Pimples appeared at the site of the burn

Good afternoon About three weeks ago I noticed irritation at the site of an old burn (it was about 5 years old; I scalded my hand, arm, part of my face). I noticed it by accident. Because there is no itching. There was redness on both dark burn spots. Rough, slightly convex. I thought, sorry, it was sperm that spilled onto my hand. Upon examination, something similar to microscopic cracks with red veins were noticed. Light peeling. The most severe irritation was on the upper small spot. Gradually they began to pass. Almost gone, skin brightened.

Yes, there were a couple more small spots (5 mm) on the other hand (one) and on the finger of the same hand, without a burn, almost nothing remained in their place. They went away within a week (only very slight redness).

And a couple of days ago I noticed several red tiny dots on the lower spot. And yesterday the irritation suddenly appeared again. But it’s not so continuous anymore. What worries me is that it arose precisely within the boundaries of an old burn.




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After a burn, red pimples appeared on the skin

No. 38 401 Surgeon 05.11.2016

A 1.2-year-old child had a 1.2, 3rd degree burn; an operation was performed to transplant skin from the thigh to the arm. After 3-5 days, red pimples appeared. (flat dry). As soon as they appeared, they immediately stopped applying ointments to this place. (bipanten, contractubis). Acne does not go away within 2 weeks.

Pokamina Marina, Moscow

date Question Status

Good afternoon Please help with advice and recommendations. Our whole family became infected with ringworm from the kitten. (distinct circle with a border) We are treated with iodine and yam ointment. I have shingles on my arm. I overdid it in the treatment and burned the skin both inside and behind the lichen. The result was a large water bubble with a distinct ring inside. She anointed it with church oil on top. Tell me, does this mean that despite the fact that the skin is burned away, the lichen remains? How to treat lichen now. And the burn along with it. It's almost impossible for us.

1 REPLY 08/17/2016

Hello! I am 15 years old. After using hormonal ointment, pigmentation appeared on my hands. Since childhood, from about 2 years old, I smeared myself with many hormonal ointments, such as Elokom, Sinaflan, etc. I smeared myself because I had a skin disease - Atopic dermatitis, so not for 10 For years I had to smear myself with these ointments very often. After the dermatitis began to go away, I began to develop white and here and there dark spots of irregular round shape. After e.

2 ANSWERS 01/03/2018

Good afternoon. A pimple appears on the skin, then develops into a red spot with a dividing stripe in the middle of the spot. On the hand of the store there is Akriderm cream. It came off leaving a mark like a burn. Doesn't work on the buttock.

0 ANSWERS 06/11/2018

Hello! Help me please. After work there is a terrible reaction to the tips of my fingers. Seven out of ten fingers peel off almost to the flesh at the tips, dry out, and crack. Small blisters are visible under the skin next to the peeling skin. I tried Akriderm GK ointment, methyluracil, and I constantly lubricate my hands with moisturizer. Sometimes under disposable gloves. At work, irritants can be: water, money, disposable bags, chalk marker, plastic utensils. How is it treated?

0 ANSWERS 10/27/2013

Good night Pavel Andreevich! Please tell me in a year my Ifa will be negative after (unprotected sexual intercourse with a girl HIV 1 or HIV 2 I still don’t understand! I found out from a friend after the symptoms! The symptoms are just like in the book! Tests for HIV Ifa 7 week 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 month negative 3 month PCR RNA (hemotest) 200 copies - HIV was not detected 4 month center of molecular diagnostics PCR RNA HIV 1. 2 20 copies - HIV was not detected 6 month PCR RNA Kachovich 1. 2 20 copies HIV was not detected.


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Question: Pimples after a burn?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Hello! The child received a 2nd degree burn - he was scalded with boiling water. Age 5 years. 3 months passed - very small, flesh-colored, convex, hard pimples appeared at the site of the burn (stomach and chest). It hasn't gone away for about a month now. What could this be and which doctor should I contact? Thank you.

In this situation, the development of infectious dermatitis is possible; first of all, it is necessary to show the child to a dermatologist, who, if necessary, will prescribe an additional examination or consultation with another specialist.