in with light massage movements. Regular use of oils helps tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

    The Egyptian beauty Cleopatra used a mask of aloe juice to rejuvenate her face. In Ancient Egypt, this plant was considered healing. It is known that aloe has excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties, improves blood circulation and regenerates cells.

    Facial gymnastics as a way to get rid of wrinkles

    The so-called face building, or training the facial muscles, helps in the fight against marionette wrinkles. It is important to do gymnastics every day - then you will see the results in a couple of months. We bring to your attention a set of simple exercises for facial rejuvenation:

    1. The index fingers should be pressed to the corners of the mouth. Having fixed your fingers, lift the corners of your lips, as if trying to smile.
    2. Place your fingers on your chin and gently pull the skin down while your muscles resist.
    3. Puff out your cheeks and try to hold the air in your mouth for a minute.
    4. When puffing out your cheeks, imagine that you have a ball in your mouth. “Roll” it in your mouth, but do not unclench your lips.
    5. Make your lips a “tube” and return to the starting position, repeat at least 20 times.

    Don't forget to cleanse your facial skin after gymnastics. It's as important as showering after a workout.

    Video instruction: how to do gymnastics for wrinkles around the mouth

    Salon treatments for correcting marionette wrinkles

    Salon treatments will help get rid of wrinkles after 45 years, when home methods are no longer effective. The essence of such procedures is usually to fill the labiomental area with substances that compensate for collagen deficiency. This is how the skin around the mouth turns from loose to elastic again. Let's look at the most popular techniques offered in beauty salons:

    1. Contour plastic. Involves the introduction of a dense gel under the skin to fill wrinkles (filler). This gel is made based on hyaluronic acid. Since the skin in the area where marionette lines appear is quite flabby, it “absorbs” a large amount of the substance. Immediately after the procedure, you will look like you are smiling a little. This will go away in a couple of days. It happens that after contouring, slight swelling or swelling appears.
    2. Botox injections. The introduction of the drug quickly solves the problem, but it must be used carefully. Therefore, go to a salon where the doctor gives the injections, first checking the patient for contraindications. After the injection, the muscles completely relax, due to which the wrinkles on the face are smoothed out.
    3. Plasmolifting. A person’s own plasma is injected under the skin, which is enriched with platelets in advance. After the procedure, the cells that are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin begin to be better produced. Thus, the skin is restored and a rejuvenation effect is achieved.
    4. Hardware procedures. Today there are many methods for eliminating marionette wrinkles using special equipment. These are radio wave lifting, laser resurfacing, thermolifting. The patient's skin is exposed to rays and waves. Penetrating under the skin, they eliminate damaged cells and stimulate the production of natural collagen.

    Voice of experience: testimonials from women who fought against “puppets”

    I tried Botox in the muscle that pulls the corner of the mouth down. It removes marionette lines well and lifts the corners of the lips upward. I made it for myself and was satisfied.


    For marionette lines, I prefer Juvederm Ultra Plus or Perlane fillers. These fillers provide significant and durable support to the heavier tissues in the marionette area. The skin here is thicker and muscle activity is quite strong, so a filler with more support is required. Additionally, most marionette lines branch out toward the inside of the cheek and up toward the corners of the mouth, so a natural-looking result can be achieved by “running” the filler across all of these areas rather than simply “filling in” the gaps.


    I had a non-surgical lift using the Altera System machine. This is an ultrasound procedure. Ultrasonic impulses penetrate deep into the growth zones of the skin and stimulate it to renew itself. The rejuvenation process starts and, most importantly, there are absolutely no side effects. The next day you can get back into work right away))) However, unlike a surgical facelift, the result is not instantaneous, the rejuvenation process lasts about four months, but the result, for example, made me very happy. Now I look at the photo and see how well my face has tightened. The oval became clearer, the jowls disappeared, the nasolabial fold did not disappear, although completely, but it became much less noticeable. Overall, I highly recommend it.


    Puppet wrinkles look unsightly and reveal a woman’s age, so they can and should be dealt with. Choose a method that is appropriate for your age and act. We wish you a successful fight against wrinkles!
