Sea ​​hare

Anyone who drinks a sea hare experiences tightness and difficulty breathing, their eyes turn red, a dry cough, hemoptysis, and difficulty urinating appear. He passes bloody or violet-colored urine, feels pain in the stomach, vomits excessive bile or blood, and suffers from jaundice, lightheadedness, and kidney pain. His feces are violet-colored, and sometimes the color of nasal mucus, and his sweat is foul-smelling. Food is disgusting to him, and at the sight of salted fish he feels disgust, but if there is no more disgust, then he has recovered. In the mouth and in belching, the patient feels the taste of stinking fish and some saltiness. Most people who recover from poisoning go into consumption.

Drinking goat's milk, as well as donkey's milk and human milk - directly from the breast - brings real benefits from this. The stems of mallow and fresh marshmallow in the form of a decoction, and especially sea crayfish soup, are useful - the patient can eat it, unlike other aquatic animals, as well as fresh fried meat of a hedgehog or its blood. The sea lizard is not disgusting to him, and he eats it.

As for medicines, these are fresh river mint, goose blood, also fresh, as well as aged human urine or the roots of bakhur maryam - eight obols with wine, or kitran, which is drunk in the same amount with wine or in boiled wine, or a little harbaka with wine.

And when the second day comes after the symptoms of poisoning have played out, and they calm down, then for the patient they prepare pills from black harbak, scammonium resin, agaric, thickly brewed licorice juice and tragacanth, taken in equal quantities at a time, drink a dirham or a little more, with julab. A sign of recovery is that the patient, seeing fish, does not disdain it and eats it; if he falls into consumption, then consumption is treated.