Is it possible to wash after removing a papilloma?

Is it possible to wash after removing a papilloma?

The content of the article:
  1. Is it possible to wash after removing a papilloma?
  2. How long can you not wash?
  3. How to wash properly

Washing after removing a papilloma is one of the important points in caring for the place where it used to be. It must be carried out regularly, but in such a way that the treatment area is not covered in the first few days or weeks. Why you should be so careful and how to wash properly at this time will be discussed in this article.

Is it possible to wash after removing a papilloma?

Crust on the skin after removal of papilloma

Photo of a scab on the skin after removal of a papilloma

Naturally, it is always necessary to maintain hygiene, regardless of whether any procedure was carried out to eliminate the growth or nothing of the sort happened. The problem is different: is it possible to wash after removing the papilloma in those places where there were such tumors before. And the answer here is clear - this cannot be done, because Constant wetting of the skin slows down the process of regeneration and the appearance of scabs.

Answering the question whether it is possible to wash after removing papillomas, it must be said that under no circumstances You cannot swim in the river, sea, or city reservoirs. Otherwise, the wound can easily become infected, which will most likely lead to inflammation, redness and itching of the skin, as well as many other complications.

  1. Read also: Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas?

How long can you not wash after removing a papilloma?

How to wash after removing papillomas

Here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, since You can start washing without ignoring the treated area only after a scab has formed.. For some this happens in a few days, while for others 1-2 weeks is not enough. That is why the average optimal period for excluding full bathing is 10 days.

Understanding how long you can’t wash after removing papillomas, it must be said that if possible, patients who have had the tumor removed surgically should wait 20-30 days before treating the problem area. This is because they may require stitches to be placed and removed, which will increase the time it takes for the scab to form.

If we are talking about eliminating a growth with a laser, then there are no particular difficulties in answering the question of when you can wash after removing a papilloma - after using the laser, this can be done without waiting for a crust to form. The fact is that, unlike the procedure carried out using a scalpel, when choosing this method, a dense scab simply cannot appear.

How to wash properly after removing a papilloma?

It is forbidden to use a washcloth after removing papillomas

It is forbidden to use a washcloth after removing papillomas!

It is quite possible to take a shower and bath after such a procedure, but this must be done in such a way that water did not come into contact with the problem area. Also, avoid exposing it to soaps and other care products, especially if they contain dangerous chemicals.

In no case Do not rub the treated area with a washclothso as not to injure him. First of all, this applies to those who have already formed a crust, which can be easily damaged in this way, thereby causing bleeding.

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to wash after removing a papilloma, It is best to use warm water for this, neither hot nor cold, it should have a comfortable temperature for the skin. Otherwise, the tissues may become red and inflamed; In addition to this, itching may occur.

It is advisable that the water not be used from the tap, because it contains too many different impurities, including chlorine. These substances irritate the skin and prevent it from recovering after the papilloma is removed in a timely manner. That is why whenever possible it is better to use purchased water.

Those who want to find out whether it is possible to wash themselves after removing a papilloma have every reason to rejoice. If, nevertheless, the need arises for this precisely in those areas where the formation was eliminated, then this can be done by slightly moistening a sponge or cloth and not pressing very hard on the formation, wiping it. In this case, you do not need to actively rub the skin so as not to injure it.

For safe washing after removal of papilloma before the formation of a scab at the wound site, if this still becomes necessary, during bathing you can simply cover it with a waterproof plaster. This will prevent the skin from being exposed to moisture and will not slow down the process of tissue regeneration. After 20-30 days, when the recovery is successful, you can swim as usual.

Of course, it is impossible to say for sure whether it is possible for each patient to wash after removal of papillomas at this stage. In order not to harm yourself and to carry out this hygiene procedure correctly, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps your case is quite simple and there will be no restrictions for you at all.

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