Is it possible to wipe the skin around the eyes with toner?

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner

Type: Eye Toner


The skin on the eyelids is the thinnest and most sensitive to external influences. Due to the lack of a dense fat layer and high mobility of the eyelids, it is in this area that the first wrinkles make themselves felt. Therefore, cosmetologists advise starting skin care around the eyes early - from 20-25 years. Aging of the epidermis cannot be avoided, because it is a natural process of the body, but you have the power to prolong youth. Properly selected comprehensive care will help with this.

Basic rules of care

Eyes are the mirror of the soul and the first thing attention is drawn at the meeting. The famous conqueror of men's hearts, Marilyn Monroe, believed that a girl could make her fall in love with just one look. Every woman wants her eyes to have such extraordinary beauty and expressiveness, and this can be achieved.

Attractiveness largely depends on the health and youth of the skin. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly care for the skin around your eyes. There are several tips for taking full care of your delicate dermis of the eyelids:

  1. mozhno-li-tonikom-protirat-edxkt.webp

    You cannot paint your eyelids and eyelashes with low-quality or expired cosmetics. Failure to comply with this rule is one of the causes of premature aging.
  2. Makeup is always washed off at night. Otherwise, during 7-8 hours of sleep, the chemicals will be absorbed into the epidermis. This will lead to a malfunction in lipid metabolism and interfere with collagen production.
  3. It is not advisable to wash off decorative cosmetics with soap. If you resort to such a cleansing procedure very often, the healthy acid-base balance will be disrupted. The area around the eyes will become dehydrated and prone to wrinkles.
  4. Do not apply simple cream to your eyelids. Serums and gels with a special composition are produced for these areas of the skin.
  5. Eye cream is used before bedtime, and also before going outside.
  6. To improve the condition of the skin, additional procedures are performed. Use a tonic, apply masks and wipe the skin with cosmetic ice.
  7. Delicate eyelid massage improves blood flow and tissue nutrition, which has a positive effect on appearance.
  8. Ultraviolet rays are the number 1 enemy of the eyelids. In sunny weather, be sure to wear sunglasses.

Full range of procedures

Thus, proper care for the skin around the eyes includes a whole range of procedures: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, massage and the use of protective agents. It is necessary to analyze each stage separately and remember the important nuances.

Cleansing and removing eye makeup


Clean skin is well supplied with oxygen; at the cellular level, all processes that provide a healthy appearance, smoothness, and tone actively occur in it. Regular cleansing prevents the growth of bacteria and protects your eyes from infections.

Daily washing is done with warm or cool water. This procedure will not be enough to remove makeup, especially if you have waterproof mascara on your eyelashes. Do not try to remove makeup with very hot water.

Special products have been created for eyelid makeup remover: milk, mousse, gel, micellar water. Cleansing solutions with oils (for example, two-phase liquid) are intended for washing off waterproof cosmetics. For those who wear lenses, it is not recommended to use greasy solutions. It is better to choose regular mascara and remove it at the end of the day with a low-fat lotion.

Moisten two cotton pads with the chosen product and apply to the eyes for a couple of minutes. After which the remaining cosmetics remove with care:

  1. cosmetics from the upper eyelids are removed from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes;
  2. under the eyes, makeup is removed in the opposite direction;
  3. Mascara is removed from eyelashes from roots to ends.

During cleansing, you should not rub or stretch your eyelids too much. Makeup remover is usually intended for cleansing only. To prevent it from being absorbed into the skin, you do not need to rub it. It is better to make barely perceptible patting movements with a cotton napkin.

Skin toning

Products called toners refresh the face and neutralize the effects of makeup remover. They help normalize pH and prepare the skin for the application of nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Procedure toning the area around the eyes It is performed simply: a cotton pad is generously moistened with tonic, then the eyelids are wiped along the massage lines. You can purchase tonic in spray form - it is more convenient to use. Apply the tonic to the skin near the eyes twice a day. The procedure is carried out after morning and evening cleansing.

Ice cubes provide an excellent tonic effect. Freeze herbal decoctions (linden, calendula, mint), wipe the skin with cubes in the morning and do not wash off until dry.

Hydration and nutrition


Creams with moisturizing and nourishing properties effectively fight wrinkles. They prevent the skin from drying out, saturate it with vitamins and maintain fat balance. Winter care should include nutrients; in summer it is necessary to moisturize the epidermis more.

Any cream is applied to the eyelids using the pads of the ring fingers. This way the delicate skin is not injured, because these fingers are considered the most “non-working”. The cream should be applied to the area around the eyes, without affecting the eyelids and eyelashes. Contact of oily ingredients in the eyes may cause irritation.

Lotions are quickly absorbed, smooth out wrinkles and make the skin radiant. Gels are universal - they are used for sensitive eyes, wearing lenses, a tendency to swelling, they can be used to smear the eyelids.

Additional therapeutic care

Auxiliary procedures for the area around the eyes are aimed at maintaining beauty and solving various problems. This is a fight against wrinkles, swelling, dark circles, spider veins, and eye irritation.

Bags under the eyes

Women often notice the appearance of swelling in the eyelid area after waking up. Therefore, it is important to organize proper skin care under the eyes, as well as review your daily habits. Firstly, you need to sleep on a pillow high enough so that your head is certainly located above body level. Secondly, it is advisable to avoid creams that are too oily in texture. Thirdly, it is important to limit alcohol, salty and spicy foods in your diet, which cause swelling.

Folk remedies are very effective for eliminating bags under the eyes. The skin will be noticeably smoother, the look will be open and fresh. Use one of these two simple recipes:

  1. mozhno-li-tonikom-protirat-PTtrDn.webp

    Contrasting sage compresses. Take 1 tsp. herbs (you can buy it at the pharmacy), pour 100 ml of boiling water (about half a glass of water). Instead of sage, you can take dill or medicinal chamomile. Strain and pour the broth into two bowls: cool one portion, keep the other warm. Fold two bandage napkins, moisten them in liquid, and alternately apply warm and cold lotions to the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, do it at night; the course lasts a month.
  2. Potato lotions. Grate half the raw tuber and wrap the resulting mass in gauze. Apply compresses for 10 minutes. To maintain the effect, do the procedure a couple of times a week.

A special massage will help to cope with the problem of edema. You need to sign up for lymphatic drainage sessions with a professional cosmetologist. Bags are also well camouflaged with modern foundation creams. You need to choose a shade slightly darker than your skin color and apply it in a thin layer.

Dark circles

Dark circles under the eyes are a consequence of lack of sleep and stress. It is necessary to normalize sleep patterns and eliminate reasons for worry. Basic cosmetic procedures will help restore tired skin:

  1. Tea compresses. Brew black tea bags and cool, then apply to eyelids for a few minutes. After the procedure, moisten the eyelids with gel.
  2. Parsley mask. Grind the green roots in a meat grinder. Apply the herbal paste to your eyelids. After 15 minutes, rinse off.


Before going out, a makeup base is applied to the eyelids - a lifting cream. It will smooth out wrinkles and give the skin tone; after it is absorbed, proceed to the next stage. Concealer can hide dark spots under the eyes. This product is light in texture with coverage properties higher than that of foundation, it is ideal for delicate skin. The area of ​​“bruises” is directly painted over with concealer. Then carefully blend the concealer with a sponge. Fix makeup on the lower and upper eyelids with a layer of powder.

To get rid of swelling and dark circles, you can purchase a gel mask. It's similar to a sleep mask, but it's made of plastic and filled with a gel substance, and it's stored in the refrigerator. For visible results, just put it on your closed eyes for a few minutes.

First wrinkles

Timely start of proper care will save you from fine wrinkles. To prevent premature aging, care cosmetics are chosen according to age:

  1. Cosmetologists advise girls over 20 years old to use natural cosmetics. These are products with plant and fruit extracts, as well as natural oils.
  2. Anti-aging cosmetics are contraindicated under 30 years of age.
  3. After 40, you can start using creams that regenerate the dermis and activate collagen synthesis.


Eyelid skin care products with vitamins A and E work best. You should use creams for facial wrinkles with caution: they give short-term results, and after stopping them, the condition of the epidermis worsens.

Eyelid massage with oils (almond, olive, jojoba) prevents the appearance of wrinkles. The fingertips are lubricated with oil. Make circular and patting movements in the direction of the massage lines so that the skin does not stretch.

Wrinkles are easily masked with foundations containing small reflective particles.

Spider veins

Sometimes a red network of capillaries appears on the thinnest skin under the eyes. To strengthen blood vessels, creams with vitamin C are recommended. You can also turn to the advice of traditional medicine:

  1. Birch compress. Collect a glass of birch leaves in an ecologically clean area. Dilute with a glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours. After straining, make ten-minute gauze compresses.
  2. Honey mask. Prepare the whipped egg white, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and flour. Wash off the mask after drying with warm water.

Eye irritation is relieved with special pharmaceutical creams, eye drops and herbal infusions. Pour a teaspoon of chamomile or linden flowers into a glass of boiled water, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Wash the eyes in case of inflammation and redness.

Eye masks at home

A couple of times a week, the skin around the eyes can be pampered with natural masks. To prepare them, you don’t have to buy anything; the simplest products from the refrigerator will do:

  1. mozhno-li-tonikom-protirat-qJWzt.webp

    Quick toning mask: apply cucumber slices to your eyelids for 10 minutes.
  2. Invigorating skin mask: pour a spoonful of dill into a glass of boiled water. Wait 15 minutes, soak gauze or cotton swabs in the broth, apply to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  3. Soothing mask: soak oatmeal in milk. Apply gauze lotions for 20 minutes.
  4. Nourishing mask: mix 5 tsp with yolk. tomato juice and 2 tbsp. l. baby formula.
  5. For dry skin: combine a teaspoon of honey with the yolk. Leave the mixture to soak for 10 minutes.
  6. For wrinkles: take equal portions of honey, oatmeal and tea leaves. Mix the mixture well and keep on the skin for about 20 minutes.
  7. For tired eyes: cut a grape in half and rub the cut over your eyelids.

Masks made from berries are considered universal: strawberries, raspberries, watermelon. The main thing is that there is no allergy to them.

Regular cosmetic care is only part of a program for caring for the beauty of your skin. You can achieve better results only in combination with an active healthy lifestyle.

The skin around the eyes is delicate and sensitive, so it requires special attention and care. Sleepless nights, stress, negative environmental influences, incorrectly selected care products - all these factors can lead to the formation of dark circles under the eyes, swelling, and the appearance of wrinkles. Even if you are still young and the skin of your eyelids is in good condition, you should not neglect the care and maintenance of it.

Features of the skin of the eyelids

The skin around the eyes is thin - only 0.5 mm, the rest of the facial skin is several times thicker. There are almost no muscles under the skin of the eyelids, few sweat glands, and practically no subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin around the eyes contains few supporting fibers such as collagen and elastin. This is why the eye area is more sensitive and dry, prone to stretching, and the first wrinkles appear here. In addition, the skin of the eye area is subject to great stress, because it protects the eyes from damage, light and pollution.

Cosmetologists advise starting to take care of the skin of the eyelids as early as possible, from 20-23 years old. Home care should include three important stages: cleansing, moisturizing and toning procedures.


The first rule of cleansing is daily gentle makeup removal. To remove makeup around the eyes, use special products that contain emollient ingredients. Such lotions and tonics differ from conventional products. They do not contain spreading oils that can cause inflammation if they get into the eyes.

When removing makeup around the eyes, try not to stretch the skin; movements should be smooth and careful. It is best to moisten two swabs or cotton pads with a special solution and apply them to your eyelids for 1 minute. Then remove makeup using top-to-bottom movements.


To moisturize and nourish the skin of the eyelids, use special products: creams, lotions or gels that are well absorbed and have an anti-allergenic effect. For dry skin it is better to use cream. It will smooth out small wrinkles and make the skin elastic. Do not apply the cream directly under the eyes to avoid contact with fats and oils.

Thanks to its lightweight composition, the lotion is quickly absorbed, leaving the skin around the eyes elastic and shiny. This product can be used for combination skin types.

If your eyes are often swollen or the skin of your eyelids is very sensitive, use the gel. According to cosmetologists, eye gels are well absorbed and effectively care for skin prone to inflammation or allergies. The gel can also be applied to the eyelids; it is convenient to use if you wear contact lenses.


After the skin around the eyes is well cleansed and moisturized, it needs to be refreshed with tonic or lotion. Choose products with extracts of medicinal herbs. Apply the toner to two cotton pads and place them on your eyes for 5-7 minutes.

Ice has an excellent tonic effect. Freeze drinking water or herbal decoction of mint, calendula or linden blossom. Wet the skin around your eyes with the resulting ice cubes every morning and evening.

Selection of cosmetics and application technique

When choosing cosmetics for eye skin care, consider your skin type and age. Cosmetics containing plant and fruit extracts and vegetable oils are suitable for young skin. Women over 40 years old already need to select products with concentrated active substances that enhance regeneration, restore firmness and elasticity.

Carefully choose cosmetics that fight expression lines. Often the effect of such drugs is based on weakening muscle contractions, which deteriorates the blood supply to cells and disrupts metabolic processes. The wrinkle smoothing effect is short-lived. And if you stop using the product, your skin condition may deteriorate sharply, and you will get even more wrinkles than you had before using this type of cosmetics.

Apply makeup correctly to the skin around your eyes. It's better to do this with your ring finger. Rub the cream in with light, gentle movements, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. To help the cream absorb better, lightly pat it with your fingertips.

Homemade cosmetics for eyelid skin

You can prepare refreshing, nourishing and tonic eye skin products yourself.

  1. To moisturize, use castor or olive oil, jojoba oil. Apply the product to the skin around the eyes in a clockwise direction.
  2. Cucumber juice works well as a tonic. Apply slices of fresh cucumber to your eyelids or make a cucumber mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice and 1 teaspoon of milk powder and apply the mixture on your eyelids for 15 minutes. Then rinse off the residue with warm water.
  3. Parsley decoction has an excellent refreshing effect. Pour 50 g of greens into 500 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled mixture and moisten cotton pads with the resulting lotion. Apply them to your eyes for a few minutes. After this, apply a nourishing cream to the skin around the eyes.
  4. Make a simple mask from grape juice. Simply cut some grapes into two and place them on your lower eyelid. This will soothe the skin and give it natural nutrition and hydration.
  5. A honey-oatmeal mask will be especially beneficial for dry skin. To prepare it, mix 2 teaspoons of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of strongly brewed tea and 2 teaspoons of oatmeal crushed in a blender. Add a little water and heat in a water bath. Apply the mask to the skin, cover with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.

Start taking care of the skin around your eyes from the age of 20. Listen to advice on choosing cosmetics and how to apply them. This will help you maintain a youthful and fresh face for many years.