On what day does Dysport take effect?

When we go for Botox or Dysport injections, we expect instant results (even though we are warned that our face will change later). Therefore, looking at ourselves in the mirror after the procedure, we experience a little disappointment: why am I still not young?! We’ll figure out how the drug works, when you can evaluate the final result, and how to “get the most” out of the procedure.

Dysport is a drug whose main component is botulinum toxin. The substance has a paralyzing effect on muscle fibers. After the injections, the face relaxes and facial wrinkles are smoothed out. The purified toxin is injected into the forehead, between the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, lips, and armpits.

Exposure time

During the consultation, the doctor tells you what effect can be achieved using the procedure, when the final result will be noticeable.

First hours

Dysport begins to act immediately after injection under the skin. The woman feels numb and sees slight swelling. This reaction is considered normal. Symptoms go away on their own within 2-3 hours. Redness, pain, or hardness at the injection site indicates a doctor's error or intolerance to the components. In this case, the cosmetologist provides first aid to avoid serious side effects.

First days

The effect of Dysport often occurs within 24-48 hours. At this time, the swelling subsides, and the woman feels the first result. If she is dissatisfied with her appearance (noticeable wrinkles, asymmetry, facial mobility), she should visit the doctor again. If the cause is insufficient administration, the cosmetologist may add several units of the product.

Final result

After 10-14 days the maximum effect appears. By this time, all adverse reactions should have subsided. In addition, within a week the woman stops “grimacing” and gets used to a calm facial expression. Increased sweating also stops 6-7 days after the injection. Now it is no longer possible to correct the doctor’s mistakes. The only way out is to wait 6-7 months until the drug is completely eliminated from the body.

Factors slowing down the impact

Dysport should only be administered by a licensed physician. Such a specialist can correctly calculate the dosage of the product on different parts of the face and body. A lack of substance will not solve the problem with wrinkles, and a repeat session will be required.

In case of an overdose, a woman will have to walk for about six months with asymmetry, or bumps from injections.

There are medications that slow down the effects of Dysport. These include antibiotics, anticoagulants, and painkillers. Women in reviews say that even harmless aspirin leads to sad consequences. Reduced blood clotting causes hematomas and redness on the face.

How to save the effect

In order to quickly see a good result and maintain it, a woman must adhere to certain rules. On the first day after the introduction of Dysport, she does not get up quickly, does not lie down, and does not make sudden movements of her head. After all, these actions can unevenly distribute the drug, cause facial asymmetry or drooping eyelids. You can play sports, visit a bathhouse or sauna only after two weeks.

To maintain the effect, a woman should not eat certain foods. All alcoholic drinks, coffee, and energy drinks are prohibited for 14 days. It is necessary to avoid fatty, salty and smoked foods. They retain fluid in the tissues, increasing swelling. As a result, it is difficult to examine the result and identify side effects.

Another condition for a good result and long-lasting effect from the procedure is gentle facial care. In the first days, do not rub the treated area with your hands, scratch it, or stretch the skin. Chemical and mechanical peelings should be avoided for two weeks. You cannot take steam baths, apply masks, or burn pimples.

When Dysport doesn't work

There are 3% of people who have individual insensitivity to the main component - botulinum toxin. This feature is detected in women who have had tetanus. The second reason is congenital intolerance to the substance.

Cosmetologists warn that Dysport is eliminated from the body after 6-7 months. Repeated injections should not be given before this period. In this case, the muscles get used to the medicine and do not respond to its effects.


Nadezhda, 39 years old, Sochi

“I signed up for Dysport injections 5 days before the New Year. I wanted to amaze everyone with my beauty and youth at the holiday. However, by this time the effect had not yet reached its full potential. Only the deepest wrinkles on my face smoothed out, and the fine ones disappeared only by Christmas.”

Olga, 45 years old, Kaliningrad

“Many of my friends took Dysport injections. I also decided on this procedure. In my case, the result was noticeable already on the second day. At the same time, I did not feel pain, discomfort or other unpleasant symptoms.”

Ruslana, 49 years old, Krasnodar

“I’ve injected myself with Dysport many times already. Each time the result appeared later, and the drug was eliminated faster and faster. And during the last procedure, some wrinkles were not smoothed out at all. I’m currently considering plastic surgery options.”

Dysport is the latest drug for beauty and youthful skin, which is based on botulinum toxin. Injections with this substance have an effect on facial wrinkles, reducing their activity, as a result, facial furrows are smoothed out, becoming invisible. One of the pressing questions is after the introduction of Dysport: when does the effect occur. The drug begins to act immediately as soon as the injection is given. But how quickly the desired result appears will largely depend on physiological characteristics. The maximum effect may appear within a day or several days.


What does the drug contain?

In addition to the group A toxin, called botulinum toxin, the drug includes lactose and human albumin, which act as auxiliary components.

Main indications


Dysport has found application in the field of cosmetology and medicine for the following problems:

  1. deep expression wrinkles;
  2. asymmetry of eyebrows and corners of lips;
  3. excessive sweating;
  4. arm muscle spasms;
  5. spastic torticollis.

The popularity of the drug is due to its high efficiency and safety, however, this type of injection medication is not suitable for everyone, because it has many contraindications.

It is permissible to carry out procedures for the introduction of dysport from one to three times a year.

Areas of use

The drug is intended to eliminate wrinkles in the forehead, corners of the eyes, lips, as well as in the bridge of the nose.

Dysport injections are injected into problem areas using a special ultra-thin needle into the areas where facial wrinkles are located. To eliminate discomfort, an anesthetic cream is first applied to the affected areas.

For a specialist, the entire administration procedure takes from several minutes to half an hour.

Preparation for the procedure


In addition to collecting anamnesis, blood tests and examination by a dermatologist are prescribed, if necessary. To avoid an allergic reaction, the doctor must conduct an allergy test for the drug.

If the patient does not have any contraindications, the specialist appoints a day for the procedure.

Operating principle

The main principle of action of the drug is to paralyze the nerve endings that send the facial muscles an impulse to contract. As a result of this, the facial muscles stop shortening and creating folds. Gradually this leads to complete or partial smoothing of wrinkles.

As a result, the patient receives the following effect:

  1. facial rejuvenation;
  2. strengthening skin turgor;
  3. correct facial contours.

Such results last for a fairly long period, which is the main advantage of the drug.


Period of maximum effect

Due to its low molecular weight, dysport spreads almost instantly to the affected area. At the same time, the injections do not create a mask effect, and the person remains able to express facial expressions.

Despite the fact that the injections begin their active effect immediately after injection, this does not mean that wrinkles will immediately smooth out and disappear.

If the drug was administered correctly and in the required quantity, then the first results are noticeable already on the first day of administration of the drug. There are cases when the drug showed its maximum effect only on the 10th or even 14th day. But such a delayed manifestation of the drug’s effect is observed in extremely rare individual cases.

Exposure time


Another important question of interest to patients is: how long does the administered Dysport injection last? How long the drug will last largely depends on physiological characteristics.

The average exposure time is six months. For some people, the effect lasts up to eight months or more. But in some cases, the effect of Dysport is short-lived, and can last only three months.

Even a highly qualified specialist cannot answer exactly how long Dysport will continue its active action.

Who is contraindicated for Dysport?

Despite the slight toxicity of Dysport, it is not recommended for use for health problems:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. pathologies of the respiratory system;
  3. disruptions in the endocrine system;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. tumors of any nature;
  6. myasthenic syndrome.

Also, youth injections cannot be used in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Dysport should not be used for medicinal purposes in childhood until the age of twelve.

Possible side effects


Dysport, like many cosmetic injections, can result in side effects, the occurrence of which is largely related to the incorrect dosage of the drug and its incorrect administration. The most serious consequences after injections are:

  1. facial asymmetry;
  2. visual impairment;
  3. dysphagia;
  4. fever.

Such complications, although temporary, can reduce a person’s quality of life for some period.

Other minor side effects include nausea, muscle weakness, swelling and numbness in the injection areas. Often after injections, hematomas appear, which are localized in the areas where Dysport was injected.

But the most dangerous manifestation of complications is an allergic reaction to the active substance.

What should you not do after the procedure?


In the first few hours, it is forbidden to bend over, make sudden head movements and actively express emotions.

Some experts claim that alcohol and some medications are incompatible with youth injections. For this reason, drinking alcohol the night before is prohibited. Also, the use of alcohol during the first two weeks after the procedure is not advisable. Medicines classified as antibiotics can weaken the effect of Dysport, so they are not recommended for use within 14 days from the moment the injections were administered.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, which is two weeks, after the administration of the drug, it is necessary to give up smoking, spicy foods, as well as strong tea and coffee.

It is strictly forbidden to use face masks and perform peeling during the recovery period.

Botox and Dysport: what are the differences?


An analogue of Dysport is Botox, which is based on the same botulinum toxin, but the drug has a completely different concentration and molecular weight. In Botox, its concentration is much higher and its molecular weight is greater.

In this regard, the first type of drug exhibits its effect much faster than the second. As for the time of exposure and the quality of the result, it is the same for both medicinal substances.

Due to some features of medicinal substances, it is recommended to inject Dysport into the frontal part and bridge of the nose, and Botox into the eye area.

To obtain the maximum effect, you will need more injections of Dysport than Botox. In this it loses to the second type of medicinal substance.

When Botox is administered in large quantities, a mask effect may occur, which is excluded when using Dysport.

The main advantages of both types of drugs are their similar and very high effectiveness.

As for the price of injections, Botox and Dysport procedures will cost approximately the same, despite the fact that the second type of drug is cheaper. The same cost is due to the fact that you may need significantly more Dysport injections than Botox.

In any case, it is up to the patient to decide which types of injections to choose. The specialist who will carry out the procedure can also help in choosing.

Get rid of facial wrinkles for a long time, raise eyebrows, etc. Dysport injections will help. This is now one of the popular procedures, which is used along with Botox. Both of these products are toxic substances, but in small quantities, they can be used to solve cosmetic problems, as well as in medicine to treat neuralgic diseases that are associated with deterioration of muscle tone. You can read the difference between Botox and Dysport here.

Description of the procedure and action of the injection

Active facial expressions cause wrinkles to appear at any age; most often they are visible on the forehead, in the corners of the lips and eyes. Not everyone knows what it is. Dysport, when injected into problem areas, acts as a blocker for the impulse sent from the nerve endings to the muscles. After the procedure, muscle relaxation occurs, due to which facial muscles are smoothed. Injections with this drug are completely safe and give excellent results in the fight against age-related changes on the face, décolleté and neck. They are used as a counterweight to plastic surgery.
The procedure is as follows:

  1. Dilute Dysport in saline to the desired consistency. The fact is that the medicine is produced in powder form and must be diluted for injection.
  2. The areas of skin where injections will be made are treated with chlorhexidine.
  3. The doctor marks the places where the injections will be administered with a marker.
  4. When injecting, a syringe with a thin short needle is used; the cosmetologist chooses the dosage of the medicine himself, but for the first time he must inject the maximum volume of the medicine in order to completely fill the wrinkles with it.

In the video - what is Dysport:

Before undergoing “beauty injections,” you should give up alcohol and also stop taking antibiotics and blood thinners. After completing the procedure you cannot:

  1. for 4 hours, take a position other than vertical so that the medicine does not flow into unnecessary places;
  2. do any sport for two weeks;
  3. massage for a week;
  4. visit saunas, steam baths and solariums, as well as spend a long time in the bathhouse.

The completed procedure significantly reduces the sensitivity of the muscles and prevents their contraction, while their blood circulation is completely preserved and even after repeated injections of Dysport in one place, its atrophy is excluded. It is also worth paying attention to what is better: Dysport or Xeomin, and in what case it is worth using one or another procedure, it is indicated here.

When the result occurs after the procedure, how quickly does it begin to act?

When does the drug take effect, how quickly? Blocking of neuromuscular transmission does not occur immediately; although the drug has a small molecular weight and almost instantly fills the folds of the skin, it does not create a mask effect. A person does not lose the ability to express his emotions using facial expressions as usual, but these manipulations do not occur as intensely.

The arrival of the long-awaited result depends on several factors:

  1. the amount of medication administered;
  2. types of treated area;
  3. physiological characteristics of a person.

For some, the complete filling of wrinkles occurs already on the second day, while others have to wait a week. The longest wait for a result can last two weeks, but this is the exception rather than the norm; everything should happen within a week. It is also worth paying attention to the case in which Botox is used at home.

How long does the effect of Dysport last, how long does it last?

How long does the effect last and how long does the result last? This is the main question for those who have decided to resort to the considered method of returning youth, for how long are injections given. This is mainly influenced by human physiology and the susceptibility of his body to the drug. On average, the duration of this period is six months, but for some, luck will smile only for three months and then again you need to visit a cosmetologist for injections.

The video shows the injection process and its effect:

But how to use a Botox mask at home and how effective this remedy is, the video from the article will help you understand.

The rate of regeneration of muscle conductivity is individual for everyone, but you should not get carried away with injections. With subsequent procedures, their duration of action can be extended to 6-9 months.

Possible side effects after administration of the drug

Dysport only temporarily freezes the facial muscles, so after its administration, side effects are reduced to zero; they can only appear due to improper use of the drug or the carelessness of a clinic client who did not adhere to the doctor’s recommendations.

You may also be interested in information about which starch face masks for wrinkles instead of Botox are most often used

Contraindications to injections

For the use of this medicine, there are permanent and temporary cases in which it should not be administered.

Temporary contraindications include:

  1. children's age, it cannot be used for children under 12 years of age;
  2. infectious diseases, during their course and treatment;
  3. lactation period and pregnancy;
  4. inflammatory processes on the supposedly treated skin surfaces;
  5. forced period of taking antibiotics, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

It will also be useful to learn about what a Botox mask looks like and how to make it.

Under the following conditions, Dysport injections should not be performed under any circumstances:

  1. for blood diseases, especially those that affect blood clotting;
  2. with muscle weakness;
  3. in case of allergic reactions that occur to the components of the product used;
  4. in acute and chronic forms of infectious diseases;
  5. in case of malfunctions of the organs of the endocrine system.

It will also be useful for you to learn more about what Botox cream looks like and how it is used.

In the video - which is better Botox or Dysport:

Dysport is a unique drug that can restore the former beauty of the skin in a short time, making it smooth and even without folds and wrinkles; in the hands of an experienced doctor it can return several years. It can also be used to solve problems with sweating of the feet and hands. The medicine can also be administered in the armpits, where it provides a uniform effect and is especially important in hot weather.

But you can read here what eyelash lamination and botox looks like and which procedure is the best.


Margarita, dermatologist:

“You know, I definitely have only positive emotions after the introduction of Dysport; many of my clients have already fearlessly used it many times to solve problems with wrinkles. But there are, of course, exceptions, when clients come from my unscrupulous colleagues who regretted the medicine or incorrectly calculated its dosage, I have to correct their mistakes, and this works out. The result naturally does not appear immediately, but only on the third day, but no one had any difficulties with the rehabilitation period.”

Tatyana, 42 years old:

“At first I did injections with Botox, and then switched to Dysport, but I do it exclusively in a Turkish clinic. Once, while on vacation there, I met a fellow countrywoman, who recommended a Turkish doctor and demonstrated the result of his work - her owl’s face was absolutely wrinkle-free, although she was already well over forty. In a Turkish clinic, you need to pay a certain amount at once, which includes a doctor’s consultation, procedure and subsequent examination or adjustment of the result. The doctor opens a bottle of anti-aging composition in front of you, without calculating the number of units used, as in our country, he controls the dosage as the wrinkles are filled. After two weeks, you need to come to him for a consultation and if necessary, he will open a new bottle again to correct the inaccuracies in filling, but you won’t have to pay for it.”