Gentle daily scrub for blackheads

Black spots on the nose and cheeks don’t exactly interfere with life, but it’s still better without them. It’s nice when your skin is clean and your complexion is healthy and fresh. Let's talk about remedies that will help get rid of blackheads and the complexes associated with them.

  1. Why do blackheads appear?
  2. Benefits of blackhead scrub
  3. Features of the composition
  4. Review of scrubs for blackheads
  5. How to use it correctly

Why do blackheads appear?

Those with oily, acne-prone skin with enlarged pores are familiar with blackheads (comedones). A black dot is like a black mark: it warns that a pimple is ready to form in this place. In conditions of an unenviable environmental situation and constant stress, the predisposition to the appearance of comedones increases significantly.

Benefits of blackhead scrub

Whatever the underlying reasons for the formation of comedones, one of the obstacles to uniform sebum secretion is clogged pores. These microplugs are formed from dirt and dust deposited on the skin, cosmetic residues, sebum and dead skin particles. A scrub helps to mechanically clean it all out, leaving a feeling of cleanliness.

The scrub should be selected according to your skin type. © iStock

Features of the composition

Scrub formulas are not as simple as they might seem. Their composition, as a rule, includes a number of substances of different categories.

Exfoliating particles

In products for thick, oily skin, they can be relatively large (for example, crushed fruit seeds). But recently, manufacturers often give preference to smaller and softer particles of natural origin (for example, powder from the same ground seeds) or polymer granules, which are the least traumatic for the epidermis.

In products for thick, oily skin, exfoliating particles can be relatively large (for example, ground fruit seeds). © iStock


They attract impurities like a magnet and help clean not only the surface of the skin, but also the pores themselves.


Ingredients for a gentle home chemical peel weaken intercellular connections to make it easier to remove particles of the stratum corneum and stubborn dirt. Acids and plant extracts often play this role.

Substances with antibacterial action

One of the reasons for the development of acne is a microbial infection. Plant extracts, salicylic acid, and some probiotics have activity against bacteria.

Scrubs for problem skin often use zinc, which helps tighten pores.

Caring and emollient agents

Since scrubbing is a relatively aggressive procedure, during which the protective lipid layer is partially removed, the skin must be soothed and provided with moisture and nutrients.

Unlike conventional cleansers, it is important not only to apply a scrub to the skin, but also to massage it to get an exfoliating effect. © iStock

Review of scrubs for blackheads

Exfoliating scrub with charcoal “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

For problematic skin. Activated charcoal absorbs impurities from the pores and also cleanses the surface of the skin. Salicylic acid exfoliates and reduces shine.

“Clean Skin Active” 3-in-1 with charcoal, Garnier

For men's skin. A combined product: gel + scrub + mask - makes daily care easier. Exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, tightens them, leaving the skin smooth and clean. Contains activated charcoal, salicylic acid & antioxidant-rich blueberry extract.

Gel + scrub + mask 3-in-1 “Clean Skin”, Garnier

For combination and oily skin. The universal product acts more gently than the charcoal series, but is just as effective. Salicylic acid is combined with healing eucalyptus extract and pore-tightening zinc.

Normaderm 3-in-1 cleanser, Vichy

For oily problem skin. The exfoliating effect of the combined product (cream-gel + scrub + mask) is achieved using gently scrubbing microparticles and gentle chemical peeling elements (glycolic acid). In addition, white clay and salicylic acid provide the effect.

Soft scrub, La Roche-Posay

For sensitive skin. Surprisingly combines softness with high efficiency. Helps get rid of blackheads and leaves skin feeling well-groomed and soft. Hypoallergenic.

Skin texture renewing agent, Ep >

For any skin type. The product literally renews the texture of the skin. In addition to the obvious advantages of deep cleansing, it makes pores less noticeable. Combines mechanical exfoliation with natural ingredients with moisturizing and nourishing care (shea butter).

Exfoliance Clarte, Lancôme

For any skin type. Feature of the product: the scrub has a gel texture and is gentle, so it is suitable for everyone. In addition to microgranules, pineapple and papaya extracts provide an exfoliating and refreshing effect.

How to use it correctly

Unlike conventional cleansers, a scrub is not enough to simply apply to the skin. To obtain an exfoliating effect, the use of this product should be accompanied by a light massage. The more comedones, the more intense the massage can be. But be careful not to overdo it.

Intensity indicator: The exfoliating massage should be comfortable.


The scrub is distributed over damp skin in a circular motion along massage lines, going down from the forehead to the chin, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips.

Frequency of application

For normal skin, scrubs are used once a week.

For dry skin - no more than once a week, only delicate formulas.

For oily and problematic skin - 2-3 times a week.

Mode of application

A scrub is part of a deep cleansing ritual at home. Let us recall its stages.

Superficial cleansing using makeup remover or micellar water.

Washing with water using gel or foam.

Use your usual day or night skin care products.

Before use, read the instructions, since many modern combination products combine a scrub, mask, and cleanser.

Regular use of facial scrubs can replace expensive treatments in beauty salons. These products even work when removing comedones, gently cleansing pores for any skin type.

For cleansing, you can use scrubs made from natural products, prepared with your own hands, or purchased, ready-made formulations from well-known manufacturers.

Features of skin care with comedones

Comedones form in pores due to the oxidation of sebum by oxygen, because of which they darken. These formations look untidy and spoil the impression even with proper makeup and general grooming.

They can be removed very quickly by mechanical cleaning. - by squeezing, but then inflammation remains on the face, which heals for several days.

Scrubs work more slowly, dissolving sebaceous plugs, thoroughly cleansing the pores of dirt and old fat. After these cosmetics, the skin looks healthy and renewed.

And to remove the most persistent comedones, you will need no more than five cleansing sessions.

The effectiveness of scrubs for problematic epidermis is increased by the following substances:

They are used in the preparation of the following types of scrubs to cleanse sebaceous plugs.

Mask - this is a dense mass with fruit acids, it is applied to a moisturized face until it dries. For problem skin, wash off the mask rather than wipe it off with a napkin.

The product gradually dissolves comedones, clearing the epidermis of them. The scrub mask works effectively, but it must be used before bed, since after the procedure you should not go out into the sun.

Gel — contains a cleanser with abrasive particles. It is effective for removing blackheads if it contains fruit acids.

Exfoliating - designed to remove dead cells from the surface of the face. With it you can get rid of comedones very quickly if you steam your face over steam before cleansing.

Deep cleansing - Designed to effectively cleanse pores. Suitable for removing sebaceous plugs, especially if it contains honey, activated carbon or boric acid.

Gommage — the most delicate scrub, used for dry and sensitive types. This blackhead scrub is applied to the face like a mask, but without massage. Not suitable for problematic people.

Horseradish - an industrial product, available in the form of a transparent gel, which is rolled off the face after drying. It can remove peeling and narrow pores, but it does not cope with deep comedones.

I have long wanted to write a post about a scrub for blackheads, a simple and effective remedy that helps in the fight against enlarged pores and their impurities.

Agree, the topic is important ☺ and very useful for both men and women.

After all, everyone can suffer from blackheads.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of a blackhead scrub, how to prepare it correctly and use it effectively.

From this article you will learn:

Scrub for blackheads - secrets of preparation and rules of use

What are blackheads?

Blackheads or comedones are clogged openings of the hair follicle. Enlarged pores become clogged with dead cells, sebum, and dust.

When pressed, these “clogs” come out freely, it looks untidy, so it is correct to remove this defect.

There are 3 reasons why comedones form:

  1. 1 reason is a failure of the hormonal system, since hormones are responsible for the functioning of all sebaceous glands.
  2. The second reason is an unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet.
  3. 3rd reason - poor care of the skin of the face or its complete absence. Even if you don’t wash your face or don’t wash off your makeup well, this will cause comedones to appear.
  1. How to remove these blackheads?

Of course, a cosmetologist or dermatologist can help by prescribing special procedures for facial care and cleansing.

  1. How to do this at home?

You can cleanse your skin more economically and no less effectively using a homemade scrub.

We’ll talk in more detail later about how to use a facial scrub for blackheads and who should not use this product.


What are the benefits of a scrub for blackheads?

A scrub for blackheads will help eliminate comedones without side effects - a product that has a good effect and is quite easy to prepare with your own hands.

The main purpose of classic scrubs is to clean pores that are clogged with dirt and dead cells. But not all of them will help to open blackheads, which are usually very elastic.

I want to tell you about several recipes on how you can make a highly effective scrub for comedones, which is the most powerful remedy.

Their positive effect is confirmed by many positive reviews.

When used systematically, these funds:

  1. Helps open comedones.
  2. Pull out the plugs from the pores onto the surface of the skin.
  3. Dissolves remaining dirt that has not come out.
  4. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which contribute to the formation of black plugs.
  5. Saturate the skin with minerals and vitamins.
  6. Improves complexion.

Who should not use the scrub against blackheads?

Since all such scrubs have a powerful effect on the skin, you need to be extremely careful with them and follow safety tips:

  1. Do not use on sensitive delicate skin
  2. Prohibited for rosacea
  3. Not for chronic and infectious skin diseases
  4. Do not use on the skin around the eyes
  5. Do not use the scrub more than once a week
  6. Check for possible allergic reactions before use

How to make a homemade scrub for blackheads?

So, the following home remedies for the face have worked well:

  1. Soda and salt. The most effective remedy for comedones is a scrub based on good, very fine salt and soda. The preparation is quite simple. A spoonful of traditional cleansing gel must be mixed with a spoonful of sea salt and a spoonful of soda. Apply the composition with massaging movements on the face and, after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. A scrub with baking soda perfectly cleanses pores.
  2. Honey scrub with cinnamon. To prepare, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of beekeeping product, preheated in a water bath, with 1 tbsp. fresh ground cinnamon.
  3. Honey-lemon scrub with yogurt and salt. To prepare, combine 3 tablespoons of yogurt (natural only), 1 tsp. fine salt. You need to add lemon juice in the amount of 1 spoon and add a spoonful of liquid honey.
  4. Orange-oat with cosmetic clay. You need to combine 50 g. cosmetic clay (color selected according to skin type), 50 g. dried orange zest, 30 gr. ground oats. The mixture should be diluted with water until a paste forms.
  5. Oatmeal-aloe mixture with sugar. To prepare, you need to combine 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal flakes, 3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably brown) and 2 tablespoons of aloe juice.
  6. Gelatin with charcoal. Activated carbon combined with diluted gelatin will also perfectly cleanse pores. More details in this post

Any recipe will give the expected result if the scrub is prepared correctly and applied systematically.

One-time procedures without regularity may not eliminate all contaminants, which will not justify the hopes placed on the product.

How to properly apply a scrub for blackheads on the face?

In order for the effect of a homemade scrub to be successful and pleasing, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before the procedure, you should remove absolutely all decorative cosmetics from the skin of your face.
  2. Then you need to wipe the skin with facial cleansers.
  3. Next, your face should be steamed. To do this, you can use a clean towel, which must first be soaked in hot water. It must be applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, or the procedure can be carried out over steam, like an inhalation process.
  4. The next step is to directly apply the scrub with cleansed hands, but only to those places where there are blackheads. The product must be rubbed in using massaging movements. After this, the mass remains on the face for a couple of minutes and is washed off with warm water, and then rinsed with cold water to tighten the pores.
  5. At the final stage, apply a nourishing cream with a moisturizing effect.

Cosmetologists recommend using a scrub for comedones no more than once every 7 days. It is recommended to perform cleansing in the evening.

One way or another, before performing cleansing with home remedies, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Well, if preparing homemade scrubs is not in your plans, I recommend trying this ready-made natural scrub for blackheads with mint oil, see here

What scrubs for blackheads do you know? I will be glad to see your recipes and reviews.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Cover photo @ kasiazdanowska
