Is it possible to go to school with a tattoo?


This article explains in detail whether it is possible to go to school with a tattoo, and everything you need to know about it. Recently, the fashion for various tattoos has swept across the world, and has also not spared our country. Many citizens take great pleasure in trying to add all this to their main image. This way, everyone gets an indelible mark on their body. But just before changing your own image, you should think about whether all this carries some kind of risk. In addition, it may not be worth risking your career, because what employer would want to hire an employee covered from head to toe with tattoos. And according to recent hiring audits, approximately 15 percent of all applicants were not hired simply because they had tattoos. Some 78 percent of employees of prestigious jobs do not remember that this ever happened to them, but 7 percent of all still found it difficult to answer this question. Of course, if an adult decides to take such a step, then children also want to be like their parents. And here the question arises: is it possible to go to school with a tattoo?

Is it possible to go to school with a tattoo?

But still, let’s talk a little about adults who decided to get a job in a public format, and according to this, not everyone was given permission to continue. Therefore, you should think especially carefully before going to one of the tattoo parlors. After all, it was 27 candidates who had previously applied for the job of a regular salesperson who were rejected because of tattoos. But every 10 people, which is approximately 11 percent of all citizens, were rejected from working as a waiter. And 9 percent of all these citizens would like to become secretaries, 8 percent would like to become managers to work with clients, 7 percent would like to become storekeepers, but about the same number would like to become company managers.

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Usually anyone could get a job as a storekeeper, but also as a loader and driver. Often, many recalled that in the history of their lives there were many different situations when citizens from the criminal world were aiming for all these places. But even if the employee could hide his own criminal record, but his tattoos could not hide all this, each of them can indicate the prison importance of the person. That is, the presence of tattoos on his arm indicated that he was constantly stealing or had been rejected by the leadership of some authority. Based on this, the heads of various companies turned on their own vigilance so that later problems would not arise due to the employee’s past. All these citizens inquired about their officer at any police station. But sometimes different stereotypes played the main role in hiring an employee with tattoos. For example, a Japanese company decided not to hire a person with tattoos, since such decoration in this country usually indicates that he is associated with the yakuza.

Thus, it would be worth noting that if corrections are introduced in the attitude of adults, then why not also in the attitude of children. Since not all educational institutions can tolerate this style. Although this is a personal matter for everyone, it is not advisable for children to make such changes to their body. This is precisely what may prevent them from entering a higher educational institution in the future, where stricter relations in such matters are also introduced.

But if all these drawings can be well hidden under clothes, then no obstacles will arise in any such matter, and the personnel officers themselves confirm this. But there will still be some sediment in this. For example, every manager considers such positions as: working in an office does not accept any visible tattoos. But in a warehouse, or for ordinary working personnel, almost everything is allowed. But any criminal tattoos are taboo. But among all the personnel officers, only a few of them admitted that they themselves are bearers of tattoos, but they cannot vouch only for the opinion of management.

An educational institution, at its core, is a place where children learn to live and gain knowledge. But any such sin can lead to irreparable mistakes. After all, who would want to teach a child who is covered in tattoos from head to toe? Even just looking at him, he looks intimidating. But you can always use temporary tattoos that wear off over time. Therefore, you should not ruin your career ahead of time, and use only a temporary option. Nobody prohibits this type of tattoo, and besides, they can always be removed without exposure to acid or laser, which usually leaves unpleasant scars. Of course, the opinion of one half of humanity is still towards the abolition of the introduction of tattoos. Because it is by them that you can recognize every person. After all, everyone has a tattoo on their body in an individual format, which is why the design is always different.

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I have been studying at school for 17 years, some teachers force me to hide my tattoos, send me to the principal, and threaten to kick me out of school. One arm is tattooed up to the elbow, the tattoos are simple: anchor, clover, lighthouse, diamond, etc. Do they have the right to force me to hide them and can they threaten me with expelling me from school?

Lawyers' answers (1)


At the moment, neither federal legislation nor the legislation of Moscow has established any requirements for the appearance of schoolchildren.

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 gives educational institutions the right to adopt local regulations governing educational relations on the main issues of organization and implementation of educational activities, including the regulating rules for the admission of students, the mode of classes of students, the forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students, the procedure and grounds for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students, the procedure for registering the emergence, suspension and termination of relations between the educational organization and students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students.

Tattoos applied to the body are a matter of your private life, protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and not related to the organization and implementation of educational activities.

You can complain to the school director, and if he does not take action, to the Moscow Department of Education.

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You'll catch some bullshit from your nice parents for having a tattoo.

And what will this crap save and save you from? And you don’t need to do it on your hand; make it on your ass like a train entering a tunnel with smoke or three aces.

Previously, only cattle and runaway slaves were branded.
slave - your sense of self?

Oh. and you will regret it later.

It's too early, of course.
In our country, a tattoo is not yet a crime; they won’t register you, but, knowing our schools, they will hold a rather weighty explanatory conversation, perhaps the teachers will look askance, although I, of course, am surprised that your parents will allow you.
But there’s nothing wrong with the ring, in my opinion.

People under 18 do not get tattoos.
IMHO: the inscriptions on the body look poor, like on the walls of a toilet.