
Dementia, Dementia (Dementia) is a serious and chronic disease that leads to impaired mental functions due to organic damage to the brain. This condition can significantly affect the quality of life of the patient and their loved ones, as it leads to personality changes, decreased mental abilities and disorientation.

One of the main characteristics of dementia is memory impairment, which can include both forgetfulness and loss of the ability to remember new information. Patients may also experience speech disturbances, as well as behavioral and emotional changes.

There are several forms of dementia, each with its own characteristics and causes. One form is presenile dementia, which can develop in young or middle-aged people. At the same time, Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease can also be associated with dementia, but it is important to note that these diseases can be caused by different reasons and have different patterns of manifestation.

Although dementia is a chronic and incurable disease, there are methods to treat and manage the condition. In some cases, treatment can improve the patient's condition and slow the progression of the disease. In addition, regular care and support from loved ones can significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

Overall, dementia is a serious illness that can lead to significant changes in the lives of the patient and their loved ones. However, modern medicine provides the opportunity to manage the patient's condition and provide quality care, which can improve the quality of life of the patient and loved ones.

Dementia and dementia are among the most common diseases that can affect a person in old age. These diseases are characterized by memory impairment, personality changes, absent-mindedness and decreased intellectual abilities. Pseudo-dementia is another disorder that can manifest itself in old age, but unlike true dementia, in this case the symptoms of the disease are associated with a lack of mental effort or moral effort. In this article we will tell you more about dementia and dementia, and also look at some measures that can be taken to prevent