Is it possible to smear panthenol on your face every day?

Very often, women wonder whether Panthenol can be used as a face cream, because this product is positioned as moisturizing and regenerating. This means that, thanks to these properties, it can become an excellent tool for combating the first signs of aging and maintaining the good appearance of aging skin. The drug’s composition and pharmacological origin speak in favor of the drug. It is considered a safe remedy that can only bring benefit and cannot harm. Is this really so, can Panthenol become a full-fledged anti-aging cream, and what should you pay attention to before using it?

Efficiency and action of Panthenol

Initially, Panthenol was used as a restorative agent for damage to the skin - burns, irritations, inflammations. Then, after studying the composition and trying to use it as a facial care product, many reviews from women who liked the effects of Panthenol began to appear on the Internet. The fact is that the main active ingredient in this medicine is vitamin B5, which promotes skin regeneration and starts metabolic processes in it. This suggested that Panthenol face cream can be used as a complete substitute for anti-wrinkle facial products.

What's included

Of greatest interest is the composition of the miracle drug, thanks to which the remedy works so effectively. So, the main effective components of Panthenol are:

  1. Provitamin B5. This component is responsible for metabolic processes in the skin, increases collagen production and promotes the rapid restoration of damaged skin.
  2. Vitamin E. The effect of this component in cosmetology is priceless, as it is a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation. In combination with vitamin B5, it promotes enhanced restoration and renewal of the skin.
  3. Oils. As part of Panthenol, they perform a moisturizing and nourishing function, prevent the appearance of dryness, and normalize the water-lipid balance.

Thus, the effectiveness of Panthenol lies in the so-called synergy effect, when the components of the drug mutually enhance each other’s effectiveness.

Indications for use

Depanthenol has shown its high effectiveness in combating the following skin imperfections:

  1. to combat excessive dryness;
  2. when the first wrinkles appear, as well as to correct existing ones;
  3. if there is inflammation and acne on the skin;
  4. in the presence of dermatitis of various origins;
  5. to accelerate the healing of wounds, abrasions, burns, ulcers, bedsores.

In addition, the cream has the following advantages:

  1. normalizes intercellular metabolism;
  2. nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  3. promotes collagen production;
  4. heals wounds and other imperfections quite quickly;
  5. its undeniable advantage is its affordable price and widespread distribution.

Panthenol is produced in three forms: cream, milk and spray. The spray is the most popular, since according to reviews its effect is the most pronounced.

Contraindications and side effects

Before you start using this product, you need to make sure that it will not cause harm. Although Panthenol is considered a completely safe drug, it has some contraindications for use. These include:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  2. renal failure;
  3. tendency to allergic reactions;
  4. fever or increased body temperature due to infectious or systemic diseases;
  5. herpes in the acute stage;
  6. adolescence up to 18 years.

If at least one of the symptoms is present, the use of Panthenol should be discontinued.

As with any pharmaceutical product, when using Panthenol there is a possibility of side effects, such as:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. skin redness;
  3. severe peeling of the skin at the site of application of the drug due to an excess of vitamin B5;
  4. the appearance of edema;
  5. exacerbation of acne and inflammation when using cream for oily skin.

It is worth noting that negative reactions often occur when used incorrectly: the product is incorrectly selected for your skin type, or it is used uncontrollably without taking breaks.

It is extremely important to perform an allergy test before use. To do this, the product used is applied to the inside of the arm in a thin layer. If after half an hour no negative reactions are detected, you can use a facial skin care product.

Can Panthenol be used as a face cream?

Despite all the positive properties and safety, skeptical people have a completely natural question: is it possible to smear Panthenol on your face instead of cream? The opinion of cosmetologists is interesting in this case, but it is not unanimous.

Some experts say that periodic use of this drug is not capable of causing visible harm to the skin. If you use Panthenol for a short time and then take a break from use, this will only be beneficial. The fact is that the peak of its effect occurs on the 5th – 7th day of use, then the effect decreases sharply. Knowing about these features, you can use Panthenol situationally, for example, in winter or autumn, when the skin requires special care.

Other cosmetologists argue that Panthenol is purely a medicinal product, and there is no point in using it as a face cream, since the cosmetic industry produces a huge number of anti-aging drugs that do not have side effects and which can be used constantly, without the need to pause.

However, many women use D-Panthenol without particularly listening to the opinions of specialists, and rely solely on their own sensations.

Instructions for use

To get as much benefit as possible from using the product and minimize complications, below are instructions for using Panthenol as a facial skin care product:

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the form of release of the product. For dry and sensitive skin it is better to use an emulsion-based cream, for oily and combination skin - a spray.
  2. For dry skin types, use the product 2 times a day - morning and evening. For oily skin – only once a day, preferably at night.
  3. Before use, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of any remaining makeup and impurities, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
  4. Apply panthenol to the skin in a thin layer, after half an hour, remove the remaining product with a paper napkin.

It is important to remember that this drug is not intended for continuous use. Both a deficiency and an excess of vitamin B5 have a detrimental effect on the skin of the face, making it dry and flaky. Therefore, Panthenol is used according to the following scheme: the course lasts 10 days, after which you need to take a break from use for a month. It is this scheme of application that gives a pronounced and lasting result, while the likelihood of negative reactions is minimized.

Panthenol is an excellent skin care product, which, when used correctly, can pleasantly surprise you with the resulting effect. It is important to remember that this is still a drug, so it should be used with caution and strictly according to the regimen to obtain optimal and lasting results.

Hello dear friends. I'm just shocked by what I found out! Imagine, some people use hemorrhoid ointment as an effective remedy for wrinkles. Are there really those who decide to undertake such an experiment? And recently I came across advice to use Panthenol for wrinkles - I carefully studied the reviews about it. Today we’ll discuss how it works.


Before drawing a conclusion about the effectiveness of Panthenol, I carefully studied all the reviews. I want to share some of them with you.

Caroline: I have very dry skin. I tried different creams and masks. Nothing helped. I decided to apply panthenol “at random”. I was amazed at the effect: my skin immediately became soft, and the dryness went away over time.

Svetik: I have a terrible allergy to this drug. After applying it, the skin becomes covered with red spots, swells and itches. I used panthenol after peeling as a restorative agent. It was terrible on my skin! This remedy is definitely contraindicated for me.

Anastasia: A cosmetologist recommended Panthenol to me. I applied the cream at night and I am delighted with the results. The expensive products used before did not help as much as pentenol.

Inna: I wouldn't want to clog my pores and get pimples. I think it's better to use cosmetic creams.

Lyudmila: With the onset of winter, the skin becomes terribly chapped and flaky. I apply panthenol before going outside. He is my salvation.

Yaroslav: I don't mind applying Panthenol a couple of times as a nourishing mask. But nothing more. Whatever you say, it is still a medicine.


How does panthenol work?

The main substance in this drug is dexpanthenol (vitamin B). Upon contact with the skin, it turns into pantothenic acid and actively plays its role of protecting our skin from external influences. This medicine has excellent anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

Prescribed for the following problems:

  1. burns;
  2. diaper rash;
  3. boils;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. bedsores;
  6. cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  7. other damage to the skin and mucous membrane.

This drug is really effective in all these listed cases. Therefore, if you don’t already have it in your medicine cabinet, be sure to buy it. I understood from my own experience how it restored my skin after a terrible burn. Last year we went island hopping in Thailand. Four islands in one day. Of course, I used sunscreen. But after I swam a couple of times, the cream was completely washed off.

How burned I was that day! It was terrible. My skin became the same color as my hot pink T-shirt. Panthenol just saved me. It causes skin regeneration quite quickly and new cells grow rapidly.

Varieties of panthenol

A huge variety of drugs based on dexpanthenol have been produced. It is added to hand creams, lubricants, hygienic lipsticks and baby diaper rash creams.

I will give analogues of medicines: D Panthenol, Bepanten, Panthenol-Ratiopharm, Dexpanthenol and others.

It is produced in different forms:

  1. Cream and ointment. These drugs usually contain 5% of the active substance. Ointments are made on a fat basis, and creams are made on an emulsion basis. That is why the latter are used on open areas of the body. But ointments have a more pronounced softening effect.
  2. Spray. This is the easiest option to use. When applying the drug, you do not have to make unnecessary contact with your hands on the affected surface of the wound. The composition contained inside the can forms foam when sprayed. This substance, light in texture, penetrates deeply into the skin.

The price of these drugs usually depends on the dosage form and brand. Ointments and creams are considered the cheapest: the price varies from 120 to 200 rubles. The spray will cost a little more than 180-300 rubles.


All forms of panthenol have the same contraindication. It should not be used by people who have hypersensitivity to one of the components. Therefore, carefully study the composition and remember if there were any allergies to individual elements. How to use such a medicine is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Panthenol in cosmetology

Reviews from cosmetologists about panthenol as a restorative agent are quite good. This drug is usually used for complex rehabilitation after peeling, tattooing and hair removal.

In this case, it is simply a magic wand that helps restore the skin. But for some reason cosmetologists do not know about the use of panthenol to combat wrinkles.

Before using panthenol for facial care, be aware that this drug contains auxiliary components:

  1. liquid paraffin;
  2. petrolatum;
  3. anhydrous lanolin.

If you have dry skin, then everything is fine. You can safely use this facial product a couple of times a week. This product is perfect for nourishing dry skin. It is especially good for flaky skin in the autumn-winter period. By the way, according to reviews, it was the owners of dry skin who sang the praises of panthenol. It is this that creates a protective barrier and perfectly maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin.

And if you have normal or oily skin, clogged pores and “luxurious” acne are guaranteed. It is a bit heavy due to the auxiliary components. Do you want to look like kitten Musty, covered in pimples? 🙂

I myself have a combination type and am very sensitive. I myself played with mono-products at first. Yes, there was an effect, but it was insignificant. But then I developed terrible dry skin and itching. I myself didn’t know what to do. After all, they write everywhere that oily and combination skin needs to be dried. That's what I did. Now I just understand that any skin needs hydration and proper nutrition. The complexion has evened out, inflammation has decreased.

The effect of panthenol on wrinkles around the eyes

As you know, this product has proven its benefits for chemical or thermal effects on the skin. Some people's skin may be over-dried by soap, while others may have dry skin itself.

So, dry skin type is characterized by peeling, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. That is, external factors with this type of skin increase dryness. In this situation, the skin requires rehabilitation and protection. It is necessary to restore its barrier functions as quickly as possible.

In this case, panthenol significantly accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulating the growth of new cells. As a result, the skin becomes healthier and all unpleasant sensations disappear.

For extremely dry skin, ointments are the best option. Such medicines are made on a fat basis, so they will additionally nourish the skin. In other cases, you can use a spray.

As for wrinkles around the eyes, these are age-related changes. Yes, sometimes they appear earlier. This is due to lack of sleep, stress, smoking and other unfavorable factors. In fact, wrinkles are small folds and grooves.

But panthenol is powerless here. This drug cannot smooth the skin or restore its elasticity. It only restores the epidermis under external influence. But you can’t fight internal processes. Therefore, using such a product in the fight against wrinkles under the eyes is, at a minimum, useless

Anti-wrinkle products

I carefully studied the instructions for use of the drug several times. And I want to tell you that I never saw where it was written: “fights wrinkles.”

If you want to look young and beautiful, you need a comprehensive program inside and out:

  1. Load up on foods high in vitamins A, C, and E.
  2. Use specialized anti-wrinkle creams. Such cosmetics contain hyaluronic acid, retinol and other components. In a separate article, I wrote a rating of anti-aging cosmetics.
  3. Protect your skin from the negative effects of sunlight. Use creams with UV filters regularly. In winter, you can use cosmetics with a small amount of them, and in the summer - more.
  4. Spend a lot of time outdoors. Believe me, frequent walks will certainly improve your complexion.
  5. Do facial exercises. Japanese facial massage gives excellent results.
  6. Smile more often. Despite the fact that smiling contributes to the appearance of facial wrinkles, it is also an exercise. Remember Baron von Munchausen, who was convinced that all stupid things were done with a serious expression on his face. Smile more. You are beautiful! 🙂

My dear readers, be careful. Don’t take my word for it and try to figure it out before trying something on yourself. And share your discoveries in reviews of this article. Well, I tell you: See you again, dears!

The moisturizing, restorative effect allows you to use Panthenol cream for the face. It is especially indicated during cold periods for those with dry, sensitive skin types. Since it protects well from chapping and peeling. But it is important to remember that this is a drug and should not be used uncontrollably. In addition, products containing panthenol have a number of contraindications. And excessive abuse of them can lead to the opposite effect. As they say, the best is the enemy of the good.

Efficiency and action of panthenol


Preparations with panthenol can quickly restore damaged skin. This is due to the fact that the active components in their composition affect skin regeneration and collagen production. Under their influence, new cells are formed faster, burns and wounds heal. In addition, the epidermis is protected from external factors and deeply moisturized.

The skin becomes smoother and velvety when using face cream with panthenol in its composition. The feeling of tightness, peeling, and irritation caused by exposure to wind or low temperature disappears. Some women note a decrease in the first facial wrinkles against the background of deep hydration.

The complex action of the drug relieves inflammation. It is often prescribed by dermatologists. Ointment with panthenol is used to spot treat problem areas on the face.

Dexpanthenol is a building material for coenzyme A, which is responsible for prolonging the youth of the skin, its elasticity, and turgor.

What does it contain?


The active ingredient in products containing panthenol is vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). Thanks to it, the skin is deeply moisturized, regeneration processes are accelerated, wounds and burns heal quickly. The content of this particular component allows you to use panthenol for the face. Creams, ointments, and sprays also contain vitamin E. It relieves inflammation and protects against free radicals.

The combined action of these components allows the skin to quickly renew itself, gives it smoothness, relieves irritation and dryness.

Auxiliary ingredients in the preparations:

  1. petrolatum;
  2. lanolin;
  3. liquid paraffin and others.

And the spray formula contains mineral oils, alcohols, propane, and other components.

The active substances in the composition allow the use of panthenol against wrinkles; according to some cosmetologists, this may be a justified step. But we must not forget about the negative effect of some excipients (alcohol, paraffin) on the skin.

Indications for use


Direct indications for use are:

  1. burns of various etiologies;
  2. wounds/abrasions;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. Diaper rash in newborns.

But often women use Panthenol cream as a protective agent in cold or windy weather. Dermatologists prescribe the drug for the complex treatment of comeds and acne. You can use the cream to reduce the appearance of scars.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a cosmetologist, because panthenol, like any pharmacological drug, has side effects.

Depanthenol has a complex effect on the skin of the face, therefore it relieves signs of fatigue, increases its elasticity, and normalizes the hydrolipid balance. This allows you to use creams containing it in the care of dehydrated, dull, problem skin.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, you can also use Panthenol cream for wrinkles. Some girls note that the first wrinkles become less pronounced. This can be attributed to the powerful moisturizing properties of vitamin B5. After all, well-moisturized skin ages more slowly.

Dry skin type needs more careful care and restoration of hydrolipid balance. With frequent peeling and a feeling of tightness, products with panthenol can come to the rescue. They will relieve dry facial skin and restore its protective barrier.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that dexpanthenol has a beneficial effect on the skin, it has a number of contraindications:

  1. allergic reactions to the components of the composition, which may manifest as itching and redness;
  2. childhood and adolescence (the drug is used only if there are direct indications);
  3. kidney pathologies;
  4. exacerbation of herpis;
  5. hypervitaminosis;
  6. elevated body temperature associated with acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

On the Internet you can find reviews from cosmetologists who warn against uncontrolled use of cream with panthenol. If used incorrectly, side effects may occur:

  1. peeling of the skin (with heavy, long-term use);
  2. clogged pores, the appearance of inflammation when girls with oily skin use the ointment;
  3. development of allergies;
  4. addiction (with prolonged use), significant deterioration of skin condition upon withdrawal.

When using a cream with dexpanthenol without a dermatologist's prescription, it is worth testing for an allergic reaction. A small amount of the drug is applied to the skin of the elbow. If no redness or itching appears after a day, the cream can be used.

Can panthenol be used as a face cream?


There is a lot of controversy surrounding the use of panthenol preparations as skin care cosmetics. Even among cosmetologists and dermatologists there is no clear opinion. On the one hand, Panthenol cream is able to deeply moisturize the skin and accelerate renewal processes, on the other hand, with prolonged, uncontrolled use, it causes allergies, irritation, and addiction. And the auxiliary components of the composition can often provoke the appearance of comedones or acne.

Most experts believe that it is not worth completely replacing skincare cosmetics with a cream or spray with panthenol for the face. It is better to use the drug in courses of several days, and then take a break for at least a month. This will relieve hypovitaminosis and its associated consequences (swelling, peeling, itching).

Some cosmetologists talk about the pointlessness of using the drug instead of facial care products, because the choice of safe professional cosmetics is huge.

Women who decide to get rid of wrinkles with the help of a pharmaceutical product think about what is better: cream or ointment and panthenol for the face. Dermatologists and cosmetologists believe that the first product has a more suitable composition. It is produced on an emulsion basis, lighter in texture, and less likely to clog pores.

Instructions for use

You can find a large number of positive reviews about the use of preparations with panthenol for the face in cosmetology. To get a positive effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is better to use creams; they do not contain paraffins, mineral oils or alcohol.
  2. It is better to apply the composition in the evening.
  3. The skin is first cleaned of makeup and sebum residues.
  4. The drug is applied along the massage lines in a thin layer, with light patting movements. It is important not to rub the product in, but to let it absorb on its own.
  5. You can add a small amount of the product to regular cosmetic masks, enhancing their effect.
  6. After 40-60 minutes, rinse off the residue with warm water or wipe your face with toner.

You should not use creams with depanthenol for more than 7 days. This will lead to skin addiction or oversaturation with vitamin B5. A repeat course can be carried out after 1-1.5 months.

The best face creams with panthenol

Panthenol is the trade name of the product. It is used by many manufacturers. The drug is produced as Panthenol cream, ointment, spray. Vitamin B5 is included in medicinal cosmetic products or lip balms. Products from Librederm, Evo, and Hemofarm are in demand.

  1. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-NPgVS.webp

  2. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-QYlxY.webp

  3. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-TTyNC.webp

On the Internet you can find positive reviews of Evo’s Panthenol face cream. Girls using it noted an improvement in the condition of their skin, which became smoother and more elastic. Those with dry dermis were especially impressed by the results. Those who suffer from acne and other inflammations also liked the result. The cream copes well with the consequences of acne.

Some users noted the simplicity and ease of use of Panthenol facial spray. It should be sprayed from a distance of 10-15 cm from the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The drug should be allowed to absorb, after which the residue should be removed with a cotton pad moistened with tonic.

There are analogues of Patenol cream, marketed under the names:

  1. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-Jbqln.webp

  2. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-DxjvOf.webp

  3. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-qtbUF.webp

  4. mozhno-li-mazat-lico-PNkgq.webp

These products also contain vitamin B5 and have a similar effect on the skin.

Bepanten is recommended for use in newborns with diaper dermatitis and its prevention, for the treatment of cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers.

You can maintain the beauty and health of your skin by periodically using creams with panthenol. The main thing is not to forget that there should be breaks between courses. And at the first sign of allergy, it is necessary to stop treatment.