Is it possible to inject Botox at a fever?

Beauty injections are becoming increasingly popular. Women are no longer afraid of side effects from them and are increasingly coming to beauty salons in order to quickly get rid of wrinkles. Indeed, most modern drugs are relatively safe. But there are still contraindications to Botox and they should not be ignored under any circumstances!

What it is?

“Botox” today is no longer just the name of a specific drug, but a common noun for all products intended for injection correction and prevention of facial wrinkles. They are united by an active ingredient: neurotoxin type A, which is produced by bacteria that cause a serious disease - botulism.

In fact, it is a strong poison that affects the central nervous system in large doses, blocking the transmission of impulses to the muscles. In case of poisoning, paralysis occurs and even death from cardiac or respiratory arrest is possible. But for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, purified and weakened strains are used, administered intramuscularly in microdoses.

Appearing on the market about 30 years ago, Botox quickly became super popular. And over time, many of its analogues appeared - more or less high-quality and effective.

The widespread use of drugs has created the illusion among women that they are completely safe. But this opinion is wrong. Botulinum toxin was and remains a poison that must be used thoughtfully and with the utmost caution.


The entire rather long list of contraindications to drugs containing botulinum toxin can be divided into two large groups: categorical and relative. The first prohibit the procedure once and for all. The latter allow it to be done some time after certain external or internal factors cease to influence.


Strict contraindications mainly include various chronic and systemic diseases. Botox injections are not given for:

  1. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  2. oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  3. serious endocrine disorders;
  4. cardiovascular problems;
  5. high myopia;
  6. liver and kidney failure;
  7. hemophilia and other blood diseases;
  8. pathological fear of syringes;
  9. epilepsy and severe mental disorders;
  10. myasthenia gravis (congenital muscle weakness);
  11. moles and nevi in ​​the injection area;
  12. age-related muscle ptosis;
  13. tendency to form keloid scars;
  14. chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  15. individual intolerance to the drug.

In this case, injections can cause severe side effects and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition. Sometimes, passionately wanting to improve their own appearance, clients try to hide the presence of serious health problems from the cosmetologist. This should not be done under any circumstances - a good doctor will always suggest an alternative method of rejuvenation that will not harm.

There are also age restrictions. Botox injections are only allowed for medical reasons in patients under 18 years of age. In order to prevent wrinkles, it is recommended to start using it from about 30 years of age.

After sixty, this method should be abandoned - the body’s defenses are reduced and it is extremely undesirable to introduce toxins into it, even in microdoses.



There are also a number of situations when Botox injections will have to be postponed for a more or less long period. They are not recommended for:

  1. severely weakened immunity;
  2. hernias and swelling under the eyes;
  3. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. elevated body temperature;
  5. severe cough and runny nose;
  6. active viruses and infections;
  7. violation of the integrity of the skin;
  8. inflamed or purulent acne;
  9. recovery after plastic surgery.

Cosmetologists try not to give beauty injections during menstruation. They are not a direct contraindication to Botox for the face, however, the sensitivity of the skin during this period increases and the pain will be much stronger. In addition, the likelihood of hematoma formation and severe swelling after injections increases.

Birth of a child

There is still ongoing debate about whether Botox can be administered during pregnancy. Experts clearly say no. But women continue to assure each other that it is completely safe. This is also taken advantage of by unscrupulous advertisers who insist that the harmful effects of Botox on the fetus or the body of the expectant mother have not been scientifically proven.

Naturally, no one will allow such clinical studies on pregnant women. But such experiments were carried out on animals, and the number of miscarriages and babies with congenital defects in the group exposed to Botox injections was significantly higher than in the control group. Would you risk experimenting on yourself and your unborn child?

When planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend stopping all injection procedures three months before stopping contraceptives. At the very least, within a month! And you can return to such procedures six months after giving birth or two months after stopping breastfeeding, if it lasted longer.

Side effects

On the first day after administration of the drug (especially if this has never been done before), most patients feel discomfort.

Swelling often appears after Botox, pain and redness remain at the puncture sites, and there may be symptoms such as headache, nausea, double vision, weakness, and drowsiness. These are signs of mild intoxication, which disappear on their own on the second day.

If Botox is administered incorrectly or overdose, quite unpleasant side effects and complications occur:

  1. formation of hematomas;
  2. long-lasting swelling;
  3. soft tissue necrosis;
  4. facial asymmetry;
  5. ptosis of eyebrows and/or eyelids;
  6. muscle spasms;
  7. violations of facial expressions.

Injections given to the wrong muscles can lead to the formation of new facial wrinkles. An overdose or use of a low-quality drug can lead to serious poisoning with vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and rapid weight loss. Sometimes urgent medical attention is needed to eliminate these problems.

This is why you should never inject yourself with Botox yourself! Not only that, to carry out the procedure correctly, you need to thoroughly know the anatomy of the face and understand at what depth to inject the drug. You also need to buy a high-quality certified product. And trusted manufacturers do not sell it over the Internet to everyone - they prefer to deal only with certified cosmetologists who have undergone special training.

After injections

To avoid negative consequences and extend the life of the drug, after Botox injections it is very important to follow these recommendations for a week:

  1. do not actively engage in sports;
  2. do not touch your face unnecessarily with your hands;
  3. do not do massage and electrical procedures;
  4. do not visit the sauna and solarium;
  5. do not sleep on your stomach with your face in the pillow;
  6. do not tilt your head forward for a long time;
  7. do not do chemical or mechanical peels;
  8. do not take hot baths or showers;
  9. do not steam your face, do not go to the sauna.

When correcting nasolabial folds and/or chin, you will have to temporarily give up seeds, nuts and too hard foods and postpone your visit to the dentist for a couple of weeks. It is advisable to quit smoking, especially if Botox was injected into the lips - nicotine quickly neutralizes the effects of the drug and accelerates skin aging.

Botox is not compatible with alcohol. It should not be taken at least a day before and a week after injections.

If alcohol was consumed regularly, it may take longer to remove it from the body - from several days to two weeks. Even a small amount of it in the blood after an injection can provoke extremely negative consequences from the nervous system.

Summing up

According to reviews from most patients, when administered correctly, Botox gives excellent results: it quickly smooths out wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow's feet, reduces the depth of nasolabial folds, and helps correct the shape of the face. Negative consequences from its use arise mainly due to the unprofessionalism of cosmetologists, which is why it is so important to find your own specialist.

Although Botox drugs are not addictive in the classical sense, many people become seriously psychologically dependent on them. The effect can last up to 12 months at best, but usually half that time. By this time, a person has managed to get used to the smoothed skin on his face and is not ready to come to terms with such a loss. This should be taken into account by patients who are emotional and very concerned about their appearance.

The results of successful and unsuccessful use of Botox can be seen in numerous posted photos. Since there are a lot of bad examples, discussions about the appropriateness and justification of such injections do not subside. Recently, among the opinions about Botox, pros and cons, its supporters still prevail. Maybe this is already an addictive effect?

Contraindications and complications after Botox injections

However, there are always two sides to a coin. This rule also works for cosmetology. Firstly, complications may appear - the consequences of Botox. Secondly, there are contraindications to Botox, which should be taken very seriously. Therefore, before deciding on this procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Who should not have Botox?

There are a number of absolute contraindications for Botox. Therefore, when talking with a cosmetologist, you need to be honest and answer all questions without concealment.

Any of the above reasons makes Botox impossible. It's a shame, but health is more important - after all, the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

And, of course, the taboo on Botox is allergy, that is, individual intolerance to botulinum toxin type A.

In addition to absolute ones, there are also relative contraindications.

Before deciding to get an injection, you should consult your doctor.

Any ordinary disease in the acute stage, even a cold, will also be a contraindication to a beauty injection. First you need to fully recover, and then plan the procedure.

Naturally, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be injected with Botox.

The area of ​​skin where rejuvenation is planned should not be infected with an inflammatory or purulent infection. And this should never be ignored! Otherwise, the infection can go further and cause the most negative consequences.

You should not inject it in the first days of your period - it is better to wait until it ends.

Plus, there is a rare category of people who are not sensitive to Botox. Their bodies have specific antibodies that prevent the absorption of beauty injections. For them, Botox will simply be useless.

Possible complications

Even if a girl who wants to rejuvenate her face has no contraindications to the use of Botox, she cannot relax. After all, after Botox injections, alas, complications are also possible.

Complications after injections can occur in three cases:

  1. as a result of a doctor's error;
  2. due to the fault of the client;
  3. because of the drug itself.

Sometimes a medical error leads to a mask effect on the face

Let's look at all three.

The second mistake is the wrong choice of dosage, as a result of which the skin may sag. Botox, when administered, spreads not only to the injection point, but also to nearby skin tissue. And if you inject it too much, swelling may appear in neighboring areas.

And finally, the third mistake is injecting Botox into an area not intended for beauty injections.

All these mistakes can lead to puffiness under the eyes, facial asymmetry, problems with blinking, drooping of the upper eyelid, speech impairment, difficulty eating - if Botox is injected into the area near the mouth.

However, after 3–5 months, that is, after the medication is removed from the body, this goes away without a trace. Thus, the discomfort is more psychological and cosmetic - it will not affect your health.

As for the ladies themselves, most often side effects after Botox injections are caused by non-compliance with the regimen and advice of a specialist.

All of the above violations can lead to unsightly external consequences.

But, as they say, those who do not take risks are left without champagne. And if you are still firmly convinced that you want to give yourself a beauty injection, let the procedure go as well as possible and with the maximum expected effect!

Contraindications and complications after Botox injections

However, there are always two sides to a coin. This rule also works for cosmetology. Firstly, complications may appear - the consequences of Botox. Secondly, there are contraindications to Botox, which should be taken very seriously. Therefore, before deciding on this procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Who should not have Botox?

There are a number of absolute contraindications for Botox. Therefore, when talking with a cosmetologist, you need to be honest and answer all questions without concealment.

Any of the above reasons makes Botox impossible. It's a shame, but health is more important - after all, the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

And, of course, the taboo on Botox is allergy, that is, individual intolerance to botulinum toxin type A.

In addition to absolute ones, there are also relative contraindications.

Before deciding to get an injection, you should consult your doctor.

Any ordinary disease in the acute stage, even a cold, will also be a contraindication to a beauty injection. First you need to fully recover, and then plan the procedure.

Naturally, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be injected with Botox.

The area of ​​skin where rejuvenation is planned should not be infected with an inflammatory or purulent infection. And this should never be ignored! Otherwise, the infection can go further and cause the most negative consequences.

You should not inject it in the first days of your period - it is better to wait until it ends.

Plus, there is a rare category of people who are not sensitive to Botox. Their bodies have specific antibodies that prevent the absorption of beauty injections. For them, Botox will simply be useless.

Possible complications

Even if a girl who wants to rejuvenate her face has no contraindications to the use of Botox, she cannot relax. After all, after Botox injections, alas, complications are also possible.

Complications after injections can occur in three cases:

  1. as a result of a doctor's error;
  2. due to the fault of the client;
  3. because of the drug itself.

Sometimes a medical error leads to a mask effect on the face

Let's look at all three.

The second mistake is the wrong choice of dosage, as a result of which the skin may sag. Botox, when administered, spreads not only to the injection point, but also to nearby skin tissue. And if you inject it too much, swelling may appear in neighboring areas.

And finally, the third mistake is injecting Botox into an area not intended for beauty injections.

All these mistakes can lead to puffiness under the eyes, facial asymmetry, problems with blinking, drooping of the upper eyelid, speech impairment, difficulty eating - if Botox is injected into the area near the mouth.

However, after 3–5 months, that is, after the medication is removed from the body, this goes away without a trace. Thus, the discomfort is more psychological and cosmetic - it will not affect your health.

As for the ladies themselves, most often side effects after Botox injections are caused by non-compliance with the regimen and advice of a specialist.

All of the above violations can lead to unsightly external consequences.

But, as they say, those who do not take risks are left without champagne. And if you are still firmly convinced that you want to give yourself a beauty injection, let the procedure go as well as possible and with the maximum expected effect!

A complete list of contraindications to the use of Botox

What it is

Botox is a muscle relaxant belonging to the group of botulinum toxin (neurotoxin type A), which is synthesized by Clostridium botulinum bacteria in the laboratory.

Thanks to the toxic substance, these microorganisms in nature are the causative agents of a very dangerous disease - botulism.

The drug is injected directly into the muscle. The toxin affects her nerve fibers, blocking the delivery of impulses between them. As a result, some muscles become paralyzed and relax for a long time, while others, on the contrary, become tense.

In cosmetology, injections are carried out to smooth out facial wrinkles, restore symmetry to the face, and tighten sagging muscles. Botox is especially effective in eliminating the folds between the eyebrows and the “rays” of the outer corners of the eyes.

It successfully relieves excessive sweating when injected into the area of ​​the sweat glands. The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts on average from six months to a year. Therefore, if necessary, it is reintroduced.

Botox is indicated in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. muscle spasms in children with DCT;
  2. blepharospasms;
  3. strabismus;
  4. torticollis, accompanied by spasms;
  5. hyperhidrosis;

In cosmetology, the drug is used to correct:

  1. vertical frontal wrinkles;
  2. horizontal folds on the forehead;
  3. crow's feet;
  4. pronounced nasolabial folds;
  5. wrinkles on the neck;
  6. sagging of the lower contour of the face;
  7. damaged, brittle, dull and split ends.

Contraindications to the use of Botox

It is also not used in case of individual intolerance to botulinum toxin.

Do not use Botox for two weeks after taking:

  1. anticoagulants,
  2. antipyretics,
  3. antibiotics,
  4. calcium relanium.

Botox is not used in cases of chronic pathologies of the urinary, endocrine, respiratory systems, liver, or with elevated body temperature.

It is undesirable to administer the drug after serious head injuries accompanied by a concussion, if more than 3-4 years have not passed.

In women, a few days before the critical days, during menstruation and 2 days after their end, the risk of bleeding increases. Therefore, it is also not recommended to undergo the procedure during this period.

Botox for the face has the following contraindications:

For hair

But such injections are contraindicated:

Experts do not recommend using this hair healing method too often. It is necessary to give the skin a rest, taking breaks before a new portion of injections. Frequent use of Botox can lead to the opposite effect.

A special word about pregnant and lactating women

The fact is that the toxin can penetrate the bloodstream and accumulate in the body. This contributes to the development of pregnancy complications and harms the health of the fetus.

Injections can provoke:

  1. in the early stages, defects of the internal organs of the fetus;
  2. delayed psychomotor development;
  3. intrauterine weight loss;
  4. pathologies of bone and muscle tissue;
  5. miscarriage.

Video: In the beauty salon

Age restrictions

There are no strict age restrictions on the use of Botox.

However, experts strongly do not recommend using it in boys and girls under the age of 18. Injections are rarely given to people over 65 years of age.

This is especially true for patients who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or have a history of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. The most suitable age is 30-35 years, when facial wrinkles are just beginning to appear and the muscles have not yet lost their tone.

Prohibitions after the procedure

After the procedure, it is very important to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. Prohibited:

During the recovery period, which lasts on average 2-3 weeks, the patient should not:

Find out what Botox Allergan is. What is better keratin or botox for hair? Details in the article.

Complications after using injections

Each organism reacts individually to the introduction of a foreign substance.

Negative consequences of Botox injections can include:

Self-Use Errors

  1. Injections are given at strictly defined points. Only then will it be possible to achieve positive results.
  2. The specialist in the cosmetology clinic has a medical education and license, as well as experience in performing injections.
  3. The drug used must be produced by a well-known brand, which automatically guarantees its quality.
  4. Specialized clinics often order Botox directly from the manufacturer, which eliminates the possibility of running into a fake.
  5. When using the drug independently, the risk of undesirable consequences increases several times.
  6. The toxin blocks facial expressions, so the face loses mobility in any case. But inept manipulations can turn the face into a mask, completely depriving the muscles of the ability to move.

The most common side effects are:

  1. inflammation in puncture areas due to infection;
  2. increased salivation;
  3. headache;
  4. speech disorder;
  5. decreased brain activity.

See how you can remove nasolabial folds from a cosmetologist. Is olive oil effective for wrinkles around the eyes? Read here. How many units of Botox do you need under your eyes? Details below.

Botox injections are a serious invasive procedure that should only be performed by a trusted specialist.

Asymmetrical injections, poor-quality medication, or the introduction of an excessive amount of it can completely distort the face.


A drug called Botox is a development by Allergan (USA), which is patented, so officially no other injections can be called by this name. Prohibitions did not stop the word from spreading, and today Botox refers to all products made on the basis of purified botulinum toxin type A. In professional cosmetology, this drug is widely used to eliminate facial wrinkles and more.

What is Botox for wrinkles

Botulinum toxin is produced from the gram-positive anaerobic bacteria botulinum. Botox was originally used in medicine to relieve muscle spasms in patients suffering from cerebral palsy. The drug has also been used to treat spasms of the orbicularis oculi muscles. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve impulses in muscle tissue, so during the entire period of action of the neurotoxin, the muscles remain in a static position.

While using the drug, doctors noticed that it had a side effect - it blocked facial expressions, thereby eliminating wrinkles on the face. Cosmetologists became interested in the drug, and today Botox is used all over the world to correct facial contours, eliminate excessive sweating, and restore the structure of hair and eyelashes. On sale you can find other names of drugs from different manufacturers (Xeomin, Dysport, Relatox), made on the basis of neurotoxin type A, but they all have the same effect.

How it works

Botulinum toxin injections are made into the muscles that need to be reduced in activity. Some time after the drug reaches its destination, muscle sensitivity to nerve impulses is blocked. This process leads to skin tightening and wrinkle smoothing. The effect of Botox is temporary – from 3 to 6 months. The drug does not completely paralyze facial expressions, but only relieves muscle hypertonicity.

You should not expect an immediate reaction after botulinum therapy. In rare cases, the effect becomes visible within the first 24 hours after the session. Only after a week can you notice the effect of botulinum, and it begins to work fully 10-14 days after the procedure. The toxin is removed from the body through natural metabolic processes.

Doctors recommend beauty injections at the age of 30-50 years. During this period, expression lines become pronounced, but the epidermis does not yet lose its elasticity. After 50 years, for some people, Botox is no longer effective in solving appearance problems, so in adulthood it is sometimes more rational to use other, more radical rejuvenation methods. In what cases are Botox injections indicated:

  1. vertical fold between the eyebrows;
  2. horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  3. nasolabial folds (pronounced);
  4. wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  5. creases around the lips;
  6. facial folds in the nose area;
  7. wrinkles on the chin, neck, and décolleté;
  8. increased sweating of the armpits.

Cosmetologists say that if beauty injections are started even before the first wrinkles form, they will not appear at all. For this reason, young people often receive their first botulinum toxin injections before the age of 25 as a prophylactic measure to prevent skin aging. It is believed that botulinum injections are effective up to 65 years of age, but this criterion is individual, so the advisability of administering the toxin in old age can only be decided together with a cosmetologist.


Advantages and disadvantages

Botox injections, like other cosmetic procedures, have their positive and negative sides. Advantages:

  1. growing effect;
  2. restoration of skin in the fold area;
  3. elimination of facial wrinkles;
  4. unnoticed drastic changes;
  5. minimum contraindications;
  6. does not provoke addiction;
  7. lack of rehabilitation period;
  8. affordable price;
  9. combination with all cosmetic procedures.

As already mentioned, Botox is a poison, but it is contained in an ampoule in a very small dose. Although clinical studies in many countries have proven that it is safe, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to undergo the procedure. The main disadvantage of this injection technique is the limited effect of the injection. Unfortunately, the drug is eliminated from the body, after which wrinkles and other imperfections on the face appear again. The objective disadvantages of using Botox include:

  1. low effectiveness for injections into the chin and cheeks;
  2. inability to get rid of deep wrinkles;
  3. likelihood of complications.

Is Botox harmful for the face?

Using Botox for wrinkles is much safer than any other method. Adverse reactions occur in isolated cases when the dosage is exceeded, which occurs when the injection procedure is carried out by unqualified specialists. Among them:

  1. bruises;
  2. redness;
  3. swelling;
  4. various types of pain;
  5. Quincke's edema;
  6. nausea;
  7. dry eyes;
  8. mild headache;
  9. stomach upset;
  10. temperature increase;
  11. lacrimation;
  12. muscle weakness;
  13. cough;
  14. runny nose.

These are the most harmless side effects that do not require treatment and go away on their own within a few days. More unpleasant are the aesthetic defects that can arise due to the doctor’s unprofessionalism:

  1. Drooping eyelid (ptosis). If botulinum toxin is administered inaccurately, the side effect can develop up to complete closure of the eye and asymmetry of the eyebrows. These phenomena do not pose a threat to the health or life of the patient, but disappear as the activity of the drug decreases.
  2. Double vision (diplopia). Associated with the injection of a large dose of Botox too close to the orbital rim, after which strabismus may occur due to paralysis of the extraocular muscles. Normal vision is restored within 2-3 months.
  3. Facial asymmetry. Appears when the dosage is incorrectly calculated or the diffusion of the drug is uneven.
  4. Complete lack of effect with repeated procedures. It is explained by the production of antibodies by the immune system that destroy the poison.


How often to do

You can inject Botox for wrinkles up to 4 times a year. The duration of the effect ranges from 2 to 6 months, depending on many factors. Even if the result did not last long, the procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 3 months. This is because Botox may stop working if injected frequently. As the intervals shorten, the body's resistance to botulinum toxin increases.

The effect of the injection will vary for different people. It depends on your lifestyle. Bad habits, increased emotionality, poor diet, prolonged exposure to the beach in the sun and heavy physical activity accelerate the removal of Botox. The frequency of injections also depends on age - in youth the effect lasts longer. The duration of the result is also affected by the duration of use of beauty injections - it is believed that botulinum toxin has a cumulative effect.

With regular injection of botulinum, the facial muscles get used to a relaxed state, so the result after each repeated injection lasts longer. It is impossible to predict which factor will affect the duration of the procedure, but experts agree that repeated botulinum toxin injections should be carried out no earlier than three months later. The more often the course is repeated, the higher the likelihood of developing adverse reactions.

Where to inject Botox on the face

The amount of drug administered is measured in units. Each zone requires a different volume of substance. The dosage is usually determined by the doctor in each individual case. Before administering the drug, the specialist asks the patient to smile, frown, and think in order to set in motion the most mobile facial wrinkles. Based on this diagnosis, markings are made on the face to determine the injection points for botulinum toxin. The average value of drug administration is shown in the table:

Vertical wrinkles are smoothed out. If they are small, then even after the end of the toxin they do not appear.

Eyebrow correction occurs, horizontal folds on the forehead disappear.

Botulinum toxin is almost never used in its pure form. They are often used together with collagen or hyaluronic acid to prevent drooping of the corners of the mouth.

The area where the nose meets the lips

The tip of the nose rises.

Orbicularis oculi muscle

Deep crow's feet become less noticeable, and fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out.

Botox helps remove asymmetry, get rid of purse-string wrinkles, and lift the corners of the lips.

How are injections given?

Wrinkle correction with Botox injections is performed on an outpatient basis. The cosmetologist, in the presence of the patient, opens the injection solution, draws it into a syringe, then injects the required dose with an insulin needle into selected points on the face. If the procedure is performed for the first time, the specialist administers the minimum recommended dosage of the drug. Since the injections are painless, the area where botulinum toxin is injected is not numbed.

If necessary or at the request of the patient, the doctor uses local anesthetic drugs in the form of a cream or gel. After applying anesthetics, the cosmetologist maintains an interval of 20-40 minutes for them to take effect. Before injections, the facial skin is disinfected with an alcohol antiseptic and time is given to dry. Botox is injected under the skin to a depth of 7-10 mm at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of units injected.

After removing the needle, the cosmetologist can apply pressure to the injection sites to reduce the likelihood of hematomas. After the planned areas are chipped, the facial skin is wiped with an antiseptic, then a cold compress is applied to the affected areas to reduce the possible development of hematomas and avoid swelling. Upon completion of the procedure, you can immediately return to your normal daily routine, but adhere to minor restrictions.

What not to do after Botox

To achieve the longest possible effect after botulinum toxin injections, you should follow some rules. For the first 4 hours after administration of the drug, you should not lie down or tilt your head - you must maintain an upright position. This is due to the fact that the muscles relax under the influence of the toxin and can take an incorrect position.

It is not advisable to touch the injection sites with your hands, massage or apply cosmetics. These actions can cause infection and inflammation. All sports and active physical activity are prohibited for 48 hours. Even leisurely yoga is prohibited - the muscles must remain calm. In the next 2 weeks, you cannot visit baths and saunas, undergo massage and sun exposure, or go to the solarium. Any thermal influence, even drying hair with a hairdryer, accelerates the removal of botulinum toxin from the body.

Swelling can also reduce the effect of the substance, so for the first couple of weeks it is advisable to exclude smoked, salty foods and large amounts of liquid from the menu. As for drinking alcohol, it is generally strictly prohibited for 10-14 days. Alcohol-containing drinks dilate blood vessels, causing Botox to be absorbed into the blood. This is already a dangerous situation for health, in which the likelihood of complications is high.



Undesirable results may occur if the dosage of the drug is violated or the administration technique is incorrect. Among them:

  1. asymmetry of facial contours;
  2. loss of muscle sensitivity;
  3. deterioration of visual acuity;
  4. seals in the form of bumps and tubercles;
  5. spasm of the eyelids;
  6. impaired mobility of the upper lip;
  7. subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  8. drooping eyebrows;
  9. loss of natural facial expression.


The administration of botulinum toxin has its contraindications. You should not do Botox injections if:

  1. chronic pathologies of the kidneys, liver, lungs;
  2. drooping upper eyelid;
  3. hernia of the lower or upper eyelid;
  4. severe myopia;
  5. neuromuscular diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  6. oncology of any type;
  7. predisposition to hypertrophic or keloid scars;
  8. poor blood clotting;
  9. individual intolerance to Botox.

When planning the birth of a child and in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better to avoid beauty injections so that the drug does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. You should not give injections while breastfeeding your baby, when the hormonal levels are still unstable. Temporary contraindications to the procedure are elevated body temperature, infectious diseases, taking antibiotics and anticoagulants, and exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Botulinum toxin injections for wrinkles are given today in almost all beauty clinics. The price of the procedure varies, depending on the drug used, the cost of consultation with a cosmetologist, the use of anesthetic and cream after completion of the session. Botulinum therapy is becoming more accessible every year. If a few years ago only stars could afford beauty injections, today they will not greatly devastate the family budget of a person with an average salary. Average price for botulinum toxin injections in Moscow clinics: