What to do if the papilloma turns black?

Black papilloma

The content of the article:
  1. Why does the papilloma turn black?
  2. Which doctor should I contact?
  3. What to do
    1. Medicines
    2. How to remove papilloma if it has turned black
    3. Folk remedies

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is caused by the human papilloma virus. The growths most often have a beige tint and a delicate texture, but in some situations they can change their color. If the papilloma has turned black, it is necessary to identify the causes of this process, because this may indicate the degeneration of the neoplasm and the transition from a benign form to an oncological one.

Why did the papilloma turn black?

Papillomas turn black

In the photo there are papillomas that have turned black

Most often, this condition indicates necrosis of neoplasm tissue. Let's find out why papilloma can turn black, what reasons contribute to this:

  1. Injury from a razor, massage comb, etc.;
  2. Collar chafing;
  3. Independent attempts to eliminate the growth;
  4. Complication of an infectious disease;
  5. Taking certain medications;
  6. The occurrence of hemangioma;
  7. Hormonal changes;
  8. Transition to cancer form.

If the papilloma turns black as a result of the growth of malignant cells, then this process is complemented by such signs as the presence of fluid and blood, tumor growth, burning and irritation.

Papilloma turns black and degenerates

The photo shows the process of degeneration of black papilloma

Darkening of the tumor may indicate the development of inflammation. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the process of malignant degeneration of papilloma may begin.

The papilloma may turn black when forming a hemangioma. In this case, a serious structural change in the neoplasm occurs.

Attention! If the papilloma turns black and worries without a specific reason, then this situation is especially dangerous. Self-medication will only make the situation worse! You should immediately consult a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact if the papilloma turns black?

At the doctor

Often papillomas that change color dry out and fall off on their own over time. If this happens, the wound should be disinfected and covered with adhesive tape to prevent infection. However, if the papilloma turns black but does not fall off, you need to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and prescribe tests that will help determine the treatment method.

The specialization of the doctor with whom you need to make an appointment will depend on where the papilloma is located:

  1. Contact your surgeon or dermatologist if the growths are located on exposed areas of the body.
  2. Neoplasms in the genital and anal areas are eliminated by a gynecologist and proctologist.
  3. A dentist or otolaryngologist removes warts on the tongue and mouth.
  4. Neoplasms in men on the genital organ are treated by a urologist.
  5. For intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland, make an appointment with an oncologist-mammologist.
  6. If a growth occurs on the eye or eyeball, contact your ophthalmologist.

What to do if the papilloma turns black?

If the papilloma turns black, do not panic. Small changes in the structure of the growth, as a rule, do not pose a danger to humans. However, despite this, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe effective treatment.

What medications should I use if the papilloma turns black?

Medicines if the papilloma turns black

The photo shows medications for the treatment of papillomas that have turned black

There are many different medications that are intended to treat skin tumors caused by HPV. However, in the case when the papilloma has turned black, the following drugs will be the most effective:

  1. The drug Feresol. One of the most famous drugs for the treatment of epidermal neoplasms. Contains phenol and tricresol, which have a cauterizing effect on papillomas and “kill” HPV-infected skin cells. The price of Ferezol in Russia is 45-50 rubles, in Ukraine - about 25 hryvnia.
  2. Dermavit. A drug that acts on the affected area gently and painlessly. Causes the death of infected skin cells. The growth darkens, dries out and soon falls off. The gel is sold in pharmacies in Russia at a price of 280 rubles, in Ukraine - 135 hryvnia. Read real reviews about Dermavit.
  3. Super clean. Probably the most popular remedy for local cauterization of warts and papillomas. However, doctors warn that the drug is not recommended for use in the treatment of growths on the face, intimate places and mucous membranes. In a delicate area, the solution will spread and burn healthy tissue. The price of Superclean in Russia varies from 15 to 105 rubles, in Ukraine it is 9-25 hryvnia. See the results of using Super Cleaner.
  4. Salicylic acid. It is the cheapest drug for removing papilloma if it has turned black. The price of salicylic acid is no more than 18 rubles (4 hryvnia). However, to obtain a noticeable result, the product must be used for quite a long time. Read about the beneficial properties of salicylic acid.
  5. lapis pencil. It is often used to eliminate various skin defects; it is also used to combat papillomas. The active ingredient is silver nitrate. The pencil effectively cauterizes and removes growths. The cost of the medicine is relatively small - from 124 rubles (75 hryvnia). Read detailed instructions for using the Lapis pencil.

If you don’t know what to do when the papilloma turns black, pay attention to Salipod patch. It will help destroy the hardened layers of the tumor. On sale you can find a product of different shapes - both in the form of large plates and small squares. The cost of the Salipod patch is 80 rubles. in Russia or 20 UAH. in Ukraine.

Regardless of why the papilloma turns black, it can be removed with other chemicals with cauterizing properties. For example, a fairly effective drug is considered Solcoderm. The cost is quite high - from 662 rubles in Russia and from 471 hryvnia in Ukraine.

How to remove papilloma if it has turned black?

Surgical removal of papilloma

If the papilloma has turned black, in most cases the doctor will recommend removing it in one of the following ways:

  1. Cryodestruction or removal with liquid nitrogen. With this method of removing skin tumors, an area of ​​pathological tissue is exposed to a temperature of about -200°C. The only disadvantage of therapy is the long healing of the wound. The cost of cryodestruction of darkened papilloma is 900 rubles (300 hryvnia). For home freezing, you can use Wartner and Cryopharma.
  2. Radio wave destruction. The use of a radio knife is important for removing small papilloma if it has turned black. A completely safe method for removing tumors, since healthy tissue is not affected during the manipulation process. The average price for radio wave destruction of growth in Russia varies from 500 to 1500 rubles, and in Ukraine - from 300 to 1000 hryvnia.
  3. Laser removal. During the operation, only HPV-affected cells are burned out, while healthy ones are not affected. A safe technique, as a rule, bleeding does not occur when removing papillomas. The risk of scar formation at the site of the tumor is almost zero. This procedure is quite expensive - from 2000 rubles (600 hryvnia).
  4. Electrocoagulation. Removal of papilloma when it has turned black is carried out using high frequency current. The procedure does not last long - no more than 30 minutes, and is considered quite effective, as it allows you to deal with the growth in one go. The price of electrocoagulation in Russia is 700 rubles, in Ukraine - 300 hryvnia.
  5. Surgery. Excision of the papilloma is carried out using a scalpel. Its disadvantages include the scar that remains after the growth is removed. That is why surgery is not recommended on the face and other visible areas of the body. Surgical removal of the papilloma after it has turned black is considered the cheapest. The price will depend on the complexity of the operation and the anesthesia used.

What folk remedies will help remove papilloma if it has turned black?

Wormwood tincture for papillomas

If you find that the papilloma turns black, you should immediately consult a doctor. Don't self-medicate! You can use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor.

Here are some traditional medicine recipes that are considered the most effective for darkening papilloma:

  1. A decoction of chamomile flowers, birch buds and St. John's wort. The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. Finely chop and pour boiling water (50 ml). For taste, you can add a spoonful of honey. It is recommended to consume before meals 3 times a day.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort and medicinal herbs. To prepare a product with an antiviral effect, prepare the following medicinal plants: clover flowers (2 tsp), St. John's wort (2 tsp), plantain (3 tsp), dill seeds (2 tsp), calamus root (2 tsp) .l), tricolor violet (1 tsp). Mix all ingredients and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours in a cool, dark place. Then strain and consume 250 ml 3 times a day.
  3. Tincture based on walnut leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour 75 g of fresh leaves into 250 ml of boiling water in a thermos. After a day, strain, and you can lubricate the papillomas, if they have turned black, up to 7 times a day for 3 weeks.
  4. Tincture wormwood. Pour 100 g of herb into 0.5 liters of alcohol. Leave to infuse for 10 days. After the expiration date, strain and lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
  5. Ointment garlic based. Chop a couple of cloves of garlic and add to baby cream. Apply this mixture to the papilloma before going to bed. For a noticeable effect, at least 30 procedures are necessary.
  6. Ointment with soda and castor oil. To prepare a product with an antiviral and bactericidal effect, it is necessary to mix an equal amount of ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Use 2 times a day for a month.
  1. See folk remedies with herbs for papillomas for external use

What to do if the papilloma turns black - watch the video:

If you are faced with such an unpleasant problem, you should immediately consult a doctor to understand what it means when the papilloma turns black and find out what to do. Don't self-medicate!

  1. Find out what to do if the wound does not heal after papilloma removal