Can pregnant women use face creams?

Choosing a high-quality face cream during pregnancy will preserve your beauty and solve some cosmetic problems associated with this difficult but joyful period. Pregnancy is not a reason to neglect yourself and stop taking care of your skin. We'll tell you: what components are allowed, how to choose a product, according to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

During pregnancy, the body reacts to everything unpredictably. Even your favorite time-tested cream sometimes causes an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists urge all expectant mothers to be vigilant and choose facial skin care products with extreme caution.

Can I use cream or not?

Several decades ago, a pregnant woman was carefully protected from any external “invasion”; she was forbidden to dye her hair, use decorative cosmetics, or use facial skin care products. The expectant mother was allowed only folk remedies, at best baby cream.

Today, special lines of cosmetics have been developed for pregnant women, including face creams. Such products are made from natural ingredients, do not contain aggressive substances, and in general the amount of chemical components is reduced to a minimum. All products are gentle, delicate, absorb well, and do not have a strong aroma. Such cosmetics are approved by all doctors, from obstetricians-gynecologists to dermatologists.

What problems will it solve?

Modern cosmetologists say that pregnant women not only can, but also need to actively use face cream. A good product nourishes, protects, moisturizes, just like usual products, and in addition solves a number of problems that arise only during the period of bearing a child.

A good cream helps cope with:

  1. with increased skin sensitivity. The body adapts to new conditions of existence, all its systems are rebuilt, reaching a special level of “defense”. Any external fact-irritant, such as frost, heat, individual components in food, household chemicals become “enemy No. 1”, and the skin responds with irritation, redness, and itching.
  2. with restructuring of the skin. Against the background of hormonal shock, skin type often changes. Many expectant mothers notice that their once oily skin has become normal. On the contrary, the normal one began to shine and shine. Dry skin dries out even more and begins to flake, reacting to the most gentle cleansers. Everything is explained by the work of the hormone estrogen - during pregnancy it is released in large quantities, affecting the condition of the epithelium and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. with vascular networks. Spider veins are frequent companions of pregnant women. The fact is that the vessels dilate and become visible on the skin. There is nothing fatal in the phenomenon, no one experiences any discomfort. But from an aesthetic point of view, it looks ugly and becomes a cause of worry.
  4. with age spots. The period of waiting for a baby is often associated with a disruption in the production of melamine, which is responsible for the production of pigment and skin color. As a result, spots ranging from small to huge appear on the face.
  5. with acne, pimples. Since the sebaceous glands work intermittently, rashes, pimples, and large acne often appear on the face during pregnancy. The pores become clogged, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

But some pregnant girls continue to shine, delighting others with their excellent skin condition. Usually these are those who carefully chose a product for daily self-care. We will teach you the basics of choosing a good, safe product.

Selection rules

On the shelves of cosmetic stores and pharmacies there is a huge selection of creams designed specifically for ladies in anticipation. But can you trust all products? Let's talk about what kind of face cream for pregnant women cosmetologists recommend looking for.

Tips for choosing a cream:

  1. A future mother's makeup bag must include a moisturizer. Possible with hyaluronic acid. Acid is produced by the body independently, regulating the production of collagen and elastin and almost never causes allergies.
  2. The cream should not contain fragrances or active substances. Even if you liked the smell very much before pregnancy, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
  3. It is better to buy mass-market products marked I.D.E. This marking indicates that the product has been tested and approved by the European Institute of Dermatology (the institution controls all cosmetic products entering the shelves of European stores). The mark also guarantees that there are no preservatives or harmful parabens in cosmetics.
  4. Changing skin type is a reason to change your skincare product. If a pregnant woman's oily skin has become normal, and normal skin has become dry, a cream should be selected specifically for the new type.
  5. To eliminate spider veins, doctors allow the purchase of products containing angioprotectors. Angioprotectors improve blood circulation in blood vessels and improve wall permeability.

There is no way to get rid of acne during pregnancy. Dermatologists recommend postponing radical procedures and carrying them out after the birth of the baby. But you can purchase a product that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine, and has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. And, of course, any cream during pregnancy simply must be hypoallergenic.

Prohibited substances

Usually doctors have nothing against creams that a woman is used to before pregnancy. But in some cases (especially if the pregnancy is accompanied by complications, there is a threat of premature birth, the tone of the uterus is increased), they strongly advise paying attention to the composition of the product. It is worth discarding it if the cream contains certain substances.

What could be potentially dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. retinoids. It would seem that what’s wrong with vitamin A-based components? But retinoids, which usually effectively fight wrinkles and help renew the epithelium at the cellular level, can lead to delays in fetal development. Retinoids are labeled Tazorac, Avage, Differin, Retin-A, Renova, Retinol.
  2. salicylic acid. Creams with salicylic acid cannot be used while expecting a baby, although it is very often included in creams for acne and any rashes. When pregnant, it is dangerous due to pathologies of fetal development, complications of pregnancy, and premature birth. You can recognize its presence by the designations BHA, Salicylic ac >

Some natural ingredients can also be dangerous. These are, for example, plant esters with bright aromas. They often provoke an allergic reaction and the appearance of hives. In the worst cases, it all ends with Quincke's edema.

We'll tell you what a high-quality cream for pregnant women should contain.

Recommended composition

You can use face creams during pregnancy with neutral ingredients, soft texture, and an unobtrusive delicate aroma. The priority is natural products and composition without chemicals.

Required components:

  1. vegetable oils (preferably cold pressed). Moisturizes and smoothes.
  2. animal fats. Nourishes and gives skin elasticity.
  3. hyaluronic acid. One of the best moisturizing ingredients. Helps the skin renew itself, helps collagen and elastin to be produced naturally.
  4. extracts of tea tree, aloe, green tea. They soothe, relieve irritation, and prevent any inflammatory processes.
  5. vitamins C, A. Renew, restore tone.
  6. Amino acids. Maintain youth and elasticity, nourish from the inside.

Fruit acids (in low concentrations), allatoin, and panthenol are also allowed. The former help cleanse the skin of dead cells and have a slight whitening effect. The second - soothe, serve as a prevention of any inflammation. Cream for pregnant women must be tested by dermatologists and have certificates. Cosmetologists advise purchasing them only in pharmacies.

The best choice for pregnant women – what does the expectant mother’s skin need?

The requirements for the production of creams for expectant mothers are quite high, but on the shelves you can see many brands of expensive and affordable ones. Russian and foreign companies are vying with each other to offer facial products for use during pregnancy. We offer a list of cosmetic brands that have earned the best recommendations.

Buyer ratings are topped by:

  1. Avent
  2. Weleda
  3. Mustela
  4. Our mother.
  5. Mom Comfort.
  6. Chicco.
  7. Helan Linea Mamma.

These creams have different purposes: some protect from UV rays, others nourish, and others moisturize. The composition is different everywhere, but completely safe and approved by dermatologists. There is no universal cream for all occasions. For nutrition and hydration, day and night care, you need fundamentally different products.

How to properly care for your facial skin during pregnancy:

Moisturize and smooth

Using moisturizing cosmetics for pregnant women is a must. Such skin will retain elasticity and suffer less from the vagaries of the body. The skin of the expectant mother will not peel and turn red if the composition contains proteins, vitamin A, hyaluronic acid and lipids. Choose any brand - just carefully study the label.

We nourish and saturate

During all nine months it is important to nourish the skin, saturate it with minerals and amino acids. Then the skin will remain radiant and the complexion will remain fresh. For dry skin types, it is necessary to have a nourishing cream that is well absorbed. If the skin is not nourished, it will crack and a feeling of tightness will persist. Look for a cream with animal fats, a powerful vitamin complex, elastin and collagen. It is important to use the product an hour before bedtime on cleansed skin. If necessary, always remove excess with a soft cloth.

We support youth

Regenerating creams renew natural synthesis processes, maintain youth and fill all layers of the skin with nutrients. During pregnancy, this is important for maintaining the overall tone and immunity of the epithelium. Healthy skin actively resists external irritants and is less prone to pigmentation and acne. For pregnant women, creams have been created with amino acids, antioxidants, extracts of medicinal herbs (only those that do not cause allergies!), vegetable oils and collagen. They should be used before bedtime, and in the morning immediately after waking up.

Protecting yourself from the sun

The choice of sunscreen cosmetics for pregnant women is important for everyone who is pregnant in the summer. The active sun is harmful, dries out the skin, provokes the appearance of age spots and irritation. It is important to choose creams with high SPF factors, at least 30+.

Waiting for a baby is a time of surprises that the body presents to us from time to time. In addition to constant changes in mood and culinary preferences, we notice unpleasant changes in the mirror. But any mother has the power to make the period enjoyable, without sacrificing beauty for the sake of the baby. A beautiful mother means a happy one, then the baby will be born healthy and happy.

Continuing the topic of care during pregnancy, let's talk about facial skin. In this post, we examined all the nuances of facial care during pregnancy, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, gynecologists and neonatologists.

Daily facial care during pregnancy

Facial skin often changes during pregnancy. Most often it becomes either too dry or too oily. Therefore, it is worth thinking about building a new care program.

In addition, care should be gentle. It is better to leave the use of serious anti-aging products and aggressive products for problem skin for later. Such cosmetics contain active ingredients, many of which are included in the list of products not recommended during pregnancy.

Let's talk in detail about the three basic stages of facial care and their features during pregnancy.

Makeup removal and cleansing

To remove makeup, use the most natural products with a “simple” composition, for example, micellar water. Milk is ideal for dry skin. It will not dry out, but rather additionally moisturize and soothe.

To wash your face during pregnancy, be sure to get a sulfate-free foam or gel. There should be no components with the word sulfate on the label. (sulfate). Instead of sulfates, soft surfactants should be present, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine (cocamidopropyl betaine), sodium cocoate (sodium cocoate), sodium cocoamphoacetate (sodium cocoamphoacetate), lauryl glucoside (lauryl glucoside).

These products will gently remove dust and sebum without damaging the epidermal barrier.


From post to post, we will not tire of repeating that toning is a hyper-important stage of daily care that cannot be neglected. In short, toners restore the natural pH of the skin after contact with water and maintain the skin's protective barrier. (Read more about toning in the post “Tonics vs. Lotions”).

Avoid medicated and alcohol-based lotions. Excessively active components are not recommended for pregnant women, and alcohol greatly dries the skin and can additionally provoke pigmentation.

Choose a light tonic that is as natural in composition as possible. Hydrolates are good. But remember that they all have a mild but rather specific “plant” odor, which can cause discomfort in pregnant women. Better to smell before buying.

Face cream during pregnancy

Regardless of skin type:

  1. In cold weather, we apply a nourishing cream in the morning and a moisturizing cream at night.
  2. in warm weather (when the temperature starts to stay above +7) - nutrition at night, and hydration in the morning.

During pregnancy, pay attention to neutral creams from pharmacy brands. Their advantage for expectant mothers is high-quality, but not very active ingredients. The mass market often sins with cheap and dubious preservatives. And professional creams are usually saturated with active ingredients, which we have absolutely no use for now.

When we talk about the neutrality of the cream, we mean not only the absence of allergens (essential oils, strong fragrances, etc.), but also that the cream performs only basic functions - nutrition and moisturizing, but does not solve specific skin problems - that is, it does not whiten , does not mattify, does not fight acne, etc. Leave the solution to these problems for later. Now it is important to maintain the natural health of the skin.

A cream with hyaluronic acid or aloe is ideal for moisturizing, and natural oils for nutrition.

Intensive facial care during pregnancy

Let's talk about procedures that need to be done 1-2 times a week.

Deep cleansing

Facial cleansing during pregnancy

The use of any cleaning devices is strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers (ultrasound, laser, etc.). By the way, the same applies to Darsonval and various electric massagers. Their effect on the baby has not been studied at all, and the benefits in the case of cosmetology cannot exceed the potential harm.

Manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is a rather painful procedure. Therefore, it is also contraindicated for expectant mothers. In addition, such cleansing can provoke a serious inflammatory process in the skin, and the weakened immunity of pregnant women will not be able to cope with it properly. Therefore, play it safe and wait until the end of your pregnancy for professional cleanings.

Not a single competent cosmetologist, knowing that you are pregnant, will sign you up for this procedure.

Chemical peeling of the face during pregnancy

Important! Salicylic acid is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as it has teratogenic properties (can lead to abnormal development of the fetus and deformities).

Other acids are not strictly prohibited. Experts believe that during pregnancy, mild chemical peels can be used to deep cleanse the face.

It is important to understand that all acids are different, they have different molecule sizes, and their penetration depth also varies greatly. For example, glycolic and pyruvic acids - the owners of the smallest molecules - are very active and penetrate deeply. And almond and milk with their large molecules work gently in the upper layer of the skin.

So if you still decide to do peeling during pregnancy, it is better to opt for lactic and mandelic acids. Well, of course, use only products with a minimum concentration of 5-15%. There can be no question of any medium peelings.

Still, acids are quite active substances. Therefore, if there is no urgent need for chemical peeling, we recommend leaving them for later. The same goes for enzymes (some experts note that enzymes, with deep penetration, can affect metabolic processes in cells).

Mechanical cleaning

If your skin tolerates the scrub well, then you can use it for deep cleansing during pregnancy. Once a week will be enough. The softer your facial scrub, the smaller and rounder its particles, the better.

If scrubs don’t work out well, which often happens with problematic or very dry skin, soft pressed cellulose sponges or special facial brushes can be a good alternative. Together with a competent cleanser, they will help to gently but deeply cleanse the skin.

Also, for deep cleansing of the face during pregnancy, you can use gommages and rolling masks.

Face masks during pregnancy

What masks can and should be done during pregnancy to look like a May rose? ☺

Clay masks

Ideal for pregnant women. They have a natural composition, are not allergenic, clean pores well, do not injure and “pull out” toxins.

We recommend paying special attention to kaolin - Chinese white clay. ❤ It has a slight drying effect, deeply cleanses, tightens pores and, in addition to all this, evens out the skin tone a little.

Moisturizing masks

This is a real must-have for any type of “pregnant” skin. Since blood circulation throughout the body increases during this period, total water saving begins. If you systematically do not drink enough, all available water resources will be released into the blood, and the rest of the organs will receive water according to the residual principle. Lack of water primarily affects the intestines and skin.

Therefore, if you want to maintain healthy skin during pregnancy, it is important to drink 3 liters of fluid a day and be sure to do moisturizing masks.

Alginate masks are especially good for deep hydration. If you don’t want to bother with diluting and applying classic alginate or don’t have the time, choose cream masks with hyaluronic acid, collagen, aloe and other moisturizing ingredients.

Nourishing masks

Especially important for dry skin during pregnancy. These are thick cream masks with valuable lipids and oils in their composition.

Skin around the eyes during pregnancy

The skin around the eyes during pregnancy needs special attention. Since due to the general tendency towards dryness and dehydration, expression lines may appear. That's why a good hypoallergenic eye cream is your best friend.

Lips during pregnancy

During pregnancy, lips also often suffer from excessive dryness, flaking and even cracking. It's good if your lip balm contains physical SPF, natural oils and waxes. A couple of times a week you can do a light lip peel using a scrub or the same cellulose sponge, and at night apply a thick layer of shea butter, cocoa or neem butter. It is better to avoid enzyme lip balms like Lucas Papay for a while.

Decorative cosmetics. How to paint your face during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the right time to switch to mineral decorative cosmetics. Minerals are as neutral as possible. Mass market and professional cosmetics contain toxic components, harsh preservatives and potential allergens to which the skin may not have previously reacted. Now that the immune system is already weakened, their presence in cosmetics can become a problem. Therefore, minerals are the best decorative cosmetics for pregnant women.


Facial care during pregnancy should be gentle, with the most natural ingredients possible. No hardware procedures, a minimum of aggressive components that penetrate deeply into the skin.

Direct your energy to gently cleansing and maintaining the natural immunity of the skin. After childbirth and the end of lactation, all serious cosmetics and procedures will be not only safer for you, but also more effective.

More wisdom for expectant mothers:

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your “interesting position”.

Ask questions and share your tips for facial care during pregnancy in the comments.


Pregnancy - period of surpriseswhen even the usual cream can cause allergies.

Nevertheless, at any period of her life, a woman should be beautiful, and expecting a baby not a reason to stop caring for yourself.

What face cream should I use so as not to harm myself or my baby?

Is it possible to tattoo lips or eyebrows during pregnancy? Find out the answer right now.

Is it possible?

Can pregnant women generally use face creams? The procedure for applying cream to the face of a pregnant woman is harmless only if she has no allergies on the components of the cosmetic product and the absence of potent substances in the cream that have a systemic effect on the body.


A couple of red spots that appear after applying the cream to the face can turn into swelling of the entire face by morning, a rash all over the body - severe hives, which can be dealt with only in hospital with hormonal treatment.

This is why it is necessary take the choice of cream seriously and before applying cosmetics to your face, test its effect on a small area of ​​skin on the elbow.

Tips from cosmetologists

What face cream do cosmetologists recommend during pregnancy?

Effectively moisturize skin creams with hyaluronic acid, nourished with natural oils.

If you buy cream in a store, choose a product that approved by the European Institute of Dermatology (The package must have the I.D.E. symbol). This way you will protect yourself from the negative effects of cheap preservatives.

A cream with angioprotectors. These substances help improve the functioning of blood vessels, normalizing the permeability of their walls.

Solving the problem of acne with a cream, most dermatologists It is recommended to postpone until after childbirth. For many women, it goes away at the end of pregnancy, because it is associated with hormonal changes in the body.


List of substances that should not be part of face creams for pregnant women:

Retinoids. This is one of the components of anti-aging creams that causes cells to actively divide and reduce wrinkles. A small dose of vitamin A-based compounds is not dangerous, but regular use of a cream, whose effectiveness is due precisely to the action of retinoids, is dangerous for the child.

You can judge whether such substances are included in the cream by the presence of retin- root in the list of components of the product. For example, Retinol, Retinyl or Retin-A. Also Differin and Tazarotene.

Salicylic acid. This is a good antiseptic and cleanser, but during pregnancy it is better to avoid it: it can lead to pathologies in child development.

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Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

By trimester

In which trimester can you use any face cream, and in which not?

A woman’s body adapts to pregnancy and learns to accept the fetus as part of itself. He can use new potent creams react unpredictably.

4 - 6 months of pregnancy. A woman’s body produces substances that stimulate growth, this is necessary for the development of the baby. But other processes are also accelerated due to this stimulation, in particular the formation of age spots.


To reduce the risk of tumors, you need to use sun protection creams.

It is still necessary to cleanse and moisturize your facial skin.

7 - 9 months of pregnancy. The immune system is weakened.

Face cream must perform first of all protective role, including protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays.

You can learn about what dyes you can dye your eyebrows during pregnancy from our article.

Manufacturing companies

Which brand of cream should I choose? We present a list of popular manufacturers of cosmetics for use during pregnancy:

  1. Mama Comfort. Produces a cream for age spots, which also nourishes the skin;
  2. Chicco. The cream produced by this company protects from the sun and moisturizes the skin, prevents the appearance of age spots;
  3. Helan Linea Mamma;

Home remedy

Recipes safe DIY face cream for pregnant women:

  1. mozhno-beremennym-polzovatsya-JUSsZ.webp

  2. 20 grams softened butter combine with 40 milliliters of chamomile decoction, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Use twice a day as a face cream. No need to rinse off. This cream is well absorbed and does not form into pellets when applied to the face.
  3. Cucumber, baby drinking water, 1 teaspoon wax (bee), 3 tablespoons almond oil. The solid components are combined and melted in a water bath. Add cucumber chopped with a grater and 2 tablespoons of water. For half an hour, the resulting composition is stirred from time to time. After 30 minutes, stir the resulting cream again and leave it to cool. After 15 minutes After applying the cream to the face, you need to wash it off.

Pregnancy this is not the time for experiments. Avoid using strong creams and choose hypoallergenic, moisturizing, and be careful about the composition of cosmetics: they should not contain substances hazardous to the baby’s health.

Tips for choosing a cream and caring for your skin during pregnancy in this video: